The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 24, 1902, Image 4

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    Lid 02 A Sn Ds it
: That ever is being med |
Supe of fruit jos for all eiatany ot
a { that is superior to his, ss he shopld
. pT for shildrsn J
soften the gums, redaees inflamma.
wind eclie. Be. A bottle
| transter from be hives to movalle
the period of fruit bloom. At this
bew hives, besides making some sur
and thers Is nothing “fancy” about It.
crease the profita. No farmer shonid
| up when the share of porridge falls
pendulum swings to the other side
the Deeded protection. "a shown in the
or rough poles and an hour's labor will
do the work and the stock will be
| saved much needless suffering and will
i also thrive much better—~Orangs Judd
rested on its way to fill out the head, |
| than the straw of cats Brown fir seed,
i says the Philadelphia Record, The
Oats are cured in the same matiner as
5 gestible material, and he avoids the
expense of threshing and cleaning the | t
grain. Its an advantage to row such
{ oats will give good results on sandy
; | policy Which induces a farmer to sell
_ at the country store or city markets in
cult for the average farmer and small
dairyman |
frame hives, it should be done during
time the bees gre aimost sure of a
living and it will give them a while
geason to become established in thelr
pilus honey. Bees kept in box hives
are unprofitable.
Ck Sate Tavestment.
Some farmers consider pure breeds
or whut they term “fancy stock” as too
costly, when, in fact. no safer forest
ment ean be made than in pure breeds,
To invest in pure breeds is simply to
procure something better, and thus in-
be satisfied with what be has as king
a8 some other farmer has something
alm to use the best.
Hox Conservation.
Now, more than ever, there will he
diligent attention paid to the hogs on
band—their wants will be studied and
they will thrive proportionately. Tiaese
spurts of high prices seldom benefit
the majorliy, since their dish is bottom
And it is the eccentrie, fickle minded
persons that will be caught with &
ixrge pamwber of hogs when the price
Do not invest recklessly fu breading
stock at this time of high-water valoes. |
Of all domestic animals swine increase
in the greatest ratio, and under the
stitnulns of the present price the num-
ber will be increased by reason of im
Proved care. While it pays to raise
hogs in conjunction with the dairy, it
never has, and pever will. pay the
manufactory to keep the swine quar.
ered Desr a Sraamey or cheese fac:
ory. — Dakota Farmer
Shelter For he . Cuttia.
Catile and sheep suffer greatly In
treeless pastures for some shelter from
the sun's best and from cold storms
And showers. How easy it ix to build
; a ha rough shelter that wiil give
= A
out. Old bosrds, a few pieces of Joist
Onta in the Milky Stage.
The main crop of vats Is usually sesd.
ped is in the wilky stage. Thi nutrl
tious matter in the stalks is tins ar
and as the stalks will be green when |
cut they will also be more digestible |
bay, with the exception that the farmer:
may, If preferred. use the harvester |
and binder, which will bundle the oats
when the crop Is cut. Al kinds of live!
i stock relish oats thus cored, and the |
| bundles are passed through the feed |
i cutter, and the cut feed, consisting of
the grain and stalks, will be in 8 more |
palatable form than many other Kinds |
of food. The farmer thus utilizes to.
the best advantage a large mask of 4}
& Top Where there seems 10 be a prob- |
abliity of a short hay supply, and the
solls ob which no profitable hay crop
an be grown. All kinds of weeds will
also be lessened, as oats grow rapidly
*D weeds down, While it is not
maintained that oats grown and cut in
milky stage should be substituted
for the matured oat crop. yet it wil] pay
Any farmer who has a field to spare to
Sow It to oats and try the food on bis;
8 variety in winter. The result
less grain will be required
will respond liberally in’
yields of milk compared with some |
foods ‘which Are not produced at such
Packing Dalry Butter.
That 8 good deal of butter which is
Bow sold in the summer (ime at cheap |
| prices could be packed successfully for
winter markets at much higher prices
is quite evident, It is a short wighted |
his surplos butter for starvation prices |
Summer when the surplus is large all
ver the country. It is po more dim-
wan to pack his butter away for
sales than it Is for the hig stor
ties in the city, which have
agents in the field buying np win.
Bummer rates. If ane
ald pro: himself with a small ice
bouse, ‘which Is almost essential today
r farming. the butter could be
wise policy to purchase second. ‘hand
them to keep untll winter. When pur.
| chased they shonld be soaked In cold
water for at Jesst half & day. and then
eesided and soaked in bolling water
just before the Lutter fs put in them.
When thus cleansed they should be
rubbed thoroughly inside with fine salt |
moistened a little with water. Then
ary the inside and place A fine sifted |
layer of salt in the bottom, and pack 8
{inser of batter three Inches thick on it
Then sprinkle salt over the top and
pack away another threainch layer of
| fine butter, Fill In this way up to with-
in three inches of the top, and cover
the snrface layer with clean new
chewsecioth. The covering cloth should
be an inch jarger than the fop, so the
edges can be toroed under. Cover the
cloth with salt and torn the edges over
1. The salt shonld come op even with
‘the surface, so that the wooden top
will fit on songly. In this way butter
will keep in cold storage six months to
& year--8 W. Chambers, In American
Good But Chosp Poultry Honse.
Living on a rented place I have had
made & good house for fowls It is
eight by sixteen feet, seven feet high In
front and five feet in back. It is 4%
vided by a board partition Into a roost.
ing room. eight by ten fest ani a Iny.
ing room. six by eight fest, as the Hine
tration shows. The house has no floor
and sand was scattered in the laying
room, which has a window close to thes
ground in the south end. A row of
nests, each twelve by fourteen inches, |
*xtends across the hack of the laying
i a ris 1S oi aie
rooms. They are covered on top and
the entrance ix in front. The bosrds
forming the bottom rest on the ground. |
A barrel wax sawed in two and each 3
half furnished 5 nest. The sides wer
sheathed with boards, the ¢racks cov
ered with battens and the roof with ey.
presy sinbs. The rooxis, which sre all
on the same level, are strips, one by
three inches, laid on supports about:
twenty inches from the ground. When |
{ cleaning the house the roosts can be |
shoved baek against the wall out of
the way. In ome corner of the roosting
room a place for ducks was partitions
off with slats, which an be remove’
for cleaning the per. Oak leaves are
used for the fucks to roost on. Mm (©
G. Ford, fu American Agricnligrise,
The Carada Thistle,
An enemy which In dreaded more
than the seventeen year locust is the
great depths. In
paign, which has been wo ably
ia riding. bicycling and auto’
ter upon Snother stage of progress. |
which will appesi with special foros ol
those Interested fn things beaur?
Heretofors the gillitarian view of Hive] :
inaprovement has bean kept well in the
Creveriheidss, ionr only too frequent
foreground. bot pow several New Eng
nnd communities are emphasizing the
aesthetic value of beautiful road sides, |
Ssdentifie road treatment must of ned
congity come firet, but beantifying road-
#inge of civilization. The pleasure of
riding over good. firm, smooth country
roads ix greatly incressed when the
tren, shrubbery and general road side
| Appearances are pleasant to look at,
i nnd cool and Inviting to the eye. That
{bere are an art 80d 8 science in road.
wide treatment is made very apparent
‘by experiments made ia New England
Inntend of sacrificing trees that would |
| take Balf a century to replace, the road
. masters devize some methods of pre.
merving them. while new (ress are
along roadsides can be either 3 nus
ance or 8 source of grest asexihetie
valve. [It all depends upon Ite locatidh
and nature. Along many rosd sides the
attempt is made to cut down all weeds |
shrubbery and grass. Clean sweep 8
"made of everrthing and the rewuis is
| ahything but artistic,
nnd now is to plant trees and shrobe
i mlong the road-sides to enhance theirs
i hemuty. The plantings are far enough
back from the roadway so that
| branches will never interfere with
| passing carriages. and steps sre taken
to keep the ditches frea from ali ob
sirocting growths, If is ssserted that
if farmers would give as much atten.
trees and shrubs sx they now devote ta
| rathless entting down of everyihing
| along the road aide in the fall of the
year. they would thrive and produce |
artistic effects. The selection of the | whole less &frald of the indiferantly
. proper trees and shrubs for the differ.
ent roads is 8 matter for local consid.
| eration. but those which de nat Barbar!
fosects Injorioue to fold evorm and.
| which give the most striking feet to.
the landscape. are recommended. These |
| trees should be trimmed high so that!
| surrounding views of the counter will
not be shut off, and in this way cote |
pont spoiling the view Rueh artistic
Lireatoment of the reeds
i PA Ch ot 3 manag BI. LHL Ryden
: stidy urs 1
Cansda thistle, which does more injury |
| every year to farms in this country |
ed early, but it Is customary Jn moms
#ections, where buy is not extensively |
§ BTOWH, 10 BOW oalx as late sw the 1st
j of June, cutting the crop when the
than many other catises to which great.
er attention I given. It spreads slow |
ly apparently, but #t sooner or Inter
takes full possession of the land, and |
unless erndicnted the entire farm bn
euros worthless, The bsaviers seodit
which are carried by winds, will germ!
nate. but itd progress ix by mesns of |
Wag White root stocks, which are proof |
against diseume and seasons. It in!
viaimed that a pleow of root stock if
2% in the well, will grow from sit th
ten feet in & sesson, and from each |
small plece a3 many as 2fty heads will |
grow. The best season for beginning |
the war on thistles tv in June. Plow
the land and then plow aga every
few weeks notil well into the RI the | {
object being fo destroy the young
Frowilh as fast sx it appears, ax any |
plant must succomd if deprived of
forming leaves, as plants breaths
through the agency of the leaves, Af.
other plan is to allow them to grow un. |
1 the plants are just Ligh enough to
mow and then ran the mower gyver the
feld, repeating the work as fast as the |
plants appear,
Ax the farmer may prefer to utilise
the land he can plow the land and pliant
it to potatoes, If be will then give the
potato crop frequent cultivation he will
destroy many of the thisties and the
potatoes will pay for the labor. It may
not be possible to subdue the thistien
| the first year, but If the work is well
done the thisilex may be completely de- |
strosed the second wear, when the
ground should be plowed in the sprog
and a crop of carly cablages grown, re-
moving the cabbage crop and hroad-
casting the land, after plowing and
bh - harrowing with Hungarian grass seed,
{ As the Hungarian grass grows rapidly
i and may be mowed once 8 month it
i gives the thistles but little chance
while the previous cultivation of the
cabbage crop will have greatly reduced
the thisties in number. The point is
10 Keep the thisties cut down from In iy
to frost, after which they will be under
The roadsides must also be earef: nity
attended to, for it is on the uwpoulti-
rated roadside that weeds are Deglest.
ed and hence are protected. Neighbors
should also work harmoniously in the
destruction of weeds, as frequently
some negligent farmer injures the en-
tire community by producing the seeds
of weeds which are carried by the
winds over a large grea. Weeds may
also be carried long distances on the
tops of railroad cars or by water: In
fact, there are so many modes of dis:
tribution that it is almost impossible
for any farmer to escape the nuisance
; of weeds, but all farmers can prevent
their spread. and in protecting his
neighbor be also protects himself The
i! Canada thistle Is not so great a nuls.
8nce as wWANY suppose If farmers will
determine to combat its Spread pity.
; depnle Retord
hat pe
Ler two A deri
will be noticed diane the feading roan
fry highways Upsightiy hedges and
eye 2% be rides ay drives through the
country Harper's Weekly,
§ Ss A
Dasstion One of Comfsrt,
TORR, Jaya
thet can be made on tye
snd te noe. The carth reads
in the Irivie porilon of Illlsox are
cusually exXorilent Sight, some years fot
rohit of the pweive, amd ave
ably zood for ten Gr twelve my
the your, but there are times
i spring when the frost Ix gol
{the ground that they are pracy toad I¥ Hee
passalie for loads. Hewevey, throngh
the noderdrainage of the sail on) tiie
and through a betler care of the sur
face, the perind of hnpassabilily is com
ints in recent years, bur there fy still
roots Tor discriminating improvement”
This abort paragraph explains the pe
eculiarity of the author's views He
considers A rowd ressonably good even
HE as practically impassable for loads
when the frost is going aut of ithe
ground; while people who want roads
that are frog and bard all the year
around, witbour clouds of doer In dry
weather consider such a road poreas
onabiy bad for a Jistriet that can al
ford something Letter, Al the bLegin
ning of the twentieth century the gies
tian at issue 8 ane of comfort as well
ax age of ton mile costs. The farmers
bore and cart and load of hay bave
been fa the glare of the footlighn long
enough to sidestep for a time and ist
us hear from his wife apd chillren
They may like to see their naighbors ar
they may wish to five Ike human De
ings instead of caged animals It
at all: # is Bot & matter of mousey
The Gulans Dinsmend Fieids.
stream full of rapids and cataracts, the
British Guiana are attracting a good
deal of attention, The United Stat
Consul at Demerara reports that stones
House. The fields sre situated on the
Essequibe River. the Polat ot rendes- |
vous being Batis.
HE oud - Smprovement am
conducted by those interested |
mbiling in recent years, is about toen- |
pianted at favorable pisces Shrabbery
tion to trimming and caring for these of :
tex + require Re fap. 4
a now haing ERY
tor the better | &
cioge-etnpped roadsides, With a gene
p eral air of negloer and untidines:, way
| then dissppenr ent nd the trav.
| eler will 8nd constant Temes far the
Professor Baker, Io a piper on good
*1 belleve (hat the ropds in the corn
helt al iinnia ATTY BE rg Lhe Tovar iN
{the COURLIy, and thst with a Bade ine
paratively short. There hss been a
very great improvement ln these direc
weather and withour mud in wer!
rived at Pow
ge to school when the roads are impas
sable. they may lke to keen clean
when they drive or walk shour aud
Bot a matter of broken stode or gravel
smonsting to a Isrge sum have already |
been exported through the Custom ;
tn Great Britain the coal en at very
Ametics & shalt of}
iy deep, while
shallow pi it. and hme few workings!
are Bearly 4.050 feet deep The result
of this is that ihe cost of hauling the
cori out and the pumaing of large
enantitien of water fron Fd dete |
make coal minicg very expensive ia
Great Britain A #ift mine is mare
cheaply ventilated than a shalt one
end the mises are much more fery inl
: England Than they are io Anerica
{Tha presence of fra damp In British
‘mines greatly mpedes the rapidity of
working and adds to the cost in many
sways. There are many stringent re
BiRlons to be carried ont with a vie
to Lhe prevention of exnivslans wh!
Ww. and whet they do they ars asus}
of a very serious nature, causing lange
Pose of life and property. Frequently
severs] mbmths slaps befors the mi
: : b are in completed working order azn
sides represents even a more sdvanced
after such aa accident The cost of
this Jows of life and propesty vaturaily
Centenary of Trousers.
Mozt people will be surprizged to hear
that trousers, as at present worn by
the male portion of humanity, hive
| Joel celebrated thelr centsmary hot
| according to fashion, such is undoubt.
(edly the case They “rame In” on ac
corint of the Nigh living prevalent in
England a Bundred years age. This
is England is bat al
produced A good deal of gout. whose | with
twinings the tiaht-ftting costume in)
wes at that period meade unbearable
Henece the invention of the wideri] |}
form of garment. which $300. became
prpular, and was adopted ty many L
rival personagin 82 hows and abroad
Among the “dandies” of the period
buwayer the sew style was regavied
ith contempt, and when Almack’s
rt was once refased admission bed
| sort the great Drike of Wellington Bim |
The movement started in Now Eng
kell was ones refused admission ba
cause Ne presented Limaelf in trousers
instead of the (For that tine) orificioy
neiber garments. Bo far bas their
EWAY now extanded (hat they thrastes
ta supplant even the Senttish kilt
The Bolo and the Bayonet 2
The chief of ardnancs has orders
169 bolos az a tentative substitute To
the regiigtion army bavonet The dnl
of the Philippines and {he machete of
Cuba ars essentially the same un
save been used with such deadly offic
that troops operating against guersil)
ress armed with them were, on th
handled rifles with which a part of ths
enemy were supplied. The lances is a
most ont of date as a cavalry weapon,
the saber ix in disfavor and pow the
bayonet is ander investigation. The
bolo is a cutting as well as & thrust
6g weapon i lx serviceable for trons
in seach of kindling asd is Handy in
the camp kitchen; It is usefol for fis
irenching. The Ghurkas acd ot'uire £
gp ti *
I will get the hemes ot the shade wi a Pele ns roy Ae armed with » sine
Berlin's Horsefiesh Steaks Popular.
The consumption of horseflesh aming
the poorer classes of Berlin Las hiss
| stead iY Rowing from year fo vesr
honte SXiElX 8 private extabilab mont
fn the Greifswalder street where 15.000
Tees. 108 he value of R135000, wire
a Isat rear (or the purple
of being turned isto steaks and san Jo
RPE, ha Berlin Towa Council is
£ additional bulldings at
the Place where the pu shite smughter
sitnated, They will provide
rion for many handreds of :
tie which sre destined ro
imgiorions Seats &t the hands :
An Owiish Beiligerent,
Last year a palr of large brown owls |
Bad a nest in > wood, odose down fo
the shore on Milford Haven, with a !
road passing throngh ft On several
COPRSIQNN the cowk Bird vialy nti AL.
tacked dogs paging iough the wobd
Pais penr the male bird hos Das mot
attacked dogs. bur has several!
JE down Sowa mast viciously in 1
Garyiigat at people walking along the
oad. Ha tore & boy's sar and his |
Last performance was {0 knoek a mas
has since been shot
Titled Clergymen.
By the accession of the new Farl of |
Chlehester § British secular peeraites |
Are row held by tergymen They ure
the Marquis of Normanhy. the Faris oo
Chichester, Devon and Straord Baron
Forsonby, who ta ale Irish Earl wo
Pessborough, and Baron Scarsdale the
at of Lord Carron, Viceroy of India
Aspther Irish peer, Vieesunt Moles
worth, i8 alse a clergyman. The Bar
of Devon, 57 years of age, is the second f
oldest peer in England
Found in Arctic tee.
The pi Centennial, which ar
Townsend, Wash Sam
Nome, a. Pe pore that on June:
17 a whaling ship had sighted in the
ice pack 80 mss ports sf OC ‘are Prince
of Wales the stiamer Po etiand, whioh
was blown into the Arctic ocean with |
144 persons on hoard The revenue |
cutter Thetis was standing by the Port
lend and would bring her fa safely
alone, but coe of comfort ss weil - ;
New York Tribune Fsrmer.
Though dificult of access. up a
recently discovered diamond felis ofl
Ww | fonsidering the Mlyisa tity of
2 DwWn wilh the suddenness of bis swap |
and 4 injure his face so badly that 11 in
feared Re will nee his eve. The bird |
oy IL.
somines ave temporary, vot, rab §
off and scale, AL ABASTINE is |
a pure, permanent and artistic
wall coating, ready for the brush
by mixiog in cold water. For |
sale by aint dexiers ¢
Buy in
Un Br worthless
I At drggists,
The Five-Ourt packet ia gh for an;
I use Ripans Tabules for}
periodic headaches, always
with quick relief. Only last
evening a lady asked me what
I thought good { tor painin the}
stomach from eating rich
food, and | gave her a Ripans
| Tabule. To-day she tells me
she has bought a package, the
one | gave her helped her so
. occasion, The |
«0 mate, contains a WTODIY Tor A YORE,
oval relied
SRERN BONS. Bes NB aAtiewas. Su.
: SY rr oicovmar eve