The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 24, 1902, Image 3

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    _. | this kind. Of the handred and fifteen
gen killed at Johnmown, lew than a
“or Th nl te rogion |
voted. Por sale ny ©. Ww. z Hedgita, |
" | matism, the kidneys must be attended |
the uric acid from the blood. Foley's
“of Polar, Wis, says: “After nnsnccess. |
Having moved to our new |
location in the Fisher Block |
we are now better prepar
than ever to do all work in
‘this hne.
of the stomach after ating, indicating |
that you have eaten too much, take
‘one of Chamberlain's stomach and
liver tablets and the heartburn may be |
We are sole agents for!
Cambria county for the cele
Brooks Oil Co.'s
Gutta Percha
Trent Your Kidueys tor a
When you are miffering from rhea.
to at onoe so that they will eliminate
kidney core is the most effective rem- |
‘ody for this purpose. RT. Hopkins |
it Praperties in This End of the County That |
Changed Hands Ricenidy,
ad . James Sutcliffe et 0x to Jolin Bigos,
Bros. Patton, $1,025.
jax Carroll township, $250.
, Hastings, $1,560
| wer, Patton, $600.
Low Rate Excursion to Philipsbirg.
~ The New York Central will run a
| special train and sell excarsion tickets
{at extremely low rates to Philipsburg
lon Sunday, August rd, fron. Patton,
| Aroadia, Clearfield 20d intermediate
points. Special train leaves Patton 7:45
to. | ® M, rates $1.30; Arcadia 800 a m.,
rate 1.25; Mahaffey 8:45 a. m., rate 1.00;
Clearfield 10:45, rate 75. Proportion.
inte rates from other points. Special
train returning will leave Philipsburg
rates from all points.
Kinkead's News Depot.
We carry a full live of magazines
and latest 5 and 10-cent novels; also
orders taken for all the latest books. |
We can get them for you in from throe
ito four days. Leave your order for ail |
1 Be intent and ap-to-dats manic at
_ Kixxxap's News Deror.
For fale or Rent.
Two sore room and dwellings com.
{bined on Fifth avenoe in Patton.
| These properties are well Jooated with |
all modern SomySHivhom sad on stay +
terms. Address P. O. Box 435
When Other Medtetms Have Filles
Take Foley's kidoey cure it has
cured when everything else han Bap |
{ pointed. All droggiste.
| Wanted: An apto-date man for |
manager and general agent of this
company of Philadelphia. Salary and
o | Commissions to right man. Address,
.. | With references, ¥. M. Wheaton, HN
; Broad St, Philadelphia, Pa.
Lost—A heifer Gfteen months oid, |
i near the hoof Gone Nnee two weeks |
ago Sunday. Anyone knowing
anything about him please notify Pir.
nin Bailly, Riley's mine, Patton, Pa
For Sale-- Genuine thorough bred
Seoteh collies. All of them registered.
From £ to $10 each. “Any person in.
terested can obtain fartber informa.
; thon from F.C. Little or Wm. Meiton,
Patton Pa.
AR Bass, of Morgantown, Ind bad
ito get up ten or twelve times in the
night and had severe backache and
‘pains in the kidneys. Was cured hy
Foley's Kidney « cure, Al druggists.
ts rinciples and respects
No sch resuits could |
by dealing with the
Gates has been talking
bis Panama and incidentally
stare hibition uf ssinine im-
sloguent addrem and nowhere |
famine srl sovaantx
King $e
- i ae ig) ,
te Hand
; Dae a, A Ppa §
our tate all forces
fo epee ad pablip =
sirikes were al :
: i We he proud
; Ww arkers
Ay ¥. pr. t
Fads Kei
SE od Rows, i
| folly doctoring three years for rheoms. |
Simon M, Wilson et nx to Lisamore
Patrick Harrigan ot ux to Agnes
Charles F. Gill et ux to William Teta-
{county by the Fidelity Life Tnsmrance |
"i black yellow hoof, Jersey, with spot
trial a
Biren UE
Roofing Paint.
itism with the best doctors, | tried
| . dn
| fpest 5 shoes for
| patent leather at $1.00 aiod apwards.
ust go shopting around town. Look at the |
women yon can find, fit them on and see how :
they feel. Then tome hers and let us try a pair of Queen
Ouslity or the John Kelly line. If these shoes are not better
than any you've seen for three dollars if they are not better fit-
(ting than any you've seen at any price, if they are not the
‘easiest shoe vou ver tried on, then we don’ t want a cent.
We have the sole Fight of sale for them becsnee it
store of the town.
The same is true of the Walk-Over
for Low Soes.. Oxfords or Slippers
& given to the onding
Shoe for Men.
We have them in plein and
Special atiantion is given to Man's, Women's and Boyy' Work Shoo.
We have them in many different styles st the right price.
| Foley's kidney cure snd it cored me. | Estimates cheerfully made |
| 1 cannot speak too highly of this great for all work in our lime.
| medicine.” AR draggiste :
d. { R arhap / Co
Acts fomedintly. -
Colds Are sometimes more rouble | >
BOE in summer than in winter, it’s so |
Acts immediately, Sore care re fori
| coughs, cold, Sronp, throat and inp,
A. Gann.
“4 public School Finangial State
Public school financial statement of
| Patton District, Cambria County
Pennsylvania, for the fiscal year enc
ing Jone Ist, 1902:
Whale srisrpier of shionds ie
Nunster of rmctiors eryple vest
Number of pupin sovotied fn All the
seloude ros an
A verngn dai attendanes
Ament of tax levied 5 for sedi pear
; Pres ; i i
| Amon of
. {for Arcadia, Patton and intermediate
points, at 5:30 p. m, leave Clearfield
i845 p.m. Call on ticket agente on | Fo
Sctwult Syers Tor ime of tenn and 7
hve Troma Site Apprprincion 5 so 4
From Dolieetor, tocinding tases of ait
Kinds ;
ORLY Fromearer,
innds, foes ste, 2
¥ rein adi ober sos roe.
resis vert
Toll reopen...
: Foor teachers’ wagons
| APOGEAT paid See Ber | for sitending.
SRInty ptitue
OF rent and fais
» fae and aontingrreies
| Foon of Tremwtiresr
j Snry of 4 Sechbary, EX peries, station.
intog Sad Anditon trex
. Rnd Compe Pea i
pas iE EEA, aw.
4 Text Book ]
“wey thw Text Boasin
Epes el ing are Goh, Bae, Swiss
FF reight and exp
Fai and ster wal) Bee wet
Foo re four wr 100 ied ws
Df ai VF MET &
Txt hewks Sangh 1 prio be bast
{ Seren ie Aa ;
Aud i i
Lota re % Wilix Seven PE Wome
Fas for , sappius, FOI,
ale. ohn
b¥ Ef
3 [Forge
£ sky
F RESH Bread,
Cakes, Pies, Rolls.
Guamnie eed.
00% Le
a =%| Fay ancy cord addin ng
‘cakes To Order.
LAs oe hard
Beat due Sistyivy ; cin
Toad ens of distros - Eh an
We hereby certify that we have ex.
amined the above and find it correct, |
Praxg McCuege, | ;
MB Cowsren
W. A, Merion,
Fitness our hands this Sth day of
Jaly, 1902 i
W. O. Love, President
W. C. Hesparn y Secretary.
FirstNation'| Bank
Patton, Cambria Co, Pa.
CAPITAL PAID UP, $100,000.00.
SURPLU 8, 13, Hn. 00,
fth Avenne
J Auditors
(New Blood,
New Nerves,
New Lije.
Sie Lisp
orresgeadence w ill baveour promt and
A ail driggiare and desiors, Be or sent by
wail, Hf sour dewier will mot supoly vos.
£7, Ww. Howie 8
Aga Fn Ar.
Wa H. Sisprorn,
Presiden L Clankier,
pe er
Tart ee
The greatest &id &
: Dr. V. A. Murray,
3 ne BL
rine ee
Patronize the Home
* Tones Up the Whole System and £-
| A share of your patronage is earnestly solicited at
Paste, Pa
| bot
replaced, aid we cannot stop Bauman
8 rin. 2 But whe the tamach bo yoa
| Thousaata Have Kidney Trouble
and Don’t Know it.
Wow To Pind Our.
Fill & bottle or common Pam with your
water and ist stand twwuvdour hows 8
sefoviens sr ee
ving ndickies an
shhemihe coaelie
Bon of The Rid
mows if it sain
an essay on » eloquence .
in speaking r of a man
he described as a
aa % ;
ng sroot that The Ridevers aad Bade
dors are . is Cv
4 the knowledge se
wt t Kites picking fulfills every
§ reumdtien. pan in the
EE Aver, Dlsdder snd every pu.
BE} passage. ir SOIT ins
ra and whl pay Pr
58 has affine 2
3 v RUeRsast
peiind to oo fmm
22 Up many Soa
he erie
BOR Som of
N.Y When writing PE
8 3 peaercus offer in this Saper.