Pithy, Poloted | Peming Pirtatutogy "w. oy : People and Pisce. ~ tobmy TAXES. eae | patos on Which fhe Treasorer Will Yat the Different Finces, County Treasurer McClune has an- ‘nounced that he will be in the follow ing places for the purpose of collecting | county, state and dog taxes assessed % | for the yesr 1902 at the time mentioned § A discount of 5 per cent will be ai- | owed on all taxes paid before October 1, and 5 per cent will be added to all | taxes paid after that date. | ‘Allegheny township, at Loretto July 31. : Ashville, Hotel I. G. Myern—August 8. i Barnesboro, Commercial Hotel | | Angust 6, Barr township, H. P. Lather hotet~ | July ; Carrolitown, election bouse— August |] aly , tht three men recently | sharge of being impli ; | Carroll township, Oarrolltown-— Ag: | & gust 4 | | Chest Springs, hotel— Angust 18. | Chest township, election bouse— Au. | ro go 1 : Clearfield township, election honse- F Avigast 20, meta township, ¥.,—Augost : bo South, Burnesboro-- August 8. Eider township, election hoe] Angust 9. Reade township, E. Glasgow's As gust 14 Po. Bouath, shoot house Angst. 15. Do. West, Brown's hotel -- Angust 14. | Dr. North, Cooper's Angust 13. Spangler, Brandon — Aogust 5. - Patton, Commercial Hotel -Angust ie; election honse Aogust 8, ee A 4 6000 sean Arle of Cumtabion Yat tn Catch » Parnes eo Fogitive. A Polander from Barneshoro gave a ode exhibition of his sprinting sbili- | a4 fon Tae rate San a ieged to Sate Mclen $0 som bia, company with a companion lin n Spent Sunday in town, intending to leave on the train Monday morning. His theft was discovered and the Barnesboro constable was sent to ap | erubend bis, As soon ax he aw the} and to ru, the constable after him. | | Constables Beeser and Jackson hap- | | pened along at this time and they too | .{ joined in the chase. The men went out Fourth avenne past the Miners’ Rest | hotel, where the Tagitive left the road 4 crawling onder . freight train “He waded throngh the water up to | Se is wae aren times and escaped in| | the woods. Up to this time ho has not. been heard fram since. BRE CTA on sneoy vwoeNTAXERS. The Johnstown Disaster Responsible for a Raise tn Prices. Boron Covmien:— There is a matter tf Tron Cota Te do well to ex. pose in regard to the charges made by the undertakers of Jobastown for the ; burial of the dead. Mr. Henderson | bas charged $85 for caskets furnished, ; while the price everywhere Is from 40 i $45 for the same kind, and in one Red Men for an additional $5.75, but when confronted and called to time be d | Rave a rebate of about $16. The bills in all cases were handed to the com- , pany and kept out of the relief fund | due the widows. The price charged by fr. erson for a casket, same kind, when my boy was killed, was $45 and - | 1 believe you would confer a great favor on some of the widows of the men in the explosion at Johnstown by | e | calling the attention of the pablic to! n | this matter, for If ever there wasan ¥ ie ators of the Patton Industrial “ Amosistion bas been | Born—-To Mr. and Mm. Jos. Mo | 3 ding on Fifth avenue and new goods are arriving | ay ontrage perpetrated these gouls of Johnstown are guilty. Yours truly, G0. . BOONE, Patton, Pa, | Gough —a daughter. Baorn-—To Mr. and Mrs. Nick Oa Arison intention to rus a first | ~~ S00. Born To Mr and Mrs. Alex Brown —n danghter. Born--To Mr. and Mrs, Frank Sa ol . boski—a son. i i Born—Te Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nelson —# daoghter. Advertised Le Leteors, : The following letters remain uncalled © for in the Patton post office for the two | TK} weokn ending Satarday, July 19, 1903: Chas. Anderson, Bennett Kise, J. Bop | ley, Mike Smith. Persons calling for the above letters : will Flease say that they are “Adver EB Wi Gams, Postmaster, the Crook Brothers. MINERS WILL MEE | sub-Distrier Convention Call hus Been Oy Fssned by the Ofcers— Tt Will be Hebd » “1 o clean them out we offer them at 2 per cent reduction Men's $15 oo Suits at £11 25 oF 14 oO 4 £4 10 SO £4 : [2 50 4 | is 9 38 £€: 10 00 Fe “ = 50 \ll Boys’ and Children’s Light Suits same : reduction. | Cambria 3 Matus Benefit Association. . 'Bquire George oO Sr. Inther : of the Civil War, He ¢ : ns pany H., Ove Hundredth Regiment, Ponnesivania Volunteers, well known ‘st “The Round Heads and served from August 1851, to July, 1365, | Thisis the third time within the ast Sve yutes Mr. HHoome lias & had vio. = You GOING TO on KEAV a If vou are, youn will find us with a com plete stock f Outing Goods. Crash Suits, Trousers, Shirts, Ha ry, Underwear, Straw Hats, Caps, Etc. i If you need a Suit Case, Grip or Trunk, we ha Fined rociisie Cilar big stock. ¥ in ountaindsle, this county We have a large Suit Case, all sole leather, Foltidaysbarg, where be then resided, nn inch, at $6.50. : jin horses ran off in loons, — iy Come here first, get our prices, which are in p gures and only one price to all. : Jog his. angi who died on pe parters for Union Made Goods of all d Milners of this Sub District Will Mest at : | Spangler Augnst 68. Rings and engag {To the Miners and Laborers of Sub. have had a partiality for ot District No 2. U. M. W of A: he ; o that em- There will he a convention held at titer so long that the THe: Miners’ Hall, Spangler, Pa., Aogust|OTY of man runneth not to 26th, 08 ot 108 m., for the parpose the contrary. If you want of electing officers, or any important business that may be brought before it, | according to resolutions passed at pre- to see a handsome display of Rings of all sorts, pay usa | before convention and be returned to viohs conventions, and all nominees visit. We are prepared to shail be in secretary-treasurer’s bands | meet you, not only with Rings, | varios locals to be voted am } but a complete line of oat—— tee] JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, Apicns to ory am Ea Clocks, Watches, Etc., at prices that are as s pleasing as the tollers at convention and counted by | articles themselves. mime. Respectfully yours, WE HAVE A FINE LINE OF SPECTACLES. Wrniaax McPuewsox, Prea (m0. StoLAmR, Viee-Pres. Eyes tested by the celebrated “* Retinoscopic Test " and gianses correctly Micnagr McTacaarey, Secy.- Treas. fitted. Lenses changed, free of charge, at any time, in spontacies sold by me : OFFICERS INSTALLED. ~ ithak coat ashi and over. The Koeal Knights or Pythine Holi an En- Joyabie Smoker, ‘Mountain Lodge, Knighte of Pythias, had an interesting meeting at their: | lodge room in Bell's Hall on Friday |, evening on the occasion of the instal. ation of the newly elected officers. Liistrict Deputy Saulsberry, of Dualo, was present and Installed the follow- Cg: I Chancellor Commander, BE. i Rad- | eliffe. L | Viee Chancellor Commander, E. E. | Clansallus. Men whe li good conde when icy sec them don’t . Prelate, I, 8. Beil. their own against any suit of the same price in Patton now Inside Guard, J. H. Ricker. % rE etie Salary Lor any other time—either in point of quality or fabric, tail | Master of Finance, A. (3. Abbott. ori ng or styl le and ft. % | Master of Exchequer, 6. 0. Brady. | The fabric assortment is varied and complete. The fabric Fang of Records and Seals, Bd 8 | quality is ungestionable. Were it not worthy it would not Master of Work, H. 0. Winslow. be 1 in our store. . After the installation ceremonies | | were concluded a smoker was held Twentieth Centu ry Hat Srore. and refreshme rved : 1 One of the predominant features of this large store is that we take fw ata a. Ca good care of Men's and Boys’ beads. There ho hats made thas fit so Motareh Shistat 4 well and look so dressy, as ours. John B. Stetson Hats, Felt Hata, Stifr ‘We have just received un invoice of P Hats and Straw Hats, Soe, #1, $1.25, $1.50 to $3. these celebrated shirts in fall styles of Seal Brand Shirts. soft goods. Young me i are in. in call and see LIE : - Tx om. san: to wach and awins fit right. More than fifty styles to 10 be the bestahint in America for the a Master at Arms, J. H. Habbard. hesitate about buying them. They are suits that will held SC BRI AM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers