The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 17, 1902, Image 7
A A A i A A gM cabs Ses Aud : open i alr sports i DeWilts witoh hase salve Te ¥lopping pain Gr reams i that xe have oR. nd Bad i sorreet : kites nature's own ut to my ok vr Bnd dehy action. It affords 8 aie ok ‘und sure | tre in a pleasant form." For sale by Co Hodes, Patton, and Hastings Jolley, Noble, 0. Tut . Pharmacy. have owed e ! Ari When yon § are . fring from thon | it a thy most perfect. liver matiem, the kidoeys must be uttended the greatest bload pass. t dev that they will eliminate : 4 from the Dood. | Fojes's ® stam wh he of Polar, Wis, says: HAS wr BisTOCEEe ily dortoring thse hi ; og cannot ope = ooh bi : Patton, ard mu er AN drugainis. Fav bwin her sat ing, : bowel snable Hyer ir own work avoided Patton Putt Mepmisice 3 Frist IRI ark heal: phim jles reas 5 woes anil Tn Siti women, empe daly rn atl, ob rece cory. 8 certain age, destroving hes.aty, din- | sberl ain’ . » colic, cholera Bguring and waking repniaive o Which would otherwise appesy atten tive and refined, indicate that the liver is oot of order. An oecasional dose of | Herbine will cleanse the bowuls regu. Clute the liver and so estabiish a clear, ¥ healthy complexion G0 cents at C < totly and meuded W. Hodgkins, Patton, and Hastings » fail. Mrs. Curtis, Pharmacy. The Host Worm Medicing, © H. P. Kumpe, druggist, Ala, writes: "One of my costomers tad a child a which was ick, sod theew 8p all food, Foley's hotiey and cou retain nothing on is stomach : He botight one bottle of White's cream | cons pion.” Ha yermifuge, and it brought up 119 : cure this dread pot |i worms from the child IVs the hows : + Lwerm madisine in the world.” White's ream vermifuge is alse the eliildren’s os ni Hever fall to Hive tonic. It fraproves their digestion Sy nd polief In the worst ies. assimilation of foul, strengths and far is withont doubt RErvous syitem and restores ther to hroat and ung i Semele te “ipa th, Figur 2 an in winter, ion 80 blood sors tro adding to them while mes up 1 r oxerclse. One Minute kidvey : Absolutely safe, dp raggist Bure. cure for. 2 Pap nta ansls As BYE TH witel ! | sariotis entmequen 4 a that 2 Ber Ol ipnaty) al * failed 1 to bean, ‘Rb LW Ho Linge Phas dinerva Smith, of Pray : : 45 hat ran 1 his ie ears. A in Bron ata. A R Te, of Morgantown, Tm. bi > nt OF twelve Hoos du lhe nignt and tind severe haskooke and | puking in the kidssye Wag cured by Foley's kifiney ours. Al druggists. Wien Other Be itiotnen Savn Fajhud Take Foley's kidney care it has cured when everything els has dig . 0 pointed. All drogyiste wonor fod. oir Tor this Purpose RT os a Sound kidneys STE Ra 3 Make the kidoey's heaithy | Midney eave. All draggpista ’ = and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and $1.00. Miss Susie Wentz, PRACHER (FF MUR Orfeo upeataivk in God Raila fo Hoar o8 8 mo ty 2 E32 5) 3 Es Cre s Kidney Cure idncys and bladder right fo our ne w wit doe ation in Eh Fisher i now better Brooks Qil Co.'s Gutta Percha TRE WORLD'S BEST BY EVERY TEST whaoh Is & sire Makes New Nerves. New hile: PATION. Eats avd denlers, 2 Hes or ment by her will mot sspaly you. ft AED. <o., Le Roy, N. Ye Firstiation Bank OF PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. CAPITAL PAID IP, $100. 000.00, SURPLUS, £10 500 00. Popa als an Sree depen ie Parion, Wa BH. saxprorn, President Cashier GEO. BOONE, JU2TH RE OP THE PEME Ofte in Good Buildi ing ; i Stteried $3 co jPernell Comber £.00) D® Kidney | sHoE STORE. , let They fiona Pas. 2 ¢ iad Arinding done 1 hy pt —~ paint in our free hook of FETTER Te tdi Aenlers HATTON | PAINT COMPANY, wale, Wis. a : ragble PEEVE ups ue and din eourages and less ambition bouity, vigor SH noon in and cheerful S00 iri York: Ralph Waldo Emerson, in an essay on eloquence, sid, in speak king ofa man whom he desc ribed as a Crondsend to his town, He is put together like a Waltham Wate h.” | Witham Wateles are old by : T IZHE, The Patton Jaweler. RT Re Patronize the Homelg \VSTERS ms. Hard Sy LY xT. Qu Qa O 5 BAS Bakes % : : a aiid hy 0d Es tig ls and the Delicacies of the And get a ' FRESH Bread, tas Cakes, Pies, Roils. Ieais at all Hours, Counter and Satisfaction Wholesale and retail deal Try « F an cakes Orde J.C. DYS PEPTICIDE * The greatust aid to DIGESTION. Our macaroans, Cuarmnteed,. 570 ean | CITY RESTAURANT, Hianter & Mitohall, P Panes, Ra el we del : ! EEN Mocssseryrs tia SOT Pate, ANTHONY ANNA, ICRTIVE OF THE FEACE Collecticas prom ee ¥ atteuded to. Dred tn real estate, et {Sea Simmelsberger, | LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. 1g and Hauling done on 3 “Shore notice.