The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 17, 1902, Image 6

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    Bat tha Mas now taken |
seit. to stand alone,
nd trim hats all by itself;
only ihat, which Is of course a
Yelosment of yesterday, bus
now to embroider and form |
03 and yosetted and Lows. One
¢en the other day had roses
straw and another was en |
ed with strewe-made aves, |
thu ratty she wit very |
A girl rd te sii that igi
saomious tories chat sre ‘the
2 of son al meriourse. ce BERT
: Laces and Cravats
he dainty et ceteris for the perk
. muTe attractive eath season, For
® bioass and taiiored cos
fume & narrow white and colored lnon |
broiderod tolisr is witaihed to two |
“white embroldernd ends, which |
be tied either in u knot or bow in
Lt. These are esproiaily practical
to place inside the gackband of the :
6 r emtrotdered 1 Hon cotinr ‘bands
two fan-plaited ends bordered
& band of colored linon,
For face and. mot akafine Applique
5 tre 5 ad reer 1 Snish of a cravat |
& simple plain
etait of imporianie to whith the
ene gives special attention The
gr de rou in plaited mousseline |
met edged with boulllonnes of cole |
cline or fury] velvot leaves
3 arranged ia fat plaits to
3 away (rom the throat, Invariably
rated with n rogndsd lace collar |
erminating fn front by long
= ends,
an Lctiely effective gnd evi
uced 8s elng nie prac- :
r the low co. ffure than & high
ing riche, which certainly |
be an inconvenience with the
dressed Jow and the long ends
bon or foliage falling over |
Division at Nonotony,
Sed 4 a goo boas ¢ time in the
i: npn all the ore i
n, 1 can safely say that the
: opy murriages 1 have
sald Sir ‘Walter Besant
it of the Chicago In-
5. By far the larger number
ves have accepted chgerfully |
of houselseper and mat-
y Bave
OW. ;
them hays Net house with
intention of making 8
? atiful, which became a con-
1 feast for themselves; many of
more earefnl of their eyes than me ony
omen. They wore masks in.
stead of vells when out of doors to
pieterve thelr compiexion. But what
modern girl woald pow ennsent to
- Lide her fresh young beauty under al
to form
and |
it as.
costiste Is the neces. |
i tion of wearing a vel)
enhances het beauty? Ag for (he oyes
thinks, if sho doses not say 30,
The Trophy Craze,’
| colleges. The boys. no doubt,
| peliing good wishes
their class pins and cther manly dec:
J orations?
Rp Hp
| girls should choose to display such
| leaned earks of favoritism in a musch |
mask, especially whan he has thie op-
which | even
Young girls, and especially young
Arierican gir, are seldom wihout ad-
| Burers, chuma or ever brothers who
| Bre takiag their trung al the various |
{ through better and have an added con.
| fidence In their own eiresgth with the
{merry thought of those girls’ comrades
i kip. And. in return {or all their pro-
ix it too mach
i that ths girls shoud expect to woar
In these days of emancipated woman- |
| kind, however, it scems strange that |
of fred
I day
| pore conspicious way than did fhoge |
: women who had no thoughis of inde |
| pendence in thelr heads
Eis pow wear the
| tajoléd from thelr admirers on a tiny
| Black véivet band, or, rather, a nar-
| row piece of velvet ribbon, which fits
pina they have
- | snugly about the right sieeva just be |
i low the shoulder. Sometimes two,
three or even four pins are placed
"ia a Hoe on the little band, In fact,
i for hat boxes and properly lubricates |
| 1he more that can be shown the proud. Bi the heated parts,
cer is tha tndividoal whom they daco- |
| rate. One popular pir] was cven heard |
to bomat that she would soon have
erough sveh pins to fashion hersel!
dail. instead of 85 arm band,
| American girls are étramg in
; potrietiszm.
main trae to it: that is to say,
they rem
they do wot mix up ju their ¢
i fhe pinoy of varlons colleges,
al that they wear might represent
HAL men amd differant years but
: Ee,
LC It 18 only alm the sleeves of thelr |
house powns thal firls wear the vel.
[wet band sipporting these decorations.
When they go oat of doors and x coat
| shady cults, The fad then bocomes
dose of “he who walks pay read.”
fren sunk a place the gleam out —
| cipepleana
Another ite wrinkle (hal he iris
I the mots cones to tse as parasol |
Bi bal Dien wel on trophy 1a sed
ties Indend Inte mo time in having
Craade vp with Heh, a
Cf fm oal the beter [the cane has kb
i8 necessary hey faaten ons OF per. | ; {
3 ¢ perfectly capable of doing the work |
the time sow allotted, they would © io
ied | pateers place a 1
or & bine
Five 81 nx or g
GRIER Rome Stine paws, Of cone,
ie i J Ramee stoner pawn, Of ' that the
1 Hitting
Put ;
They generally chose 8
| certain collegn for their allogiancs and | tation,
| pal
ould generally be of the same col | ;
: days.
3 : in
are pow induleing (a i3 begging away |
i forte value If if har come 031 the vie i
tor in a “rush” or gone some ther
gritiy deed. Wise men, it is sald, Weep
“# sharp eye on eapecially beloved |
sticks, or even, {f they are crafty, hide
them away.
Buy the time when the girls are cost |
i | lege His—whex farewell " said to the |
| ima mater. Flags trophies, eves the |
| icraiture of rooms, is then freely glv- |
j= away. It is the time to secure 8
: tzaly schatantial souvenir. A man's |
| desk and his eary chalr are vps
| spoken for long in advance; and |
biz an open-hearted soul he wi |
“clear out,” as ke calls {t, all else but |
vis Brierwood pipe. One mistake he
ing soft cushions embrofdered flags |
or woolen sweaters tack
fair damsel whose deft fingers may
Shave made them. Another mistake,
Rept house for the | coen preater. which is not unknown, is
and children ‘Whose bappi- |
to bestow such things oa the damiel's
rival wy aablogtes Star.
Fiust be careful to avold, that of offer.
; a mat
these blue gigrala ghow
i Donned
notew the condi
LEAURL £h at the
of alr,
rust be cul aut
ha ¢ brought art into every part |
lite. which has been gn
t for thetnselves, as well |
r members of the house; |
. matrons the dally work has
_daliy delight Then, as for 1...
and monotony, 4 there none :
f the monotony and drudgery |
lergyman’s life, when every
has to tramp around the un-
il slums. Think of the mo
and drudgery of the solicitor,
rawing up endless documents
hideous legal jargon. No.
ny of life, 1 am quite sure,
man or vodded wife
: Pints and Yeils
or afternoon calis clad In their
becoming hai Perfectly |
thes three-cornered bat in
shades or ail Dinek K,
fal ‘plotare
el LE velvet o ita ie fons ple-
‘bat Those painted br the
are now v Sreatly condemn |
“and at times not without |
clats, especially
The : L
enly ladied out to working Etriking festure of warm weather toils |
| ettes,
Leven ig the medium snd Hght
sen naturally want a smart as Eovda
rit. ;
hat than a |
really Smart country Beg. i
x io
oid |
. knlokeérbockers and a two-plece shirt
7 a for.
Fite! lace in appilaces and allovers |
LC pwitchuaen of the
Ceomposed of medallions to be applied
i | insertion and faggoting stitoh
wear are wade from
“black or white, with a foundation of
The bolero has last tone of its Popa.
White wiil be secn more than colors
this season.
The collarless fancy bodice will be
uch geen this summer. !
Molre has the post of honor for Haht |
for children,
The sew lox-platted Eon Is eipe-
bacoming to light figures,
“The lavish nse of lace ia the most
Cloth skirts are made up unlined,
Chrysanthemum straw is the favors
ite for suominer bats the majority of
which are fiat and kw.~The Deline-
gims ehilel attention, for use on
weinty gowns of satin foulard, India
IK, ponwee, eld,
The iittle protection collars of lace,
batiate and even linen have gow duffs
match: they are wsually adorned
with embroidery.
The newest lace applique designs are
‘gi¥ or otherwise in connection with
C3 bson™ effects have extended to
| bathing costumes, of which an attrac. |
example consists of blouse,
3 %
Smart gowns for summer evening
Brussels net!
chiffon to de worn
ik and a stip of
; a silk
; repairers are skilind workmen
what and kpow that eventual
three YEAS.
The Largest Repair hap Ia the World
wmBemar able Locomative Houpital Ans
Just Been Completed at Collinwood,
Ohio Murvelons Wrecking Machingry, ; A
| Wreckers receive the same wages as
Faw peopls who travel and few of
rasds of the country
the army of men who
in and out, en repairs only.
In the world of transportation, nor
of how many thousands of
for the hauling
which wark,
golentioas attention
thedr work, In the inspecting and ro-
pairing Jepartivents of the American
railroads ave
F000 mon, to whose «kill and quick
The average passenger train i thon
oughly inspected at all large cities,
18 {5 150 mien apart, apa fs hastily
locked over at rigay other stops boo
sides, Bix mings’ time Is allowed
for a thorough inspection. Four mes
two at cach end. begin
locking over the wheels, the trucks,
the couslines and all parts of the car
Bich are
{tein employs several thousand men |
(in ts repair departments alone. In
the companies the
| largest numbers are employed, but
i even in small cities as high as 1351
i men will be kept steadily at work. |
«| Thess pen are capabls of building a
the work of |
the big shops of
| riot parts that are so extensive sone
| times after a wreck that the ear may
Hable to got ont of order.
These mon from both ends meet at i
the middle of the train, and the ine
spection js completed.
doing thin work the oiler, who i8 nic
: { heen completed the biggent jocomotive
While they arn
in the car repairing circles
naetimes as the “doper” looks ont
stane tha feeeman, with his tongs,
chunks of
Cin the interior of the coaches,
Freighe trains are inspected with
just as much tare AS the passenger
enaches, but, the work being done up
on th ad
the public practically sees
mgthing of iL At some of foe prioci
repair tracks, even in
4 fog
{ Ing capacity of 100 tons.
tracks, In an obscure Io
i Record,
cities of |
The sev. | RO more than 15.004 population, as |
[reany as 1206 and 1509 ears are fu
epeted every 24 hours and this by
fortr men, two working nights and two |
Ctreck for oan inspection bunt oa halt
When a train moves in upon a | :
CR capsized sall
| minute is allowed to esch cir, and so |
(rapid sre i.e workmen that they do
“it thoromghly in this time,
rafiroads fot sure that these men ara
course, increase the limit for if
there Ww ane
department more than
| another in which the railroads are par. |
Wore the |
| Brown, sow of the towbhaat Gasbes,
§ fife i
tiewriar abogr perfect work it is fn the |
{line of proper and adequate repairs,
When 8 train of cars arrives in the
| sion, There ig usually one large steam
2 Hany
they must take care of themselves, she | 5 | those who daily depend upon the rail. | pairs (racks, extent that for extra tima
: : the men on the wreokers receive about |
AVE g5Y He f the rt By v J
have any idea of the part | ,4 nie an hour.
play | Gr Carries a crow of 12 men
: added.
At the sme in-
foe into the tanks
long time; in other instances not 50
Wrecking crows are uEually station.
£1 at two or tares points on a div |
wrecker, with a Hiting capacity of 50
tong, and then thers will be one or
two hand wreckers The mon on these |
CAY repairers who work on the re
The avarage wrecks
The moderns machinery with .
marvelous in many |
Every ote ju familiar with
The average American railroad sys
car, {rom the tracks up, with the va |
we sald Lo be rehulls
At Collinwood, Ohio, thers has nat |
repair shopd in the world, by the Lake |
hore & Michigan Southern railway,
later. it is sald that very extensive
rar. repairing inferests will Reve he:
Th» dimeraions
shone Are GUO by Bn
are of brick and fhe
ston. Here some Thin
. The walls ;
art of
mon will bel
moloved, and their sole work will be |
The machinery wil |
veious, intlading cranes w
ith a Hit.
No lseomne |
tives will here be built, but many will
practically rebalit— Philadelphia
Beeowrs Rev Husband, i
The rescue of a young woman from |
that lat summer in the
bay by the cayiain and mate of 8 Prave
taglant Rag reanited fnoa Toe
wedding. Capt. Warren H
was married Ssiurday night by the
Charles Dbadebd to Miss Clare 1.
Piokering of Edgewood, wie owes ber
fhe castain's art. !
it was on the 0d of lact July. It waa
rather stormy. late in the day, with
Baghining and ravalls, and
| smong the orale that ware on the ay |
Yards moar the regair tracks the ro |
ine fag in daviime,
Haht at sieht at exch end
of the train. This warns raiiros Tori
Lotrain theagh they
Sten being under the ears. Tha loves
not be atiachod
Lhe eed of the train. Ope of the in
§ Spectors padses over tae tons of
: roof, if it be a box car;
{nr the condition of the chalnae which
hotd the droplotioma. The
| working about the tracks mast leak
ronststing of J. Walter Pic
! Piekarin,
tha |
cars. He ba oon the Jeckont for a leaky | [7
fit be an ore | but three,
or eoal car. then he raust look omt
| the gauall struck thes, and it was
der toopet
out for a broken flange a cheehmd |
F wooed, Lent gxies, loose bolts, bad air
AR soon as a delve is found a var
i» tacked on the car by the inspector.
Thera are different cards used to do
siznate rolling stock that ia in bad or
to the ESR | hg) the car must be handled with care |
until it is geloaded and placed upon |
Ansther card da |
{ fom Bours
Ove card denotes danger, and
the repair tracks.
ion of the alr brakes
; ns, condition of the air re.
: | servairs and many other t | smaller girls,
i Youngest da
| for the shore,
a broom. They
The car may be in such shave that it j
: that bad been Badly ew: hy the lagged |
regr of the train, and
ave no connection with
Me thal Ho can
the alr simply
Pthrovigh the pines of the car, without
having any effect as
{ brakes upon it
yas pay
EF tinet
] ving wf £
Box cars with
#t be transferred to stuns
oof of t
$f that the var
Te oy
Nao one van well dont
Ir, or it may
be run between ears |
but that the reservoir of the ear |
¥ passing
th mottling the ;
for help.
vand found
{and pre
§ are th
i Brawn
raffle, soch as the car
mital be ghie to disesrn cheeks Of a
A brokeyg
artful wreck,
sR rac B
iL work about the repalr track with
one who {8 exper;eng acid he
5 eel
5 ha jonrnsa esr heethy every pars
mea would receive big pay.
other departments, Wastera
is sald, pay men more th
ern for thin word,
the eastern and
bat 151.2 Tr
How ality £4% In
Canis an
¥ 2 may iii ee
Wenn a crack wialeh will develop ints) waa thro:
ya broken wheol
Turn, may mean a fea
2 a man begins 83 5 car repalrer be mst Ans
Wha AXES :
Lf sedan
was a slo ping yacht. in which a parte,
ering, Sra
thelr twa daushisrs
dada Jobson and Eihel Tucker, win
SL of a pleasure trip. When
rowboat with the saiihoat, but no vars, |
dont cmune the ooen~ |
pants had te take to the bottom of the |
va ht, as the smaller bout wounid hold |
The women were in the cabin when |
necessary to break the windows in ore |
thers out As the boat |
would not hold ail and thers was & |
ing shore Mr. Plekering with the two |
Miss Tucker and his
iter. Miss Easle, started |
padding the oat with |
disappeared In the |
Mra. Plekering and |
darkness. leav
apon the boat's side
wats |
er for abana six fost of her Jength For
they lay clinging to the |
boat as best they could. with hands |
eden of the cabin windows,
Abang 16 aleieck the tug Gertrads, |
with two barges in town, which had
Paft Providenen early in the evening |
reached the vieinlty, and Capt. T. GC
Hrawn heard a faint ery
Lroward the sound |
won cluding to the |
nearly exhausted i
wait have hold ond
longer. apt, |
Sig mare and, bring
npside jumped from
tr the deol A rope
the wi iin hat they |
grasp it. and Wik. |
shen sky ¥ hr)
Ha alee
the wr
Jn 34
valieod bo
ing ats buat Hi
gmaise to
Ham lawson,
af the waren
Bry Werp
8 Bix
a at on the {
mad overboard and brogg!
th the tue while the |
haat from the
ath rei
+ They were taken into the hot hitchen |
the neighborhood of 25 vents an hour |
This the repairers heliove ia a
unjust. and they are pow in some seo
tions of the vosuntiry asking that
wages be raised,
3 th ey
Of late there has been a te leer 3
to change the ples of this wark
of plecowork, but the change
yal hewn in Es ong enogeh
wan to feel just sure how they like
it. By the plecewark plan they are
paid a ewrtain scale rare for each
separate ‘hit of work trey do For
has oy
far the i
tro ould
L whenever they chan
pally resulted
example, if there is to be a sill put |
into a ear the workman is paid the |
scale rate for placing sills.
tons which arise however relate to |
whether he 1s to be paid for the extra
work he must do in tearing away
| Simbiers and bolts in a» disabled car
The Ques. |
fof the tom
the trade should spend, perhaps, twoor | :
It wenid seem that these | 15 and
TYE renaty avd
gt they | axan a
G0 not get as much as in many of the |
ods, dt
roads, it | trim the
% the vast |
In some parts of ©
central states they get |
i cago News.
sud given restoratives and i
their wot garments for)
hian kets i
Hrown frond
a pvt lose
When Cant
homes worse in Providenes i
barges leaving an-
hared, and steamed hack to this city, |
hing Bere about milnig
Zen Wepre token Wn Mr
Yom at ;
ganad left Invharye ©
ast. TO Brewn 0
father of tha
of the
Te snes
WL 45
£3 rit;
38 !
if Bar.
urday evening
Brest wha saw
and took an
The ac
Yi trade was
oy, oo Kt a SER
Hy the resrge
FPR RR fi oe Ho
HRintaney 81 that
ange thrash the ehrdinl
the vattun and mate pec)
at the Picks
Hive nave
f 4
read snon
Be tn town,
wedding He
3 oe 1 n 4
wt te
the engagement
Eaoim for Poab,
Judge (to elderly witness)—ry what
year wery you born, madam?
Lady~-In "Ts, your honor,
These, |
: of conrse, are skilled in thelr partion.
: lar Hae
human | which they work ie
Hyves are annually saved by the cone | sespacts
of these men to | the remarkably short time that fa re
quired fo clemr & track in this day. !
2 " © 1 Taat which would require but a few
employed Bot less than hours now would have taken several
tdays a gnariercentury ago.
n the public owes a debt of IY af
of the new
LEA tae
; enlisted
Leeds among school ehildren,
; the garde
poand distributes (ge prizes, a number
; of whieh BY ©
to 20.000 homes last voar
t | are homes beautified b
PA 1 ; * ;
. A Tuaghbont Cayrain Whe Ressoed » am but the sehont vards
t sulix are so evident
PobRerver notes tne chaagh
it nt
tian wig one of
for aid na
Clomis pha
they |
| off Potter's Cove at Prudence
pitand, the oat wis struck by a squall
wasn | Oni woe capsizgd. There was 8 small
from |
Jonad when the pect
| cites Bare
3 iat bw aati its rel
ond daughter and Miss Johnson lying WUBI 4 nae x
which was about |
; 18 {nckes alos the wnrface of the
I Nibleek B
i Jr. firad 17
Te i
$m, 4
{ Rnooked
latter was at thay i
we akon
avd he'll or
: tha REX 0%
§ didn’t travel with your bicvels in a
Judge—Um: In 1878 or 177 Ig—Chi-}
That which satiates cannot satisfy.
Sweet fruits grow from bitter seed. |
Righteousness will not come by rota
Lighis ars more ‘portant than
“We bare an exhibit here in the city
; 4 | postofice which ought to interest
His peed makes another my telgh | A
Tr i papers.” 2
He loses all who i» upwiiling to lee |
every riader of Washington
The speaker was Major
| Jamies B. Bell, superintendent of the
| delivery system of the Washington
NO. MAS CAR TUB away from Lis own | postofMes, and he was leadiug the way
[ to the niiddie of the first floor of the
| postoffice buildlug as he spoke. When
| #® Lod goue & fow fost ho turned and
The corrupt man cannot be © ee
P ; foun space near the road
Every blsssing rocoived creates ag
Honor jocks hest on a background |
of hamiity,
To cuitivate a eallonas heart will not
fuesee calm,
It talkies a small breeze to rales
storm in a poddis
The oil for the
bonght in the day.
it i8 a greater thing Io prevent »
dizease than (0 invent 0s sure,
When a man begins two go down
there are always plegly to smooth his
Way for Bim.
night must be
silnted to 8 case which stood in an
exks. ‘What the reporter of They
| Sea} wii a serley of Alecves of twelve
i shelves cach, crammed with news
i dressed. The entire
ba bh
| trom fly to seventy-five such pach
papers, :
“I you go over and examine those
er you will find them full of
papers, most of them published bere
in Washington asd all properly sd
number, how
ever, Is mderstamped and so must
held here in the office. There are
| Ages received hero every day. Thete
retically our interests in them celses
with the discovery that the papers
: are not fully prevatd. The regulations
! provide, however, that where the pack-
The man whi Is sivas figuring | ages ary ‘of obvious value’ we must
whore he will come |
well east out at the ead. Raa 8 Horn.
Orngmentarion of the Home wn Bown
tifirarion of the City,
citizen of Cmyelaad, Oufo, organized
Bome, Out of this small beginning
has grown the (develarnd Home Gar
deting Association otoerwias known
Bower ¢rusade. Children wre
in Be movemant, which is
under the mgnagement of the sssocia:
tion. This organization distributes
us eslibasd in competition
Port, Toe geedts wont
Net aniy
SRE the cli
pacnagis of
Past ¥
sowie. The re
BmoKY city, and 18 is
the stats as the “oily of flowers”
svatem of seed Jhitribating in coopers
the send comping.
dipt wien BY the maror, dice
ne that the Beddir in worth
inthe beawtifviog of 84
pf enterprise will
ear ¥
show resis loli
g Fear have fai bed,
perience of the
foarporsion by Page wilt
When they are in possession of
of thelr awn, And this fuem of
The ex
Fie Res |
hi Eel ppons
yeas ago & flowerloving so
will find him make same effort to notify the sender
_ that his packet has not been forwards
| ol because not properly stamped. Tha
provision is construed sith enough
Lithersiity to enable us to hold bere
Ftae andarpaid pewspapers
“We try to keep the papers a month,
rtiig them as to the date of mailing.
i § ¥ en w en an ad % or : 3
his paper has not reached the ad
, dresses and comes here to inguive,
c why, wa try and hant out his paper.
{ We can always find it if we know the
; date of mailing, and nearly always suo
{eond otherwise
guesses at the date,
if the. addresses
Then the defi
| clent postage ts paid and the paper
tarts on its way, perhaps two weeks
i late.
Ctrae at oil
“An idea prevails fo Washington and
The Btar, for exas plies
‘and thete ars many copies of The
v those Gowers
Btar in that case over thersa—goes for
{ ether cities that any single issue of 8
ran Liant~d In ail 3 :
for ona cent. This is, of course, nob
that the casual
Bnown throughs | i
paper can be sont through the malls
true at wil. The Star, for example
and there are many copies of The Siar
that case over thers—goes for
a cont only when the lasue is fourteen
#t. Louis has now taken the matier |
Bp A Botanical ciob his prepared a,
PRES or Jest Sixtoen pagus or more,
8p 10 twentyaeight pages. cost two
ra cents, aud the Saturday issue, whens
Lever it exceeds thirty pages, dost
The reward ¢ feted in thin ease to the
ehildren who are most snceesiiul fa |
i as to the mailing of single papers for
ty of eri
( enstoned thie confusion. By the terms
three cents,
“It may be that a postal regulation
dultvery in the town of issue haw oo
of that regulation the publishers of
alver the flowers of
The Htar can send a single copy of
. thelr paper anywhere in tows for a
will nor be
hae popewel
hinges :
args |
mentation will open thelr eves to the
«; papers. The law directs us to open
Lovery auch package before throwing
peods and posalbilities in other direc
Until recently American towes aad
res Riven over fo negli |
cent. Bit the entire shipment of such
Sewsnapers in Washington under that |
ruling does not amonut to $i a week,
“Often and often we find the most
unexpected articles bound up with
it away. Many contain letters which
the writers have sttomptid to send in
L vinlation of a law known to every one
\ooking ar the mores practical and |
fmmedinte oterests made attention to
did nent
possible, and partly be |
understand |
| chance of bringing assistance by reach {oust what their (owns lacked or how
to remedy the deficiency. Both these
conditions are passing;
tonding in the direc
education is
tion of the artistic
Land fhe rising generation will have
much better ideas on the subiect than :
prevail ar present,
tion, r-ingianaparis Journal
Fine Marksmaniabip: at § Annagelie
Livatenant- Commander A. PP
Black, UV. 8 XM. charge of
thee In the navy hag ast
tas naval asadtamy at
une of The few farset ranges which
artificially represent comditions at
ghort ranges gu they exist at long. Xr
git 1 the foie hive
remdrRalidn gam practies
wp ieee eanhd fire naval
5 target
with #ix-pe
task in hein
YEXJG Feet at a
aa many times an
ends only setval
target Wy conn
For hnlora tha
lent. For foutiutice,
Wallace, in 8 weconds,
and made sewn Rise
Limes and
G. Diman fred
18 hima, FD Hall
made 15 Yhe J OH Blackburn
& perfect score of 14 abmed Say Ane
12 Kivs in ds, FC. Marvin,
ont af 21 ahots male 13 Rita
A. BE Kalthaon was in od
firing party,
Standish —
reanired to
Hikes iE
“asst ie
DE ¥
genres were exoel
Cadet HG 8
fired 12 times
er Siooreing,
pombe 11
2% rime
Boot |
BEE wary
As Klow as the Train,
“Took at that blevela™
nd aw that ir had
shout and
for ruin Hie proses
“Yeu, ma'am. Uve been
sald the offeixl
do vou propose to
"TH report to the forsman, ma'am,
ri ty the station master,
and in three
all upon you io ask von why
2 Piss
periy made case. That is the way we
do. London Answers,
deg _ above the ip
said a Tady
i § ; : “1 lama, while Der
as she identiffed a machine in a closk- | Hy t as
Lips badly | :
was quite uselosy -
qi:te ‘useio nsedis supporting five angels.” Phila
Thi Hower move:
this edues-:
who reals the papers. In such in
gtaness we present letters, papers and
wrappers to the authorities for ap.
praoprints eriminal’ action. Many
otherd have writing on the margins,
{nn which cases we simply pay no st
tention 10 the packet either to for
ward | or to potily the addressor. In
some fostances we find magazines,
which wi deem ‘articles of obvious
valine’ and accordingly notity the
“I ‘was once walking past the ‘dee
| troy’ basket yon seg there and picked
wi |
installed i
Apnanaiia Loam
rth articles reached
Lith yards
in Boma
hooagh the
% and mate)
fu times ane
md 3
gp a paper out of the pila The wrap
per was torn. hut the papers Sad not
been examined, When | opened it §
fond inside a $10 Bi and a gold ring.
The wrapper was gone, but we identi
fad the sender and potified him and
their rightful
Pe Washing ston Ban
A Taree Stary,
The late Dr Talimtge wis on one ore
cazion in the company of same thao
joeieal stidente. They Brosh from the
avady of vhured history, were lnughing
together over the oll scholastic ios
“Haw insur anzels are sapportsd on
the paint of a needle?
They share surprised when Dr. Tal
roase turned to them and aald:
“Well, how many do you think™
Ag La answered he went om,
with dw
pe Ie
And ba § 2%
i rll wonpfive.
witiled his answer with the
following stary:
I bangt i
saree of this
wialth war on Board tha
amd Navy Register |
WARS al sa
oat in
One very stormy night he was oom
ing home late, and potios] a light in
the winddw of a room where he Knew
a poor woman Heed whose husband
Ha wondered what Rept
ber up so late, and he went to ses He
found hey hard at work sewing dy her
five rosy ¢hildven wire
sary hagide her,
“There” sxid Dr. Talmage, “was a
dolphin Times,
The Grape
The history of the graps ss almost
at old as that of man. Growing In Rs
nighest perfection in Syria and Per
its scions mult recommended it
to the sapecial eare of the matriarchal
; tillers
masts to the preneral man.
and he to the board of directors:
er four wears a soliditor |
of the woil, and vinevards were
extensively pirated Jong before on
charis or eolisctinns of other Iriuit
tracy were &t all eommon.
Ths grapes first came from Persian
. From the latter country as civilisation
i banied
5 i Greece Sicily Italy. Spain. France and
In ander that 1 a rainbow may he pros
duced the sun must nut be more than |
advanced westward his fruit accom
it—frst to Egypt. then to
tien to Great Britain, to which latter
country the Roman carried iL—New
York News.