0 Mr.» and Mrs. Geo. Kane went 4a Jonnstown| nd Al Lieb, of Nicktown, == you have visitors or are visiting your. self, or if you know anything else | iin the | other news, but there is where they | g | esting and the COURIER wants you to Leta wil fer ims and or’ oe our & Reading railroad. These tickets are on sale daily the year around smd | are good for retarn passage within six {months from date of sais. They als) "| permit stop-over en route in both di | rections on the Néw York t'entral and | Philadelphia & Reading railroads. The Count wants the news. If is always grateful for the privic lege of publishing it. Many persons | think that the eclitor does not care if | Is now in oder and to do it properly you must have th proper tools. We have them and at prices as low lowest. shape of news, this paper. they have visitors or if they have make their grent mistake, It is the {local news that makes a paper inter. Neighbor Keep tell what you know in the line of news and help make it an Interesting paper. | INTERESTING IN DESTATIONS. Sam Hhose (URIS ar vou reading? x 5 Have your watch repaired at Bavder's, You oan do better at the White, re Shoe store, is on al trade with Pagan, the painter, Hast. ings, Pa or : reneipts and note books at Kinkead's | News Depot, orders taken for all kinds of seals and | : ¥: rubber stamps at Kinkead's News De. He ~ For Bale-Good lot on West Ma Tableta, ink and pens at Kinkead’ s News Depot. Wanted - Experienced painters, Ad: | : {dress Fagan, Hastings, Pa. “Daguesne bear js good.” En A. MELLON. Duquesne beer on tap at all first | class hotels. Er A. MeLiox, A young man can learn painting “A nioe line of packet ledgers, records, | Cook wanted at ones. Good wages | paid. Call on or address Wm. Yeck- Jes, Commercial Hotel, Patton Pa. Lovers of good whiskey should drink Pittsburg Club, $1.25 5 quart. Ep. A MeLiox. Bill files, daters, stamp pads: also in. | gee avenne. Will be sold cheap for eash. For farther information rly Linen correspondence paper, fools . books ete, ete, at Kinkead's News| o Bart Young, Pation, Pa. s | tion from F. C. Little or Wm. Mellon, for saline. For farther ‘Information write to M., P.O Box 127, Patton, Pa. 4 oh 5 hat it is the best and purest extant. M 0 | Booth collies. ‘All of them registered. Sl From $5 to $10 each. Any person in- | manager | |oounty by the Fidelity Life Iosorance | {company of Philadelpbia. Salary and . | commissions to right MAL. | with references, F. M. Wheaton, 112 N. | n | Broad 8t., Philadelphia, Pa. If you want fine Jaundry work, ihe | leave your laundry with The Keystone | y | Clothing Co., Majpee avenue, the agent { for the Empire Steam Laundry, a oto Er fom yore. Ep A. MELLON. 1 For Sale—8took of a Racket Store Leave your order for acase or keg Duquesne besr and be convinced : Ep A. MuLiox. Por Sale—Genuine thorough bred | | ean obtain further informa- Patton Pa. : ' Wanted: An up-to-date man for! : and general agent of this Address, 1 bave for sale at my stables at -{ Westover Pa., four good work teams e of and a single work horse, all good so. | bridges, one of which is to be erected . {across Chest Cruek, on the road from | | Patton to Bt. Lawrence, and the other . across Clearfield Creek, on the new {road from Ashville to Wm. Christy's. inte at county commissioners’ offic: assortment 1n all "| county commissioners will be required the newest stripes and can furnish from cellar | to furnish with their bids a satisfactory - {hond in the sum of $400. The right to : reject any or all bids is reserved. her | climated Pennsylvania horses ready to. le go to work At anything. 2200 to 3800 pounds and will be sold | cheap, also a few good saddle horses. Weight from | Wx F. MosseR. NOTICE 10 STONE © ONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by | the County Commissioners at their | o Office in Ebensburg, Pa., until 2 o'clock | p.m. Taesday, July 22, 1902, for the: ‘erection of stone abutments for two | ~ Plans and specifications will be on! on and after July 15th. ‘Bidders who are uanknown to the Beny. Jones, : ASEM § HowTwrL EN, hops and is recommended by physi- i he clans every whers as the purest beer 1, | on the market. Ablge. Chickens? 1f $0, buy some of our poultry netting and keep them out of the garden. Special Chrysoline Ware, Best on! Earth and Fully Guaranteed. Best Quality E ECTRI C LIGHT GLOBES. “Sterling Special. n any other. A complete line of Ander som buggies—none better, few as good, prices right. Champion Road Machines, Deering Mowers, Binders, Reapers and Rakes, Conklin | | Wagons and Syracuse Plows. Tin, Copper and Iron Work. \ vare.” 40. eo a meuon, 1 For Bale--A roperty on Russell t {avende will be sold at A sacrifice if {taken at once. Call on or inquire o Fourth Ave, ~ Dealer tn— Groceries, FE lour, F eed! and Provis- Ions. Stock Give me a call, | First-Class G Toods. the hot w eather ‘here you will want ‘to lay aside your coat and vest. You will then need a ‘a nobby pair ‘of Trousers. We have a beautiful shades. Also a full line of Suit- ings in black and Call and see. as the Try one and you will never use | Magee Ave., and New for that pair of Oxfords? We have a pair waiting for you that will comfort and adorn your feet until IF ather Time has cut a great big hole in the coming summer. The new Shoes and Oxfords for the little folks are in, Everything that’s new and desirable in the way of shapes ‘and styles. There's a knack in making right shoes for | young people—Shoes as shapely and stylish as those for the ‘elders, vet built to stand harder wear. ¥ £ } to inform you that we handle ‘a compiete line of imported ‘and domestic wines, brandies | and liquors at moderate prices. Purity and age guaranteed. ‘Give me a trial and be con vinced. : It took us quite a while to find makers that put these things into Children’s Shoes, but we hive done it and so good Shoes for Children are here. 2 HE Here are a few of our brands. “EUREKA " CLARETS, direct from the vineyards, por bottle, from 40 to $1.00, Thousands of yards of all silk. fresh, clean, crisp ribbons of desirable sorts and | FRENCH CLARETS from Marie roe , vps be ite here ara th | 3 Cle, per battle, from 800 to $1.50 colorings have come to us. There are the RHIYE WINES. imported and car POPUlar corded taffeta ribbons, satin-faced fornias, from 50c to $1.50. ribbons, sash ribbons, velvet ribbons. PORT & SHERRY, direct from the . We share the feast with you. Californian vineyards, per quar, | from Se up. PURE CALIFORNIA BRANDY, per time of all times tO prov ile ribbons. quart, He ap. MONONGAHELA PURE RYE, per quart, The. TIPPECANOE PURE RYE, per quart, | $1.00. REI JLB OF DAUPHIN PURE RYE. per quart, $1.00. *OLD PUT” RYE, 10 Years Old, { For Family and Madicinal Use, per qoart, $n. 50. It a Fash- on puts no limitation to their manifold uses. is our Plate Department. two sohd cars of flour. Ben Hur, America’s Best and Perfection. There is a i always bakes the same. We guarantee all our flour to give | the best of satisfaction. Patton, Pa.| PHONE. Hot weather will be “steady company” now for several months, and of course you know Svery one has to prepare for com It’s in the preparation that you will find us helpful. Serge suits—very} light—$6, : $8, $10. Flannel trousers $2 up. You will find the largest, cheapest and best line of furniture, carpets, lin-| 'oleum, mattings, din-|_ ing Foom chairs, cup- Duck trousers, crash trousers, linen trousers, alp boards, kitchen chairs, | coats, white and fancy vests. aii. 'sideboards, sinks, Se Negligee shirts begin at soe: tension tables, couches! Thin Underwear starts at 2c from $4.50 to $1 3. 00, Bicycle hose, belts of every right kind; new neckwear. letc., ete. STRAW HATS for everybody. All J raiibes kinds of headwear. H ARDY ARE WOLF & THOMPSON, The People’s ( Clothiers, SPECIALTY. Pants, glass, putty, sash ‘and doors, plows, wheelbar- rows, iron and wood pumps, rete, ec, All sorts of caps. You are cordially invited tor eal) and inspect the | New Pharmacy John A. (Gunn has opened in the Pi ~ “ ge § . The finest line of ranges, ‘Red Cross and Summits, all guaranteed. | Goldstein” Block, Patton, Pa. He will carry at all times a complete line of We also give the rebate stamps, drugs, chemicals, toilet | Live er a call and see for articles and everything usually found in a yourself. ~ 0 A Anvone starting mn life we hrst-ciass drug store. Everything new, fresh and clean. We make a specialty of garret. soda water with crushed fruit Savors. Yours respectfully, JE KIRK'S HDW. | & FURT. ST ORE. A complete line of stationery of the latest style. High grade cigars and Tobacco. H ayler's candies fresh every week. Prescriptions accurately compounded. Call and see us whether vou want to buy or not. supreme satisfiction in using flour that is always good; that phd
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers