The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 17, 1902, Image 3

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    : ip shades of heavy paper
in Japanese figures or other
He floral’ morife-mcanted |
japauned frames make ad-
mmer lamp coverings. be
: bison very good form just mow.
5 | Chonuing - Soiled Carpet.
thoaning a badly solied carpet,
pee ton should be used. Bras
: . wiltons, or velvet car-
may be cleaned wilh ox gall, one
a pail of water. Use an ardi-
scrubbing brimh, end afterward
jouid be vigorously robbed
soarse cloth! fresh water should
wd. A small portion of the car-
each day during hot and sul-
or would Xeep it greatly re
colorings, as will as sweet
ortieres and carpss should
: packed sway, and ev.
or covered with matting and a
a vl Heavy wphoistered
Pe MAY be stored in some unusad
rattan or cone furniture
ed. Aa glas fs & grest radist-
outside shutfirs or awnings
pund worth many tiwes their
ged or yellow shades have
during the winter, they
d be taken down. carefolly wiped |
and tind into a compact bundie
Ar until fros: comes pgaln,
Sreen shades siould repinet
they make the room
The hous: should be
very early in the mornics to
freak ir and closed betore
then i not D etitactory for
re. : To Sie Ih 1
t dn with a tooth brush
place being Immedi-
h cold water and dried |
£n we have used it on sev-
BRtural And tained, and,
. mixture of raw oil and.
inabogany antigee—t hundred
or more old~that was so discol-
to hide the natural grain of
pod came out as bright as new
this treatment.
he secret of mnuccess les, we
in cleaning only 8 small plece
time, and in doing the work rap
intelligent cabinet taker told
that. when ome of his men was
clean = planc which had
‘isty,” he asked for a basin of
£r and shut himself up confi-
with the Instrument
what the misirers of the up-
grand ccald do giite as well”
artisan” For all that is need.
: the wood with soft warm
and dry quickly, using an oid
and polishing with chame
r See : then a ae
: : continue alternating
: p four sails of Ihubarb
pe: ‘put this in the crust
! sugar and a few dried
in between, cover
By extending a shatter from each tide
of the hull, the boat can be stopped, it |
iis said, before it has traveled a dis-
tance of half its length.
and storms. The great deouding pows
fer of the sea ia largely due to the at-
: MOsDaerY,
1 coants are being rapidly washed gaa.
Hive on the oxygen supplied from the
i simouphere, :
carbonic acid from the same soared.
i attention to the practice of the Austra
pose were the species of eucalyptus
{ knows as malies and hakea, on neddle-
stems. The usual method of treating
alns simply ket on end, while the
fie. Aliabaine to explefl “spirit weed”
(Lachnanibes tinctoria a8 a consump
tion emvs at the recent tubercubbeis
iin which he wax sat adem by Sir 'W,
"| der the monocotyledoncs, near the Hat
* Lemee News 10 describe the behavion of
"i froge In his vicinity early in the an
| for several years past they have de |
serted the swamp for the lake when
all go At ones
is that the frogs preferred a short
{nrompte this proceeding. and alse fo
account satisfactorily for the choloe
of route, :
happen again until the year 3975, a
other period of 73 years, so that per
‘any naturalist cluba. At
2 paper was increased in
Winds cause ocean currents, wawes
Some parts of the English
Flants and animals have their distrib
ution oonskderably affected by winds
and ocean currents. Again, whether
ving fm water or on land, animale
and {aed plants absord
A resent extract from the Agrisul
tural Gazette of New South Wales calis
Han aborigines of obiaining drinking
water in arid regiops from the roots of |
plants. The trees tapped for this pure |
bush. Some casuarinas were Also
to store np water in their |
tae roots was te out them up into
proces about nine inches long. These |
might roceive a preliminary chew, or,
witheut being sublected fo that stim
water oozed or flowed out
In the lizht of the row which las
been Kicked up In the madival profes
sion in Pnglond over the attempl of
songress ind the rather summary way
Hrogibent and Dr Pollok, it 0 in
teresting fo Bnd that the plant bas
long bees considered a spreific for va-
rious joa afi>elions by the Canadian
indians and by several semi-civilized
peuple in other parts §f the world. Jt
Has Deen peed by the Florida Indians
far {ts stimulant preapertion
patients. Large doses
the pupils. Im
is placed by Benham aud Hooker un.
aral order Ividaceve,
CO. W. (ross writes tn Popular Scl-
tamn. Near Mr. Gross's bome is 8
ny Inks, while in another direction |
thers is a awamp Through 3 consid |
iarable portion of the vear the frogs
make their home in the latter. Put
tool weather sets in. The frogs do not |
The exodus lasts atout |
ia week. It occurs at night. loo, and
pot in the daytime Mr. Gross thought
that the performance might be in-
snired by an instinctive fear of gate!
Ptium frozen up, But the weniher was
too mild for any such experience. An-
ather curioos feature of the migrarion
sveriand route from the swamp to the |
lake, and did rot follow 8 small brook |
which 1d from the one to the other,
but went in 8 very circnftous fashion.
Jt is difficult to say exactly what
This Year's Peculiar Calendur.
A correspondent tends 10 a Sheffield
paper the following notes on curios
i on a shopping tour,
strange animal to stody,
It fw paid |
to be psefil in treating the cough of |
| consumptive
"produce dilation of
| paired vigion and direiness. The pant
quarrel with him
coniness and called
ties of the calendar for the present’
The calendar for this year, 1302 bas
not been repeated since the year 1834, |
a period of £5 years, inasmuch an Eas |
ter Sunday fell on the 30th of March,
gud rules all other movable feasts and |
ostivais accordingly. This will ot |
sons born in any of the movable festh |
vals or feasts since 1834 have not had |
s birthday on such festival or feast
antil this year, 1902; that Is, a person |
born on Mach 28 in ANY Year since
1524 bas pot had a birthday on Good |
Friday until this year and it may also’
specially interest the clergy of the
i Chuch of England to be reminded that |
{few (Mf any) living today have iver |
before conducted the services of the
church in the ame order as they are
. Going this year.
A Fini
Paper Makers, |
Egyptian paper was made from the
‘pay-py-rus plant. Perhaps the pecu-|
Har qualities of the ant were dis
covered by some naturalist although, |
80 far as we know, there was oo Un
cle Jobn in those days nor were there
&0Y rate,
these old Egyptians evidently Rept.
their eves open, for they observed the
pa-py-fus very closely. It is a tall
reed that grows from 12 to 15 feat Sigh
_j and bas a triangular stalk, The paper
makers of old took a piece of the sralk,
removed the outside of the rind and’
unrailed the inner part with a sharp
fastrument, Om this sheet another
was placed crosswise, and the two
were fastened together by means of
gum, or the juice of the plant The
length by |
fastening the sheets wogether, end to
end. ~ Printers’ Ink
: My. Wheeler's Frost Proof Wen,
C. BE. Wheeler of Chesterville tells
the most wonderful ben story on rec- |
ord. Last fall he left his hens over
or. his back farm until after the first
snowstorm. When he went ufter!
| them he found ome Brown Leghorn
end a Plymouth Rock hen frozen stiff
and threw them out on the maaure
keap. This spring on going over to
farm he found the Brown Leghorn
re an smart, but the er Duty
{ After this there was no trouble in cut: |
ting down the tree and getting the | %
fo in Mad.
1 gave ber ay love,
But she iss hers behind.
I sent ber wy ave,
The sweet (ttle kitten,
1 gave hor a glove,
But she gave me the mitten,
~New York News
Nl 5 MEN al 0 SE Sem
rige-—L4fe ia ful of ups and downs. | T ay oH
sot for the patient Chinese gardener
Wage Yeu, even the fellow who fails
fn love piu rise to the occasion.
She--Why, | wouldn't marry you if
You wer the last man on earth. Hee
Cuite so. 1 eounld get a han some wile
then, :
iady--8av iitle boy, catch my rab
tit and pnt hint back in his cage
Hoy«——Aw, say, lady, | ain't po hare
restorer. :
Tom-You told me she had the com
plexion of a rose. Why, she iz as sal
low as can be. Dick] owant a yeb
iow rose.
“Here's whores my wif makes coun
ter charges against me” remarked the
humorist, as his belter half started out
First Professar-—A riinocens is a
Second Pro
fessor— Yes: you can discover » pew
wrinkde evers day.
“You know you should hove your
neighbor as yoarsell” “Hut the tron
ble ix, when | {ry to do that, I always
i that the cattle rancher,
{ tanks every day or twa, will vet serve
I from New Jersey,
| Lhe mark of Kansas City, that sven his
{ poultry
the montony
end by hating myself
“1 wonder why fish are comsidered |
i; The stamps are exactly alike, and |
| Uraled border” stamps
i fs about the sire of the United States
Blobhs— Do you beliove that Jove is | size of tie United State
Slotbe-—1 have frequently po |
ticed that when a fellow is stack om
{ Himself he is blind te bis own fanits |
“She's stock up.” said the first gost |
brain food’ remarked the Wise Gay.
SMavhe a becguan they go in
schools,” suggested the Simple Mug
“Yes; let's fale ber down a bit” re
pli bis mate
grocecded Lo chew the poster girl off
the fence,
“Look dere!”
dude: “thers f= a hair in
walar Well”
clerk, “perhaps ite becguse we
shaved jes”
Bertha-—And so Edith has made np |
choekied the funny
BAe |
How did it happen? Cone
gance-0h, you see, {bt wax the only
way fn which she could have another |
‘maw’s going to chaperon tonight
snd she's parzied what to wear” sald
the first Belle, “What way gaould she
lok?” "The other way,” suggested.
the second betle, with a fitter,
And thereupon they |
And 1heroupon © iogrmall block tyne
i the first postmaster general of the
| 1860 to
1854, and these stamps wore then io
{ They were printed by th Poly |
nesian Newspaper Comuany.
exclatmed the frate |
soda |
Bome of the Pecullarities of Live on
a Cattle Ranch.
It is amusing enongh to discover
though a thou
COWS come Up to water at big
rondensed milk feom cans that come
that his beef hears
and eggs are imporied at
enormous prices from Kansas His
Mutter alzo conten canned. HB were
Bren the Best irrigated valleys would
he without fresh vegeiables But if
the Bouthwenterner falls in garden
making, he does delight in flowers,
vines and shade trees. They relieve
of the gray desert and
link him wilh his old green home in
the Fast He will lot his folds go
thirsty in time of drought before he
will allow the rose bushes and the
pepper trees in his front yard to sul:
indeed, so indastrioos has he
in surrounding himsell with
i shade and verdure that he is open
to criticism for overdoing the mat
ter, overcrowding his small grounds
An Irrigated valley town in blossom
ig a marvel long to be remembered.
a hte
. Two Found by a Former Postmaster -
General of the Islands
Wille rummaging through a pack-
age of old letters HL M. Whitney, of
Massachusetts, digooversd two slamps
such Af were used In 1863
Wiitney believes the gtamps are
worth several hundred dollars earh
inasmuch as they are pxceadingly rave
known in the sixties as the
Zoent stamp, but js plain white. The
riled border goes around all
Bides cloes to the sige
tour borders appear the
Cingdom of Hawails, from
Telephonte commanication between
i France and foreign countries is rap
| Wily extending. Marseilles and Man.
chester were recently suecoasiully con-
nected by telephone. and now experi.
ments Are to be made betwesn Mar
willie and towns In Germany, still far
ther distant.
Natal was annexed by the British
58 years ago.
Pedwin- Helter has a rather offen RB
give way with him. He dosen't know
die. pever mw me but once hefore |
and yor be walks up with a provoking
me “my
Ticknor—Called you good man, |
Oh, well, as you say, he
Gid: he?
doesn’t know you,
The man wae raoning for office for
the first time. “What are his views
on Hee various questing before the
public?” asked the unsophisticated
wider Villa real views? asked the
politician. “Certainly.” © “My
way to and that ant is to oleot Bin”
HUNTING see. TR: £s
NG oa ct ty
There's » Knack in Locating the Stere
of Bouey,
*1 nged to hunt the hee tices when
wag a boy in northern New York,” @
sald Assistant Secretary Taylor of the :
to And the home |
{ treasury department. Tit is
{ gport and requires ar
(of the bees and socave the honey.
; Wild bees invariably hunt the hollow |
of some tree in which to make thelr |
i home and store up honey for the win |
Lar seRBon,
“The way 1 used to find out whers |
8 bee trove waa joonted was Ly going |
into the woods and flelds and taking |
with me a little box containing a lid, |
in the bottom of the box being some |
i honey. With this little box in my left |
kand | would slip along through the |
trees and bushes until | found a hee
sucking homey from some wid flower.
Taking off the lid of m7 box, | would |
miidekly knock the hee into the het |
tom on the honey, cover it with the 1d |
and Jet It remain there until it had |
| fled fteelf with honey. Then pulhag
off the lid, 1 would allow the bee to
By out.
“The little insect would generally © ge
crawl out on top of the box, look
ground to get its hearings and theo
fiy off in the direction of the trea.
By watching this direction | could get
dear §
gir” explained the politician, “the only |
ames K. '
Mrs.) RAED
“Dean Mus FRausian 3 Sate buen
( married for Barly hwo rs. and so
far have not been dn bier 5 child
| have, however, suffered with a com-
J ieation of female Jroubles and pata.
“ The raise of Lydia FE. Pink.
hams Ve ble Compound was
called to my attention Ly an intimate
friend, whose life had simply been a
torture with inflammation and ulcer.
sation, and a few bottles of sour Come
und cured her; she can hardly
lieve it hersell to-day, she enjoys
such blessed health. tool four
bottles of your Compound and consider
myself cured. 1am once more in fine
health and spirite; my domestic and
official duties all seem esay now, for [ |
can do three times
feel so strong |
what I need to You have a host of
friends in Denver, and among the best
count. Yours very gratefully — Maa
Iva L. Roszx, 324 16th Ave, Denver,
Col. "—¢s000 forgets If adore testimonial Js net
"Yi Sou fou are fm, don’t hesitate to
Voge bottle Lydia E. Pinkham's
an {dea of whers the tree might be lo- | bs -
cated. But | always remained io the
same xpot until the same bee came
back again and of its own accord en-
tered my box tor the LEoney, Fre
quently the bee would bring a conv
panion with it. Sometimes it did pot
do so on its first trip back, but always
on the second it brought one or more
ae 3 fey enjoyed the honey
very muce, and. by watebing them fly |
away, | was =oon enabsed to tell for
certain the direction of their trea
Then moving two or three hundred
yards in the right direction I would
ecateh another bee and go through this
operation with it and so on until |
got within sight of the tree {tselfl and
saw the bees swarming out at the top
honey, which, | believes, is the sweet:
! et in the world. Yes, I can remember
my bee hunting pastime with great |
slegsure" —W asningtos Btar,
RR id
Ne Indeustotente.
Ding—Miss Bonde is vothing if not
up-to-date; y'e know she refused Chol-
1¥ by wireless telegraphy.
Dong—A woman's no {8 often yes
, “But this was a yess-hoey no!’—Bals | ;
mere Herald,
- Tired, Aching, Hot Sweating Fost Cornsand
Den’t neoept any
KerveRestorer. fitrial bottie nnd trestiselree
oatarrh that
‘Catarrd Care. Taken interoally.
The stamp |.
in the center
Ix a large Agure 2 and within the
following: ©
P ¥imter Island” "Uko Leta” 72 rents |
“Hawaiian Postage.” all done in plain, |
Whitney was |
| Te mec packer
ar been found impossible owin
Jom vibration of the vessel
Tse Allen's Poot: Ene,
Jt 1a the only cure for Swollen,
Inions. Ask for Allen's Foot - Ease» ky id
to be shakes into the hoes Cures while voy
walk. Atall Draggisty and 8hie Stores,
#ibetitule, Bam
¥axe, Address, en H, Olr mated, 1,
Bestrnction of paring we
is said to have i relieved
{rom yellow fever visitations.
FITS: atently sured. Xo fits ornervons
FAret day's Hee of Dr. Kline's Ges
ot ni
br. BH Kuve Ltd. 81 Are .. Phils Pa.
The washerwoman 1 may oiten he sees
wringing her hands
We will give 8100 reward for any case of
cannist he onved with Hall's
F. J. Caxvyx & (lo, Prope., Toledo, 0
A rich man's sutograph slways look |
er hpi ne b
-. Minneapolis, Mion. Jan. 6, 19%) |
A, man's ud Jk i often due to bi bud |
~ Forsix years I have beena
very sick man, suffering from} | ;
nervousness, headache and!
pain in back and stomach,
all caused by a stomach that
refused to do its work. Ai
friend advised me to try Ri-
pans Tabules. The results
have simply been wonderful.
Tre oe with A»
or mr erty ity fir om
en 5 rupasaihys pen
wot tread cams Foor Ee on
suongh for
The amily bottin,
ovate, coutains 4 supply for » yeas.
by Coticura Olatment, Jog go sin cue.
purifying, and beauty ing ng
of crusts, scales and i er h
for softening, whitening, and soothing red, and sore hands,
for baby rashes, itchings, and chafings, in the form of baths
for annoying irritations and inflammations, or too free or offen
sive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses,
and many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest
themselves to women, especially mothers; and for all the purposes
of the toilet, bath, and nursery. ee daied mas Bin
compared with it for preserving, purifying, and
skin, scalp, haiz, and hands. No other
Cie 3 1151
; Consining of COTICTRL Bop (280), to cleanse the skin of
CPR anil ronion, anid sof thie thickened cutiele; CUTIODNA
ie go instantly Alley tehing, inttemmsasion, snd trritation, re
soothe and Hwal; and CUTICURA. RESOLYENT 1'TLLS (Sher. po seh
THE SET $1. and clonnse the Dloel. A SINGLE SHY bs often sullicient th eure the
* mast torturing, Heliparing, and humiliating skin, sesip, smd Wood
; human with Hes of hate, wien sil ew fal » Sold oS the Jearkt. Drittes
report. IT 36, Chatterhousn Sq. Lom neh pot. Pan Pacis
Br LAG ANE CHEM. Chur, Sule I* nj, Boston, U..
Crncona es Prius (Chocolste Canted) sre a nive. tasteless, Sou,
fon snbstituty for the celebrmed jpg LYRE ER Rrsoivyeny. ne wei - for all
and Mumonr cure. Kueh 10 rs io
pn SE J viata, somtaining, 0 Gomes, rohan rg Squid