The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 17, 1902, Image 1

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    A i HT RTM SHI a Eb
over is Yextrs hawsrdoos, conse |
quently they should be especially weil | BTEC
oo paid for thelr work. ; ? CAEPY. Doane ;
: for ai coneerned int the mining & iat
7 ¥
Phillipsburg for Morrisds te
L Gold i, 1 share, # bs BVasy Candilaten,
HH 8. $5.00
held in this o
| townships from
Borong gh a fF
Wr. Gilt, 1 nt LE rs
eRosPEROUS coil YEAR. Bemocrs
an : fin R pach dint riot ab the above men
Largs iy Srerenmed Proobnerhom © ak
Chee Sd Bopevrtead.
The annual repdrt of James E,
lerick, chief of the wtate a of fre om each ward,
| mines and mining for 1801, says th
from the nort
Hi the following reg
Hegheny towosbip, 2
Barnesbhairo 1. Barnebors v
occupation of the miner and Nis la
The year was the most prosperous 701 10° tows
rahanes fen
miow of Reaannh waa
aiid of FTE SOR GID
wii algo Poe mene ipl
SARL ber Fhe oat ¥i Bau Teg an. Moautay:
Fare a
“ww 0
Bk biae
Two Brothers Laid to Res $t In
Yairview Cemetery.
stan alae
Sises we Widllme Yuu Former Beabdents
of hts Places Sohn gm Sada iy
Alva Bd Hy Frome
a i
sages Eh readin of two broth.
le re, tots of the horribie explosio
of mine gud in the Cambria Steel Co's
3 Brine -. _ Aosmatown fast Thursday.
the onening dined 4 instantly.
Both are supposed to have been vie
Haw of the deadly afler damp. as no
# numdwr of candidates
iter, while W, x
Wm the
need for director
Be Sd of Sspirania for
} incinding the
, present m min. arity yer mbor, TY
as, of ClearBeld township, Conead |
hse. |
| Hahn, of Johnstown, F. I. Camphadi, |
of Cenemaagh, A. J. Skelly, of Wik |
fF. Nagle, of Clearfield |
| townahip.
Dr. H Somerville, of Chest Springs
Nou like to represent Cambria
nity in the legislative ball at Harris.
— a wonld PF. X Yahper, of Hast
ge, Richard Rivn, of Spangler, Thos, |
tell, of Johnstown, J. F. McKen-
1 drick, of Ebensburg, aad BE Crees.
ines! Oh of Johnstown.
Properties in This Badd of the County Fras
CUhamgnt Hands Bovvintly.
Retaced Rates te Alma.
wad. FEN Donal un #6 uxt
thane on der of ol, Carrolitowsn AL
th W astern de : Yoonkin of ux to
: ncn | the Mr:
: Hn po "i 5 Albers Christof. Harr tou ship, $4
1 wpetint train will es ae Cu
for Altoona on Joly 9% at
sopping at Intermediate |
: | Simon P, Lantsy ot al to | 1
: On account of the Methodint reurdon Mitohell, Harr townabip, $002.15,
iat Lakemont Park, near Altoona, Charles A. Sharbangh ef al &
Thursday, Jug 1 , the Petaylviia | 1 tenet Bare Sougatip # 2
| Railroad Co. will 1 sell wi Bh 6
ite Altoons ih a . at on A hon. Baer & fronre
4 ALOR Phres children were the fenit of this |
i wi bay bap nine months old, and | other so long that the mem.
ory of man runneth not to
i750 in one grave in Fairview sem |
of the bodies. The remains
Wer prepared for burial in the arpory
Cat anhrensen whieh is Bees orn
hte sharon
& Ee J he Pes Follaer af tiie 158
conund. on Pala mer Avenna, Kepneeds ay
afternoon, +
‘aE A mem phar af the Fie
i or Raul Meow snd Kil Boel
thle place, was ont ins beady
the "a f=ibute of love
(respect fo a departed brother,
funeral was attended hy what was pe
chaps the largest conootirse of people :
that ever turned oot In this place on
La snniiar occasion,
Both of the men were horas and
raised at St Lawrence and were the
sm of Ceo, and Mm. Mary Cros
| They had boson practical rns 1
number of years and had been em-
ployed at Hastiogs and Patton for
sine time, going to Johnstown from
the latter place about a year ago.
Their parents survive, as well asa
sister, Mrs D. B. Beaver, of Trvona,
End three brothers, Joseph Crooks,
Laf Patton; Philip Crooks, of Jobne
town, who was employed in the
ve mine, but did not work the day
Lf Lhe explosion; sud Wan, Crooks, of
Jevona. Both were married and leave
| Hives anid a number of children.
Jobin was thirty three years of age |
nd warried Susan, the daughter of Me
sind Mra Geo. Boone, of this place.
ear, an wi Ethel eight
Waa Lweniy edariet |
ivears old and was Tar ried £5 Mary |
Hi for:
Wai ran wl this place. OBOE BG.
: t widow Incoh and |
tare al Sr i
Hareew Mathew Pad.
Malley, an smplove of the
To clean them out we offer them
per cent reduction
Men's 815 oo Suits
de i400 **
i2 30 '$
10 OO
3. Boys and Children’s Light
any movount were found on x
same reduction.
JULY 19,
ig Stock to select fro m-—come early
are, vou will find us with a complete toe
! 1g Goods Crash Saits, Trousers, Shirts, Hos
& jery. T “i ir, Straw Fats, Caps, Ere. |
If you need a Suit Case, Grip or Trunk, we have
a big stock. ; ny
We have a large Suit Case, all sole leather;
nch, at $6.50. oi
Come here first, get our prices, which are in p
figures and only one price to all,
joiicadquatters for Union Made Goods of all d
Rings and engagements
have had a partiality for each
if youn want
Kisome display of
or Es, pay 1
1 red
AE 2
bh Creek Uosl & Ucke Coat thn
: 3 mine, died on M onday
aig 23 wk of peritonitin sup.
: dt ied by Sale appendic tm. He :
BO had been 10 but a short time, but the
1 a ow $150,
. SRL abby oF aX bo Oresson
5.55 p. fiir yo we
a special ‘eonnection ne Tote “4 fos | 3 28 id it My wk Hain fx Diagiel #H
Newspapers Ao Advertising. | Metis jeuin, Chest Hpein 8. $700.
¥ ship, $44 520.20
ry lot Sooper el ux to Annis BE
ments, A good advertising patronage Jona Shilling et ux to Thomas B.
i i» the best tribute to the suoeess und McClain, Barr township, $2,650.50.
ty of a newspaper. Jodiclous Michael Byrng, by executor,to Thos.
the largest circulation and the confi | MeOlain, Barer township, $2,650,
: dence of their readers. A oewspaper Mary C. Adams et al to Thomas B
v filled with advertisements of reliable McClain, Barr township, $2,650.
| and careful business firma can AWAY Elsbeth Hoffman to Thomas B
be rated as prosperons and popular. | MeClain, Barr townsnip, $645,
| advertisers always select the best med 15. MeClain, Barr township, $1,786.10. |
tums tn the way of newspapers having | Jobn 8, Duma et ux to Thomas B.
And the majority of readers wouldin’ bi Isaiah RB. Brown et ux to Thomas B.
want 8 newspaper without advertising . McClain, Barr township, $154 53.
[anyway Ex. : | Isaial BR. Brown ef ux to Thomas B
- MeClain, Barr township, #2804 82
mas RB
> oof Eat 4 serrvakiieg $F Ad
for in the Patton post office for the two ° cClain, Barr township, $2,984. To
-Empnoel Stiles et ux to Thomas 8
Adverthsen Eatties,
i Fra “ 5 Pin
The following letters remain uncalled | M#ry Ellen Moles to The
weeks ending Saturday, July 12, 1002; el
Charles Daves. Mrs. Pani Gabor, | MoO Hain, Barr township, $1,450,
Bennett Krise, J. B. Wolfe, Miss Soya lawrence FP. Foost ot ux to Thos B
| White. : 13 eClain, Barr township, 81,20,
Persons calling for the above Jett orn. Job J. Hedinger et ux to The
a A
wigs Be
will please say that they are “A aver | McClain, Barr township, $2,957 95
Catherine Rehir to Thoniss
Clain, Barr township, $2,302
Jacob N. Parrish et ny tc
Now Hons. “Bo MelUlaia, Bare townahi :
I Jasob Krug to Thomus B
A ay
Barr township, $2 A
rs, Post masher.
Catherine Killine to Thomas EB. Me-
sin, Barr township, $689.35
Henry Styles of ux to Thomas B.
| MeClain, Barr township, $1,605.
lisease made such rapid progress that
ws operation was resorted to as the
Landy chases to swe his Uf. This was
i peetormed ont Sunday, bad withoo tsae
ges. He fe survived by his with, four Atted.
TE 5
3 oe uy H 5 Be
. WW atehes, pico at Prices hat
articles themselves.
Eyes tested hy the celebrated © Retinoscopic Test! and glasses sorreetly |
cohildren ard mother, Mrs. Haeriet that cost $20 % and aver.
Matley, of Philipsburg, and three
At. Le Te © brothers and two sisters. He was the
Many readers condemn B BERRI fu Bo saa Ann aN agle et vir to Weronika
ibocause it Lus to many advertise Stefuniko, Barr township, $245,
son of the late Robert Matley, of Ph i
lipsbarg. The remains were taken to
that place on Wednesday and the fun.
(ral was held at the residence of his.
: nother this afternoon a5 3 0’ *elock.
Low Rate Kxetesian is Philipsburg.
3. mH, rates £1.30: Areadia 500 a mm,
pate 126; Mahaffey 8:45 a mo rate 1.00; |
Clenrfinid 10:45. rate 7% Proportion. | t]
ate rates from other points. Special | on
: The New York Central will run a
_apecial train and sell excursion tickets |
st extremely low rates to Philipsburg, i
on Sunday, Angust 3rd, from Patton, :
Civreadia, Clearfield and intermediate
| pwinta, Special train leaves Patton biel
Lenses changed, free of change, ab any time, in spectacles sold by me
Jo cler and Optician, Patton, Pi. ot
Are Money Saving Offerings.
Men whe know wood goods when they see them don't
hesitate al bout, buying them. They nre suits that will hold
heir own against any suit of the same price in Patton now.
to tal
any other time—either in point of quality or fabric,
aE syste worl Nason PEE io
; Iran petnrmInge Wisk WRT I ilipsburg | loting ie sty Te and fir
for Arcadia, Paiton and intermediate |
points, at 330 po omy, eave Clearfield
4:45 p.m. Call on ticket agents on qu al ity 3
siglt flyers for toe of train and i
cates from all points,
Riskendi's News Tropa,
We carry a full line of
apd Inlest 5 amd Ho
apders taken foe
We can pol than fag 3
be tony days Leave yusar arder for sr all
tie atest and up-to-date musi at
Ke NEEAINS $ Nuws Deror.
| Patton Coven.
Subsoribe for al advertise in we |
ts varied and complete. The fabric
Were it not worthy it would not
3 111 « “
Twentieth Century Hat Srore.
One of the jindonduant features of thid large store is that we take
gonad care of Men's mind Boys’ heads, There are no hats made that ft so
well and look so dressy as oars. John B. Stetson Hats, Feit Hata, Sti?
Hats and Straw Hats, Xe, Ros ia tof
Seal Brand Shirts.
They ave Sure to wheal and always Go Tighe More thas ity styles ts
select from.
MIRKIN & K USN ER, Good Building.