©} ral wilt well Excdrsion gi fare for the round trip, Among | are the following: Young People’s Christian uv “Rian, | Presbyterian oharch, Tacoms, Washi, {July Wed 27th 1 tours to the Paci const by sprcis | truins of the highest grade Pullman [SHpment. Both tours will leave Now York August 2, visiting Oblesjro, Den- | Restos sikane z wer, Uolorads Springs, Salt Lake City, {Ean Praneims. ch p : o Ban Frauoisco, Det Monte, Monterey), rend Lodge 18anta Bartuira, Los Angles, Sen Joss, [Gity, Utah, August 12th 14 sab [and Porthand on the golog trip. Tickets will be auld to the Paine BR Retaraing tour No.1 will turn north. | Well a to delegates to above meet WEEK. | ward from Portland apd ewtward Information concerning rates, routes, | { through the magnificent Onoadisn | conditions and Homite of shokets for dow Kiex by lelsurely daylight trips, with stops at Glacier, Banff, Hot Springs Lan other points, reaching New York A ; (and the East via 81 Paul and Chicago : Land and Iopravement, ion Augast 81. ; Stweman, Barabary et al, | Tour No. 2 will ran eastbourid from : Portland and over the Northern Pacific rt ot al to Buse (railway to Cinnabar, where the special igler, 3135. (train will be sidetracked while the ; + passengers make the asual six-day trip (of the Yellowstone National Park. From the Park the route homeward will be via St. Paal and Chicago, sriving New York September 4. tiem with the best doctors, 1 tried Rates from New York, Philadelphia, Foley's kidney cure and it cored me, | Washington or aay paint on toe Penn- {1 cannot speak too highly of this great be Sylvania railroad eat of Pittsburg, in. : medicine, "Al druggists 3 | cluding transportation, Pollan berth, LR ee and all meals on the tour except daring | Mather Always Keeps it Handy, ihe five days spent in San Fraiicisco, | “My mother suffered a long time when Pullman wcommodations and | from distressing paivs and genera ii} meals are not provided: i heaith due primarily to indigestion,” | For tour No, 1, 8200. Two persons | says LW. Spalding, Verona, Mo oocupying one berth, $180 each. | “Two years ago I got her to try Kodol, For tour No. 4, $250, incindiog ail She grew better at once and now, at the {expenses through Yellowstone Park. ("© Of seventy ix, ents anything she | Two persons occupying one bert, $200 wants, remarking that she fears no anti, bad effects as she has her hottle of PA preliminary announcement oul | Kodo handy! Don't waste tise A. lining the various details is now in Hectoring symptoms. Go after the ofl tose course of preparation, and will he for. 39%. If your stomach is sound yoar Fiober to 2 r Roberts, nished as soon as ready upon apiplion | hentth will be good Kodo! rests the tion to Geo. W. Boyd, ussistant general 8 omach and strengthens the body by | et ux to Joseph | passenger agvut, Pennsylvania railroad, CHsting your ford. It is natures own ticket agents. oy Trent Your WK idsinys for Rienmuitens: to at once go that they will eliminat the uric acid from the biowd. Foley of Podar, Wik, say: Y After unstuoosss. ux to 1 3 X. Rodkey, | thess conventions, a8 well as for simi. iar meedings from tise fo Sime, may be obtained of New York Central ee When you are suffering from rhsy- A= matism, the kidoeys most be attended : kideey core is the most effective rem. edy for this purpose. BT. Hopkina, ; Fl 3 AL folly doctoring three years for rheams. : Treks Lm ttn retineg 5 ie asi White for ali som inna of ux to Steve Man: Ga, ement cumpany to and | Peters, L fix to Janie L Miteh- oo It sMords a guick and sure fy of © ¥it to James | CW. Hodgkivs, Patton, and h Bape nah ) $1,000. 4 "ux ot al WF H anni to Lydis Lilly, $50. pA | Bhd h muddy complexions, which are a0 come | | Broad street station, Philadel tphi he Pent Beseds tor Steranch nw owe Troinbies oq have been in the drug businiss for ren mre fairly living twenty years and have sold most, all of There | the proprietary medicines of any pote, | tL Among the entire Tiss und aoything to Loonie, chylera and discrhoea rtiedy ach and bowel troubles,” says O, Ww Wakefleld, of Columbus, | Cones of choliva morbus in my fsmily to my customers to thelr sutire sath. (Cure in & pleasant form.’ For sale by Hastings : Pharmacy Repustve Fentares. in, pimples, greasy faces and | mon among wouen, expeciaily girls at im certain age, destroying besoty, dis. , figuring and making repulsive feitares which would otherwise Appear atirme. tive and refined, indicate that the liver | {is out of order. An occasional does of | Herbine will cleanse the bowels, regu. | {inte the liver and so ewtablish & olewr, + healthy complexion, 50 cents at O. | W. Hodgkins, Patton, and Hastings ! | Pharmacy. i During last May xn infant child of i our neighbor was suffering from vhol- | This remedy cared two pevore | and wonnds. have sid hundreds of botlies of ¥ tome, iA finan. Patton Pharmacy snd Jobin Faentiom Page Vacation time bs bere and the child. ont of eonld be no mure healthisr place for them. You peed only to goard Ihave never {against the accidents incidental to most | edpaal UChamberinin'a (open wir sports. No remedy equais | DeWitt’s witch hazel salve for uabnkly | pain or removing danger of stopping serious consequences, “For cuts, siaids +3 used DeWitt’ with ; Bagel salve For sores, cute aod Bribes" save Lo RB Johnston, Swift Tex. “it is | the best remedy on the market” § ‘cure for piles and skin disse CWikre of counterfeits Patten Pharm. acy and John A. Gaun. A Gand Cough Medicine. Many thousands have been restored to health and happiness by the use of flicted with any throat or lung teouble, i give it & triad for it is certain Ww prove beneficial. Coughs that have resisted’ bealth been restored. famous beaith resorts fafled to benefit, i ATR ! pool Chamberlain's cough remedy, If af: a BAe Lr Pim 9 FE rs ak 4 FEL aay EE ARTO Torta powpipan. ¥ TEEASDRER'S ACVOUNT money Sgt i) i kidney 3 and adn and Bot | w ThOst pecgle g de ofr Pi ok wired ay if al for Ei Text hols wi righ. price Ps lat tern Ang. de ont ; ash ay nan CA media Ag 3 Total debs of dinteles We hereby certify that we have e 1x amined the above and find It correct FRESH Breet, Cakes, Pies, Rolls Witness cr hands thie 5h day of Fran MeCroae j MB towne, Anditors Ww. Fo Merion, July, 1 W. OC. Livcrs. President W. ©. Hunsann, Secretary, Fiietnan Bite TH Ryatrms, RB ely otleans] of stipution Lnptritiee | melanoholin se first, len 4 remeay is applied. DeWilt's tte sxrly visors prevent this troalbie by stimulating the iver and promite tise bowel wi net act vickenilly | easy, bealthy action of Theme Httle phils bat by strengliening the bowel vialie them to perfonn their own work Never gripe or distress Patton Vharmacy and John A Guan. Kode Tasman ie, AYE I winter i whding ri tha x While wg off alter exorcise. One Mionte eongh cares ab once. Abwolately sails ‘Asta iovmedliately. Sden cure Leigh, tronbles. Patton Pi 2 hard to keep from all other treatment for years, have yielded to this remedy and perfoct have been permanently cured by its ions. For sale by CO. W. Hodgkins , Patton, and Hastings Pharmacy. Carex Setation. Rev. W. LL. Riley, L LD, Cubs, ot nx to Bertin 0. ‘era infantum. The doctors bad given New York, writes: “After fifteen days | this’ remedy frequently (up all hopes of recovery. took a i bottle of Chamberlain's cotic, cholera | and diarrhoea remedy to the house, (telling them I foit sure it would do (good if used according to directions | In two days’ time the child bad folly | recovered. The child is now and healthy. 1 have recomniended | never known it to fail- rt- | Baker, Bookwalter, Obio. Bold by C. & Perfect Li A. : Jolley, Natle, 0. 2. er of years, i an od CAR cheettalls mend it as the most perfeet liver | best black) i ari ali that em while the 4 ste jor one of it ire ent the ahsorpth : . Herbie is waintor, ELE : Ww ogi Patton, and = Pharmacy. "you want a in adern 0 ap-to diate, oo ot. Price %5 cents | : Ww. Hodgkins, Pat. Ww oss Couns ro are you reading | which was sick, and theew up a is caunot And. , Ww. Hodgkins, Patton, and Hustings Pharmacy, The Pa Worms ‘Medicine. H.P. Kampe, draggist. Ala writes: ‘One of my customers had i child al food, nid relain polling on its stomach, poe hotles of White's and it brought np 115 worms from the child. 1's the boss warm medic ie fn | the world,” w hite's ® | tonic. 1g Haproves their a and asin Hatton of food, strane inn | Beryous Aystem mn Vigor and pire natural to Chiko, GC. W, Hodgkins, Patt Puarmany. sik, and thastings Tabs, The proprietors af Fo ctar do not aslyep ii is win Sgmre lor eonstuinpt (odalm it will otire ne (plaint in advasesd cuses, tively assert that ib will earlier stages snd never fuil 5 womforl and relief In the Foley 's honey hind tar is withous « the ® grualini Shutat ar a Hi Nay Fafa © & sure : They do not | dred bat ¢ RO prs b Foley's Kidney care purifles the | blood by straining ont impurities and | tones up the whole system. kidney and bladder troubles. druggists. and have ings - Mrs. Cartis HQ TERR | Eir i ¥ restores they ld i of excruciating pain from sciatic rhe. | matism, under various treatments, 1 was induced to try Ballard’s snow lini. | ment, the first application giving my first relief, and che second, vntire re ‘lief. lcan give it anqualified recom. mendation. iat CO. 25 and 50 cents and $1.00 W. Hodgkins, Patton, and Hast. Pharmacy. Two Botties Cardd Bins, “1 was troubled with kidney Com plait for about two years,” writes A, {H. Davis, of Mt. Sterling, Ia “but two bottles of Foley's kidney cure effected & permanent cure,” gists Brom liths bor Twenty Yours writes: 1 had broochitis for tus ent years and dever got relief until 1 sed Fe 4 honey and ar whied 3 ia & Bums Ey tha SORACHe Floste Glave Failed ARITA © SEMIN] hfs ¢ Nang Maks 2 Kidu #5 SE £13 BR BALVE the moet {healing salvein the workh All drag. Mra Minerva Smith, of Duaville 11, ani 2 Tones Up the Whole System and CURES CONSTIPATION. Ar add : or Cmnil, Mf voor ae Th a w LANGHAM NED. CW. Hodjpking' Patton Pharmacy. OF PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. CAPITAL PAID U UP, $100,000.00. SURPLUS, $18,500.00. a5 an Hamu Peswil tos. iu AR Parton. Wu H Saxtwonn Prd, EO. BOONE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, YARNER Putt Povaltey and gn fh | 4 erable w and hoo 5 need the The mild sd 2 Swamp-Root by droggats, oF : *. Patronize the i throogh the bowels that (ke Cm Keeps these poston ia the Syston, caasing headache daiiness and then unsightly Eruptions ana Haslly serious (lines tin- PE ey o> foe exdde, croup, throat and long htrmaey and Joa Avomanta of € rporations, Plem 8, Individa Kidney froth 5 Braves Spy the Prin. dite comrages and lesen ambition: bemuty vigor : snd Sheerfylneny soon | Sanpper shen the idk | nays. are out ot order > affilinnd with weak id | rays, ire ena rin : frp roaches an age wher is onmtrol the passages it is badowating, guopend Lpos | is Fa 2 tha Sik ol RS 3 aad Hk Warnes nt with Rid oy ed Phudder bo da Tare great trody, immediate fret sf % fealizod, 0 ls andl fhe cent and nee Atlee nt 8. You may Bave al sample bottle by mad free. abo panpbies tall ing all about 8, inc : thousands of Sethe vial let froen sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, N. Y. mien tars paceieed be ye and tals paper. fakery Satisfaction (ruaraniecd, Ir V our macs roons. nd wed ling Ord: eT. Fancy ar » cakes To he oy of hye | 8 A Bubir ar | 2 Pomp mwa made slg Sing many fhe 1 mers Bes Phill del phia & : » Ide phi and <: SAW © het $a dont nating. 2% + 3 Ss SEVERED RS mania AINERESEE NASLINTS Ka oe Be TS WA Suse A $i a a ea i ttmport X ¥ vin Tamagon 3 Y via Phil FWorkcduss eM pi Pittsbu: g& ee Beatich, Traine lave Muha Csmpheli and te ” Ta Thi ake me refa PERT a Bot a BT bh Sroamily BY “Watativg ith. ah Fon Hl Forthwestirg Reading Railway. Engivim Barn Hard Coal Xo Smoke. IN EFFECT A er EMBER 17, twa : Trades | (Ewan ¥ ting Termin, & Bre, Gud G36 po8 : LO ae Faron Lorn ne anim Fea, Vioogh hg Pati] 4 bin trea | &¢ ghd Sool of one hieriond Soa Rows wed Posidenom tien pal FINON J WEEKS o EDRON J WEEKS, 3 £5 ‘ " : Agent. «Fo Wee RINE ER, : : es Stalitonary aid Novel ties a speciality, : ‘Hastings Pharmacy, C. M. Schaeffer, Prop. . fitness 3 and $5.00 FirstNation'IBank ANTHONY axva, JENTICR OF THE PEACE. & Collections promptly altended to. Dealer in rel estate, vio LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, HE " Foley’ S Kidney | males eidocys and bladder right, | Copenn Myer fates. Pond ng Permian? Phila ghoim. Paver Vee os ab Rp toning Pittsburg. Toliristown, Ebens. burg & Eastern R.R. Condensed Time Tube in efiet Fane ) ol CRmaving Basses § » 0 # Fs 5 a pm SENEERE anving Phslipabung. - Where BeEdsgLE es Bw oT NDAY TRAINKR To PMattipwbarg pm Re i244 1 He v 3 FiaE ira man YS gsuses® (RRR ie e BEBESE E wEEwW eas Geo. Siameltbarcar Mil with Moab na 1 En TeRvitng 3 PTH wl. Tor Ru a Seiad. Kg AER PY gs ut ae Fash ET Inky 5k. Ait 1. Iwiiben Wa eid AE Mathes Pe ai id ® ok MU Dab adriving wf shar: onthe wave with Ph fantingdan. CARL MM, Gatn, Tannen Ma seer, TEE satest aid to