1th authorities have | Awake It is the most desith, In Chicago + twice as many ; Bis Youn i= favestizatiog 1 the salary received by grad. beh His fuvestigations concerned with the years ollowing graduation. wing Snds that the sal ty the gradustes of the | Ueges sre scarcely lswer received by graduates of In the years ic doation. “the grdduates of quently recntvo {han the graduates of y. After a few years, crease favor of the . raloe of a Nberal # parrow train clearly as the | : diana i” in Misaiseiyp | ; » 1 in Tetas, The : she slammed the door and snd told him that if he ] eak out she would shoot Bho sat down then, and waited assistance to come. Two neigh- ved fn about half an hour: t out the tramp, looking the ure of content. He had helped el to all be wanted to eat, and e, as a man usually is after When the woman wanted ; him arrested, her ‘neighbors d her that as he had her permission cellar and eat, there was | “x may dle” be muttered. “bot she's ioeming.” * Fe ee The Lion Bridge, nesr Ssngang. 0 Aud And Td, ee. with mo pang dw bins, is the longest in the world be | “lu fact” i heights das sre boos he ve i way, inapired by es oh 5 hi & doin the myn’, hobs db ig trite: ings, but onl ¥ one ® ways right.” HE title of his paper was | ferociovs. bat | nor Ba Of all the editors | that po shed west of the Bed River in the “hoom’™ | days, ihe wildest aml most se date in ap. pearanes, Raised and educated in typesetter for a number of years he suddenly desired a paper of his SWI A clean name with bis fellows, joined to the few hundred dollars be had | 1 saved, secured for him a plant he transported this by rail and wagon | and into the grass country. and because | where be Jorated the Sloux had once ‘1 roled be csiled Bis paper the Toma- bawk. It was a good newspaper. every local doinr was Ie was: He sometimes looked twenty-one; Bo one took kim for twenty-five. and In truth he wsa twenty-eight. an lows printing office, a “touring” | (we have waited long etiough, Typographically it could not have been | Approved upon: a violation of a mations] Jaw which the corporation ought Dot to permit He received in reply a curt letter ree Suet; og him in so many words fo vind his own affairs. The next fsens! of his paper bristied with an exposure | of what the merchandise company wag | doing He investigated so thoroughly hat the Government nally acted, and 2h the en] the company ceased ihn sale of whisky altogether signal victory for the Tomakawk. But the same day that the company surrendered it¢ manager at Sand Blatt wrote to the editor of the Tomahawk: . “1 shall reach your town Moodas, (If you are still in the country I shall! kill you." The editor erened the letter. read fit | mast earsfully. aid it dows and said half to himself and ball to the press beside him: “Irs two days froms Mouday™ . 5 ® ® = Then he pleked up snother letter, for. Lgot the Gest, and eagerly read: “Yon wish me to come West and take up life with you 1 agree with you that | I am tives] working for others, bat am ready th work for and with you. By the to be found in its columns. and the tims this reaches you I shall be on editorial page was fresh with Hemely | the way. BARRICADED HIMSELF. and cleanly comments on the pews of the day. He set no moral standard for the community in which he Lived; be indulged in no lengthy dissertations a% to what the people should or should {not do. He conducted his paper for > | the news, and if through his retiring ‘disposition he did not make warm friends he nevertheless held the re. ¢ | Spect of everybody. That he would | Bight, resent an attack, wake trouble if trod open, no one ever dreamed He was 100 quiet. : 6 9» Ope day in his search for news he chanced to learn that the Washing ton Merchandise Company was quietiy selling liquor to the Indians. The knowledge aggravated him, The com. | pany was the one big trading concern of the region. It had a malin store ani twenty or thirty brapehes scattered over 300 miles of country. owned Ly Eastern speculators aud managed by local agents. The mem- bers of the corporation bad wealth and intelligence, permit whisky to be sold t> the abo That they should rigines seemed extraordinarily oct. rageous to the editor, . He thought it over. and thea wrote a letter to the President of the com | briefly reciting what he kuew, nd suggesting ust a stop be put to. sale; it might precipitate an It was! Boon, If the stage is on time. 1 under stand I bave to take stage from Rand Bluff, but shall enjoy the experience. It is agreeable to me that we should Ue married as soon as 1 arrive ® The editor siafled from ear to ear He walked to the rear of bis shack and looked at a room he had been pre. | town was on the fSoor of this roony her pleture was over the knick-koacks had been placed Just | i them. dead Mobday, this is ber room.” He was most gqulet the rest | day and the day following. ‘ene of the contents of the two letters be had received, nf the wis obi time that It wonld reach bis town Monday at 12.30 “No reason, either,” sald the post- master, "why It shouldn't be on tine” Sunday without attracting aavone's particular attention, ¢aded his windows aod two doors. coustructed something like breastworks { back of them. He made also several : ingenious peepboles. It was u I will reach you Monday | {to bed was to saw off the barrel of a | | AD expert with firearms: ‘be never care {at which time they would rush the j #hotgun across his Jap. He was most | i mo “Idasted friend of the lodian could | | showed him the stags was entering the | § manuger, were In front of his ofies, | { swung back his door quickly, stepped jhe was doing so suddenly had 1H. LL Cleveland, io the Chicagy Record. | Herald, j Bot altogether a history of the past { The forces that made the mountain are still going on [to be easily observed is Yhe moving ‘probably wonld have missed the side ical his prepavations. calm for a man who Bad been under law in the lesser ssmmunivies CRlage coming pat first passenger ont far it for parting. made for the girl Armes to hin: he Lis hands to Bee waite) flor you Kate” bof the earth {s fixed coce for all which is sliding down the side of » shout as the average man would locate Only he satistied | himself that If the Sand Bluff stage He Knew the i Sand Bluff store mapgager, knew the Sarwar, & was | trade Be iu tet vee she whishy ur fui | slide already covers twenty-Sve acres maring for i3 very o paring for months for this very com. lof che firm. aod. Dis destroyed the ng of his girl, The only carpet In the ! ) dressage: white curtains bid the windows: ttle i findian relies, ous from “Well” sald the editor, “I may be| explore the cleft thoroughly but she's coming and | . the editor barred! He on | 30 rapid that a new map of the county may be necessary, He told vo Mexico, about Nity kagues fror: the ing five and one-quarter miles from end to end. The roadway is Bs seventy feet abvoe water His last act Sunday before he wont shotgun and Joad the weapon with a carioos mixtare of slugs He was not ried #8 “gun.” and op 8 test shot be of & barn as quickiy as the next man, [ROM but be kept thinking of the girl and the more be thangbt the e HEA : pressure of thre tons, broke Pal The Jeepest Atiantle soondings ever | made were about ninety miles north Foe of the Idand of Bt Thomas in 3570 | as The pressure vias so grest | at this immense depth, that the bulbs | of the rhermoneter. (mle to sand 3 | He awoke the next morning to find himself besieged. The store mabager from snd Bluff had arrived with bait 2 doen rowboys preparvd for any kind | of ruthless sport. They shot the upper | half of his shack fall of holes withant i arousing the editor to a reply. and then they announced hat they intended to hold him a prisoner there until 1230 There are ofte thoruand halls apd corridors in the Vatican, snd deven thoasand room, counting everything | the quarters for the Swiss guards, fhe | ables for (he horses, the storebonses | for gardeners’ tools © #3ld thar an average of 2090 ¢ pple | thet Delp kadiged there. This cludes 1he Swigs goad. id shack. set ft on Sree sud shoot him down when be came our. He heard the | cA stati 7% ell and imagination. with this resus fhm tI all the petroaleam produced lawt | sweep with his eye th entire at treet He sat bébind a errriende with : ; : Fear in the United States was pot § carefully dressed and exrmaordinarily | standard bare in 8 raw each other the Yine would fire for su hour or more. He drew | helt the earth Koough a: his pipe with great composure. 38d | Joced to give thee and one halt tee | stodind the tine an the face of the did a; PR to every ae of the THON neraons | Htthe alarm clock that stead on a Table | in the United Ststes sud manel maid near Bim The scowhors left two of Wr give every Alperican x gold dollar thelr number on goard and rode up the street after Hguor. No ose inter fered with them. The fact that they | were from Sand Binff made their word Many CA duck belonging to a resident : Skinningrove. Fagland duct an spr weighing sxaerly nsf a pound Iie a grim jest they Dassed on the Susi engthw ine fate of the editor, and wany an ssvnr. fnehes. awd sound ance dil the stars manager give that | inehes. Apart Land measurament live bora ™ | broken Rill, the editor held the fort through Tha cuter shell sontatned all the usual the morning, and the cowbors toyed | euiwtance. and Imbedded therein was with him &% a terrier sometimes fools another egg. perfect 35d cowplete, In with the mouse It means fo kill 8 frm, thick shel * "5 6 9 : At noon a big cloud of dost ross on the trail from Sand Blof It was the £3. One of the editor's peepbales gave him such command of | the street that hs scold see the ap | prosch of the stage. He poted that a% it wax traveling it should reach the | win about Afteen minntes reals of ai fromm its nnusual wely it proved Bex wen A very courts resell of ren erations Ly the Trizosomesrieal Sue middie of Indian buried mountain rans a thousand milex in length, snd Ing abant aril bel with the chain of the Himslaras Iy abead of time. He got up. shook | This conclusion is Dased on the sim hismeelf. walled to the back ream. Pmalacitien of the local attraction uf | locked at “ber” pleture once, and then | Rtavitation in central India, the plumb caréfully loosened the fastenings of | his front doer. He left the door so the north side Af the supposed sub that it could be Instantly swung back. terravess cham and porthward on th Another glapre out of the peepbole | zouth side, lending to the inference : that & great «lo gat Ted mass of pock town, It banged and rattled down the | of excessive density undeslios the sur way to the postofice halted and Se i face of the cares between We two sete war a tall lithe of observing stations yonng woman of twenty three or a } The editor saw her ask guestions of Legend of Westminster Abbey, bystanders. notiesd thelr curious ges {To Seber, who ruled the East 8 tures toward hiv PlACY, saw her start Lonk In the seventh cetirury re ial AR 1 £ The towbars healed by the stare t bs foundation of calind ern cathedral, St Pasta to an eleventh vertu legend, ent nth the sonshine, swung up Bi eharen had Leen prepared in 418 far gun, and before his fous realized what : consecration, by Mellin kk, Bisho gut he ] Wiistmlnarer, wo preparing for their final charge. He Ascording acted, gave the store manager and ave | of his companions the chgrpes of hig weapon. Thy fell from their tadilles the others fad wilh a volley of hata eve of the day lppointed. so that i River Thames pose and focded ! sandy site called Vhorpey Isinnd I rie, the fisher. fasting | halle from the Lambeth side by a stranger, who oftered a eh reward to i Be rowed over the ferry Li Thorney | : Then lights stressed from the Abbey "That's all yours Kate” be sald | windows, heavenly voloow were heand | with a lirtle gasp in Bis throat “I uocels were seen ascending awd de Lscending. To the ustontalied fshermnn The stranger retaining, Homes! sa St Pores tie Pie Bl Hix nets, wis The editor staggered a [ttle them Bhe hold out her And then Be wax dead at her foot — | then reverted Heeper of lw Aaa A Movisg Mountain, Most people forget that geology is the church which was to be specially Lis own; in witness whereof the fisher an took a miraculous Bal of salmon | The Bishop, who came pest day with | the Ring, foumi Lis work Jone: bu the Haberman's pif of ao tithe of tlhe Sabn he took became a precedent and was followed by other fsbhers | even after the confessor's church had superseded the earlier building Loo! don Hustrated News emia Some mountains Are growing, soo are wearing down Because these processes take a ong time jo accomplish visible results, ane in apt to form the erroneous idea thot thiy have ceased, and that the face A case of geological action »o rapid as Canada’s Buffaloes Increasing Rapidly, | The buffaloes are Wmereasing in such proporucns ib Canmda that they prom: | {se in the course of a few years to be | deme fairly alaridant again, says ul Quehee dispateh to the © hieagy later Ocean. Some thaw ago they threatens to become extines, The berd of wood buffaloes in the! Peace River District has mwebied in Ase under the protection afforded ot by the Northwest mognied pollee, Five Fears ago it was eine! thay there ware not more than elghty ufaloex iy the herd: now thers are more than 400, i In appearance there i Hrtle differ ence between the woods buffalo aud the plains buffalo, The former 18 mere. iy a larger, richer el RIE Me Pr Eo dd xd NE nd St ay gu Ara PSOE NERA ¥.' Pro beet Miss Tg Lientegant Loves *T've oolite 1D say to Ihe Philppisve ot En allyl IEW be es Hite Low do reall fae Dery Gf toe aid Tee hiladnin lila » iF x TRON esting Billed wonnded Mee being deflected southward ay | TAEnt Macy frets aimcst we, sald mberly, “Does she Waller, Yery sh Joke owe © Jourzal Ars Newliwo lI dun't se why Those fhe pride of oe There wis u pleatitund » thie Wine wr” Iasasn-T Yen, TOD Wis ential eseugh, wan't Guite as cold ux it id Rn melts Tater Philadelphia Poss "Tou have wounded me be sadly sald as he oarsse twmen 5% Raare, wounded we so deeply thar {ois Lever" “Walt? she said, pleking basa off LUERYY mbes Tiler De Add to the Injured’ ARCH & CREE Ge YUHIN Mee ike » Bride Pashia Feplied Balilile's pleasad. “Yes, Orr tiie logy 0 Ger tadcludged Boudde ~Collt ile je wae HY wi Luh, fhe se what Fie avs 16 dh in Clivage Tribae, “U're gat the greatest beand of Jor a ween the young Fou going Ww book 7 we ask, “Dragatie soting!” so be purely aad maaningy original. The A unheard and Baseball sunpire. Jide, nes ha— Highest Paid Mail Carrier, The bighuss of our counicy 5 &me a ley You ever aps PLAY." dee ani hor. What are 350 COHBR~ Hage sarcasm. be reiovis "This entirely and Deraine BH bern 8 3 an w fy 15 | phasized every sow and then bY sole shsvare guvernmenial routice. Away off in the Puilippines we ave felbee®n ing mail in rasoelike oak aad, on the ether hand, a coniract was jet last week for carryiug the mail in Alssks by dogsdeds. The soooessful bidder was Oscar Psi, and bis route les i between Bagle and Valder 3 distance He makes two tris a ar 5.000 a year, Only 300 pounds are carvied per trip, and this is usally { made up of letters, few pewspapers Postotive Department officials say that the sum paid w Fish is very reason it is considered that he sheds. and that wat dangeruds outs of any wall carrier in the workl. He bas several times been given up for dead by residents of Valdez and Eagle, but #0 far be has always managed 10 reach the end of his journey, although some thues uverdue and occasionally very much battered up. He has fallen down precipice, got mized up in ave Hnehes, and has wen starved and frost-bittep, Dut is still Lappy ln risk- ig his lonely life —~Harper's Weekiy. The Flam. The original parent of most of our enitivated plums is a native of Asia and the southern parts of Europe, but it has Deecowe paturalized In this country asd in many parts of it is produced in the greatest abundance. The finer kinds of i ma are beaut ul dessert fruits of vich and luscious flavor. They are uot oerhians 50 en- tirely wholesowe as the perch and the pear, owing to thelr somewhat cloyiog and Satulent nature, Uniess very per io disagree with weak stomachs. For the kitchen the pita is alse jIery highly esteemed. being prised tara, pen. te