VOL. IX.—NO. IY “ iy ¥ ] Fungaring Kia bead Rens ay - on Railroad Track. s Di strict Will fh awd ¥inewd Northern Cambria cooniy | other murder mystery The body of je Andrew Magonduk, a Tangariae, KOTABLE EVENT. Veoswaniod io MI Adprin Arvsdiomy Taovadey. hud exe el god 35 vears, was ran over by a work train wm the Barnaoahord or Chas sEry tree 2 ¢] brasch of the P. BR. at a awitoh near ¢ = als 21 rim é. $id Cuaron 4 am Tusa Afraid Tat Bakerton Monday evening. The tral: LAL firt the frew thong they ki Yen & man, bot Investigation devel. open that the Hen had pecs a bite and Lhe ol | evident purpose to shivid the roe aeile y x are Borehy. aged to call ors. a mestings of your respective » There were several stabs snd cols on 8 at once to take action and com ‘ Magnschak's body, One, clear across : eircalar letter sent by district the top of the head, had fractured the on the time therein skull. One stab was in the eck; there and} pebliabed below: was a ripling cut across the shoulders, ally yours, . Pa, Jane 19th, 1802. {pools of blood at as many different WE | places along the track showed where hmen and Miners of Lplasce to another; and, finally, foot | Lore making the escape in the direction Y, of A: Greetin MW. of & “of § woods near by. anthracite miners are BOW on | ppose of enforcing a | ; of terminat- (han of forsigners. The unfortanate strayed from him. After as unsitosss | ful search he started to return hom “and in front there was enongh minor CW MePHERSOR, Pres, wounds to kill a dozen men. Three a. exercises which Northern and Central Pennsyl. Prints on a pile of ashes near the pising District No. 2 ‘ fracks seemed to point Lo tie murder. EN "ater dark, when two of the men in AY ab. Lhe great J Fogg frarvey, of this Aeaods ai pik Hiahop Riki a6, esd Harelsbrarg. ther EE soa Si cei GI DOUBLY J80 Canevin, Piilsbarg; Rew M Shorty. Atoons; Very Bev, J. Boy me Wot, Rav, J Farrow, Jobnstown, Rey. T. P Smith, Altoona: Rev. H. MoHogh, Pitter Rev, MoO wlfrey, Philadelphia Mr and Mrs. Joseph Schwab, Mp. sod Mrs. Peter Schwab, Mie Gertrode Schwab, Miss Margaret Stone, Mrs F. J. O'Connor, and Captain Eephari Sa ‘of the United States sriny. ial Unions, Mine Committees, | the body had been deagered from ane ¥ Several handed ges pie attanded the Ad in Alnrendie Halli at the Acsdemy, comneboing at Ho ololock snd closing late in afternoon aller the prasentation of the a RG Loomie opera VMIRaGeT by Magnschak was last seen alive pass Sh ing a boarding house occtipied by a asd eliminate unjost | °F hg ao Be af the JETRO l ‘ Han was searching for a ply which bad js the boarding hones followed Bim and | began hitting bio with stoton event the, anthracite | Magnechak Hved of a mewited I near f the. “mine No 8 one mile shaves akerton, on the rosd bo Rpangler, Coroner Miller was notified sd held 25 quest Wednesday, the } Jury bring 2 es by rnd og Caayiaid snd aforward fail on Sonn ing their avaticions | 2 hn he purging of iknow is iy we have teled - erime, hy $OIpe ne Shik oy to prevent the ahip- # jury. him bave been grrested, hal at this ) ative bond of d jo. | ine no evidence Bas been secured io sonra SOLOS. = : (Tey Enjoy & Bide on the Murry ge Biman Atay Metis, ic on a a Wak § Lime affair were President Donnelly, Secretary - Lingle, Probert and MeCormivk. " ‘the entire delegation scoepted an in. iitation oonsteoiady benders by p the MELTy-go- ro wl and ran enjoyabl | time wan had.” y, | different parts of town, the property {duly notified to attend to the matter. » 1 was decided to go sbeaa with ne the propasty owners to Hguidate. | the site of Fremen’s Hall. loa more convenient point waa {brought up and on motion of Probert, and the light will be moved, j Adjourned. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Cambria County Wii Hed iow Moning, id SN : i ; Sut BE. in town Tuesday i arfield, where 4 The sulb-oommitier appinte edd on We A esd. last meeting of the Demorratic on At the conclusion of the meeting ferred Alumnae Hail from the Alumnse association to the faculty of the scad- omy. the Rev. Matthew Smith, chap- : Chiefof- Polis: (Hil bo tales & ride on gin of the Academy, responding and | acrepting the splendid gift. He voloed the gratitude and appreciation of the © The first business of the Foesting was ike report by chainman of the street com- Mes, Behwab for the elegant and ase yr mittee Lingle in regard to pay for 3 tearing up Paved streets und also in regard to putting down pavements in alee 4 member of the Alumnae associ: ‘ation, addressed the association at owners abotting thereon having been som length in his ussal eloquent man | mer. : ; work and collect pro rata, even if lega : principal address was made by Judge proceedings were Becessary to compel Peancia J. O'Connor, who spoke for | nearly an hour. He gave a skeloh of Dect Gilliece reported that be (Cumbria county, referred to Priove | had been unable to locate the deed for (alliteis in glowing terms, old of the aoble mission of women, asd pasties, The question of moving an are light arly of the splendid work being done near the residence of Danlel P. Jones po ihe religions orders for education, winding op with a pulogy to Charles ML Schwab apd praise {or the Acadenny seconded by Goold, it was so ordered and bopefal words for its stooess, "Apple deel : eh feavd 6 i The {wo men whic were seen stoning 4 dale frioe dead abl tres Gown = yonder ve min that he positively sunpect them with the The gan w Wins aces pled gay bBehadl of Ae Ein by Mrs E ; fntrodneed Governor Willis A Stone. The Iatter praised Mr Schwab for his pvapmificent gift snd for other good things he had dove, referring to the Ee compared with some sessions (hat have r. been held heretofore. Thoms present : county boy, sad ales spoke of the ; good work being done by the suns and : y Gilliece and Messrs, Gould, Prindible, kindred orders, phenomenal soocesy of this Cambria The governor Lhen formally trans gradiates and instructors to Mr and fui present Th Rev. Morgan Sheedy of Altoona, 3 Ab the commencement proper the The graduates were thes granted Chel diplomas, foe Bonors of the ass Cand the school were awarded, and then - Bishop Garvey delivered « strring al (committee tw fix a time for the hold. a ah 2, 3 tng of the Democratic primaries snd Cambria Cou pal ie pr v Washing. Leoanty convention has wd Sstnrday, redment on July i, #8 the dite for the prima AMG Ate and Monday, Se convention. 5 r to. 1 1 of dnc No. 2. fact formally wilt shortly es the seuretary of the eommitien, ers. : | ahive act HE Ewell, Moxham, cialrman: Samuel i: E i: Gee haa go Wilson, of, town; Ww. A dan Se ; : a ir Merchants Moustig : Lenhart, of the Second ward, Johns. i A, Metiongh and 8 Bole, pr NHS fe promi An expel lient Progra ae prepared for the event which horse raving, foot raviog, fantasti pars AL merchants of Patton borough 2 : God! 5 Hail : ade, band concert, dancing, reworks, greased pi sod pole, trap shooting, : tw good hase ball games and boating | and dancing at Lake Rowena. Every. thing is free and a cordial i invikation is : extended to all to visit the conuty seat Sa Hier day in the : Hit the Provssding= of he (hing Seema Lehine Oo against Susquebanna town Johnstown: Rey ¢ J Bed, 50 Pal; ‘burg insaraner agent who sued th Usmbria vounty for the appointment ‘of inspectors to view the work on gard, 8 1 Luther, Bor in the Pat Ly We RR vrding = ay, by “Miss Emma Cundors, Mis Mums Hoover, Patrick ‘Lata ger, Mes the | Tury Said i nn the Case ut Fhe isha nrg Aerial | COURT HAS ADJOURNED reeled dotasis Mr Baelorier Beeninadd ne Hondred Pathors Damages Huet spe Borers Wing the: faa ait Civ) Conrt sfjoorned at Ebenshurg on Satarday affernoon after the finish of the case of the Climax Rosd Ma. shin. whieh reanlied ia a verdict for Tio dane of C. KR. Reynolds the Pitta. borough ol Hastings for $500 damages for injuries received, came to an end at the Friday vight session, Judge o Connor Jiredclng the jory to bring in 4 verdict for ibe defendant. owas beng hi oul Mal tie place wheres Reyn. Bast was on private ground was not Hable the {mex Bosd Ma Again Sespehan tywns ovr the price of machicery ; bid in fr was Sain up Friday given for the sh WEPE DEVS ver on them Tag gr He Sy Dar TREOTR mMny’s agent sod bad Hine te de 1 Benes the pad Bave th pay for 4 Vhe jury rendersd a ling the plain $080 20. ir thee come of Mary Delogler Pomgrate Witislng, tor damages on Lhe grogad of slander, hronght ia a vid tof $100 fur the plainti®. Both of the pasties are from Patton, Mrs. Delosier testified 1hat Wiltoe ing, who lived on ab adiooraing p erty, on May 10, 1801, bad cuted Bir vile nagies and acoused Ber of . miscendact with men i hushand. The plaintiff samitied hav ing bad a wordy encounter across the fence with Mes Delogier, hut denied calling ber mames or saving she bad been guilty of impropriely with other men. The serap was so loud that peo. ple liviog a mile away heard tad some testified thal Wiltusing bad catoel Mes Delogier names, while sthers said be had pote Petitions of the commissdonsrs of bridges erected over the Blacklick reek in Blacklick township and over the Sosquebansa river 0 Barnesboro. Thomas Davis, James T. Davis, John A. lewin8 A Ryan, H. 8 Ranigh and Wililam W. Howell were appointed to inspect the bridge over the Blacklick "ersek, and William Trent, Jacob Win. James A. Baker, 8. LC. Davie and George Boooe ware ap- | pointed to view the bridge ower the Sosquehanna river. The sexi court will be on the frst Toesday in August, when any cases on the argutoent lst will be beard : Befure the adjournment Judge AY Uoraor ordersd that 80 Dames be drawn feom the jury wheel for each week of Septemier erm, when there will be three weeks of Court. It snot Junige I Tonngrs Imtersticn Wo have Eo Bar Jadge Bors during that tere, : FAR SCG Ce shai Jud re £3 £7 Egy NH. pussies Rdwertaea Tatiors The llowing attersr post uilive © Mena ¢ has, Pp H 5 Jas Wri ht, Bab a £ Co, Casper 2 pti, Alphous Brose, s calling for the abave letters | may that they are “Adver- : EB Wii. Gumuxs, | Postmaster. La i ARRAY OF WILL WANT ( ONE FOR THE F¢ WRTH. , Come in $34 make your selettion so as to get : ’ Suits ere to fit short stont men as large as Rehes in eliest ¢ OF AVAISt. Ns FA SS PRICES ARE ONE. $5.00 to $16.30. Best and Cheapest ER aE Suits Por: Yeung Men, Shits For Boys or itt 1 inches to 33 inches, Fellows. $1.43t0 83.49 Prices from $3 50 to $10.50. All Styl les—All Prices, at v Best to Ww ear Shirts, : Best A ade Si virt Waists. 1 40c, 73¢. Sroo te $1.50 $r.o0, $1.25, $1.50. " ThE GLOBE." “TRE GLOBE" For ] Men, For Ladies, Fou’ TOP Shoe” > LA MODE * Oxfords $2 73 Suits For T At | Slender Men, Sizes 33 to 42. OX Straw Hats, AOC to $2.00. Men's or Boys! nA Best Store a Best Store. Only One Price—C ASH Trade Once—Then Always. THE KEYSTONE CLOTHIE ctly Opp- Bank. IN THE RING. Rings and engagements “have had a partiality for each ‘other so long that the mem- ory of man raancth not to ‘the contrary. If youn want to see a handsome display of Rings of all sorts, pay usa visit. We are prepared to meet you, not only with Rings, but a complete line of JEWELRY, Si LVERWARE, Clocks, Watches, Etc., at prices that are as pleasing as the articles themselves. WE HAVE A FINE LINE OF SPROTACLES, Eves tented by the celebrated * * Ratinoscopic Test” and Linswes fitted. Lemues changed, free of churpe, at any time, in spectacles sold by m- that cost $2.90 and over. Our $1000 and $12.00 aie SUNTS san Are Mone y Saving Offerings. see thew ST The 3 ALAS = hii Wy wi} Xi aot worthy it would not oreo nasil we on! sand Hoya tn Sia ln are Bo bate moss that it ee well and louk so deessy, a8 ours John BR Stetson Hats Fait Mats, Seif Hades and Straw Hats, 3c, $1, 8125 $180 ta 8 Seal Brand Shirts. They ar sure to wash and always 8% right. Bion | fd he in that we take More Hao S0y styles to © RES BE Ce