re the Sentinel, evo, amt) | diserbioes which it seemed almost im- "| possible $6 check, and along in June the summer and antamn the gio One day one of his neighbors ; : brought him one small bottle of Cham. ‘berluin's colic, cholera and disrrhoes € remedy as a last hope. A big dose was given hin while be was rolling about on the ground in great agory. snd in ' Ls fow minntes the dose was repeated ard The good effect of the medicine was soon noticed and within an hoor the | patient was taking his first sonsd sleep for a fort. - worked a complete cure,and he cannot “heip bat feel grateful. The sisson for wast amount of neefal pel disorders being st hand saggests regarding the time re. (this item. For sale by CW. Hodg- a Journey, ts costnnd other yo. Pation, snd Hastings Pharmacy. not enaily obtained sise- juk Series is the title & books of travel and edocs ptivie { America’s great re. A Red ¥ rend. {No.3 “America’s Summer “1 suffore Ho. & “The Adirondack gestion for fifteen years,” says W. J! No. § “Two Days of Nag. Stardevast, of Merry Oaks, N. x Falls,” Ko. #0 “The Thousand Is “After | had tied many doctors and fs These Pile books contain | ‘madecines to no avail, oon of my pew and accoraly maps and RUTETONS | friends persnidied me to try Rodal. Tt illostrations. Any oumber of the gave immediate relief Teun ent ab | : pies’ will be sent free, | most anything I want now and my 0 eipt of a two.cent digestion is ood. 1 cheerfully recon: : by Ww H Northrop, General mend Kodol” Don't try to Tn Ee 3 i stomach trouble by dieting. That only further weakens the systems. You {need wholesome, strengibening food. {you eat by digesting it without the | stomach’s mid, C. Ww, o Hog unm, Pat ay, a New York a Splendia Remedy. ae ge of th ee aoe artace land, Oregon, June 10th Binh. na i Presbyterian church, Tecoma, Wash. (Joly Tord ith well as to Anlegates to sluve meetings. thoket agents, Nationa) Contantion Travelers Paw | fective Association, Prortiand, Oregon. a oa Kebidon Fad > on i Franco, Iesperial Council Mystic Shrine, San June Hah uh Bupresne lodge, A. OU. W., Part Young People’s Christan Ue a Biennial Mesting KX nights of Pribim i Francisco, Cul, Angas 11th 220d. Grand Lodge B. P. OE Salt Lake, City, Utah, Augroet 12th 18th Tickets will be sold to the public ae CErning rates, routes, | bo | conditions sod limite of tickets for ie ~ | thews conventions, as well as for sitsi- iar meetings from time to time, may be obtained of New York Central Hot Wear Je Wankwus. If you feel fagped out, listiess and at, lacking in ewergy, you are perbups ~eaffering from the debilitating fects | the case became so bad he eipected to orinight. That one Hitle bottle Gd from dyspepsia and ads : | writes: | of summer weather. These symptoms indicate that a tonic is needed that will create healthy appetite, mike Te Herbine will do; it i» Let | nothing a on carih enn beat i it recomamended to me by Dr. Newt | Kansas. 50 cents at C. W. Hodgking, Patton, and Hastings Punemany. Spring Peover. ‘Spring fever is another same fo bilionsness. mast people think. and inactive bowels mean x pois ted Byatemn, may follow such symptoms. DeWitt | Hittle early risers renvove all danger b (stimulatior the liver, opening th bowels and cleansing the system of impurities. Rafe pilin Never gripe 1 have taken DeWitt's litle enrly risers for torpid liver every spring fo years” writes BM. Everly, Monnde | ville, W. Va. They do ms more ghod | than snyiling I have ever tried.” Ww, Hodgkin Par Team. ans HH Edi Go 3 | Pharmany, : Isteromting to Asthoen Sularess, : Dasciel Bante, of Outerville, Jowa, “I have bad aslbon for three or four years and Bave Tried sil the cough and asthoss cores in We muaket and have received treatment fivuw physicians in New York and other | cities, but got very little beset until {1 tried Foley's hotiey and tar which gave me hnmediate relief and 1 will -pever be without it is my house | sincerely recommend it to all” AW druggists Lents Thea AL “Ome Minote cough cure beats ail other medicines 1 ever tried for coughs, cold, croup and throat and fang trimbs. les’? says D. Seott Cgrrin of Logan Fa ¥ hey igre {thie kidueys right. Fy effect Now 24, IW. 3 {la Bor BedBuet Pu suet Cmmberiand, MA Satisfactic (iua n ima ¥ he te ed. robin won € by tain Fret Try our macaroons, Ail 4 4 ! No good besith Kids AF ancy and wedding are sound. Poler rR cakes To Order. J.C. HAMER, Fifth Avenne, PATTON, P : H antingdon & Broad Top Mt ] Railroad. Southwnnd. Joy Teale Nev 3 DY © vraag arrivimg wt WL : a Tris Nat RBonlers Ios ves Ha | diy far WL Tht Sew 83 Sey 3 Areiving uw 2 ! GROWTH SHINGLES, CEmiine 85 M0h a me : Al Trout i ooh: ube wt ME. Dic AT S2. 75 P so a fa Stock us %a i i Fine fees rant Boel growth Timber. 3 Noribwsrd. : Train No + (Mall Sone Talis Hoe Ci ondtivadon al BES A Mm, ie | Mm al 08 my Train Fan § i Fany Lane anim ML Talise fe antingdon at 235 p.m arrivieg of Hund "| don st 25 pm. on Sa. Sundaes only lenves ML Twi HC be Ha antingdon af £06 po =, arteing w | res and a fall line of Lumber. Bill Staff delivered Promptly. P. M. SWOOPE, Bunks chow connections with FP IR % a ant at a Bp CARL Caan LR * 1 i It is more serions than § A torpid Heer H neglected, serious ifnvess § CURES CON Carefully | | compou n dec A nd at the Tr price, % ok Sew OF PATTON. on 35 CAPITAL PAID IP, $100,000.00. SURPLUS, $19,500.00. ight Tha buarte : Fascy Stationary and Novel tion a specialty. Hastings Pharmacy, eC. iW Xx a ; Ys lor Ww arg Fig i Thee Sell wrbaet lets Sur side or en of wg Gn : A 4 Paro, Wy. H Saxprosn, Tones Up the Whale System sind Wax FirstNation'IBank Patton, Cambria Co, Pa ofl A mrporalivi, Firses, Indlvidee | p Slwand Wien Tha Swe Basra 2 Seiad wl ses And tommrTiiYe | & sew il Bree eur pros oat aed ; Lg Shingles of all other kinds | way aaah Sat % bo Chest Springs, Pa. Drteyoass | A Sorin A Corda. wok ds L Mada Lane Fxoees, daily . LR enn Assim mera on, ily ae TE EL oh ate Expres, Gis enions : Towns Arie Bagg x {dohnatewn Seren. werk Says, x ile B8 pers, § ; [Wa Fneneng ie. A % Fitiaenty fu ¥ocpese EN ae Bae " SBEnEAY SRUEEY BEBERED HEEEED YEBUNEF Vege Es Cambria & “He Leave ® Chen Regis wank “ i ow xs HY 35.0 : Philadelphia & Reading Railway. Engiaes Barn Hard Cosd-No Smoke. INERFEO NOVENEER Tn Firms fame Wo im if Foun Sayeed, Foot : ive MEaea ; aN £ x “ha Ph or fom Pending ' BE | Pn York vin Faitig Ts wis mm, Hos. Ri Ha pr oe Hy, | os Ta wif eh PN a, a, i om ; Prates fr WHamapert: Lawes Now Jok vig Raston § 80a wm. ; : VE Xvi Phun pe ipa em 3 tale lphin ILA Ti Neuraigic pains, rbeumatiam, lam. tom, Pa. One Minute cough cure is the | bago. and sciatic pains yield to the Only absolate congh remedy which acts n tin influence of Ballard’s snow immediately. Mothers everywhere * liniment. It penetrates to the nerves 'estify to the good it has done their and bone, and being absorbed into the little ones. Croup is so sudden fin! he a i an = Masa a tee fob Prstiduat. Cuabier, Palace Restatrant a a Rom reared in sek al Je gy So Son. iF. Moore, i way, Milan, Tenn. states: 1 have used Ballard's Snow liniment for rheoma- | tism, ©, eic., in wy family. In ? is a splendid remedy. We vould not | {do without iL.” 25 cents, 50 seats and | $1.00 at C. W. Hodgkins, Patton, and Hasings Pharmacy. Tes Years in ed. : R.A. Gray, J. P., Oakvi fle, Ind, od writes: “Por ten years | was confined “(to my bed with disease of my kidneys. It was so vevere that | could not move part of the time, 1 consulted the very | Dispatet. “fn order | : res order the Sun. |, ; | was recommendind to me, God send te me Al druggrists. Tax ae Mablox : Extreme hot weather la a real tax ep! dition, and the moved at least once a day, so “poisonous wastes are ox. _. 4. L. Edwards, 12 | puny and feebie they should be given a few doses of W hite’s cream vermifuge, the childrens’ tonite. It will stisuiste aud facilitate the food, 80 that they soon become strong, beaithy and active. 25 cents at OC. W. Hodgkins, Patton, and wl Pharmacy, and we to gute the Hi hin, ety? Bacy. voi wake ap with a a bad taste Hodgking, ir mouth, goat once to C. W. Pharmacy. They are easier to take ins, Patton, or Hastings Pharm. and more pleasant in effect thao piils. © acy a geta free sample of Chamber. Phen their ure Is not followed by cone Mains stomach and Hyver tablets. One 'stipation as is ofie 3 the Case Ww Corben doses will completely cure bil: Regular wipe, 25 cents rer box, . Jousnais, slok Benda che and constipa- Patton, and : ; larities are caused by excessive drink. nchial troubles and sam- | “ing or being overheated. Attend to an be quickly cared by the kidneys at once by using Foley s and tar. All il druggies, kidney cure, All draggists. . ~ You can do at better Milles § best medical skill available, but could i: get no relief until Fy wey! Ee kid oF cure Chane aes dk, Olde ra sod Eris Dames It Bas been SRO ith pile, During the summer kidney irregu. {lod ita healing Propeftios at con sacks thes She dostor often arsives Agent Ditnois Central 2 Ouro like it. Sare care for grip, | bronchitis, coughs, CW, Hodgkins, | Patton, and Hastings Pharmacy. : Fable seit as Wasting Away. The following letter from Robert R Watts, of Salem, Mo., is instructive + “I have been troubled with kiduey dis . ease for the last five years. I lost (leah | and never felt well and doctored with K leading physicians and tried all reme- diem suggested without relief. Finally 2 Itried Foley's kidney cure and less ‘than two bottles completely cured me card 1am now sound asd well All druggists Hesody in everve here recognized as ihe LHe remedy that can always be depended from and that x plessant to take, It is a the digestive power of bales; when ©'P digestion of their Hastings oo Leta free sample of { hantherlain’s & : HAYS stomach and liver tablets at CW. Hastings i lew, and 4 al kin Ms 1X5 * Warning, ir Yor kilney roth aad do tat use ceure, you will have only yourself to blame for resulta, as it positively ctires | (all forms of Kidney and hiadder dis | AVE ar lenses. Al draggite. i 3 3 Be bladders oley’s Ridiey | Heide All the delicacies of the wes Oysters in every style, Meals sorved promptiy. Give me s call. Open Sundays F. D. Dunlap, Proprietor : CHAS. G. FAGAN, CONTRACTING, PAINTING and DECORATING. Creer 12 Foals aXpere pe ANTHONY ANNA. SUSTHOE OF THE PR Colisetions prompliy attended tn Dealer In real estar, ete, 3 : Post O3n Address, Geo. Simme'sberger, LIVERY AND FEED STABLE a iow ' Reuel Somervilie, £43 wd iy ada 4 aning Oe ay ho LY RT Rag LECT eR fs FANTIS GS Fa H. Hotel, Barn. - i vi HR, RANPINGs Pa i Uhlloe in Good Baill © promptly atlendsd 5 : : Propention to : |= and reat. i AS PRR MSR Six boteisaid reddenom EDNGN J WEEKS, ¢ Canteen Passenger Agent. |W. GEESLER heer Sper invenaiont Roma ing mrmisal, Philadel Phiin Parlor OCarw un all exes Irslan Fo a dirrel ta Sestination Pittsburg, Johnstown, Ebens- | burg & Eastern R.R Those Talue bt offi Tae i 1 Lam wing Banser. w NE % Ta ® oe £ Upsche nan 3a Pm An 2% Born bi pis ie i 5 owe bo i 18 A mn Eshnge Erund HASTINGS Pa ¥ he mid % aos d Fabine i Bowens iit vo year. Headfiad Promoter of Publicity. rep