The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 05, 1902, Image 5

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    ART hie YAH
RRA pm gp
: 5 : : Bx Pience B. Baxxany.
with clase nose. shott ears and email
eves. The body Is covered with dark
= brown or black halr about four inches
{| mors accurate,
| than any of the male faction. Further. |
{ more, sho was perfectly satisfied willy |
"| hor superiority, and intended to en-
HB} joy It tor a good while yet. :
140 remember how 1 asad to plead.
Just a few milnates more | wae ia sty;
iy >
1 rent
j ron
Justa tow minutes Hors i want to psy; |
1 will bo very, very Ad funded
With all my ohilitel Beart wail | mplore
0 let me stay just & few minates me re
Now Iam old, and on my shoulders inld
Are many Beary golinte of many ANTE,
And down ome eho ks
Haves deop and dark thelr fearful farrows
Fons wait
Hume, eede sue, 1 Ix the time for bed
Bave Guna the chores that fai] nate o'r it
Sow i oi weary both of tell and play,
And (iol has sald, who means it for the
uy ¢
? “Come, THis one, it iy tha time for rest
j And ha ia ahiidish trabls do 1 plead:
East a few toinates more 1 want bo BIRY:
Just & fow siisiates wore | wast to play;
Twill be very, ¥ery good indeed”
U0) jot ne stay (net 4 Pew minutes mors
31 > Genrgs Beitel, in Edppimsese # Hagame,
" was a settied opvietion with
Amelia Robinson that she would niver |
marry. Bhke was pretty enough and
educated, too, with sufficient amiadbil-
ity to satisfy the average suitor. The
fault was with Amelia She admitted
id this. Bae had had offers; in fact, lnok- |
; ing into the extravagant claims of her |
| admirers occupied a good deal of her
than he. Bhe was more practical,
gaore sell-possessid,
When Jack Ashbin came In from kis
three months’ tour of the soutliern
Rates he was greatly smused at the
state of affairs.
ri the Goddess Is still obdurate,
eh? Won't listen to reason or fion-
| sense, or anything siss?” :
He put down Lis grip and smiled |
| agreeably at the entire office force His
al good humor was always catching, snd
his homely, tomprehensive grin was
familiar to the company's patrons in
| many states.
People had eald he resemblod the
jpleture of a man in & matrimonal
guide whom women are told to avoid,
In was ast in time, for the |
pretty pewriter £7] was on {he point :
of sppraiing to tears
Then they explained that it was afl
In fun, but Amelia would gever look
“upon 15 in that way. No geatioman
: would overztep all bounds like that in |
aften rolling oars |
se name of inncesnt fun
Her rescuer was of the oninlon (hat
the world was fall of just such mon. |
1 And Gid's dese voles down ia my boars
: Plmly needed a
glarn gm Jack Asbbin, and that every
| anreed with him, which made him very
I've Played the glad games of the brivatal
ong, even making tome
And estne the bustins all, complaining | thing ushesrd of
| The pext day the man of boundless
nerve was exiled to the Pacific slope
for six monthe. Amelia wis soon a8
8ud as he often narrated the story
1 himself, ona can see he did not under-
oe a jokes of any kind,
- His face was one not easily forgot- |
i ten, and Bis manners were of the ad-
{ heaive kind which marks the perfect
| eanvasser,
The boys dared’ him to try to talk to |
uch a re feels Ike,
in of sudentary habits
if chemistry applied
i of “fake” foods are |
lo the publie, yet
cases unbelievable
derstand, for in
t Ymitations of
are now on the
y : duced from wholly |
als. It would seem, too,
t understanding, that
chemical methods of imi,
2 more than the genu-
ere 18 always, of |
1 of ‘advantage to
the making of an
: ifference of a small
cent in the cost of a
the commodity at wholesale
to a substantial divi.
stockholders of a big pack:
gor dispensing corpor-
public has at least the as |
If chemistry can produce |
so that the ordinary
nnot detect thelr na
in turn can reveal the |
fore punish it, it the | 1
ned and energett 1
2 {Amie on any subject than business.
CL very young hares and rabbits
| earned his name of “glutton”
i by eating large quantities of food, bat |
| they play by dayiight and it {8 known
to the expert that Machin's sight is
80 be went to work, and it wasa't jong |
| before they had grounds for jealousy.
Jack began with the weather but |
matches, mothers-in-law, ete.
easily shifted to the cpera, wilking
i skirts, early TBNAWAY |
The first thing Amelia knew she was |
getting interested—and in a man, too,
of all things! Of course she faust
3 quickly put a stop to this, but the
question was how? The only way to
interrupt bis Sow of eloquence was to
4. | seek safely in €ight, and she-had long
o | REO made up up her mind, never to
| flee from any man. Still, this freck- |
| led-faced knight of the grip must not
be encouraged in his mistaken esters |
(| prise. Amelia was not the kind to al
low anybody to be misled by her ae-
tons. But fust as she had settled up- | sonth as
{on the best form in which to dismiss
{this ordent adwmiver,
he suddenly
tone, “You are falling in love with me. |
It's too bad —too pad!”
“With you?” exclaimed the aston-
1 ished typewriter,
“Yes: 1 can tell every time, and I'm
sorry for it.” :
"Why, you were never more mistak-
on, sir, in your life!”
HS, 3
Oh, it's possible you don't under. | rely tilled
Cand opnorUrne guality of kis
you are drifting futo love, and. as I Sean = Ba pny For ie
sald before, 1 am very sorry—for it .° oi fises
stand your own case; but ite 8 fact:
fan fisver be”
“Your assurance is astounding!”
It seems so—bnt 1 must warn you feat and ignominy & not
| pmmediale fame. Ney
enuntable way of throving themeslves
Ai VE BI fhe ) tal i:
1 always know when The fata} i quent statesmen.
SATS § i SAE a. »
al en : : Phim “For strength of essen, for sa-
plore you to pause and consider before CEacity, wisdom and sound good sense
in time. Young ladies have an tnace
at me.
momeat is approaching and
it is forover ton late”
“Shy, you ougit to bo arrested!”
before you mar your futare happiness,
to say ‘no’ to such beaviy as yours;
‘ever painful it may be to me”
“On the conlrary, 1 am
avoid a great responsibility. Raally,
you must restrain your emotions.”
My emotions, gir? I'd like to have |
you hung or shot or anything—"
when thwart
~ “Leave me immediately. I say!” And
paper weights and scratch blocks
heiped to emphasize her meaning.
“Aftections like yours are terrible
! received go Httle attention
7 raphers and hlglorans? asks Frank
Still all the afternoon she was nervy. | Get char Tb
mistakes, g | MUS clear $5,
calm and serene ss ever, and “they
BAY A cass with her oldest admirer is
mot out of the question —~Waveriey
I Magazine.
. And still my lips pray as they did of yore:
SR 5 BAT A Ain SR aR Ee ta
A Rosser GF TRAPS.
; Wolverine Anners Munters, but fs Tee
Shy to Ve Fasily Coaght,
The wolverine is stontly built and
| about three and one-half feet in length,
Including a rather short tall which is |
1 eoveral with long drooping hair. Tha | FA
general appearance of the animal ro | 30
! piinda ug of a shagey, shorttatled doy
or small bear. The Bead in broad,
long, which hides bereath it an under
senat of soft short fur. The lows ars
| short and stout, and the foot broad and
covered below with wooly hair The
toes are armed with strong and fairly
i sharp ddaws
: i of the animal is added to by a band of |
Among the many she had rejectal fn | reddish brows Fair which commences
the big establishment in which shes |
was employed thera was nol one who |
had not been ruied out fairly on tha |
ground that she was a better maniger | ; ,
; 8iso a whitish band across the fore
i head fram esr to oar.
The curious Rppsirancs
behing the shoulder rans along the
flank, and turning up on the hip unites
in the rear with a similsr band on
the other side of the body.
There is
Land hour the pelota--a small ball of
Buch is the an. | lightened
imal which the enrly writers loved 10 |
romance aboal, snd whlch the porth- |
ern hunter doces tr love st ail
Like aloont al) the cArmivorous ani
mals fnhabiting the cold regions of the
north. he will eat the flesh of any ant
mal he can got hold of, living or Jead
He catches wild mice and certain oth
er small quadrupeds and possibly
grouse which have plunged into the
{| snow for protection from the cold. But |
. be Is slow of foot, and the capture of |
2 sorthern hares or other flees footed
creatures would be quite out of the
question. ~ His principal food i»
thought to conkist of the flesh of ant
i mals whizh have hein killad by acc
| dent ns great numbers of animals are
killed everywhere,
‘ 10 destroy great numbers of foxes al
the time when the onbs are small He
| seeks out the dens, forces an entrance,
| and kilis both the mother fox and her
No donld he often catches
He has
Hite ches.
by bolting it burtlediy,
; scarcely chewing it at all i
Hat what Sas brought him into 111
i repute with the hunters is his abit of |
foilowing them to fob their traps. A
trapper will walk for many miles set
ting his traps for heaver, martens are.
tie foxes snd other fur bearing ant
mals. and return the next day to find
that 8 wolverine hak upset all ki cal
¢ulations. The glutton has followed the |
trail of the woodsimen, visiting trap
after tran, skilfully stealing the bait
from sore and killing and devouriug
the anipials that bave been caught |
Gthers, Hut althoash he frequents the
traps so readily he fa nol sasy to cateh
by aay means, for he ia canning and
suspicious, and manages Ww keep out
: of tronble as a rule.
The wolverine kas been killed] as far
York, but it inhabits chiefly the north.
gre countries. sot only of Americs bait
h ; : af Earope and Asta. —Fioston Her:
“Ah! 1 see,” he sald In an alarmed | ii
A Targation Se atearmnn,
Why is it that Oliver Ellsworth has
from bag
myiord Cook in the Atlantic. Ha
C wap not born in Massachusetts or Vir-
ginia. In Connecticut, lke Peanavl
- vania, the historic fieid has been meag-
work has
Marsayer the
an unpopular convention for a
party Jui retiring from office in de
uoive to
sriheless He has
not been wholly overlooked by subuas- |
Webster zatd of
in the condsct of affairs. for | ede
amounts to
From a safe distance at the door of |
the office the irrepressible contintied —
Le “You are in a eritioal condition. ]
of Chillito 2
Argentine Repub! He consists of 200:
: : {tion of temper and general ability, ie
4 + 13. 4. 3 “fr % . : J
Anything to stop your mad enrcer LC may ba doubled If New England bas
Ries ey 1 yet prodoeed his superior”
| Nothing causes me greater pain than fogabd, as chief Inatice of the United
What he
| States (> the grand jury at Savannah
but duty. yon know. comes first. how- [in 1756, was the afm of his life: “So
: | let us rear an empire sacred to the
ow i
~ "You are taking a great deal upon | riglita of men; and commend a gov-
| yourself ——" + erament of reason to the nations of
trying to :
the earth.”
Benth Amarican Armies.
The daily press of Argentina is filled
with notes concerning the sapertority
of the Argentine army over that oof
FORIN Aecording to the latest pews
published in Argentine dailies the
popatation of Argentine
Tons von souls, and that
idem The armv of the
000 offifficors and men, and that of
Obit of 150,000 officers and men.
He i5 also said |
not only
the pear
| ghective of sithsequent years, To ne
ton Is being bull
3 powerful young mus ios
Be 2 +5 fiw oe : £
Jab aial, the popular term for pe- sore enough, Blag. resenting the rose
and the goid thrown to Maealn, sete
| his jaw and plays prodigiousiye-cnt
| Wits his cpponent in a fon momenta by
+ tieverly plat ng the ball where > Maio)
the six chinplond, among | : §
®t a oaRsock: the vicar of | 4,
the parish, Mo" * AL fhe right
wrist the players attach with thongs a |
Pmatines dol-seon
L& man, de
ing 8 seus SPORT.
Huge Profits When Contactod Profs.
stonaily < The Sigry jain Strest Fron
ton A Round we Two in Pav asin wm
Gold Loin Throws io the Piayers
of keeping hotels for to
word sueht not to be x
Erestiy ln Havana this seaton. writen
A torrespondent of the Now York
Fost from Cuba. At the Frontos Jai-
Hight. income enormous. beet.augay is
nol 8 competitor, and thers is no des
pendencs on tariffs. SUH i fr not an
ih Lp do Fauiaee to | there ars tumult and cheers, and cele |
Bling parhoses. Yoo are sab ato ih | OF Macaiita! Masalita anit lirtie Maciia |
lng purposes. You are going inees the | mots 3 rod roms
: : A IO beauty in a box. 8d there is ingle of |
in War Rixty-Sipih § Fin 5 Lh 3 3 2 ]
$ifgex. rashes Ior pure spor of for | goa conlanes, thrown
{ where Five dollars such
and thers mus
{Up one or Pwo. touches
: don go NY polar of Bis good cents, snd makes fee
free from (he debasing touch of pro | Ruowlsdgenint leaving (he rint To he
5 ie XnAws sin ther ; pleked Bp by Fhe boy atizodunt. The
is 5 a UH, ATEN Yiolent Tlhaes have won the fired fome and the
game predently in New York a fron
betting, it doubtless remeine for the
Cw to determine Thera 15 na reason
why jal-aial should mot be kept, as
tennis and zolf and hockey have been,
fessionalism. One
gal i of slght
CIs ot 1 Agent.
Iota, vou may read an entertaining dev |
ot erie Lott's “Rame-
on oof 8 In
nRioha: :
AL jast they suter tho areas. the pel
whom fs He
strange wicker thing resembling 2
dmrge carved fingernail witeh length
It Is with | uouimied to a fan Arure, and he hoax Vie
peeing oidfashioned
| Probably As Ten Years, Aithongh
ens the forearm by ball
Ascaing that they Bave to cate, throw
cord covered with
skin. Bard as woul, ® 9 Phi, ig
the rade of the game: When one of the
| champions of the two camps lots the
ball fail i is a point earned by the ad- |
| Verse camp-and ordianrily the jimit
$8 BI ponte.
In Havana theres are {wo ial-alal
| evenings in the secular week and an
afternoon of matches on Bundave
which you will bie reminded of by the
stream of carriages running oul ta the
Fronton, at the fixed Bour. It is the
great excitement. the great dismiontion
{which Is oftym as uniting between
5 Wrenches to the st hy
ik io > the
Only toa enterprise, 4 espting that |
any sense |
ior that business--i8 really prospering ! on the ide er and the shaek’ |
an ordinary |
oH and he refiarns it fords |
it #5 not & game les z the prisy |
or the soft: 8 gives
| Yonetitess sa al thing for any
one to complain of In a world ke (hie,
Trath will give up her Lrensumes to
Fou when You give up year prejudice
to her,
A man’s good breading is the best
| security arsine ansiaer wens bad
intarientnd win the
ut and the pwifseess: he din |
£ pusetuni to it sharply: wat wil stoop |
| shontdersd Flay. in a violent
tay s pi Co bawines himself
Adal, or our where the snclent gums | | hig
of pelota is played in the fashion of he 4
old Basque country, the proprietors |
, perbans $100.006.
a | fn
bly more. cach week. Expensesars hard for it, and resch au
ear off {he faor and
falls, with Bis costa arm donblad ander |
is upon the menhalt. HB a hor Jin
er and most be tiken by The opponent |
in front, Bttie Murals, Fle has to run |
© and fap |
Lbut. while silence falls rhe hue? in]
ie i
agit Y and | nites the dark Machin a
this glove (manufactured In France by | otmqotion of
& uanlque baske-msker of the village of
EBD | Impresaton of a 9mall pant of sae of ihe
{afternoon's four matebes Om a pari
[ Bdo, which Is 5 match between fen
| teams of tho mur euch, FI5.000 to $8 | |
: thes NY
| 08 fx wagersd: on BQ
Beard and then the clack! and there in |
nobody in place fo refirn it. Then |
Pung By an excited
money. and at his feet fall glittering |
from every:
they srs |
t bat 39 of them: be pleks)
them In the
betting oids {peregse pgminst toe
A the har
gular, Eloy. Fue we Rave faith: and
hough rit
si vs & sland £0:
tha at wha gon Sy writs gnid lol :
: hesches and boxes where, after all
thers is admiration for rel prowess, |
smner eons. Bot worthy pioking uD,
nto Markle in gentle derinion.
se, pr
This ba hot a Bor WY, matier-ol-fher
old, whieh fa
| played by wix wen. eal for himself,
Cc peraans 48 to Rave A common avers
sion it is the game of jal-alai,
Ther {8 (oc be a great match, Ma
Fioy xsd Machin (whites). The last
hat by only one point in a total of 30
close fighting all the way (hrongh.
But that was in the evening: today
better in daylight. He is 8 marvel
this Machin, with the long syshrows
that denote the real Basque and mus
Shes a5 responsive as slastle Hig parr-
r. Eloy is lsaky asd stooped, but
wily And attends to the game Ho
ean and Trecet (blues) are to play
] wlan retently
1 time thems teams mot the biver won |
will br opposed to Macala in front
{which would be “at the set’ 3 tan
nish, and Macala Is small catlise very
lovely, the girls think, to look upon
with & moustache just ehadowiag hia
Hp, and shoulders like a grenndier
Butoh, the handicap of ladies’ men’
phitsge to hear his name 5b
eee Mowers thrown from some throbs
COATS tooastopt Mies Minnie Newby a
© mekoot gird with & wonderin! voles dat
| ® baginess Investment
; ; Capra no C9t in reaining her, iE
were Pg 3 : Poe BEX $i 0 Tee i xsd
he plays to the boxes. plays for 3D | gBould she die in the meantime they
steed, and
blonde, graceful: and Be a famous
hack, wilt be opvoned Bear the far wall |
to the dark Mach
they were defextad before
Where they begin thers is aaphalt
wy Tangs # an asphalt | minmtes to spare.
va With as !
sony walls painted hack Om the |
fourth side sit the spectators tier on
tier. The game {2 to Ring the ball with | caver the entien bottoms of the Bont. |
with ap
eonrt bounded og hres
ad of the long cesta basket glove
hard against ons end wall when the
opposing team must catch ton the By
or on the Srut bound. and hurl if back
and soon as in tennis or, te he under.
STH swadays, perhaps one should ]
1 ne a rhag Be Ane : shape them for the purpose in view,
BAY plag-pong Between spectators and |
players is a Mine of corredores, or men |
who pecan te between lookers.on,
sidring brillant seariet Bazgoe cans i”
1 that mae iin = 3 gai TC gots {ZR NET $0 w
ithe black walt of the a oir. Oge man |
WARE tn wager 5 to dan
same hondy takes the ba
tered, The admonitions comments,
applause of the SpRCTRtOrs, and the
— of the corredores create a (re
is Macala's first
serve: he selects one of the sight fine |
mendous din. It
in, and Is Hikewise a
atigequently vou, being |
2 against Mim asd Mscsia,
asd pin your faith to the feos weilfas
Yored whites, Eloy and Machin, thourh : he had to support bis wrms on euule!
fC fens. But Ge won his bet, with 14
Pinta the amis of thelr asthe German
] rivals who Rave had ftile dilfleuly in
at Pars Island near Peanfort, 8 ©.
Ome big ohe and two
| swaall anes escaped.
Rrawn as (he Merry
Greenville, Bave &
Gaited to Rewn gn their
: Eusge.
: vesho iT he toes Bod wish to make me
Coase wil
bing breasts to Bim. His partner. | $8 Boia
Teucat, is also handsorse, Hake Jather LAY
[from $8000 to $BOOG Is wagered: tiie
{ wonid [ndicate that every lsiaimi sf
| tersoon or evening sees at least $85.
| 064 Inid in betx. From three to four.
i thousand perscgs Attend leaving rare. | divs an early degtn
(IF many vacant sesis, paving esch for
admission from 60 enti to $3 Span.
; $k silver (18 centa to $1.50
of many people. the sad roln of some, |
and Americans guickly succembd to ita
sromg fascinations. If there is oma |
interest which has bronght Cubaas and |
Americans to a common admiration
CUAINT and cumous.
Six young whats btlonging to a
sehodl which stramded (he other day
war eapinreal
+ vo
The yonrg maa of Jorvey City, NI.
seeanized the elnl
temaiution thar
they would sot sseocisty with the faly
qEX, :
Cheater Holoombe sad a mers maior
af godent may totally alter the means
ing of the word in he Chinese lan.
The same author says that one
pier watch the very tisnen of Ii
gierhts mistakes,
oss en
Mr, and Mrs € Batons of Boston
They are
wish to recoive jay for thelr trimbile
got the pire Ue ingwred for
A Garber Bas won a wager of ini
tance at Marseilles Francs by ping:
HE a plang for
TRIE Bot aggrisating over
hove Hix fngery Bb
: dutwed in may
anticipate wonderfol things
{ thient;
Bachelors of |
whrastend. They
27 hours with fingers;
Ralf an
me eramped, |
® fade draw, his Bands swollen, and |
That in the best 2:07 of Yee wh Sieh
in ennie wa be Helin
Bon reciiving it
on Big ey ot sien,
Whether you speak in metas seieal
Hue the groves leaf and the Hosenme—-
pire, and breathing purity whatever
Laoll omay grow in
It in astonishing how soon the wholn
feonerience begins fa unravel if 8 sine
ale stiteh drape. Ore siete wovne in
2 bode von vould pus
Plscontent 1» the wnt of ae valle
ance: 3 id ufrmtte oF will Regret
calamities I you can thereby help the
sulerar: IF wnt atten to YUL own
work and already (De ov beglos to be
rep ived
Whether vou speak tn metonivsies)
gaphoricai langage, iG the por
est wards of jaspicntion or tha gross
eal wager of saterialbeny the coh ad.
tions convared hy the sane wird are
tisentinlly different scoording lo the
[onl which reoeives hem
At almost every step I= Ye we
ment wlth vende men Tor whom We
ar of
v whatn, even after much and careful
LD inguire. we never haboen © Baar ane
other word. Like certabs vhintos cab
tors apd gingliams they show finely
in thelr Bree newness Lat cannot
stand the san sad "sin, and assume 8
i vury sober aspect after waning day.
AVE <mace. ace 5 COCs.
Many Live Mash Tanger,
The age jo mhieh a dug fives in the
ordivary course i Alwars a snmewhat
Intepseiing subiect, HE
Piroment tome when wn ma Ph I done In
tie way of heeding for carly maturity.
For lustunce, we nave both sotiies and
| fox terriers becoruing bench charapions
before they sre well out of (holy pup-
Prd, but i js sad fo say hat mn a
majority of such cunes (he arershown
dog afterward rapidly degenerates oF
A anrraspondant
Lwrites to the Field of the death of his
fox terrier at the sdvouesd aps of 18
Years, baving Deva born in 1584 He
was either » 300 oF A gras of
Brokenourst Joe, his iste owner does
| not kaow which. This is ng donkt 8
vase of unusual longevity: bat ine
stagees of does living to 14 and 13
years are common. Dr. Leen reeonds
#d the death of a dog oo Lord Oglivie
8% 2% years old, it arising from an aes
while Me. WI iatveeaeh
the same time mentioned eo of
Bid own dogs ons of Which was then
fiviag, bard on fo 20 yesrs old, the
#ther had died whe gt over that
The well-known fix terrier. Dele
Erave Jou was born Joly 31 1388 and
died Jan, 13, 158s, while another aged
{terrier was one of a working stamp
which oume from George Carta of the
Betale, teen i January, 1880 and died
Fob 13 18% In several of the abeve
weil-guthmaticated cages of longevity
death either arose om accident or
{wis Lronght aboot by the ownar owing
i to the growing fecbieness of 1.8 poar
oreatare. No mean oan be STi as to
{hie average age of the ooitinary dom,
hut this might he taser al U0 Yours as
Be iv now ~—~Pali dlall ¢ 0%
Stonil Settles Beitain's Pasitive,
The vontroversy as io whether Brit.
thin or Deosany wad moat heinful to
the United Beaten af the tine of the
tranble with Hpsin le an instance of
the slstermination of Geemany to dis
teipe England, if sossitle feom the
postion of Ameriin’s best | ries,
There 18 pe donb har the English
Fave manstrousiy sxagpermated the sen
Yicoa whieh hey wers able to render
The tune of horseshoe common In
the Cirient {8 a plate ited 20 as Ww
rforation in the centre, The |
CnesighE ot the average horseshow fog |
Giheeefimrths of 8 pound
I amniths usually oul these plates from
1 the hltues. XA
calls out the terms. gpd | ¥ ;
st the moner: in. 1 of the works to the raliwsy lines we
LAR money fn ! :
wie. | Duenmatic gins stones
gold centenes, 8 paid over, and regis. | V7 HLA 8 Ee
ance la the same as
Pamplona balls {rom the box carried
nn the aapbalt, tosses It for courtesy to |
an opponent fo see if i suits Mim and |
with a little run backward townrd |
the hitting wall, swings ever so grace-
fully and clack! the ball strikes the
wall, and is in play. traveling back
gn swiftly that the eve follows its
Blight with diffleuliy until ehnek! ft is
| Runyon became paralysed and died in
{10 days.
caught in the cesta of Eloy, who with |
both arms returns BF with tervifle ©
fores. Back it rebounds high in the
air, and chuck! it is caught by Trovet
pear the faraway rear wall half a city
Wesk distant, aad You can faney the
by the boy attendant. toies its rebound | Sufe or biow that the wills will stand,
The pative i
eta of wrogeht fron amd rudely
sr works fn Germany a novelty In!
own has heen introduc Light | !
sioeed through stone windows,
The ordipary panes Of glaze wore im
bracticalde on acdaunt of the nearness
have been
used. From the outside the appesr |
the so catind
*Puthgen™ panes They are tranin:
ovat and at the same tine as strony
as the stone will in which they are
set. They wil withstand any pes
Killed as His Vietion Waa.
Two years ago James Moors, Jr. of
Warfield, Killed Thomas Runyon at a
Baptist association by shooting him in
the left Knee, fracturing (he patella,
Ten days ago Moore and
Wallace Brower engaged in a fight
which culminated in Reewer shooting
Moore in the left knee, fracturing the
left patella. Moore became paralvaed
and aiso ded in ten Sars ~Loutivitle
(Ky) Courter
1a thes 3 pitt HR “a aatey al {he Line af the
war and (n daing ao they have plaved
showing that the claims pur forward
ion their behalf have heen far in ex.
cess of any thing that the facts justify.
The popular delusion. lor instance,
that Grear Britgin bad threatened to
Hin the United Sp tos in a fAghting
fatiiance againet a European coalition
fo all “fee faw. Dum” Wa heartily
wished the United States satvess. but
; between that and threacening to place
In a new bulldisg attiched to soto |
the Britiah navy in the Amerson ight
Linx iipe the differvnes is as wide an the
distance between the two polis We
| worn reqily to give mural support only.
—Williazn T. Bead, In Suvcuss
Crentast Flower Market in the Wark
The greatest Sower marks: in the
world is the famous Coren: Carden
market in London, and to calcd a peed
of this centre of aetivity at Easter
time is a revelation. This flower head
guarters for the world's greatsst city
was established about three guarters
of A century age In oa most modest
manner. Now It ccenpies a vast glass
roofed brick balidineg, This Immense
gtructure 3 divided into Busdreds of
separate little stalls wach presided
Over bY a man or woman hut viewed
from one of the wntran.é the hall
appears to be heaped up ten feet hizh
With one vast mass of bicom. —~Wone
‘an’s Home Companies,
Watercress in good won the leaves
are large, yhe size of the leaves indie
cates the amount of tissue-—sirengthe
_eving chiorophyil—in them