The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 05, 1902, Image 4

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WHA dn i Ln i
SA fight took place among the em- Tc pow in onder and to do
<t |ployess of the Walter Main roo Xo
: Las Tbe show War being. loaded o . properly yon must have th
the cars at Hastings Monday waht, | proper tools. We have the
where it exhibited that day, and some and at prices as low as the
[lively shooting resnited before the ox. lowest. When the garden 1
men was shot twice but as he was ns.
"taken away on the train and the tircos &
| peaple refascd to tell anyibking bout | Yaris \ :
i the affuir it Is pot known bow serionsly Does You r
ihe wns hurt, : Lowrey :
court ProcEEDIGS Neighbor Keep
ge bss} Bown Tramapiring Ht the Bogus : ch i ck en < 57
Fase Term.
i The June term of Corl convenad at ; If
Eanshurg on Monday with Judge lie
o Ftomnor o on shail bench. A purely of Po it 25
oy under fhe re. OU GF
Feu of shin sk Pry And hi off LC h Ty SH
Dias pr and dunghter
of Trvom, were in town | Andin
Best Quality
ering of ths Putten The ara Ex onkeepers made
wee . fir ; curt in thelr effort [31 2 a Sa
Ee 8 EO een aanr un bors oven mir ns ELECTRIC
10 o'olock, as is the rule #1 present in +
o | Cambriu county. Jes in te fam of LIGHT
a petition of a eommition appointed : na
by the Knighte of Fidelity representing | G LO BES
the Johostown liquor dealers, asking | BSL ann
the Court to set a later beor than 10
O'clock for closing the bare and citing | “Sterling Special.” Try
burg sabsona remain open mach Wager any other.
than they do in Johnstown, leaving it
to the Court to fix such an hour 48 he A comp lete line of Ander
thought best. Judge O'Copmer SON buggies —none better, few
L Avem | granted a rule returnable at next term a8 good, prices right.
ii is pow agent for on any eitisen or body of citisens of Champion Road Machines,
press Oa, at Patton Lumbria connty to show cause why Deering Mowers Binders
10 peyet of the petitioners stionid ¢ 1
Wagons and Syracuse Plows.
hotel man and the ble caffer oy the
present 10 o'clock rule, while the Tin, Comber a Iron Work.
ile attending to duty thereby. The explanation giver for |
| this fact alleged is that there are pany
late trains stopping at Johnstown that in Hard Ww a re. n :
the city i» cosmopolitan in is natare,
and that the early closing of the sa o Semmes a
loons bag a tendency to induce petwons 4 A COR I & Cl
wit lub rooms and other places | Hh VU Wy
here liquor is sold withoat Hoenae. | et A
| "(The Court is sino asked to “express Fifth Ave.,
Soe Adve | his Sled preva of oe sytem of aredis
; or fe Ey ed oy bh ; vogue in 3 hnetowy | PATTON : PA.
: he se detrimental bk the |
t and Mipes sve. poh : tie wifare. In the € Sppor of the |
ag by Young & on it 6 alee pointed vot Bt wo |
other oity in the ate 8 large ss
soaps ag 8 1 Oo fetid shming |
Tha peiition is sworn to by mv
and Surkhor goed
op Hotel ken pir of Sint a et |
all of whom are connected with Hie
liquor Disiness, :
Io so the mje on the hefrs in partie | :
tion provesdings in the estate of chin i
Not, dee ase, Te of Carrol] town. Fourty Ave.
iabip, none of the parties in interest |
having soospted the real estate 28 the : Ais
valuation fixed by the inquest, the PATTON, PA.
L0onrt ordered that real estale be sold | :
W | and directed that an order of side be
{issued ta Jacob Yost, executor. ~Degler in
_ Sheri! Davis dlaposed of the follow :
oi ng proppirties at the Court house. y . :
© The laterent of Morgan J. Cromer roc eres, F four, I ced
in 14 acres of ground in Patton, Sold : :
{to Henry Swope for $30. and Provis-
: The itterest of Swan Swanson in sl :
i piece of groand in Carroll township. | ;
Bold to Patton Building and Lown as 1001S.
mociation for $250.
Judge Kooser, of fumerset, ia ansist- |
ing Judge O'Connor and beard the cross
: prosecution between Ang. tiie and |
John and Henrietta Diston TY | Pivat. ent \
Ba Ror Nctoagle. al ar ol First-Class Stock and N
t pirties wre from Patton and the lat. Goods. Give me a call.
. named quartette were sent to jail in|
‘defanlt of bail after a recent hearing |
: before ’'Bquire Melion, Latick
v charged Henry Notnagle, his wife,
, daughter and son-in-law with having
‘invited him to their home, where they
| tried to get him drank, and then rob.
| bing hina of $25 in cash and a revolver, |
Notoagle made a counter charge of
_ iassauit und battery against Lottick.
{The jury was out all night and broaght
"| uty and imposing the costs ox Lot- location in the Fisher Block
{we are now better prepared
' than ever to do all work in
‘this line.
Clearfield tow hin |
i f id ward. |
short time previous the rants Aliowance fe mid wn) We are sole agents for
Jitte dasghier of Isadore petition of G. W. Lioyd etal for a: Cambria county for the cele
d. role on D. E Notley to file in Uonrt a brated
hanna township, : og
Petitions of citizens of Barr town-| Brooks Oil Co. B
ship for the sppointment of viewers to | Foe :
lay out a public road from Nicktows | Gutta Percha
to Carrolitown. J. IL. Elder, H. J | a
| Krumenacker and Jobo L. Evans sp-| Roof ng Paint
pointed. ; : .
: P Petition of J. Ww. Martin, adininis.
trator of D. M. Kratzer, deceasex!, late f i ki Hine
of Clearfield {ownahip, f for his dis- or all work in our line.
wi dC Harper! |
| eitement Was OVEY. (ne of the show. | completed the real trouble t Oe
to mform you that we handle
2 complete line of imported
r and domestic wines, brandies
pe a
PORT & SHERRY, direct from the i
the fact that in Altoona and Hitrrda one and vO will never ase
“| Reapers and Rakes, Conklin
room for NeW ¢ =~ QO yds: | emit that will fae oh him: 5
| mt Heaters will be sold at
ew/goodbargeins. | WOLF & THOMPSON,
‘and Red Cross ranges. Fully
| guaranteed or money refunded.
| oils—miners’, kerosene, hin
in a verfict finding Notnagie et ul not Having moved to our new
Estimates cheerfully nradel
1 Hinis shoes that are made
right, look right and wear
iright, we have them,
If tis low-priced or high
Priced shoes, we have them,
WORDS | The Shoe business
| is all coming our way.
nors at moderate prices, |
3 3 Ca Ra ® x i 2 i. 3
¢ and age guaranteed. Because we buy fires Cl from the manu-
me a tral and be con i
2 ul and de cou facturer, we know how to bay ¢ aod shoes ud
save vou trom 23 to 3 ee ON EVEry pair.
Our New Shoes and
Here are a few of our brands.
PEUREKA ULARETS. direct from
Lhe vineyards, por bottle, fom $00
fo Ron :
FRENCH CLAEETS from Marie Fore | e ’ 0 : fords |
: & Cle, per | bottle, rom Sic to $1.80 - | : hed Ld
RHINE WINES insperbad and Cali:
fornia, from 50 to 33 30 =~ X¥\ & are coming in from all the
best shoe makers in 1 all the
California vineyards, per guar, fF ’ :
from: Sto up. 7 down to date styles
aan, Toop. have Ne largest
MONONGAHELA PURE RYE, par stock and low est prices for quality in Patton.
paar, Te. 2 : >
per quart, L060
58 ¥ vies Out | Ihe bet Shirt Far the Moana
For Family and Medicinal Use, per! The Dest Shir i for the Money.
qasrt, $1.50.
It will pay you to come miles to buy
from the Money Saving Store.
== | Patton Supply Co.
As 5 pring Is here
‘we offer the following.
below cost to make evr RY so first, robin, comes the man who
doubts. te “don't believe” he can Ady to-mear
ne “doen't believe” pat re mente
sold at $1. 1.2% be don't helieve anything of amy yhody—-and yet the chances
20, eto. ., at 49¢. ¥ are ten to one he goes out with one of our Spring Suits on
his back.
en ; Why? Becanss there ts procd in our stock fo convince the mout confirmed
Cithers said at 230, 318%¢, at anbeliover.) Then styl bern Tere's beauty. There's care in make
| 164. There o artistic ta talioring. There's proper Sniehing There's goon material.
{There's a guarantee. And, best of all, the prices are there, proving themselves,
Li rad inn every conse, below the figures of other stores,
Horse blankets $1.10 to We want the may who donbte to come in and see some of the govelties we
1.25, while they last at 5Q are are showing in
‘and 6oc. | SPRING SUITS.
"Three Red Cross and Sum: | Reader, tf “thou art the man,” come 1m and see what we
‘have in store for you.
a ~The People's Clothiers.
Come and see our Summit iia pee £
(Glass, paints, white lead
(seed, etc, at lowest prices,
re ; 7 That Fourth of Jul y
Largest line general § . 1. SUIT!
hardware and furni-|
ture in this end of the
‘county. Come and see
Hor yourself
course you will want a NEW Su IT
OF a OTHES for Independence J
(set your order in early
wis be sure of it
We can fit vou ont in any Style,
or Quality,
| AT
Complete line of Trouserings
» :
Merchant Tailors, Patton, Pa
The Old Reliable
Magee Ave,
du i
IIIT IIerensssy.