The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 05, 1902, Image 2

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    "the Chane of 3. :
Ged Ht Ces of Backache and Lencorrhon than sn
y the world has ever known. It is almost infallible in suc
It dissolves and expels tumors from the Uterus in an early stage
Sigrrecsed oF Panto] 10 eanestous amor,
General De Shity ia yields to it |
omb troubles, gausing in, weight and backache, instantly re.
and permang it! y ts use. Under af circurpstances it
harmony with the rs A, govern ths femils system, and is as
ly removes “That Bearing-down Feel ing. extrerun lassi
re Di mao te ieh aime? fulice, a:
LDervousnoss, Dizriness, 6 ulen
iy or the “ blue” and backache, These sre sure Pog ot
Weakness, or some derangement of the Uterus, which this
lways cures.
y Semplaints and Backachy of either sex the Vv egatable |
Te ares.
les, and dandrot aod 8; 35d Ua
ry od for all the pure
Women ase COTICURA
, lotdammations, and
: Joo! Nahe for for
tic purposes whic ¥
mothers, CUTICURS Soar combines délic
CUTICURA, the great skin cure, with he
most refracting of flower Ddours.
compared w i preservin y no
rie ne scalp, hair, aud hands. No hi ii is
) however expensive, is to be compared with it for all the
d parsery. Thus it combines, in ONR SOAP at
soap, 4 and the BEST tollet and
| because you won't be (aiking and you
pay Heten to nothing but birds
ithe evening, Lirds rest at noon,
or boots, for then you may go every
i whepn
: then the birds will be fame
i Ther kad never b before seen the dread
What the Wind Says.
Boo! boo! bre?
I am after wou
I wast your nose
I want your toes
Boo! Bio ie
Bon! Bont bn?
There's but ene chance for you.
Harry o% to bed
Hide your foot snd your hesd—
Beth Tb
Woy E. Batts, in 8 foe } Housekonping.
How toa Look for Pirde
1. Gu alone snd you'll ses more
2. Go in the early morning or in
3. Wear old clothes snd overshoes |
4. mnt forget your fold glasses
5. Take 8 pote Took sad po
that you may write down your
preesione on the spot. Your memory
might full you
6. Muze a jist of all the birds you
| pee med your pext tramp will be more
i exciting,
7. When you see an usknown bird
| don't fail to see what shape its bill is
: Bilis differ more than noses. Sketch
3 Bis neck.
1 stest of brushin ¢ past thems. A war
tine Lranch mean
meds feeand
i gin withi. then you ay see & bin
before he dees you.
tras snpply was about $18
bowed, & chaparral-cock hopped slowly |
Ail: that's the only may to sop,
RB. To arouse a bird's euriosity kiss
your hand: the dullest bird will crane
Eo Mave slowly, quick movements
: excite things
if Go under the low branches in
a jarred one
Lird Xnows
13. If the mos a 5 will permit 3
Bit Ty somaewh fo Bnd Keep per.
fectiv” atili for Rall an hour {to be
13. Think about what you ses
14. Imemt fea] disconraged afier
| your walk if you don't see much. The
walk was good for you
15. Dem’ wear a white waist
{snow is all gone. Now things
grees, brown or gray. —Robort J. 8
in Primary Education,
Koldierd’ Clothing in Alaskn
The American soblier in Alaska would
{ Bardly be recogtised by bis comrades
of the army who are stationed in less
nigoris climate. The military océu
pation of Alaska presents a hew prob
lem: ax to the best stvie of clothing to
protect the men In garrison or on the
trail from the xtreme sold
The fur and other heavy clothing
‘agine what It was for. Elsie was es
| peeisily puntied, asd when ber mother |
went We e233 on the strangers, she |
furnished to troops at the mest sorth.
ern posts of the States was inadequate
for the purpose and a supply He of
extra heavy clothing was made up for
| plat the Be
Alrskan service. The cot of this ox
Based uppon experiencs the dregs of
the Alasdan soldier thix year consists
of 8 double breasted canvas, blanxst
Lined pea jacket, biae in onkr, with
thonugers of the same canvas, ales with
8 bianke! lining. A muskrat exp of
Improved natlers finishes the costume
the ear faps in front being extended
to cover the cheell hones sod a s55all
detachable far strap serving © Je
fend the bridge and the end of the
nose from frost. The lower corners of |
the fap lap over and fasten by means
of a BAL £5 a8 to cover the chin.
For fold or tral] purposes 8&8 gar
ment called 8 “parka” meade of :
cloth, haviep a hood trimoed
vorakin and a linioz &t the caff «
the saine fur has been specialiy mans.
factured for these, our northernmost
soldiers. Hereafter the paskrar mit
tea furnished will have theliping saw.
ed in only al the euffa The ebiect of
this precaatios 18, as the Washington
Bter exninins to enable the wearer
tarp out the lining and dry Rt when it
bewomes damp through perspiration, |
whieh frequently hapoens
The Peyalation a Beavy “wionlan wr
derwesr worn by the other troops hav.
ing been a by experisnde wo Heh
for proper protection In Alnsha, heavy
fleece dined parments have been ix
As It In often difficult to communi
cate with fhe poRts no Alaska it has
bedn deemed advisable to keep a
least one year's olvbing swpplies
ahead of repirements In addition tin
this a reserve depot he ert estab:
lished at Fort 8t, Michaels, and is Rept
well stocked,
Ratttar and Beadronser Fighe,
From 8 story In the 51 Nicholas we
take this exciting ploture of a Te=an
outdoor battle
Harry, who was leading
and motioned them to ba gt
euliar harsh stacests call
some bird in their front, &
another and another This wax ac
companied by a steady sharp bum
| ming, which reminded Ralph of the
noise maide by a typewriter when the
carriage is dragged over the teeth in
fits rear. Peering cautiously throveh
a fringe of catelaw, they saw a small
open giade not ten yards across. and
in ita centre a huge motled ratiesnake
wae coiled. ring upon ring fis wicked
dark head ralsed six inches, and wav
Ing to and fro. Its small eves gleamed
like carbuncles and its tail vibrated
so rapidly that the tp could not Le
®t Pine i .
seen, It was In an extremity of anger.
Five feet away, its head lowered near
ly to the grass, its bill extended, its |
wings haif raised and sharply el
w and down. A battle to the death
10. Keep off of dry twigs they are |
i nosey, : 3
| tenants we
for each
tihat whene
. bytcher.—Chicago News,
oF ratiler.
Like 8 Bash of llghy, the snake
“ aod HE bead
One instant 1 ;
unched, and the bird nearly station.
i ery. in bell the next jostast ihe rap
the mas at fall Tevet snd the Mind out
| of Sanger.
$ hn the woalinces of the ratiiar that
it mae od] Befors it ean ress
attack It endeny red fom ey to
: ? ¢ With
snlning sjining : ght.
+4 squarely upon Is eh two inches
below te head. The zhary HH de
keeled twice. Then it hopped two
yards away and sttered 8
tricep. The rattler threw itself in
to a spiral and Brtrack Lindl ite full
Jeneth This it aid 3% 1 t
pe were estrovad te :
hats were Rudihla varia away AL
rad Yemomousiy., The in
the oh
ard drove its
Wil into the bay
[of the jong bed
re 4 5 ; 3 i 5 wank ine &% oN mex
: asked Harry stoning juts the ¢ :
| and tarning over the snake with nix
i foot. The road rosner instantly van
Prissy snd Her Pell.
snaawk in
eld DE |
Was 3 guiver
RR ESB 0 Ry Fh So RG
The house om the. oorner Bad bean |
LC Yacant 5 long tine, and now some new |
moving in. Elsie Man
rane fran he 2 Ha LR Tony window of
the 1 furniture
La as pity WAKE (1 mm in Bones th ees
CBomme Sin of 6 510 girl in the amily |
"there 18 one there ll be AL
vehall or 8 dud) earisge OF satoetlioe
aha told her mother fait no auch antl
Fane Appears
poanted. he longed for 3 Hite next
aon pelelibher Her ToeRreEt bend
Lived three Houses AWRY (m AnGihar
wp | BErent and to it Ber she Bad to BO
ground the hock Gr climb fenves oith
er uf whith was noonvenient when
‘ BEDE wns ins Barry ov n Borne waste.
ter. It would be so nice she thought.
ito have mressiaaly righ
Tha 4ay after the now ned ghhnrs came £
Elsie was attracted to the window Bb
the sound of x bell She heard it sev
eral times, and fSnally she saw & Jady |
| ‘on the porch of the corner house With |
a dinner bell in her hand As days
went by, the hellringing erew fo be A
regular sound; but pohly vould In
begrad her Hf pomsinde to find out
When Mrs Manning returned El
waa ready with cuestion
“Yeu” zai her mother, sling, “the
gereret IR out. The bell ia for their
ent-~Priexy, her name a They say
ver they want her they ao
to the door and ring the bell and sb
plways stays wilin sound of the bell
mrad comes aw ado gn sha ie called It
i% strange isnt @. that a oat should
lhe Bo prompt in obedience?”
Eisle gall “Yea” very soberly She
way wondering if her mother Was
thinking of ths many tines that she
had been callpnd hosse from Bertha's,
or oven from play npsiairs, and abo
aad 3 deemed Tie inate ong
477 unl toe enm heen for
rotten. Only the tay Latore she had
sed 8 pleasant walk With her uache
#he had not slartest at once |
when she sigs called Bur Blale could
Gnly guest. as Mex Manolag west on
& row neighbors and
Pre LE vege wn th BER which
fie Rad Rear
The pest the that Elle
“bell, however she tho
again, and ranning to the wisdow, she
aw the hgndeone Prissy climb the |
Lack fence and scamper acrsa the
hack yard towed the house and
through the door whivh the cook held
open. Bo osas not fear thar made her
mn Ko promptiv
“T'm not going 1a et a eat mind bet.
ter than | 20.7 said Eisle fo herself;
und the day after when she heard her
father calling ber from the library.
sida ran af one to soe hal was wank
od, although she was right in ths
wid dle of & ow: intersting pi
her father was hRapoily suarpr
sail nothing at the ime
Forhare if would pot have been 230
for he iy # to réveember i
mot been {0
Hat thar 4
gong!” never fs
in mind and Elsls came 5 run
rompiie that Mra
Mann NR
“1 thik
Elsie langhed. “Yeu mamms, ihe
gered. 7} think gree ae oy dont
now ax § should ever
to come milek when | was alle od FR
ml Ee wie WAR Sieap:
in the next
ivarned 4
badn't been for Prissy and ber bell” |
Blste did not know that Prissy like
people. had to learn a lesson before |
she could teach i. Bhe Bad not lost
a walk with ber uncle but the loss |
was much greater in her opinlon Sha |
fost 8 dinner! Youth's Companion,
Miss Upperten (Baochtily)—My
great-grandiather was a Virg via Tay
Hiss Newrich (unaffected) Indeed”
And my grapdiather was a
patent Examiner TU. & Tremvary.
ar ge « A Tragaury Desartouens pradoats of |
Colutmbin Colings
aad who served
§ thre vanes at
foie wiwing to say of
Prowl ny grasituds
Vo paw dar Fhe
fan pony won
} deritul remands |
Ome short mossh
Mae brought fot
| C, writes:
West Pods gm the |
§ bent derived
vat change snd)
FI tow sonmbdes |
} mrwilf & well man |
CR Chambon, X. D. wrt ts 0h mt 7 Washtsgion, D. &.:
“ Many osses Mave come wndir my observation, where Peruna
catarrh ond a ® pemerat tonte, ep. B. CHAMBERLIN, M.D
WRN iid
{wu Coring. Fellow on Yermme. Porana
or. Liewsliyn Joedan, Madioal Examiner a
mire von, "Dir Linaelivy Jordan.
Geo. ©. Hovoner, M. D., of Kossostia BK
The Poruna Mati-tans Ca Combes 0
Cha mene“ in my peastice | have nad
cevmmlan 10 freaueamict preside your vlge
1 adel is ine. wil Lave fou
FAT mete see | Sen: 0k SONG He dan ene
2 epmntinily fn seen of Skah
Fora © Bavener ¥ I og
IF wom An wot peenive pial apd ation
CERetory eweniie Proon fhe a h
Whe at smon % Dr. Hartman, wing
FEAL stateesaw of pony be — Ba es
Ld 3 Jicamnd to give yor Bis valuable a
sfx months of
off to repew from time to time. =
We are expats in the omment of
walls, Writes see how helpful
“Pang Cle bos 4 REARS doen ving tm
ee Mow & TINE &» what I
for aad Bat Faas
WL Dvagies’ mone snd pri
anos ox the Diithum.
ZUR Sa Rpt i ne
; nein ot
atiand An |
w Nw ie
of Same value as tags
Jd will prove what eink oth aedB wi oF
be found to be tavalasiie in the hoomshold Many
People aay “T3 is the best of al) your