Txcon ACE - Patton, Pa ; | nent candidate for the Republican nom- ination for county comminsie {only Republican announced from the | north of the connty and is entitled to | the support of the party from Vela section. dolng goqps nice letiering on the show | windows Gunn's pharmacy fast Danisp ened the circns pe ft ert John M Dinsmore is visiting | week Owing to delay in getting some gs Panxsutaw icy. | of his Bxtares, Mr. Gunn will oot be P oaade 2 business able to oper his store unt 5% June 18 “han, 0 Grenninger, of the Kirk H ardware {: 0s «min the Presbyterian doh for treatment Appetite, Mi Ft Mm Aggie : LB fas Tr ae has de esdonmad anal ered : £5 £ Corps bs 4 the wn Wedgeaday on bush : aan asl boot : F day following. in Earopesn and South | Frills was visiting pros. Amprican countries the day ha boli- Shnte county this | day with processions, ete. ; . The Beech Creel rond broke its © succeed May : record one diy recently by hanling on a - theoretically at ite single track within eight hours | ro 1588 errs. Of these 381 loaded and | nile 1s on & visit with | is emptiss went eastward and 387 Ford, + at Janes {empties and 83 loaded went wostw ard. : | The ; : Fo best previous record was 1714 1 o Solomon, of DuBois, was | business Hiterests in town Another case of smalipox, has de- Seluped at Barnesbora, Dr (LT. Hel | rick, who was given in charge of Dr. Lal the carpenter, i. con- J. Blenn Miller of that place, 8 victim | L . with An attack of of smxlipox, has Himself been taken : down with an stiack of the dread dis iemse. The attack is said to be very vir | alent © The asthorities are naturaliy | alarmed over the awmiler lis now convalessent, Memorial Pay service | 1 encourage the oid sol | Linder its proper herding will be | found the snnopneement of BE FE enix bas Hohmann, of Jobratown, ss neandis : ins Ebene. L date for the Republican nomination of member of sembly. Mr. Hohmann is a native of this county, a prominent merchant of the Flood Clty and in Lavery way qualified to fll the position ably whi He is entitied to and prob. the endorsement of Patton at the Dont Start f Wrong, Don't sart the summer with a log: | ; ering cough or cold. We atl know what a ‘summer cold” BB Iw the hardest kind to Onre. Often it “hangs rade on’? through the entire mmison, Take dos i fi hand right now, righ Bare cure for coughs, olds, | committes of the sionp, grip, bronchitis, all throat and. Pomona Girangs is ong: routes. Absointely safe. Acta sis Lo hold He oes, L see. { ein ike i it. § 4 : a F in ids : [dine Lover ased, 2 mays 1 , Bow! los, 3 0. F. Groveton N. IL. 1 never found any ; Aare thing ise that acted so safely and , with 5 mem. piekly.” OW. Hedging, Patton, 500. me rpms tant. and Hastings Pharmacy, Like ® Prawning Man. of “Fige years ago 8 diwease the doctors | Sa He galled dyspepsia took sich bold of me of a kinds aod makes 8 Marah, welb known attorney of Noo goma, Texas “I took quantities of John L. Evang, of Ve wtera, a promi. | ver, was | in town Wednesday, Mr. Evans is the Chas. G. Fagan, of Hastings, 1 was i Pr fh; ie Dir. Midler Is now properly you must have the proper tools. We have them and est. When the garden is completed the real trouble be- HW Does Your Neighbor Keep Chic hens ? £31 Yn te LEC ol Special Fo Tr Pest {43 Liuaranteed. Best Quality ELECTRIC LIGHT GLOBES. Special.” will never "Ster] hing one and vou any other. A complete line of Ander. son buggies—none better, few as good, prices right. Champton Road Machines, ‘Deering Mowers, Bmmders, {Reapers and Rakes, Conklin Ww agons and Syracuse Plows, Tin, Copper and Iron Work. “pF verything in Hardware.” Hd A, CORDELL & G0. Fi ifth Ave, PATTON, PA. use A few dleios of Minute cough core will set sou “Ome Mi i oy i Fonrth Ave. PATTON, PA, bat | could scarcely go” writes Geo. ~ Pater fn general sales pepsin and other medicines but noth. tral Supply Co. bas | ine helped me. As a deownlog man ly bere from Mabuffey crate al a straw 1 grabbed at Kodol. 6 of the new Deolinger felt an improvement at vace and ia : la bottles am sound and weil ot : tive i and E esrmcatly is the ‘only one which digesta any good food | and cures any form of stomach trouble. | CW. Hodgkins, Patton, and Hastings We Pharmacy. Sprteg Affmewts. : There is an aching and tired feeling: : | sloggish and inactive, the digestion | impaired with little or no appetite, no | that the whole body and mind needs ition of waste matter in the system. Herbine will remove it, secure to the 1] secretions 8 right exit, and by its tonle effect, fully restore the wasted tissues ; and give ® Mrgugeh in Hace of weakness. HG. A x. Fucus feieR it. ki ws ‘which was sald. vor the benefit of thoes desiring to sale recently for $2,574,800. attend the anes encampment of the Grand Army of the No. 1, of the North Cam. ment of Pepusylvanis, at Ey abi, ews was issued at Hastings last june 4 to 5, the Pennsylvania Hail As the COURIER was not fortt- rnd Co. will sil excursion tickets on its exchange list, to Gettysburg from all stations on its oan able to judge of its merits or line in the state of Pennsylvania, on : irits. May 31, June l, 23 {and i “Under the wise management of the | return antil June 7, inclusive, at rite present efficient officers the local G. A “of a single fare for the round trip, , post is now in a belter Gnancial con. specifi rates apply dition than ever before. An even one agents. and | dollars is now on the credit | 5 ti {We are better prepared than ever tor ‘turn out commercial printing of al | | kinds and at prices that can’t be dupli- | | the liver, bowels and kidneys become s ambition for anything and a feeling toning up. The troable is, that durieg | the winter there has heen an acvamia Bepubilie, Depart 5, good tn | Vor focal Hoket ~Patronize the home print shop | 1 Groceries, Lime, Feed and Provis- Ions. % i k 4 First-Class Goods. Stock Give me a call. and New § § 3 inni g gand Plumbing! H aving moved to our new location in the Fisher Block we are now better prepares than ever to do all work this line. We are sole agents for Cambria county for the cele brated Brooks Oil Co.'s Gutta Percha Roofing Paint. mn Estimates cheerfully made for all work in our line. d C. Harper Co Co RNR PARA ARE a; 3 + x % in order and to do it at prices as low as the “EUR “i PREC Por Family and Medicinal Liner, per ‘and 1, and Red Cross ranges. J. E. KIRK'S HDW. % that dre made right and wear them. If it is shoe ra, look right, we have HB i is Tonys or high- dOST A FEW price shoe, ve ave then. WORDS The Shoe bus ness is all coming our way. to inform vou that we handle complete five of imported nd domestic Wines. brandi no a $135 SOs at hoderiate p Sri wo Panty and age gua rante od (sive me a tr ial and be Con vinved, $58 Ko irect from the manu- to buy gond shoes and 5€ on every pair, Our New Shoes an Oxfords arc coming in from all the i best shoe makers in all the down to date sty jes. have the largest 0 per: StOCk and | owe st prices for quality | in Patton. ac turer tere are a few of our brands: we | yOu fron a Oy PRAY CLARETS, dirwot from the vineysrds, per bottle, from $00 tei $1. wy ; FRENCH CLARETS from Marie Fors ~ & Ulin, per botsle, fram fioe to B1.50 RHINE WINES, imported and Cali. fornias, from 50 to £1.50, : PORT & SHERRY, California fron: 500 op. : PURE CALIFORNIA BRANDY, per! quart, 50 up. MONONGAHELA PURE qual, The NOE PURE RYE, per quart, | divect from the vineyards, per qgoart, | RYE, SEE OUR NEW LINE OF HOSIERY. $1.00 ELLE OF DAUPHIN PU RE RYE, : per quart, $1.00 ! « OLD PUT " RYE. 10 Yours O14, ‘We are agents for THE PR EMIUM BR. AND SHIRTS. : The } est Shirts for the ® Maney: Apaars, $1 a, It will pay you to come miles to buy ED. A MELLON, “irom the Money Saving Store. Magee. Ave. Patton, Pa. | ‘PHONE ¥ As spring 18 here ve offer the following ¥ comes the man who he can get a ready-to-wear ¢ “don't believe” our advertisements; anybody—and vet the chances with one : of ¢ Spring Suits on "IVERY year, with the rst robin, "4 doubts. He "don't believe” suit that will fit him: bh ie don't be lieve anvtinoy x 4S gu to mak e room for new goods: Jardin: Rrs oa 5 cost a ty He avy OF 50 Jd at $1. ‘1.3 Are ten to ohne £iy at iid : Why? L anbeliever, Theae's style SE FRE cut Others sa) id at LOL. bere. There's beanty. There's sure : There's artistic tailoring, There's proper finishing There's good material La There's a guarantee. And, best oF all, the prices are there, proving} os in every case, Baling the Hey os of cdbior nlores : We want the ma who Se to some in and see some of the uovelties we 39 are are showiog ia SPRING SUITS. Reader, if “thom art the man.” have in store for you. WOLF & THOMPSON, + The Peapl e’ $ Clothiers. ARENAS CRE 81.10 last at blankets they Horse ¥. 5, while and boc. Three Red Cross and Sum. : mit Heaters will be sold at ood bargains. come in and see what we Re Come and see our Summit F u Hy 5 guaranteed or money refunded. Speen (lass, paints, white lead, oils—miners’, kerosene, lin- see d, etc. at lowest prices. gn ses Largest fine general ‘hardware and furni-y ture in this end of the county. Come and see for yourself I That Fourth of July SUIT! OF conrse you wi Hl want a NEW SUIT OF CLOTHES for Independence D ay ? {ret '} % Ew a OTLty in LAA Bie it. VOUT early and then you 3 ne Sut Oxf We or Onality, 1 a ean At you aut in any Style, Price Arey Es x en AT ne Complete line of Trouser 15 Direrrore Merchant Tailors, b The Old Rela Store, 1 , % & FURT. STORE. Magee Ave, PA’ "TON, PA. Patton, Pa. Beodiise thers 8 proof inoour stack to sonvitee the Wout confirmed EH in make.