Nevada, 8, If the deposits in sav. ¢ Any indieation at all, ifr and prosperity. The this class In New York City | resources on hand of £500, | f the Argentine fe Italian sbipbuiiders for ships of war of £300 tons Commercial says that ftical rumor begins “It Is the highest authority by ean be set (Own at once as nvention based on no au ‘who ought to “enjoy | wm Bot betray it; if be traitor and a sneak, is not probably does not have, the Tast fen years sily Hotable. There v Den ee ats of Amer. and, in many in trafuers have been tend the stables of sparrow, “which has enemies fn the Eastern tes, hus invaded the region: | For some tine. % bem yet, American tralving, American and, wall we add ¥ pr 1 In the Bate " of Georgia, where are re than 80) pupils, whose p from sevesteen to sixty s before lust more than dents were over forty, over Bry years old hele children; Beart-hunigry for knowl Is free, but the tale of covers many a frag after year that his young Pp : ether there is not a certain ! years when 8 sp no longer ‘preach, when a rich mao begin to give away his money, 1 n ought to hand over his ind granaries to his sons and when an editor ought 1¢ Fitin anything but reminis hich he is pretty sure nobody Ont. in Minnesota the other party, returning from inter camp, was found to consist one contractor, aged Seventy-eight; r contractor, aged sixty five: ons ted seventy -pige; one horse, hree, ard another horse, | t - me eT thelr own South I have been spending a bit of the torrid season with my friend Judge Thomas Marshall Blackenham of Ty | gart Creek, Kentucky. : After dinner today the Judge led the Way to the broad veranda. The Judge : : - | ponderously seated himself in a shriek. of wage earners In the | ing rustic rockingehair fat right leg across the left backward and rested a chunky (that held the handle of a palm Isaf) on the center of his protuberant girth. Boon throngh came the imperious Blackenham valve of but there ix no help for it too, when she was young sub | had gone to school at Lexington a few i defilement. Though rieh in ail the al | luring grace of manner and physical | the sterner sex. We young fellows in | hater. mantied cheeks, Ber sparkling blue | "| ayes, her form filling all the rules of | | perfect symmetry, her step light as if © | tall you. very ‘motion. | was all the company she required, I® now a restaurant keeper in Chicass | 8 church member, thought the shore | i kmemd, ment to bouse was jammed by x curious | : 1 the oni h ri man has plowed with throng, y ose he would hav: given a cuss the rest. pooled his Hetle stock #2 up & stom, ‘mever entered the store, ‘mantly seni RY your souse a plate in the water and dismise Jf. Dio it all over a "That's tough on Lilie, hot aa it ia Judge in smiling attr actions” re, Judge freedom of intimacy. “in your wi Barmontous union. How could you, | “with your careless habits, ever win a | woman of such pupctifious precise . ness?’ toward me. He affected indignation. "What do vou mean, suh? While prob ably I am no prize beanty now, | was | the Lochinvar of this state. | waz the glass of gallantry, the beau ideal, the | tossing blossom of Kentucky chilvalry, sah! “Twas her wow a jucky woman, sub; ves sub, though at one time, suh, | she didn't have the propah apprecia- tion of it, probably” ! “She was the reverse of practical, | Sova | terme. and when she returned her lit tle brown head fairly swarmed with C wouldn't be long about it ving In Kansas | Cy I romantic ideas. A dishrag in her white bands then would have seemed | attributes of perfect femininity, she Seemed to possess no inclination for the community who aspired to hold Bea. on a level with bers were great ly nonplosed at her fri gid bearing, We couldn't believe she was & born man. Her glowing lips. her pink: i she trod an unpalpable substance all | conspired to resent such a charge But she gave scant attention to us, | : “Tom Baker bought a span of fine bay horses and a buggy 'o marth + { Every day he would dash by her house . | Bis grand steeds smiting the hard road | or That Gaiant Kn with rapid, ringing hoofs, his bogey | wheels richly humming. the black top | eatehing and throwing sunlight at "Twas ail vanity and | vexation. Rbe scarcely gave his showy | equipage a glance, or if she did deign | 8 Jook it was to wonder why a young | man of his lean means should incur so much expenses to advertise himself a | tool. | price and left for Frankfort, whers he | | Badsthworth street He soon sold his rig at Ba | il pow a popular saloonkeeper. : “Milt Turner bought a suit of clothes | on a credit—worlh seventy-five dol. lars. The next Bunday when Ho thought she was badly in need of his | sompany home, she fold him her pa He “John De Laney, knowing her to he cut to her heart was the miniateriyl | path. Accordingly he went to Cinetn- | nati, and for six months gorged his | mind on theology. He returned with oF A smooth face an affectedly mesh, bur 1 | withal, superior clerica: smile, a long- | up parson volce. He made an appoint. i ‘preach. but lo! though the “What do vou wear, suhT* pently absent. esteemed gambler of New York "Jim Stevens. more practical money with all be could borrow, and Alas! ‘twas a bootiess venture. for Flossie bur indig. £5 “During this ridiculous contest of , 1, Judge Blackenham, | a judicious silence. | aly uaing the Inculties the judicial the heated silence | Mrs. | “Do all that over agein, my lady! 1 turn it over a time or two give it a 2 SY, slap and a swipe with the drying ra ‘spoke the | “her | mother would never abate one jot or | tittle of her stringent housewifery ex- | “What a wonderfully lueky man you | I sald, with the frank fo the beautiful and practical have met in The Judge rolled his sunest face over | af Rewspaper, : foward { dollar Bi mine, Ctneky Desdubist { ticle, topped with fireworks beadlines ; bristiing grown of aide and wiory TS Erenyts rine i dtmraoes Bel ween Tie oa mast favors Poiptdtee RR talled, blask coat and a nicely gotten i py by fons Lo taetpaad i and ia rey 0 as a : Lar kle. on whom it sits : “When | met Flossie at chiareh there | Bow- | Hittie thar flow upward from a very warm heart | F | She took a proffersd arm and leaned on it with that air of delicious depend. | 502 heart of the | "4% - LAesdamy of Inscrip to exhort. was promi. | He is pow a highiy | fed to me. smiled, tha ! ol Blake pot only | back a dress pattern Bought there by her father (and which | Stevens had selected) with the dispir- | fing message that there was no ne- | gress in the family who could ap- propristely wear it.” BY JAMES NOEL JOHNSON. (Copyright, 182. by Datly Story Pub. © | on my shoulders. I was analveiong the sitbation—