wd hank. right fate (hat night, Lingar and Jon cndon {were poling over the wwoks when a | Enook eame to the door of the bank | 1 was opened, and the letic looking shadow enterad. He bad of aa 4 “Wa will pot ose HH Ye eri Jed. “He walked ont of bere this mording He CAROL ze nwa. 4 put a shadow Bin the moment Ba win i idged tht 3 Ata signal to the watehmas the donor thick-jawed, Hh re ia bandage over Gie oye ) Perey, sound the alarm!” stan you not forgive us?’ youimean? “What's this?" cried Lingar. “He had me fone up.” *Who-—what?” “Your man, Faidiz. He Nired a hai dozen Inter-State Detective agency { mien to sing me” And Be pot sway? "Of + course. but our office and all of A thick-jawed athiotie Toontee : fo lowed raldis. boc } in watched Oh, ke oan't get away for When Lingar was alone in bis car- | riage driving home, he gave way io biz saguish and groaned sloud. He was realizing the enormity of the theft that had at fret stunned Bim. When He strayed into the parler Land drawing room and bad reached iF: wide door to the library when Le stopped, tottered and clutched the por tieres for support. “Faldls!" he shrieked - The butler, who had hovered Lear, ? | rushed to his side. “Hobber! In my house! Quick “No. no, papa, wait. Listen to me.” o. | And Ethyl ran to him and put her arms “taround Bia '* | bands of the butler were obeying the neck, while the master's orders. "My dausghter—my chiid--are you "iinterceding 107 this thief? “Yew, but we will confess sll. Now "We will confess’ We! in ie slowly. "Do you think DADA, that T am = | insensible to my own heart's desire? 0007 thundered Lin- the footsteps of Faldis. ‘later Jobnson entered 's office. with a sheet of find that this item of $20.000 Is ly 8 clerfcal error, Mr. Lingar," - asked the sergeant of the police { much about this for the sake of f bank. 1 had the eager part of one who loves And, running to Faldla she threw her arms around his neck Rod Kissed Lim repeatedly. The clanging of a brase gong sound fed In the sires! followed By a rush { of feet up the steps. The butler threw | open the door snd four policemen iB uniform rushed in. “What's the matter, Mr. Lingar?™ “Arrest that man, Ethyl swooned in Faldis arms "Wouldn't y0i1 betler have an ex i planation first?” asked Faldis coolly, “Explanation? In explanation” “let us excuse those officers first.” Inga looked at Faldis for some then turning Wo the police he What can vou say iim . tee them to step out in the hall for Axhile. “Xou are a man of sense. gn Jlaten 11 did not take the $20,000, although it isoked bad for me. 1 didn't propose being made an innocent victim, and 1 provided against it. My frst provision against it you have discovered at tbe bunk. 1 believe. The second was to got vid of your detective ah that | couid put the money away safely for HAuture emergencies. The third care- ful thing 1 did to save me from the penitentiary was to marry your Jaughter.” cantly, but waited for him to continue Now 1 bardly think that you want to put the bank to the expense of a guarter of a militon dellars just to wake a convict of your son-in-law.” “Bat the money! Where jg 01?” but me can get It, all except §1.000 that I paid to have your taken off my trail. I cas turn over to | you $249.000, or 1 can keep it” Lingar was silent, his brows con- S tracted. M01 course, you lave not talked the 1 have not mentioned it even to my wife. Bo you see we can stijl avoid publicity." Withou: a word to Falls, walked slowly out to the ball. The policemen went BWRY. ‘He returned 10 Bad the money in hin POLK ty when Be On iH AL Guests made he reached home the butlr who swung | 1 open the door ior him was in a furry of excitement He took off Bis hat iand gloves and overcoat and threw | them, rather than handed them to the 4 | servant, | Aatue out there in x Ny” quick ] : what do | What Par: can you bave | “What part have I in ft? she said | | He has robbed my poor. dear papa, know--robbed him of his daring i daughter.” is is Lingar stared at him dazed and va- | “Oh, that {8 put away where no one detective | Idngar | PRINGE HENRY'S AUTOGRAPHS Few as rep "| Many Efforss Mane to Get Them. bu How Wers Snccess fal Prince Heney, while hore wae nat. | ura ly poked often fu Bari ie entimsatod peraone auscesided im Most of the requests came by mail * his agtograp® : oe that not more than © getting it. The priswe. who bad mot the ants. i ed to give Iain fndividusis Theas vere president of a soclaty or CAR cub graph fends on the other side. dovid. hiv abineranh pond oO phe. Ele antozraph oniy to oer {fo & very chess se oe: which he was the guest, and one or two of those nearcst him af table. To this rule he persistently adhered. At all the dinners at which prince wes a guest in this ity and mont of them in notes addressed made The prince always in accordance with the ; rie Be mad 1a le, sometimes extending i Had Be romplied with all the re. | elsewhere requests for his autograph | Wore gent fo him in large numbers to : es him through the presiding ofeer Not, A few of these requests were 1 pershnally | for kimeel? be slwars wrote his Bubs. | ZTADY on the meng card of the preside | Phen Ing officer and of those neseast him a i | that perhaoe five or six persons bad the favor shown fo them af the Bead fable ; it was aid by a person who was with him and Knew about his mall, he would not have had time 10 do anything else throughout Ms | ya. 20d Bend 13% shave sk : i x showy in 4 visit but write hia signature. ~NEW be York San. ALAR WHY WASHINGTON'S LEGS SHINE Wiapplied Zend of Agent for New King of Polish. One of the points of intersst in the financial district is the brotize status of Washington in the front of #ireet, says the New York Press. i» invariably pointed out to vistors, and almost invariably the question is | asked: Why do they polish only | the Knees and not the whole status" ; Mentor and guide has to shake his | head, and admits that be does Bot Know It appears that some years ago al peddier with some new kind of polish came to the subeiressury and sxtolles the guards “Why” he mid, eould even polish up that rusty “Go abesd © sald the ruard, the virtues of his compound to one of 1 ; old | The agent went to work with a will the knees. Just then Mr Mukleman, the deputy assistant trens- urer, came up the steps. and in less time than If takes to tell It the agent found himself sitting st the foot of the | mepa, while Mr, Muhleman lectured to the surprised gusrd in forcible lan mage on the vandalism of ndiscri- wminate polishing Bat pot even the variability of the New York climate has been sucient | as yet to restore to toe poilshed parts their old dali beauty. ABO eK HAS A CuRious TRANSFORMATION. | othe court on either side of the pet. the ball strikes the very edge of the asd [na few minotes had succesdsd in faking of the beautiful dull | dizing from the legs of the statue as | far as OXY | RRA Sa A A rl mo A Roy rs i th 4 His can in, “ping same mind a 5 pail did - 3 Bout £4 at the slop, When 4 sons miele sy Dewees sy HT he hejior : Fiver, tu 10 the raebisrg de Mie oa drow nbend from ; Dudl rebronde with that hum pony wud whieh shoo 1 se Ed SRT id EL od be in took pains to ta. | 1 form whoever presided at the dinner i of the ruls he had made, and Jeft £10 | Bim to explain it to the applicant : Fshiy IR 4 gi art for Fou ot a Farde of loser tv terranh wit | iH answer Take sath length ang ibe dlagram. This of elf my pot bie nite stanch enongh fo bold fhe pes mut, tox by rosning a cond from the tap of one wire support down sad on der the table 19 1% top of the athor : Support, Fou slwvald be able to obtain wo rigiday., The get itself should lie abont six inehes : the high fren the talon, aod should cles United States sub-treasary on Wali Lin pass easily nud IE It Be peoeesary amon of v the table by enough to stiow the ball Any materin} will do for the net, though a guns or wetiing of some kind bound at the top | with an inch or tive of white tape fn Gest. As fo the tbls iteelf it 8 should} outer it, it is probabil he will ay ia Fi, aor as the pols hag ‘png oust nl i cokt : Lon Can probally | Fond oh eutiis In England | ihe kind mos faved hare centres uf} : pare the a: take them very | 213 steel vage - wod ar aud Hh polar ear. ane a capiing Nasal Zan an ow a¥h Beapite Ersheen ii Toy hgh. fen 5 3 Bete af the vape ed gal Bait the steel) doar wilt close on hig States puthorities ope fo entertain Mr Pres Kadinkes ppt] his transpors tion can be drranged was takes to Alaska and mected asd, ander the supervision of Fil Hofer. a famous Yellowstone Arapper and galde. who ix sore finpile © jarly Known ay “Billy” Hofer. This cage, or tray, was dediguned and nsade pecially ng the Radinl bear. sod shoo he JF 00 Fay og 6 SR es roa x TET ras AAD x RW Font ol be slipls 8 smooth and fiat surface I about Bye by ten feet, or, say, four by i ight feet, The game is plaved exactly Hs ton: | mis fn played, except that there fs but The Arelotl Moroes Another Antmnt ohn Certain Localities reved thal In certaid localities this creature. which Sv the way Wremds freely in Mexico sheds 1g *Rin, cauis off fis pills and rs tsi] fin, develops another color of hady and eaves the water to become a land newt, Under this latter guise it iy Known as ihe amblystoma. Karurgily, the explanation of curious Ra fact that the axalot young or tadpole stage of the ambiy- ators form. Dat the peo that in its first stews #1 dona breed and maltisly and eontinge to reproduce axodotis, as if it were a pir fectly mature animal. The aceurrorce of such ChE points of to ge ons in = hich species ran be evolved, nt been laohuaiad these fory ne : % on the Te Bin uilarity hers table and se bounves off in such 8 way | Naturalists have long been familiar ‘PA 8 return is irapossoble. call it an. | with a newt-like creature breathing | by gilts and Inogs both and tehanic. ing the lakes of Mexican and other AR erfean waters. This is the axolot] It was also dius Cas io tenia, this dowlith has been shown, says he London Chronicles, that while in Coto rado and Dakota the transformation complete, dn Meéxion the stage {9 apparently nermenent probably, the nflushce of ment on a living being ia itlustrated. A 0 SS So FA ISAS A Hers, environ. typleally The Uncle of His Nephew.” Tha potenty of football in progiinence pot only to the bat fo ail his relatives wes amusin Hinstrated In the dame of the wall. known anti-expansionist. William Lloyd Garrison. Al an evening recep. tion Mr Garrison was introdussd to 3a a noted athlete 1 am pleased to YOu. Garrison” sald the athelige “1 sume vou are 5 relative of Harvard quarterback, son,” "Great heavens!” exclaimed Mr Garrison in mock indignation. “Al my Ife I have been Known as the son Mr Pree a famous tates BBY iar ps Jot my father: must I in my old age be known as the uncle of my neph- ew?” anion that ix abound six! “edger” and serve over again The method of scoring is (he same be yeturned, exorst on the Pickups, however, are allowable, other strive ruling of ping ne overiund strolvd are bard wust never be Beighet of the elbow. ilove: The fatinia 1 ox pert and all-round ath etes have deviand thar affaly 4 Wonlvn pa arse outeide din na sity rack 83; we! HF In diaer The racket die id shan sions 538 the 5 Ri ney Fina ug ronghly speak any desired length with si oi bs covered w guid § tits Yor ean ont the ford” strokes In As to balls eeliidol demdid fashion, Lier bes Rye 0H of _LY og boneh 5% gina for a Cen shi amd the wider tay. —Detroiy riving | Player, : Cometh This pigs pong bt really a Eg Rd alii Freon The Fever. An Add 3 bees 5X i LF 5 w iy wot aia ey thine Yea 3ii $53 Ath I Hi aad co wath ju Sow ge dow all Suiling wash fi iraning band aud bag this {ig (CaN ee filial, Her Furnas 47% wanes name shanti Io the quantity of anneal rainfall the continents rank as follows: South | Afnerica. Afr wa, North America, Eu , Tope, Asia, Australia iri it until he arrives in Washington The cage will be livisted on to a vessel at ine island and transferred to a flat oar at Vancouver. At first the rigger was ted with hone, but the foxes | wd are much pore Ine ail, after a Bom. | of Kadlak Isla guisitive thag bears ber of them Dag been eanght Wis shange 1 sslinon. A Saudis Por Pretvars. Cine rade of the old guns 4 which Is barred because of the narrow IF bounds Is vollexing A ball can never, bons, Arp 1d Pps ds that the raised above the | Also the serve : mast be delivered f from 4 point beyond ely AW BAW thse ag thinks it has eon fad 2% hi Ce i ¥ Ber | 3 aud | o Ialisies wind gets Der | fae seed with! tehisem | To Tou sha oR BL the driver drive a sudrives] pair of RE GREY af medion or low size, wiieh be sevupios 4 iainsale oF ER dedie has been invented says a new sort of racket makes of thiz parlor game a tate oF Rifenvous sud soeiting : | Xew York Herakl inventor thaught that wisn seoner Gave we han ome and there wil far twa wherever this saddle wilt ha ple = ake Fis TIRE dr iver wa he gave 1 Cie veel He Flee vate above - emis, aml exes seat of his arm seonimades thos sit itis hades him, be fo $8 will not Ix the femal gr a B Flac ran any raisey Fang. + » Sian or AES soca Think “Helln™ i» Valgar, Phe women of Appleton, Wis, a place Caf abent a dewen thomand o Chaves thously it Jadrats that © eed Bedie” aw a : Apener 3 They Lave phindged themselves stand by a sade to stop the as of hivetlonabie wa ost Standard, £0 RE Jo Ss LA Sa Prises Far Wiad Ganges. aus of FL200, STH0 | th Dowd fir SHEL tir easture wind | pressure are alfered by the Hamburg Marine Observatory 1¢ German aod | torelgn mvenlors. The plans tiust be sent in by April 1 WOR, Lake Maral, avira are iti a rn | ows | n “hie. oreuard, miserable sod’ Dnohapny. Ten rears of conrtedis. with , 4 a peasion 00 ondeciared. was 8 S59 5 ; sumed of her voices was anbearabie Hger. the zr we Thera in per i «tie ely | Le in sili be Caited Bates Be dashed Hee ihe avchand aad 4 | ber sweet, owl wav in Boy kB Fela ines lst Jone a grat ot ne and sx ome end of which bon | whieh fa obhe 2 with a rigged in the rear end | Ths lrigwer Gs baited | with salmon. When the bene Dives ths The steel cage in which the United | : i press his love pn Radiak Ia with a view of acrommodiat. tie bait horses | the box seat of an srdinary ears | tisk, expecially’ 1€ | wl for the feason that the position x for one which al- ws Ban to exercise full coutrol over This i» one reason why a box asst rhe A altar reason Is the ie rae cushioned aovasinanl ting beside | This new std | BECOSTATY | :oadl oer and are vane ‘onversalion an {he telephone is exersdingle | rdo-Nyracuse and $500 for DIGUE thing to ioe villugers, but te Sioutited almioel 1: 8 frag lg hated shveess, Har tomight sow be mistress of The PeliY Tarmbonse, showing white lagh fon Trea might Bave heen Liber Te Prose Now she was golag WI west” to Hee with ber brother Dome short week god she would be out Sf Bis life forever Ten yess of jov ing with fvguest meetings with bis i idhel were Jivable at Jessi, but a fe time wibewt a sight or her or the Pein tn Rin ar Aha longus tied fool vw heen!” imned, CAND ob heaven how | ber! | mast tell ser! | cant Wath a tonrage born of despoaraiion a wi thing Tarough to the little vige Harrier greeted Lim in and Yeo binsh when she met : clad potas tliat aiwuss Apher red ; Bios dams in ta her Ines ; “Har Tae begun henvely, : | come to sak FUE 3D wad then Tee : yong tremble a erory wong sant badly at the sigs “5 Bm ug ae “ he contin ent fouls. of cofirve, Luke if you want me LT There was a shades of dissppolat +4 in Harriet's voles Without anther word Luke turned Con big deel He knew pow that it Lomas lmpossible for htm ever to ex Hew Be cursed the that made Lim love: how be carded the fate that made him 48 : dent The country fair was a tremendous “snccess. Exhibits and amubements Were high-class but they palled on Luke and Harriet late in the after » soon they ware following & crowd, their hearts Beary with longing and dizapoointment. The dapper little man who had at {tracted and was leading the crowd passed, turoed and began s sevies of D kvpnotls manenvers What's ae faeing tT” et LT dont kpow” Wel walt and dea” blesps] hypnotist, verlly {hon art C % gusvdian angel! Budidonly he gassed, | Bis black ores suapping and looking straight at lake sod Harriet Wiha = | ginnous movement he drew’ frons bis 5 pooket a wereld] which Be anroiled and | held Deford thelr wondering eves. On thin sevoll in large rod letters was pristed the following "ARK HER TO MARRY YOU. AND TAKE HER TO BROWN & GREEN'S FOR THAT HANDSOME PARLOR SUITE THEY FEATHER THE : Luke read it, then tursed to Har viet, a glorions smile illnminatiog Ris Rd Her face was crimson. “Will you go there with me Har rial? ba whispered sudienly grow dug bold. “Use wanted to ask you for CNERTe. “ovo want me to. Lake murmured Harriet, a new. glad Hight a hor eves And the bBypaotist passed an to col crowd, unmiadlfnl and i vicanstions of the part he bad plaved. feo Maite J Ballivas, im Womss's ; Ft ome Campattion, i Katte whispered Har answered Lake EE Swies Like American Sheen According tH official statistics. thers were imported foto Switseriand from the Enited States during the nt three bots and shoes gmounting io the increase of imports leiag } atiout SM poreent each yesr These gtaistics give only the figures off the divert mos ation and da aot cotivey a sorrect des of the sumber Cactually imported for most of them Esome Troan distributiog pointy in Ger commny and are snterad al the Swiss | frontier gx oovig inating in ther country. {Rive wears ao it wad not possible to Huy an American shoe in Awitsvriand, {hat we are gradusiy getting 3 frm i fonthold 1a the conipitey. and sew it Ie Cay novelly to see in the dhsp windows of the lagen Towns sices with a little Amerisai fag disulaved therson aod the Annu ment that they are Amer Plan mage: the inlerenoe Being that then yest perssiariiy be good, This apeaks weil for the Apwrican article, when tis considersd that one gf the iby lie Muinried in the wigrhd turning out Bye thousand pairs of shoes a day) | in aitaalied in Switzer. ead and is oan imporiant exporter to the Latin American countries The Yogertable Pesleteak ™ The notion. long held that the mushroom presented the componitios of animal fash is rudely shattered. In | ofte regard. at any rales the mushroom | dives resombia a seldeoai-t Contnins Bisel ay thie ame yount of water. Thin fact as geeertalned By recent an | ales Se iv Inatifies the mushroom being regarded as a “vegetable beefs ston, it may be a blow ta the voge- arian, bat he would have to consume #1 feast ten pounds of mushrooms in order to gain the eculvalent of a lie : ihe over pound of prime beef. I BIIL the tender mushroom is une doubtedly easily digestible, and it cemtaing un unibsual proportion of pos thasinm salts. Few will deny that the mushroom is an excellent adiunet to- many dishes: it has an appetiviag favor, and this quality alone makes it | dletetically valuable. —London Lancet. ry ol Saran 5 Re
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers