LF ge A oR NRA SA dpe Ln | 1 } “A Sate : re rouih and freshness ud for it in ther WAVE. ~~ Philadelphia Heverd. A em = A Thorough Posstmist, te never looks oh the sunny “Or it be does, he complaize of the Best" Detros Free Press. : = Asother Kind. ay, % he's x ‘Skipper of Indostry' He * 5 I ia} Se Far Bux Xo Farther. you Tove oy: va ould you die for mo?” Mine Ix an andving level — “ York Bya. A Captain of Industry. Gi “Dent you do an viliing ered A homas wim A mw dese Bore clothes are ae uniform” eNew York =un eas shirt Gh First Business lana, J: was the promot ei ie _petis News. Deceived. d peeer have marrind sou if 61 Geealved me shot your Fraps 1 Recatiestior x. ¥omeEn What are fet, Vm infor a soul time, wy deny anlerstand Sovey I'm in for gok ow me wth. i ken are *ueh 4 BY St yen #1 sid bia 1 booed bin a Boston Transeris Well Supplied. What have a few rotor Hates min te eant a porter Ska ee Yor Obsvurity, 2 ihink of the new min. | " luguired Mr. Cumrox’'s " : | tirges that Le bas been he ed gat 1 i) the man who had 1 an advertisement, nly, aces. the olher awn, why I want to sell out | i% that I'm not making | zt it."~Chicago Tribune. 8 Mode of Teasoning. ow Id your government come to oii ef misappropriating answered | the eminent Yours is 10 mature and | © al at civilization. The that 1 bad an saession of this ey naturally took it | 1 aid. 0." Washi TE un sald the Tor to the don’t it rn rrp in, ing to appropriate Nis soar | taking vouy seat af “sptain id With a toollsome chunk, knows how to employ a decoy, and | nery.” ga A graphic deseription of the ibcidents railway travel in Siberia and Man ehuria is given by a member of the od Horial stall of the Visdivostark Ag the train pulled np af the sation ol | Taitriicar, says this narrator, a Man eh palle. who bad balled asl brow. Beaten bis fellow travelers sines haard. ig the train, alighted fo rafresh Lin § melt at the station beffet at the same time warning his companions that he would decapitate any of them presgm: his 1emporsry absence a smarth dressed and good looking vowig Rus sian lady entered the coupe and took | x1, despite the friand- by advice of the aiher passengers. The | he nnocenpied Mancha polls returned few inte a L TRge on seeing his sear dceupled, sid | to the terror of his previouss fellow: passengers, draw Ble carved sabre, The young lady, coolly voverioe him! with a shining rovelver sald “Yen have threatened to decapiiate “ny one Ere yom take ns for a pack of cowanily Mandar” and pointing ta the space at har fier aw observed: “There 8 your place, my hero” The Manchu gracefully sur | rendered, took the lowly position in dicated. and throughout the next see. on kept xn clots eve upon the Ind ye revolver Belore reachiog {he next sisilan the | conductor entered] the ronpe sn de manded from the same Bussisn lady an extra peyment to which be wns pot | entitled. His request was mw! hy a stinging application of ithe giels clinched fist to his nose, and at bes | imperious request the conductor was bandied out of the compartment by the Manchu noble. Ameng thi ather diverting (¥ incidents related by the writer is the following: On the way 2 Harbin the driver pulled an the tras St spot Where Theres was 8 workmen's | barracks. Fadiacked the driving jever and procesdod to tay a few rabibers of vine with fle barracks foreman The hale Yasted seven bears and it wes iit the protostx of the paseengers guards which prevailed voon ihe Jets. | hie had lost every rubber Odes Correspand. ehce London News or to proceed. bat thie fat that Sirti pe SE Si Sen A A A TS Wenthar atid Eveniasses. Who would suppose that amene the | trades lwnefited by that of the optician’ Yet ft x Mor eyeglasses gre trokon on oa bit du than on 6 cold ore. and the freaking | of vrvgiasses parilns bacines | optim, for they have GE Ese their owes bay pew alauses it 4 pers Whe has been condtemipiat. ng oa change ln glasses ix anfortugale THoUzh to break Bis ol anes be ally bys a new pair But why do evens i weather? Beeards perspiration Sales the nose, reduced the fiielion which holde on the glasses a Sai} fall, wvas ay damaging thas the operation : One day during tie facet hol ther white g Sieh svetge War repairing oy glasees. wid slid from my nose sand hed one of lenges shivered inte bits four Person ensie In dn simtiag Iiskle “Ii is always this way ons res] hot dar.” sald the smiling opticisn Xew | York Hera hit The Coyme ; au “Awfal Godeer, The envote ia og Joker sad dodges along with all the rest © talents. The ranma toll of how times be has cane them th go i in his parsait by su arfol change is voles, While tbe suimal P meanwhide slip to the ponitey hon and swatch a fat ben Old tise bun ers never give heed to the howls of | 80 ght, because they Know | eayoles from: vabappe Sxpevienens hay easily they way be lod 8 fool's errand by #y old covote who would Jdrase 1b buntess away from camp. and then adroitly basten thers and make oft The cova many a ranchoan or ssitler te shoot a peculiarly noi not only escaped bot er iited £0 Other coyolt (0 get 3 fowl from ihe roost during the ohgse New Yori “Post. raga. Raise Yor the “Polite Condnctor, SRit n Mitle closer, please™ It Ix the polite street cur conduetar ; Wha Las wh ; pve Toto Phe oan who they sdiares bis passengers, “Sit a Hitle closer, please” Again they crowd topetber ten more people get atwsnd, “Bit a Btile closer, please” The passengers sqecegs ato Baller #ace. From {ue press of people 8 hand seen presutly signaling the cundedin Me approaches the hand and trices | it to Iw owner “What is It sir? he oo quires, es on Yr nITeonNy “TH give you a hundred dolls a aay 10 amperiotemd my sanding can v The ms at the end of the aT attuchod to the bam Argerican, Blevens’ Way. Caplains Hay and Stevens were ting on A ux together iu Lavenster, sore distress. Stevens said: She replied that she was a poor Woman with a family of helpless chil dren who were without food or cloth. Praring | tlemen of Los want har Joi CaN muck ons i failding of Lind 1m of permanent road, and we have & suf coyote, who a : gave a Ye rit for “My dear woman, who do you weep?” CTgood reads Senstor” The Country Newils Them. HE wason agin approae Bes when superior to all anes tans of edncaiien, wolltivs oF retigis, “How shall owe get Tohers wo WARD Og taraugh ti end” oneness the mitentlon of oO $i pspainting of th Fyen in the longes tions of ote ronatry, where BE fem 10 foe, Pan ABT and wealth les given opporiuaniy 1 Lil proper foundation fer. cone 5 5 ble Jovomption for the wet 2a well | of tao Gry season. wo find ithe ound Hod reariy ax deplorable 88 in tne sar recently Betiled areas Why bs it that with fae farms, wild embatesdianl bnthiiege for mas and } 2 rairaad nes optting the svery direction. aad With | added eae Bh Year to the po PORRITY, There 8 8 rE nent ; as dre roils for road pirposes seal a1 the ond of a decade afer spol tie permanant Improvesont, After faders [rom the Lime of st wonhd seem #5 10 we shouhl he ready far sone change sepecially when wi oferl That pearly every civilized por tion of the Ohi World has sacrossfully catablisied prover highways Under the | FY al ters reTaent burr - Hin Shige fit ARG: red SlvrgT | taey rn oat ng a ceensd en some ied aa fhe rode, Wh THE v Open bees Hi vise aml mend sfactor” woth Intl iy Mia hE Swe the * rong I wil be Ta tho vane of Io make 30 oh pall Srpneror ann : ; ; : : } ! UpTRveTen! | was made In Holland and imported in Foadi? We note 0 this county : Probably no ciiy i8 the United | Staves has for te Hy hall a Sor anae-uts eae DDT IE 5 To fa ai» Wer thay inhrove Bir | if several of the vice-presidents of § ! to-day anes of 4) What ls fame” . gs a oi Y 1 he Bt thar High ; The murbie busts of pearly all the ! i feniis are ranged in EL told the Ades : of § Tas at there gre tives Buses cof vice presidents the (destity of : ost In 0 enya. | They look . #onate as £h ines they pra % beds They have Nonn 1 there at every aren dane i Baxe bess ¢ i he x3 of the = od wi bre 1HBT the vliage of Youk. IATL made in tting i up as the oMeind bomse gible were made. The old pase] work asd the decor ated ceilings were only painted. In remodeling the upper floors the beams hoige Grepluee of bricks from Holland And from Bt leadi a seorel DRSSAREWAY : 0 an undergrodind retreat Dd Rai FPP onc send emory #5 EE EE ER RR marl fits presiding ofeds be thet was no thought of plas % Spas tiem Fase = the md Pome Rows st The candtal Ix Wo mark them as ir id have Sewn to pliioe tags on the # of the pemste themselves Fue oa not Beg in the gpmleries or immortals ihe me came recently when It wis wvered hat the famions men wees sksown. Then an orger was given { that thelr identity be stabiished snd from thelr niches out on the | Hoy Witnesses to histone heen hacia ever : members of the serdte and pecesiwry | Attendants in order thar the exsenti AREER Berets in the gens Leastiiente 20 that Ix known a them of tare | the fapr th : busts Aina Wer nas Bn F BEK them, When rhe sens nigh put lag au treme was made 15a thelr names should De ent on the aider side of lis marble 7 Thi has C proved to be an eany task. Thurs fares busts the identity of while] not been ditermined, exp by! a 8 of luminal a. # They a to tine Boal half of Er oantary. Ola atarer. ud wales Rave baen gare inegd bellevad that in the enurde of derioe sift be Poet gusing Oo BADER of ae of whew Phe Bowe Then when heir pam Geen oul hb ihe white marble Will ba able fo vcinnec: them the famome men whose dcii ave {toll on the pages of American history : AA A p : Chiefraia in Colorado Maan » x Lodge Compamed of 2.000 Cova ots Palts. i Whip RS SE SAA Clad in bee Ralin wit 8 beaded mae Boe cadine and gally oodored te-wah-tab hay (he nrgest he world, he xaye aud Lee The s 5 LIN Bw sides were grakew riose topes Hanae : : { TwS weeks were consumed in piteh the work | | was falahed, Nah-tewab-tah gave a fonst whlch eontinued Thus the great tepew was christened | of more than 109 others who live 1a | ¢ | RO Duadieg near if. Man Be 1000 sorota a, the three dawg Sn hear which — wd Hey each side of the aarmw faving the exst 4 white Driend who ives him chive | Nal-te-wah-tah has traveled on manifest no sar | Sone oR He Del bis Woallah is as 3 Omalg are white frlegd.. cate bark Ftah, Colorado | two weeks” With a vigorous | deed the 1Tein. ; The Nusaber Seve. 3 The number sven is pot only cog. sidered a2 laek® number by the super | Pimek, BU 3 was 8 symiolies! nam. the Bibie as well as among the + of antiquity. Ia the OW Tes we mote that the Creator Took | Jpve, ami the seventh day wns wi day of pest. Byery seventh | ar wan eyed, sed the seven timing | ; Rr melered in a rear of mh) 3 3 2 # i ire ATé meven priscipal virtues! RY, prudence. temps ad fortitude and | » Sevan deadly sine-grides ual. anger, Zintony Theres ware Sour | Christendom 8 TR X flrelandy, 8. George iEngland) Andrew Seoting dN 8 Davi | (Wales: St. Denis iFrance) Sp Jamu | It 8s pitched near the canyon of the | Colorado river, in souihern Utah, north | of the Bacalente river. It warmly shel. | - | ters 33 Indfans, and is the admirstion # ¥ F | {Spain}, Bt. Anthony (ladys. Were seven ages of man: alse seven Wise men of Cireecs Ohrier spalie | seven times on fhe oroes. AL ld Sc SH Br po Ai, ‘Many proverbs are the wit of one 8d he wisdom of noo, Theta | i : A Sabmstute for snd Supersor to Wasted wr wy Shae plaster, sod wilt not Dllater Lie sae Wo reooascisit 4 wo the BU md aadent BOA: DYSEARG Brac, alee Wh WE SRE Dor poviin in Charset zt sboonati med al reunite, wentueie snl aealy agian, A Trial will pes wha we Be Loamat bo te Modumedprng Solid, Begin aay “TE Ne Mae Got of Sli Prion 18 conte, at ail A - Er sedingy thus somiennt ws ia Pings Bo wrtimbe abouid be scooped Ly She pakile wale Chis seaman cRiTies Gr Salad, as olecwiss 3 i Ne a : CHEESE MhutoR MANUFACTERING Ou NERA Lr a Se