consaaption of acy city the average being a ht. me person per en: ty power; rake a atl le and form a pation and government, and the richer | nation grows, the more | tend to a course ated by consideration | Imaiae chance. Government, even ed by Cecent men for ntentioned people, germs to care & e for moralities | than dy- # | uttns of the press, | unseen ferrors, 3 | whose power be an ree operty] ! haw been tn made in these pos ! community in the grass land. ground were burned over to elu | greater gate: yi all i it the Port o' Bleep . Where far below dim waters ; Through chambers oo} and ep. 0. fair and Bright in the bread annl Her & streets and ber greening bow: And ail day long a sleepy song Murmars of love and Hawes, And never a care can enter thors, t _ Nor trouble to sinse anae There rest comes mat 10 tail And weary hegits find joy. ¥ frp i SSISTANT Chief ot the 1 ~ Department Thierry, of Si Loni. who went fo his deat lost week gallantly po vere. {ing his duty. belongs to the class of | { heroes noted too slightly in the col A sider in hatte fas x rule, has something tangible be i fore Bim to combat; ninety pei cept of a police offfcor’s work Is a mer 0% | hibition of constituted suthoarily, A § Areman, from the instant ithe sovmds watll bis work is sade fae battles with measure. Rr the past. had 8 fre department gateer fore made up of every man woman and ¢hild in the tn 1 It was 8 bucket brigade for fire en “hose had por yet crossed the Red gines, chemicals, pomplers, tracks, and 1 River. The work before thie depart | ‘ment was not fghting fires within the | {town's limit, but fires from without | The prairie fire. was the foe of every pore | FEvervinady % was one of Yihraugh £0 Oreck bottoms and ther, in tha aie of great goons, amd be | satel from Bis file Wad him An instant Based a voor, Joekied back jsrnionieee Haven and al fori shelter, wiver conscious that his crime} inal act brought devasiption to (hon gnris of sores of nnd, death to hun dreds of caftle sud a Big for inpomerable wen snd women, Hae! those gentle foods that made Plevna a slanghier-honse for in. tiocent men; that sent Napolean's rid srw th a sudden death: Thar have bis xt the pages of the world's stars with wreck amd carnage. & * bd & The fire thas sartdd razed later Bo Woan Lo few wa fanged by 8 rising wind broke to the weiamda, wind when It care oul ty the open is fame wag a hundred feet th a mile, 1 spoked Core i Bed friglitensd birds, mad dened] rattle, the coyote apd the snake says came rhonderiag down < brisging such cattle aw Foand piving the slarns fia the shacks gathered thelr vet havi. Hed io the Darts {Bee fist borat and wade Tov i they oni hack iF was] ! SAY hy vied ai Spon Lae, ? Sates , CW hRY BR the rer asl the Samnes swirted leansd vi xod rosred. sa Es work for a five gens riment oil gz rarely, fever roo We departments learn hen of fhe © was gegeralshiy fo be diaplaced tos fool he uo Bie any nitives Fp Yay es k F ely FANXED BY | NG NIXD, EROKE THE L'FLAXDSR Late every summer the farmers and vallh men plowed great furrows arovpd their possessions, hat the fire un Bot leap them. Rumall patches ik blazes tet Ge Water was stored ju bars | tor emergencies. “ rate ht veld and ® -. yet a5 boa ¥ Torson, the mail « or he LE the range one ay with the oo | that the grass was dey. rain able and a praivie Ree inunbnent, Fim Depart Gest, hE sii ely i fRiEy Ws spite the dryness of the period a poodly auantity was ott baal also texted the pump of the ane ii HE ready for arduous duty. *Torson.'” sald he, with a shrug of hig shoulders, “Ul vat the cards with you that Biue Dock this fall” Maybe” scswered Toarsor, leeking at the blue sky. “maybe, bot when the grassy stats pothing stands. t's burn. ing down In Hay Creek amd north of - Hamar, all the burns are gone apd the cattle roastipe. If dou tome here, *| good-1 but is wil? & Rts The ait Tool shit : ofa The : 3 § ¥ 1 { Tanks: § i Tomi wisaent reste | Eh len 1} feman Ed. Las eRe ol the Blue Lal i £y ed his water supply, apd found, Jed thar B 3 waar pump tesian well of the town aud found it: ao sinpsing U Torson was eign amd Gdxtleman Ed | caver them yi were upon them {fare up on fresh fuel | ifn » water and ¢ into the hinel : plunged forward fo whore the beat | if inta the tof borror| danger 4 push 4 galv t Sage whom jt had red tloser, wy father, ont 1x Hine Twa Won vo wan in THe gaseres on Was taps 3 Pht uf bicrewe ss Anel o fa BR Peaaly 4 eninge the ping Farms BEG to ruil sone Fa as Fe FEES YR forvag hese they swasiu 2 Buk Fug ¥ ar us In GAS the Wis amd the women art ehitde wc Bahl au iy Bra in buckets, agy other roveplacie amds on, eRe, Zoing Poe en : the five Baht of lay sats wy $ Ry 5 f i bie AEN Lures, Poo 4% wens BEUETY, % conlid wish tiny . * @ Ti a0 grew so of the aan to and the 1 choked and eried besanse of Hp, Men threw water and thay revived, Fhamioz masses detached themselves! from the main Body ¢f the fire and sailed into the town, but the watchers before they could yo sr wonen be aD Ie people re ed buckets of WE ¢ gray smoke came and then the black smoke, but the pump still the ‘women toiled Sa the way “1 allowed by the undon iz charged 17 pat | plegssnt had overcome The skin peeled on their faces, thelr bands swolind, Mra won) Toardon IDA back Sito safety whom the heat nw Qlrecting now work, mow cnerey against the foun, A small zrawe wed which had pero | inated while J & patient's eve, bas just been remerved by a Japapess or tide eves All with bland, but not one of these threes joes | : wtrieatod : through the dmoka wits a paekor of Hat Hin horse The mun sonned fan wpde sand > Tong ad Lok wig the fSercest The wood on the plows hls ti» fron grew hor Tae wal and wider grow the protecting belt, A osroes fires did not weil, They seeded a favoring rush of wind Fd. and Halvor. | Hae x Pare of ong ar stimulating Gel sen Boldly crosemi the farrew with a barrel of Serorene and rollsd fam tar Harrell amd dit the sae thing. Torion was wats shgeke in the tows, cheikl whenever it appeared. Bt The back | 0 ° in owhleh 1 lg head : ag fool | ctr £3 wd ; Anderson fonnd a Cpethenl of ing the roofs of the ng fre there wis 4 | o'clock fw ihe afternoon fad the great fire was now within a mile af the ingen with 10 sign of cekgation. - = * Bit there came ie those sarmin | piven nist, A paw wie a wiley its ironive v driven and Beated b pal a 2velt enzrint. machife gs stampa pills with The machine bis 2 capacity of Bann cilnrs and cuffs! in a day of fm oars, Tae ars El In said to Be st Roskwosd, rea HME sere BYE series Jinx heen sed thus far, Anutratis, Sapalitien have beep Imried, Sopapese hovkes in (he larse olties getheral shane, wa stirios put together by oa cuiens monztising, at which these people are Slop Bot Reed Shrougtum Bigh, and tink iu A fancy dren in Moniek, was | units dathe dnisscd ag notorious crig nals, while the walls were hung with an stant ong of sin ms raculons aos af Be. ture that men Ww shder over long aft™ | ight on the centre of the town square of Bie Pak a Hite bree starisd mp. It edbdiod | shout the pump. it swhied and bil lowed, It grow in volume amd then al into the tooth of the oiher gale the twa folnad sivengiby and battled thers before the people gs eyes. The wind from the town congnarad and the prairie wind and lis flame farped hack from Blue Dusk, swept ont to the Dlackesed land and thers died away. The danger was over Many of the entitle wore deed, many hotnts were gotie, hot no human life sad been sacrificed Tae Bins Dak swept sat of the fawn and | nit Hetgres iinet crimes, Deen Banat "provesative of much mers) The block in New York City toto: 51 hy Atsterdarn avenue, rest WW sevomd sx oF by elpstrinity temetery in thes world Oply a plait JM persons of all na AT ARAN ER A vee nail being the construction of | ueoplng a chap siaghe.” riveaitly : ‘which all the rating the mest {amons The daber ix sald to lave LW alter { aln't trded | Tit-Bis. Sixty feat | est Eodd aveste and Sixty ig sald ta be the mont | : populous in the world th proportion to | Nr I GR 5 rr AA ite Ares. Bwenivesiy ng In tenemenis si, addled somethin A New Yoru the Nar day WW antansy on Band withans ¢ for having perfeiied the body of ber hme her permitesion. Ske Cashed ROO00 damages and the jure Fire Department had done te werk | well, Bad kept tle faith repost 13 38. Men with seellen Taco skins fo) Inte opel oiber's avine ay fede] to pakke a load pede their parched throats The staat ail the weg) Gn mel fare The friglk: ify fhe en. Beards and hale were Fons jo many ipeabess and countoy Fnrds 85 changed was Glpeset nnesible, “Py gravy,” sail Halvorsen fo Gene tlemaan Ld, Tyen leek lke de Pad One “Have won asked Bd 1. Chicago Res Ton Tague tae Ho 2 onl in elhidren, forked 1. Cleveland, aril Herald. as A Dramatic melds It had been an experience Ten thovsamd pos : the great anditorinm hy the sendy penis had Doon ih hans 1 shakes, tha aving of bandierehinfe the Hymne neater, tee word wiileh ald the | Bistary af many a send fs shop stool upon the in the act of Drenowusing the bermmihes tae, Emotion was at is Heig seemed as 17 a spicitos) wave had swept aver te malthiode. wraps it in a divine caposs, At that moment a Ht ohild wa patesed gp to the platform and the tank Hin Bis arms werp Lie whispered words, The pat its dimpled arms about the s peek aml ald iW head ben Rontder. its yellow curls mingling with his + hale : hishan chill” Bader ap on doen, yi Boal ietiE valee, iy the aadience “dose any ose waow this baby, or to cass? WHI the father av suother come and Sahm 07 There was silenie and the baby nes and 1he wanes who sat fear sald, “On” : Then a wan was seen making his ta the altar; it was the baby's Tostanddy the oll stretehed drs to go to him he gave it up. the bishop said: “There are ten thousand lost souls a Does Grove, The Fathers arms waitiag to tarmy, Na gh, gx 4 Lien) Pg #i yi + 8 a® iy ao HILEraLe Prtle Vales sa y wi IE Ll ew + 5 Swaving Bead ew, vine In Ys Arey dead ris that ie Woolies a ¥ Tren rhage Is shor af iene fiat © oOnaTEeR GLY ID pay. san. $2.50 id and the hinousnt gp from that tn 86 af tich preple the mas cRsD Lay sam 1g dertakers i 35 toey will solve, wi WATS charge ave a man shaved. shave a dead man Thomt cvidinge in a barks in. a bil 5 They charge fess than that amount FO wus lars wd? Oh of os a good deal Re the charges dovtors, sdruggisis and godertakers, bit in the egse of a barber there is rhe wbditional expose of a rawes tazors that are weed on dead men en be used on live men afbowwand Frequently a new razor has to ben gal each time pact of the fen. i ebjectionable, 55 8 ive Oy ther + ni ¥ t ES * BOOT Gf pourse. Tlirsngl | women geod cheer they pes erpd, ran alent frying fo den | That recognition | yourself? | the | ple worn assembled | o 3 pation | Larsnitigatiad © Aly teekin said the bishop. in hin Tay That takes a large | ‘Then again the worl With | Pawan 2 fiariy sioyped | awarded hey £00. The sublect af the Bad a very large aud peci hates ead, sud the hospital autho ities conbl mot resist the tong. | tation to invest arate a iw Late piven whole ¥ wel Til, “amt Ther, ns Thee tach ascending to the seldom asks fess | runs all | In the 1 hey i ge 37 | ; i ney | Wiis cotieEe, | af gi 5 some corpses it 4 anything lve than sum wien every thing ds e Ssidered, I don't think 55 is a larga [With 3 st labor Know th aot increasing at There lv a two evniories ald inally to Logis XIV, and in time a it dwell Ton people, of { kpow how | Dobhs.. Oh! i eel one pir : in which 1: he ard Iolipny (onening doar af tary “Whar are von bellerin® for?” Trek “Candy and ‘cause 1 want wi Chicago Tribuoe Teacher-“Tell me. Bobby, what ape the wo thibge nevssinry for 8 bape tam? Bold “Water and 8 baby, waa. Boston Herald Shea Ta von Believe ib that od) sav ing, “Rledsst be pathing™ " Heo "Ten adeond. Theres nothing like 1 for Judge, Toa joie Xe Tern So zrase the sew Tharint that whieh = srol wan, And he who's slware ping 10 Ix be who amver dees ~ Pailadelshia Record. Customer This steak ix the tough- ost thing ve ever Bail bere waiter” wontddentisiyi Then Jou our roast chicken, se- Pillsbury Aw Fon 3 aaing 3 think wat they have sornlel maiehon gn the Giannis News Hobbs "Ome hall the world doesn’t the oihvr Bai Hees” Well, that's bhalaneed; 5% the Dmilleye Papsomigee been te walls dn on fo mare y’ { one Ball the world dorsu’l Kuow how woman sud a hospitil | hon A BR SANG AN FR FE p Dt back if mo Iliband table In London! Hide It belonged orig. | passed inte the possession of Napoleon | i. A cloth of «leeirle blue, The body of the table is a bloek Af oak weighing 1000 pounds, cover | hi frame ix af rosen ond ami the wiX pock: | wriking featony the table: Are repeeditctions nronze of bideons oll gargoyles. Whey jaw of the gargoyle drogs and x found in a Mouth, Industrials ven ant Nature. : Much though artists snd pataridov MEE may amend the Jdestraet af readers Industrial cogditans Sool sur raral seetiory, in conunen fafuess it should pot we forgotion tist ie wy $i the other shile, ay sumlred aki 5 i Ee 1 3 un ~ ddes Bid Ye HAY ye flat Tiron livin charming fa i VRLICUY 809 Dew mare nufaetueien srairants, dwellitig ho Vio HROPECTY Covi L{ helek rawE af megs gael shat swt ides have gutted fap a tray of wenlih of aontenient Tiegh heen blackened and b Yer, given aot pndewesl with oo sud fren, or ntherwise reat manatfartioriex iE my wife the ball falls to the poidiet the lower | the hall } Mian Loa fve sfeel shar there meeting tomalderabile fo Be swig iT T° A TE GY LinnNT Lomasrmeat mi ena for: that very feature | af an Intensely eancentiated popula: | Hen whivh marks the lndunstrial 8 Liss triets will tend actually tn meveass ils | seclusion. As employers of counts thelr Cast the meres af population in Eaglaml is very from heinz evenly distributed ¥ oe Coke tale fir | The a peaml” working classes Sock mare and more | nto the towns or great somburban dis. ot pond, trite. and hoods the in many rveral neighbor agricultural populition ail wooded, hilly or uofertils parts of the broken AEYe by the plow, Leen groomed whieh SEL 4 peasant pation, supporting awn population. Sock lonely Nstricts 3 Yoaudon lobe, Fr Pa at no wr fhve Futger. sear Find that i PRIN ETAL tha, Paw I Eagle. in : Thus wmaapy : sald the Baux of Eng Wak done ux Sis fararita iy aire Ban dininstiye iExie of Bates i din shed : from. iE Paced” iarge sread ovel a hug periad Le defen Than SEER ARG condidante, By wan ex ite L. ie hank of mying ouly tress, great m asing Wa Had Paton” in his lottery office Keeper. stoek and wsbler; hal given bank refal stady, apd seouired a hoowh # ing, paper making printing. He tiade Lx own fk. gfactured the paper and antes an a private press. In ov hired Doys Tron sree to present the polis, Susbic was at ast aroused by his meveuens he was throwy inte prises where cheated the ner by hanging himseld tis well ~Lopilon Chrontele, Hiskee AR Fi Aieres the is mis VE at shenuered fr nA 3 ng ®ige af printed ring th izes be wo SEEN An Unearned [aecoment, Thirty: Foenvs age a paved of old engravings was sought ut York at a sade for Ol 4 and furgavten unl with bin the lant HEY 4 Ww geriepes)s - , PoE Tag SAEOTies, | Seer; 3 EE fippend hokey | ’ potes qs | : vas ibers $7 By aad. sand § Hea | : 2 sronth, ae oor Bowlevard St tom sonal tie other ball talks”. uel, The Baslirw of wome cents In very swiftly Jered; Jridosd i will x ; They met, and 27 James i sipntes” hf Mr 7 pentivll the Ie “aml heer eon will son ane ar youl #17 ans ute oka Jat shail be bark in fea Fostllok, “You sore aly office boy: ans Sis Hern your plumber las pet len hee Nhe ENG lant 1 slavige lol And we are sueh good cistomerss ane plant ing is neatiy alwags ont of ender?» Brooklyn Life. Blghwat 3g counts. Raoki her” Gavhar cient with She Joes Keon pertunis. wit Ber BookBeening i a aavslory . ~Tawn Taplow SY Pale ay Parmer Hens say 1 ie SAH youl? wife ouat voming vg Cw irs Keep ae HORRY to Loy Granger - SA hearied ¥ renee She shpehd shod sure iF oapoarhd Gey Feonsorin, ro RY anrt of asked the 1 her peamaaar class Inhined evant 1 da You! Fl a an fey 9 ®tiE 2 wely Haldua awed % WE, i ie pe ia Tone LIN a Bagi duit WH exams and state of god ie sen & et toy, Olde Mate fide 1 Hein’ Tia 20 and : # contre 3 Got It Done, An intelligent Jeoking bay waiked Hite a grocer's shop the ol her day and, remdings froan 8 paper sald “1 want six panniis of oigar sr six gil one-half cenis a pound.” “Nout sald the shopmaos, Tyne cepis” Eleven pounds of tide “that «ill at SIX ofnts Ris ty six ventx” “Han poande of toa 5 81 ily colin & “Two dollars” Aud mo he coitinoeidl Five peutds of poles at twenty dye cons, seven tins rountry are lft from year to year an ; af mith at ten conte for Gos of toms 4 would | foes ar nips centx eight tins of sar eunitiy he oo dines of Zfeen 20s Taaa ts VaRTIOE ng before now if Great Britain had | jig | handed I oyour mother sed the, money i Pale mean them enters” fare to be found within an hour's one | Tor, on HEH PRET Ley of Lowden “3% the Bill and saying: “Dad ar does The shopmian made cal it te the lad, me #2 all” of the hill. and 1 had Brooklyn antgged fnid te fimean, “Xiy mether didn't Hy, arithmet dupe somehow, ee ARIE Ais yt erent iA my ol fa sore Ninguiae Thefts, some tie past seversl milk in farin Quuater of Parle complained of thefis of help aid the mystery was solvod The whey when a youu man, well dressed, was seer ia the carly hours morning a big tin of I When ques ae dropped arden and was eapinred, and was ound Greek sniulent, Gaoarge Macs HAE, Whose paienis mide atlowatice TINE fangs a He stated fing irresistible pie compelled him to steal the mk, or gearvhing reruns i the Germain 4 dosen large shout thivey analier a a For ha Shak kr tins Gus Carrying * vuitih siyoulder, Ris sat 13 Led, bigk § # ak Fs wh &x asd his was aud Ces were found. 3 Pay i Lak 3 y A nd SA RI nh 0 sel i A SA nk Origin of Shrew, " Tha slirew was originals the sirews which, when Young were would fight desperatdy defense. and so well kpown was Higiise, utiles, the hor Cie courase of thos Hite sulemsl which hey were locked away | would even go ont ol Hs way © seek AR emEnyY al thes when the pest poewded protection, tls ut the word Does