ln es a A Tt for the openicg of on : men’s Park for the sesson of 1902 on | Deeoration Day by a dance and festi- val. There will be dancing afternoon [and evening on the big pavilion and ‘Is now in order and to do it! properly you must have the oandidate for state delegate to the Re. lowest. When the garden is | pabtiean sot vention and avers that he completed the real tre Mible be. Cir for John 7. Eikin for governor “sink | gin & or swim." If yenrs of valnable service to the party count for anything, M Does Y ou r 1 Dale will have no trouble whatever ty rick be piected. ; : Atal S11 be b Bold in Rrmen's ai Neigh bor Keep dof Cres. | thin evening under the anspioes of Kitt | Chi Kk : 2 Ss this Wek: i Buck Tribe, No. 96,1. OR. M. The 1HHCKENns; roves will be donated to Jobn My. on € 4 era, of Coniport, 8 nseraber of the focal : HH 83, be ¥ some organization, who has been 1 and nn. : a Jatin to » ww ork for twat 5 year and haw: poultry nett ng am d kee p them Sap ont of the earion Special wins Chrysoline Ware, Best on = Suminhl Y » & Earth and Fully Guaranteed. ory wage Best Quality - ma | 5 with alighs fefarion. * div result of a pe . kick by ond of the mules. | ; y| Mary A. Huber, the infant dangh- | : L 1G HT 7 rer of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Haber,of Mel. n- fon avenue, died on Friday at 12:80 pn GLOBES. m. of congestion of tha tanga, after an ‘ “Sterling Special.” Try | Bln of but sixteen boom, The litle | Lane wis bwo sears and three days old. | : " Sonday afternoon ut 2 Welnek, with in. any other. _ilerment in the seme tery at that pisce. | ; A complete ne of Ander : Lduetiog. 3 Nvery Auble | in this place for as goc od prices right. % . some Gime, will remove his stock to ’ : a 3 Boswell, Homersel county, in oa fow | Champ on Road Macht nes, | wouks where ho ie erecting a large Deering Mowers, Binders, lstabin = A desl is being doncinded | Reapers and Rakes, Conklin | wherein Me Mannion iil dispose of his | W agons and Syracuse Plows. ] property in this place to Pred Arble, | who will conduct a sales stable. - A ue. | Tin, Copber and Iron Work. | rolitown News. ; se dobn Hanson, the wood looking | Everything | lative a altos, but. John io n larc ware.” . for the world have anything Wiisperell | ae i ELL 4 C0. ohatices providing he. gots throwed in oro Sentinal. | Fifth Ave. ~The when ve n new postacuins trent A AREA SE a ver PATTON, PA. with sew Hons and attractiveness. rel is aimed to be a veritable moviog panorama of gl ering tableaax, cam, gen, Bisirins, ole, 2 peondiy prancing | cousin in Fete to hin » the show fot ; istiia om, Friday, May 23, : : Pre plane recital beld in Mis Sawin * Wente® studio on Friday evening was 8 | moves from beginning to end. Those who were ou the program were Misses 6 May Monteith, Lillian Kirk, Grace i Mapleith, Agnes Doonelly, Bertha : | Bennett, Anna Donndlly, Nettie Crow ell, Births Mellon, Gussie Leiden, Anna eg ; Melion, Zita Leiden, Mille Yeckley, PATTON, PA. i Ciraice Anstead, Mamie Jones, Gertie | . i Wente, dre H.C Yerjer sod Jobs ~Dealor in of Beans, ; wi Extonsive provements are to be made on the Pennsyivania division of . ime Fan oi the New York Central railroad, includ. Groce C ries. Lime ’ I ce d vk the rebuilding of twenty-seven | bridges, most of them on the Beech | Creek, and the Ailing in and banking [of the tracks Plans for the work, foie | which is necessitated by the soquisition | 100s. tof ten new monster freight engin iand heavier traffic, have been com- pleted. The Viaduct bridge, standing | Co 108 fect above the water, is one of the | umber that will be rebuilt. | First-Class Stock and New, awanoe sarose conTRACTS. : Goods. 3A ors, of Hastings, Gets the Sane) Wark for Two Sirietiires. JA Lord, of Hostings, has ben | : wy . Fourth Ave. and Provis- Give me a call. on two bridges whose erection hud | been recommended by the grand jory. The bridges ure those over.the North yr | Branch of the Conemangh near the fe J L 1] oh Ir p | property of W. W. Howell, in Cambria § IAL J INS ng: township, and over the Mountain al | town, in Portage township. Mr. faints $1, \ en the re owiship. Jr low ‘location in the Fisher Block. Alte) Jatier HE J. A. Bhoemaker, or We are now better prepare he oatty competitive than ever to do all work in oases being a ‘this line. os tagher thes Mr Losi . ; Wars for the tay bralges WhE We are sole ageuts tor Te o ie hing Ueldge company, of Cambria county for the cele- tabuarg, for $23,650, : brated The Commissioners have vet to piss pon the grand Jurys repommenila + # : : re "oon for rien ar the following Brooks Oil Co.'s i y stare where | points: Over Blochaker Creek, in 1h : der townslip, over Chest Creek at Gutta Percha 3 x 5 a ¥ session 0 the Ladies of the | Patton, another over Chest | reek one. 5 tative of ‘mils below Eckenrode's Mill, over fhe Conemaugh at aun : aver the Roofing Paint. Estimates cheerfully made for all work in our line. of our s The funeral was beid at 8. Fosiface on ODE and vou will never use 0 haw been con- | son buggies——none better, few : Branch of the Conemangh near Jamis. : Hawi mg toved to otr new : jos cream and cake will be served. | PrOpEr tools, We have them : codeine BL Tiale is anounced HER ‘and at " ices AS low as the 1 viced ¢ priced hos. We have : then: The Shoe business & is all coming our way. WHY ? to inform you that we handle a complete line of imported inl domestic wines, brandies d liquors at moderate prices. | rity and age guaranteed. Give me a trial and be con. fret 3 + vinced 2% = vy x5 Eh ui # a Here are a few of our brands. Gay ? fo CEURERAY (LARKTS, dirent from | he visevards, per tottin, fram 4 fur $1.00, Ou P New Shoes and FRENCH CLARETS from Mario Pore 3 0 to d | & Ue per bottin, rem Sic to f130. © WR a) XT P S RHE RE WINER Imporied amd Cali : | - a : ao ; fornia, from Soe to £1.50, y Co arc coming in trom all the California vinagnres, per guart, | «ht trom Soc up | vv oA down ta date style S. PURE CALIFORNIA BRANDY, per EASE 4 W tant. The Up i \ [ & have the largest & | MONONGAHELA PE TE EYE Wy per. gf {it i and Ww te a1 pric £75 for « quality in Patton. {mary T5e : TIPPEE ANOE PURE BYE, per quart, : S100, rl : | SEE OUR NEW | KELLE OF DAUPHIN PURE RYE, LINE OF HOSIERY. per guar, $1.00. OLD PUT" RYE, we ire for THE PREMIUM BRAND SHIRTS. a Yan O14, best Shi ts for the M | { ESE SHINS I £2 z. For Pamily and Medicinal Use, per | ; hn gunyt, $1.50 : It will pay vou to come miles to buy ED. A. MELLON, c : ; ; rom the Me Ono yy Saving Store. Magee Ave, Patton, Pa. | THE MAN HONE 3 ES On lr I WHO ; : HOH IA SN As spring is here DOUBTS we offer the fi lowing below cost th make FAIL YORE WHS Lie Rn es Fab, comes the man whe : a i's elie * he ¢ au et a ready-4o-wear room tor new goods: ins belie 8 RL) i ‘ Sy MALIA, don't belteve” our advertivements; ar anybody-—and yet the chances t with one of our Spring Suits on £ Jardinters sold at 81, 1.2: and 1.50, ete. at Joc. : Brenugse there fe proot in our stool to onvinee the most sos frmend TH RNG 5 antwiwver. There's style here. There's besiaty. There's cure in make 19e. : There's artistic talloping. There's prater Anisbing. Thess good material. — There's a goarantess And, bent of ail the prices are there, proving themselves, : Jin every case, below the Sevres of other stores. Horse hiankets $1.10 to We want the man who dotbts 16 conve In and see some of the goveltios we 1.2 5. while they last at 5Q are are showing in and boc. Se SPRING SUITS. "Three Red Cross and Sum- Reader, if “thou art the man.” come in and see what we ‘mit Heaters will be sold at have mn store for you, good bargains. | WOLF & THOMPSON, The People’s Clothiers. Come and 3 see our Summit and Red Cross ranges. Fully ee =] guaranteed or money refunded. | | given the contract for the stone work | 2 nn ¥ a a d L BE AAANY THAT IAAAAAAS That Fourth of July SUIT! on will want a NEW SUIT ndependence Dax oils—miners’, kerusene, lin- seed, ete. at lowest prices. Largest line general 8 hardware and furni- § ture in this end of the county. Come and see for yourself y Fe Sibi i Said Javon The Old Reliable Store, J. E. KIRK'S HDW. & FURT. STORE. Magee Ave, PATTO N, PA. ATATOTITINENS PHVA TRH LPL AV DRY VY VAVE AAA PAIAL AAA LH LA SA LEV E VA SAVA MAMI S AMAIA Merchant Tailors, Patton, Pa. EVM MATA ATA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers