F Tt preaa, SEES noon in | 4 eintan, : RESI Bread, Fe AYN af Beech Creck District. Cakes, Pies, Rol ls. EA] New re Fo ~ Condensed Time Table. ; Satisfaction -- Yok: a” (Hm Man Noe ni Ee the Bill. The belief hat the reserve a ln 0 . Sen a lpm g Hy ‘supply of anthracite coal Miight wn. TSE JMS © IN . Guaranteed. Ral L w de Emerson. 0 ee folly confirmed. The transportation] THE C&O no a {| Raiph Valdo Imerson, : of this coal having ceased, many men a . I IY our Macaroons. | in an essay on eloquence, [beside the mines are temporarily out ; ————— {Fanev and iil said, in king of a man Fancy and wedding Spe oof employment. The sivnation wig S31 VUKL., Le 1 vs T O Y. 5 whom he described as an . ons enough, yet it may be deemed an. | Tn 4, Cakes 1 o Ulrder. Godsend to his town, | .. em : Important in comparison with what | : : — | nk “He ¢ DUL To ogether like (Bs Wilkes | ¢onditions will be thronghont the | , 7 oJ. Cc. “AMER, i pe ok ame Yep Mires {eount try in case tie Htominous coal | PATTON, : : pi i miners also > Ssneratly strike, wis | = et 4 a mm x A Ci wd SEA ENE En BE INSEBULE ¥E at : Filth Avenue, Manan Won en i” i : ; : 3 og & P A TTO IN, PA. } 4 fg + She 4 1a Sd 3 : 3a Ll Eis 3 : 3 SER A {J id hi f Pros sient t Mivehell hat af he dos. | : i amas Co RE rt he i r " Lh { Koi Pave or eh 3 2 2 i Mu i Be Nia ing seanion of the Hazelion conn TG ti : k i 1g oan os ai “i the national offers of the United Ladies’ Wash Suits, { | Mine Workers ware requested hy iene ; made of chambra Vv. “a eal! for a nations] convention to eon. : ay « : Shida DURE trimmed with braid, | sider the snbjedt of suspending ail coal : fons. A few days will $1 98 Sui it. for he perfection of duinite Rw i ah in SE a io SON ts 0 , rE ig Ha PTY ee Sr Ce a sguLT ss 8 BEEsEivisuesERNGRNESRYE SBUTLERNSAEENES : ‘place. Many of the bitnminots work. bons 1 [ers are well disposed for a strike, on | Mercerised Chambray thelr awa account as wall as Throu hoor hy Sarit 2 <) ‘11 ; 54 Bs 5 . - hel Lal fs Were Made Mes fey Metis BBE 4 2% Wash Suits, $2.95. J 2 288 I | Phonsands Rave IHidney 7 | Bate i ant 3 ie ne i ok jsympathy fer their r rather in the wn # ix : bit no mare wn tha BH Pe om Glen Cunphed] ot N80 0 my oH i Joan Som 3 Hs ui) 3 exer Sanday. Wow To Fisd Out. : ite AY Fa ri 1 3 lie Hg : then AR atts Hn GF 5 (SF | Fill & bottle or common glass with your &t de Virginia 2 2.000, snd in w waked hat 45,000 | | Linen : Crash Suits, q ThEAS % | Ass RTS, ag Cee i § wsler und et ft stand fwentyfogr hours & b. 4) is $ : ak Conk 8 - 0 rE — a § ; S ips NE | men in the Virginiss snd from 15,000 to tucked, and trimmed i RE pr ER § pperyd o> Sle # | Ving micas am an 2) he 20,000 in Pennsylvania will, no dondt, | with linen lace, $3.49 avxiiany ro rne PM UWI 5 y unbaaithy condk | Fini iver. ui Mabini: med Pelion SE 3 Gig ore 1 oak al CWS Hoe of fh i 3 bib hl Climrfient | (i uke of tha od roord for attend ‘strike in x few days, aniess demands | it ne mec. SERIES” § Vi optaeeiye ly fi zon o 18 a Peinuymitnia ri Hewal: at Muhwitiy with in - i i % % CE oy + ¢ w bal wil be Joytully | : Kk Ae i CR Reh Viehie And Naethwroateen tats thst they have take bafore the hitam- | : : A Blix m wit, Bi i Hk Zo os i) your finen It iy EI Ee: of Fiusts oom wnny ah 2 1 : ch : 2 fas fo | ne fysnbie 100 New xX ark. Witthamsart, Th It and ronds ‘all the foal miners of the Connery can the Beck ix als | What to Ds. 8 § = Friis Expaee Weel dure HWW RB i adahle | rm dk 2 “3% Ridmr » eriiady fulfills every . a, down almost every factory in the land . Ser Son pil fre ML de won. Resrthoron, in ho tops hia noms operators cee granted, : ais | AER WR WA, Stance of Wid. then, Puss, At, toed, “a readin iE He The paralva ing effect of a strike of em — Rs SA, gamed Tw Ly JY WEL fromuess desires to POR Biadpert, coos Sap, pe 8 Al Tucked Chambray Rr Ty TT JF om paws it or pain in : ans hardly he appreciated in advance of Ladies’ Wash Suits. trim- Fi t N ol B k Somvingln 4 prot that the kidrievs and bisd- ; Peansylss ania Railroad. or are out of sede. fern 3 ¢ a the experience. It would sop rail ‘med with braid, $4.95. ITS ha ati ion an tw Tn effect Nov! 25, 1001. traffic in a short time, would fhe up; OF PATTON There ia sarmlary in the krowisdps so : Main Line . : : : i : pr Co aes Sa that Dir. Eilmer'ys 8B : 2 Ave {rename Bast ward. steamboats oy ery wheres, and close * Patton, Ly Tihyia 0, Pa ok : Wamp : nt Expr, week dave ; : . Ly lL Co | wish | ng rheumatiam pain in the Ww Sond fe Bnguves, deity : every industry, indeed, that is de. Men's Silk and Satin CAPITAL PAID UP, $100,000 00, le EH ar and avery part | A eran day dally ton ameBee TERRAENY =EueEy : = Cd SF Ph ea Hit bas dgtly © pendent upon seam power. The Ties, regular price 25¢, su RPLUS, $14,500.00. to noid water and acaiding pals in passing Lew Css Wratwacd. (amount of hardship that mast pest | ey ; Fira, Individes ir bad effects following use of liquor, johnei gine el dug... . ; : as j ns tet. Sitie Baprens, o / offered at 10c each. i fait 4 x i iit the in ta wine or and avercomes that unpleasant | : Way Plostper daly from such conditions in inestimable; he, ba ies : sind { Recaasty of being compelind io go often TH BA : _ Bregman folie or wie Sor ail the leading | S970F the day, and io get un many times an : : x £ We is thie prin during the night. The mild and the extra ve wouk 4 . Ford | ardinary affect of Swamp.Root iv scon of fii : ‘ £m EE one sae Br pt aad | eenlized. {stands the highest for iy § Cumbria & C learfield Division, 7 Interest naid an tine dep oils, derful cures of the nos distressing cases, | Jewve Patten. sSouthwant. AP Patron, Ww H Saspropp, | 796 eed & medicine you should have she mn Nop THA Te. 10. aretving at Crmon oh TU TT beat, Said by drupying in/S0¢, snd $1. | Prin Not 5 pw AeTTVing st Cron : ; nopoly. What the people’ oan a ivard ; an Cashier. | Youmay have & ramps bottle. at hi tem. ¥ a the rosd ta baile the help themselves in such cans is not | = | wondertul Shcoven a _— Leave Patina Northwant. il = rn of very: wl de 0 VW meee Sess §558ESs EEsEgs 9 3 AON Ag II HS NR ot ie oy Dana mask ts mi 2 { Temin No bet en a We oArTEed ut Ma Fear about 5 BREE TE TE OR $key hb Sok ge A great showing of Fags! for Sei : ol Dr. 3 ot a Tr -— Ne rp ta I C0 Baghamton N.Y Whe sont ian. teh ; sm \ : Wash Goods 4, is ours, a Hon reading this pensrous offer in 4 Phil adelphia & LrTICR ® are ‘at A white heat i this ue Pall Va eda Re oF rir Thdmstip eading Ratlwa : eoty a1 presen, bat Bob pear as furid : selection that would do ight Rey Sue TTY a Eng Burn Hard a. No ii #5 they 3 will be # week from now. Both justice to a city; 6c to ee nn Ek dag £S : IFFECT ROVEMEER i fe) dedion ion due 32a of the dominant political parties have | 25¢ vard Riivnr Lioind Wenudatte. | | fnwee: W3 pe Fou topos. Foot 5 part of eamidates galore for the plums to be : : TRE TE | AL Lele ARE RIIEIN 0) Mh | FANEE TAR 4A abet TA Ba mm Eis 1 YER {i AX > a ee distributed and They are not a. hit A Ciel a = ; Bastion or os —— Wa. - ; i : : J ad 7s ER UI OEGE {da ) LX “@ One hundred and Ha Par. Maaln served] promi si (0 Aubtans wd oi oie tn Shae z ie ko Mx $3 RES Exe : 3 TIE sensarion Ar sPAvGLER. ; sixty - seven pieces of : frie & i Fe Pre a ehelt sailiis ave SR fn i - Papers, Toning Ynchars of ihe senor Val Lace, all different, Reue! Somervil fe, 5 . Voart Wappens, lc to 17¢ yard. The shoot hoard af Bpangier bor. 7 ye Fg iran Ts Cheoinrteti, lb in, Termini, 49% ; ough tads aif in 8 steange predios | Th TREE nm Silnd lao m, and Gah om, wd a * emit like to the | ment as the time for the yearly finan. Ge by the Ghond Bruit line, $ wi = if tl 8 te Sp te 13 cin settlement draws nigh, having no All Wool Smyrna 1 | Blittapi wd Sone oak, ht meeosint of the year's transactions, as fen A com d : Lr HEE Lomi + y. jt Phlmdeipiun. tly gil their books, vouchers and other Rugs, size 30x60, at Mio : ve - y EN ite an te pane tT i $n WI Gaeneat al PRA PERN I Bm Phin 4 EE Helo Pew AR i BY the dene Seg of ordinsry | papers have been spirited away. CW six, whats Be didi Gi Plage i f Bie in. A couple of weeks Ago a meeting of | $1.98, a regular $3.00 fs BUR EN Huts raegs fay = Ton WIRIR Lf rr wo 8 4 fe Wom, aed lu | eRe eheod fms bes aid rskdeniens £ Bho tard 4 iN ’ me > ih Youll * eg wii Gira, ‘the board was beld fo a room in the | 1 €. : ¢ ad on ad 1) 10 5 Bn | KIMGN J WEEKS Valu i co KAREN. | Ginay Hotel. After the adjournment, ihe bre (ag i in 1 son ated. a SAA Tn eT NT Passa Aen, * ; thie secretary . Mr. Grafius, was ‘mltnost | J 3 5 ; IIIT ALE hf 1 dl 3d $1 RR. fanara) Hu rane I ak a a ; ; i : 3 % SE shaded . on. 2 by Gon home when he thought of bis books. | b g Dr V A mM urray : ou a1 {road ! i Parte ¥ Chen on it ox rem a, : | He retarnied to get them, but they had | Velvet Rugs, 27x45, ~'° *° : Tn elfeot Nov. 24, 1801. disappeared and no trace remained. | at $1. 2K. PHYSICIAN & SU THERON. Seo Pi ttshurg, Johnstown, Ebens- je Tie books contained the minutes and | I Paton, Pu, AIL nignt calis mapendet 0 New 1 4 "3 Fob : tan th a burg & Eastern the stubs of orders granted. In the | Avensis arama Te ati ma Daibe at fda, | ® R. books were also the bonds given by | Bes Zutienten, hal Ne spun irs tasting 0 jpven 5 clordenand Time: Tabla tn offict Fras: al ad- | the treasurer. Last Sanday night the Jute Smyry a Ru . iL 5 i wrrteing at MA La WTA ph, fn, rl Lamvig Rute 9 paid orders, vouchers and other papers oda : 8 y GEO S00ONE : din eA Me 0 Lo AE fps tre : am am pm pw pm held by Treasarer E. M. Flick die 30x60, 98c. ; NS . 'e, i Ty HIN 3 A a | Peruwod ; Ee wi d strangely from his desk in| > JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Te connectie uf Mi. Bk | Run sm ow i ae i the livery - ‘stable, thus leaving the Lorin di C Ofes in Good Building, Collections | Nasr nt Pris es THE eR # re : board without any trace of the your's ! promptly tended to. Properties to, T Wor & IMAEY tess Wh Daiiee & or | PBI ipatwirg... 74% Bah ZB M0 business. I ; sell ard piss a % 28: {Hh ih "1 Laiviog Philipsbagre, Phe affair haa created sommowhas ofal LS | Poids Neel Sant Limes Sods ME tad : AM Am am pm pm oO be heartily dons i SRe¥ ] wensation in our neighboring boroagh, | Y x Paras . Cowher 2 Co. Huntingdon at 23% pm arising Want | Eiiiipong. nia amy es and peopie are wonderiog ‘what the ; AA —- : iE fre Cpe Ri ane To vise SPL Dak | oatmuie . 2 & 4 i 8 su "advantage could be to any one who. nn MIRE, LIFE AN) GUHA ceili BY wom nga Enh aa Hw aw * would thos come in possession of the voces 1 HR AI em a ie esi pnp STEW. 6X4 200 3 e documents. Alex Leslie, president of awe : ; I : BU. eli omind sted nit funitooden, ae SUNDAY TRAINS | the board, ‘has notified the First Na | 2 8 J NT ; 5 3 7 ¥ ; Jownd Baiting Peoria Wi Phas Ne ; Ht 2 o be] Ey Philipetaty, (tional Bank of Bamesboro not to a 4 oh : : : Ea pha RE nt bm Erma { Pam A honor any school orders antl the affair a ; f a aa | Re BE 5 | 18 settled. ~Barnesboro Bentinal, : 4 LL - ol : | Plead : 4 tdi 8 HY 3 5: irs SE 8D NER Don't Neat Wrong. ; Don't start the summer with a ling: A ; : : @, y = You ering cough or cold We ail know : a . aan ary what a ‘sommer cold” is. It's the Poe ; r ; ar eis os wrdest kind to Cure. Often it “hangs : Se ) 4 Ww a 8 : i § : 5 Ie Pen Ga 2 AE Pipa Eoin Staion on” through the entire season. Take P \ t 4 P tin hand right now. A few doses of | atton, a. op inv: di atin) One Minute congh cure will set you : A powerful e ne ean tbe rinwiih a weak borers you Sime, en Haver, Witiismspors, Head | right. Sure cure for coughs, colds, : Sia : ean t expect to kiwp up the wear and strain of an active life with will, Crem Watkin, Sern AkS Dr croup, grip, bronchitis ak throat and : 3 wes somich, i: aT boiler of Nia Her our Shamachs hg 5 13x He ; iM x Hi Hafler and if Pain: 3 Sremiiie, : : place © OAn Hot sla & emdn machinery while mak at Le pak TH ay nd went id ihe. Haunt ng ronbiet . Absolutely sft ac i Store closes prompitl t ing repairs. But when bat h is unable to digest enough | ROB nd Hbetotur : C : Lat onset Bildren dtke it. “One Mio. P Pp YY a food to keep tha body strong, we can use such a proparation as : oti Tone it agents Sis ih Houta rdinaiily convenient Wie cough cure is the best cough medi. 8 P. m. Kodol Dyspepsia Care. It digests what you eat, so that you ean Temata RR train waving fi + Hkiue 3 pid I ever used,” savs J H, vr} eat ail the gow food vou want, without any distress aftereating. . For tall Information ay iy te g safe remittances oF eveton N H Ey ewe] Afier forty yewrwol susfering hs lad & tow hutsies of Kodol Dy | 11 BEE Superintendent ing else that acted so safely and Patton Courier, quickly.” ©. W. Hodgkins, Patton, | > EF Promoter of Publieity. ne and Hastings Pharmacy. : ! : <r ee enslave re | tising Rat ' : You can do butter at Miller's ok oe oo : | diseases, use DoWITY'S » ch Hazel 84 i I aoioion, knows: om
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers