JP cnden owing bir with Seslons ns Sites, Max lod the chase afoot Mudge fol assidnity on Eorsehack as if he feared tho boy weld snateh from Bim the glory of the only notable deed bis cficinl career had offered. If was noon ‘when thy boy's eyes discovored tho reall in fhe | muddy boticm lasd. Two pairs of footprints pointing south wer» all tho signs Lo norGed, and sway he ray theaush the 1a ached brake like a grey. hound coursing 5 Jack. The sherlly gal loping along the margly comld Soares: | iy keep vp with hier. AR but téy of the fiantsd posse Lad been dis | tanced, and when st last Max cmerzed from tue thicket, and potted op tha Bil) toward bis grandfather 8 house bh cork] ardiy gasy ont the Worcs, fer gprandoa’s” Mocs | fained Az they clirted the hill aad f 48 be stopped it and the Watson bem | eae ip sight he paused and waited ty | Inniruet hia few remaining adherents, Ths rest wers scattered In different directions, rd astray by thelr own J mraggiiag {ootprints, Nudge, being a coward and sure of Bs belle? that the fugitives would | hadiy vealnre into the Watecs hovse, | bade Lis ren surround the place | Which was on a hilltop, while he alone uo | approached the residence to ask ol | fos tents trtwo, we'll KIT hi {ville dle, Yaughed 0 . To whist 5 when be Va had ap abtably Silas Sian ¢ pominatic ude was ones t and so infers wed constituents were so plans for seuding He badii't made ex. ant record as sheriff, bot! bad beer so placidly rigg his term that there Tt mel room for brilliance, i ain't good enough for the taters woul] say. “1a : y UTapeky ashowin’ them mike a fustyate speech.” oke Mudg would ex- he | they ventured into the 1] their shonin jbeariag a cocked Winchester, stepped | dj out on the porch, shouting: {didn't care for bis swan He Tmt ho! Alde't want to Dring death on “this | i Mas a8 be pleaded with his men to | bouse Max Bade thers withdrar, ts a bearing the sheriff's vifle anid the other Watson if he or his wife had seen the ronaways. Max ran ‘rennd to the | recy of the barn and the others made a enrdon at a respectful distance #0 BN fo prevent escape. Mudge dismonnted | {at the fence and entered by the frout tdoor. His men waited ten, fifteen, {twenty minntes, then drew pearer. 1] seared. wondering. alert. In an hous | ¥ard fearing Lad met foul play, OR whe contri thesubjec To the Lean: ; aprox imately ; Tak for be antiquity their ; progenitors whose pissed 34) slient cities, like those of Asi wines maskive pyramids tenipts and pale gods vie with those of the 8d World and are inferentially not oily cov at with them but closely relmed.” Me Hallock believes that tise ruined : oitios of Central Aweria were bully | : great disturbanesy of he earth's rast . Their inhabitant C diveetion, sud boodme is npeesiory of Liner, long : passed out of history and whose 3 Be, : : Fat br immigrants from Wires, aml that Setoro plothos) | ihey ware subseqaenyy wise ked OF! ap as al ney on now in inolated prs wily Aneries. The von dance of | the plains Tndlans ie a rele of the sun i Wershin PWih Be attendant orgdties Tlian reves 1 | oteasion 3 wievival of agelent rites, of Chichen disx and Pern, All the spread thal captives on “Untold and sncalevisted Fars B the Contra) Ame~lian migra to reach the western verge of the at Plains, wiieh bad emerged and WH to mrass during ithe interval be 11 was the quarianary floor of | 4 4. For nearly four centuries their polyglot desosmdantz, who were dubltied aborigines by Enropean explor pave been an sthnologiesl puzsle world, bul time seems to have | the problear. he hypothesis reversion ¢ easy. Their pro ute, dike all ploreers wnguestion. ook wwita them all Beoossary | fouls, seeds, miechanieoa demiantis ntensiis. bat tar the | solved Pires 25 4% “ably ek ances and | after they wore isolated from the par so Toral In every es : earned all the present Indian ribes who are, | § therefore, degenerate deavendants of a) of skine furs ail pleated grasses res people far mdvanced a civilization, | { Says Mr. Hallock: an Asiatic colony fromm Korea. which of the sixth century. and this opinion i= coafirmed by Chinese mapuseripts BppMNTancs, tecture, Their writing was in hisre the continent. wWoeks to the northeast, No mate Emperor of Ching, whe declaswd war i azninst Koren. Migrants wer alde | Suddenly an filvisaged stranger, | We've get your sheriff font and | and this old couple the min Tate you open firs on us. Myr part. aer Has ‘em sottin’ in 8 rew against fhe wall. The fust Khot You fellers | fire we'll kid ‘em all an thes will Ba ger fou. : Then Mudge war pushed out with | he rifle at hin back. He, too, appexied | to Bis posse to “give in” i said be} pour ole couple “ Hix eye rested on elp Bim save the Watsous by ath uwing. When he went back into the | respectable distance or Be homme as they saw fit. Five sneaked for Sage} The oikere lingered beyond | range. Max slipped bask Inte the Baro. Just before ausk Mudge, band ued apd in his stocking feet wan ust out. The twa fugitives. one ith bis pistols at the bark of Made s head, followed. They mused %hile one shonied: “First move Fon felters make, fizse shot you fire, Mudze die Then they hostened at 8 aqoieksten | In Indian file across the yard and {door bis frightened ol wifa after {him both haodeuffed tf saddle bow. | political boss af at Yen con ities, which : 2 In looks very mich like % wolf, tn down the road into the night. The warning Wis repeated at intervals ns ran, 1801 at last, Max leading his Bourse ott of the stable, leaped into the saddle, sai ®ill & women spd cried “On, £re dpa’ pew cod man came cut at the front | “TH turn you loose In a minater™ Max shouted, and dashed for the road. Now | will ran for sheriff” he mut. tered 4s be laid away jgto the dark. ness with bis magazin gun across the Hall a mile down the | road be saw ln the ghoaming shadows | by the roud, plodding back toward town, the dejected form of Mudge. | |B he did not stop. It was 9 o'clock that night when the | reasenrea Sherif and bis defeated | posse returned to rescue Max. They Pmet him driving a sullen prisoner | slowiy along in the dark "3v up and cut grapdpa and grand ma loose” Re shouted hoarsely, “I'm {afraid to chance f° “Where's the other gue?" demanded Mudge, plucking up courage when he saw the poise of Max's gun. He's down in Ureep Hollow.” roared the trivruphant Watson “You ean fetch him in on a shutter” The Sagevitle Banner gave fts front Page to thiz slory the Bext morning, and on bout before the convention as | sembled the county commissioner got 4 telegrams from Rilas Stanford, the Sead: CMake that boy of Judes Watson'a} sheriY, I'l nx Mudge Job HH. { Raftery, in the «Chirage Record Her | aid. The Coyote. . Tha corot 1s psually very lean. has wg. slender snout and bashy tall, hich famil 1 ito maintain the High civilization eof ftheir Torbears 8% leur sw thelr has relation and envirsnmer wr timony of the petroglyphs Came those stapeadeus Less locations, wuplescyls droughts, denadations and gee ‘dynamic phetomions, nk eation with America 93 Tar back 54 the | and base of supplies. they for Rabel pakeshifie for Lawhiatever was Wort out driest, Diresses BLo0R | placed thelr bein garvigenis, aed ime | plement of stone, hers, bone. shell and “Tt i% believed that the progenitors | of the ancestors of the Mexivans wire 1001 of fron. Drossd and copper. ivory took the phive of thelr origional Some taf the mere Intelligent snd enargette § | because It wax easier sad cheaper to as well ns by striking simbarities af wae what was haodiest Metal orna- Isoponge god cosiome ments. pottery. baskeis footgedsr apd and a proficiency in the arts and archi | {of communication ix spread all over: that couhl got History shows hat the BOL Dees Boreans migrated to #Rcspe tYranny, | pandas larg undertaking a sea Yovage of nine Whe first peopled ( eniral America, the | Koreans certainly wore In sommunt ? Lnfay be divided ints tao sear fle henting a i i wecand year of fhe dynasty of Tain. retained | unchanged, a portalate which Is abon. Deonliv ad PG dantly atrestag by archeological evi ; denoo, an wall 4s by the eo wednring tes. | d But finally | al dis : FIRST Re odor | PE { TE Ee which panetp. | Witile ol ated the lapse of soanlo: gical the and bh changed the contour of the att ine nt By the same prear Saineiyemy whieh broke up the ‘Toundations af thie read deen,” secording to the Sor fare. anid intmdnted ro Yara a par? of the plotw and iis antedilunvian faunas and Hoary the froctily ing tives of Central Amer Jen were enguitig, and fe aqueducts and frrigat Be demtroyidd or rendersd ne ieinted records of thy dng £Rtasiranhe are (new rama, tempde walle porticos of those pia BLL 10 thelr ex bg while oral tradittons. nove Yalue to the Hhrsrtes ard hide fanatic at rast Sera ret have been teamsmitted dow 4 fhe cen tories. sven ta Ranihwetorn i of the present day. Diroy Zhe, f mailgasnt disonsen peraietor ifs Ware and ul Smale ihe ut wupervetiol, amd after Pred Torts Jo maintain themselves on hotse nites. tie diroomMre] suriivars sentiered even a Jara® Alin Up the eastern stove of fae idee to the menil or thi River leaving traovs ai the Ovations all alone tha and the mid. sontiasaral ¢ HL mer rials af = SR Ye exquisite patiery, | Jurities, reliziony practieove rites, saperatition ; wal! traditions and phiyveiegd resvmiiinnees of | a marked charac For many venta ries large communities farried in Me clymis, TTIW fea fa 3 Pa Pp) ¥ torres. iE RENE Fieri malian ; Gnd ; TF wed Riraass SEOTLARTY oa i | present Hay Seenguige | ernuls wiry |} Bap : 5 ‘Proms thus Chad & BRE ian fie ! fal, Was at that time {Tibutary to the Chi ! disvoverad mines of various ores, and | Bese empire. 8 fact which sconnts for : warked hen iow rude faslilon for a coincidences of dates in the Test half] While Hkir those ar Lake Superior, But the Indosiry was Saally atmodoned woven fabrics were retiied the Jong si Deckuse they wers elidpensable. giyphics exclusi®ely, and this median The prapufactars of thuse was an art wi fost. § slow ripocess LR leversion is I de Ary oir up lt geo flitoary Po. rina in : — ag lis mish dt clogs 1 and will somedia Ladians | Ties ¥-¥ Aveorndine fo Me Hoiloek the iw HR fis» URE fila Bnet ahem Botwesii those (here up smite. The Chip be taken as a typleal exe first class sand the Rianx ard the Jisy peodt battle | fries Hy ae Ww SE a ¥ ie of The a Bolw sen theses Ay Hier arg HMatlawk of believes w stern ihe ® fentary id 14 Hise, | engine sri skal Sat tanh Than Cites sevificial par | tan Tae temples #1 from ipune hall purposes, | wil Sal Axtans 2 Pelires afiphithediy Tov ornsmwiiy parks and 3 ok oy fo Ward ge pa Tap atid HE ia paris of wlenbants fnrilen vite, sakes, deer gad dhe Lie were copied the Axiee aod sdrdens, snd from others extant in the Zuni | il Maokave county Ware preload siBEL AR Wis 18d War hi a Sees Wil he thers vanished mound the aunis ware fram Titer They CHIN Mr. Halloek west nade Ad. Wid hoy race taiiders” # wimk of the im the Inbians of the writer aw new archeslogs | sdd=" to the analogy i Bn X rit Tiriny eeiusion, HES again tha Cavey dia ovnry wr IVE Than hypothetical or Americal sborieines and | redations Between thele Al dE enirar America i dul Asin” AL 3 ries far evough Coctvitimation Tia Whos PHL Je fhe wonder American truvelers has de wrote wild Indian ivibes HAT Tact ds certainly proves | enlive thanghe Wir are geouw Redd To gsanme that our descendants | Hage advan in civilization no > matter What their envirooioent may After | We fan reassire on raeives by ree: Fa ar WR glen FURIE EER & ho nT wl 1 ity Ito, New Mexsten sud Arizona, sections | metuhering that. arcording wo this the | of which were Popabsas up fo the rival of Coronsds in 158 bot final iy | ae | LRry, The Pie BL Wi races af this cone Perhaps Cagen Shorijnpal” Asiatihs re ATidity of the soil, cause in large pact | NoBY Would noi have deteriorated ane | by forest denunil air Preguent Uda Waves thee defers ne of into sublerrznesn rock fEansiney merci oes rally of the Rpaniards nternetae WITS, Scattered them the lava Gadde amd alfalivs re brush aud cavouae Precacione Hyelihoad ling i $iivs 7 Yer Was Tix ad gh with their er wid tly i fe amd Th te Fmnants LRT ote. whi / To ow Gi forend ¢ irom sunny frricated gard oh the arid palas below, i fara disteesaial period, and then calities in medline suas tinental divide a frre. Hers the protracted status as a shepherds, establishing and villages, of which to this day as ‘pu abilas Serine their vicissitudes and dire £ XY are pecked upon many a neighboring gla From the Tinian af Lenses, and bow the elif dwellers were : Goally cut off by their wemivs, and ! tow few escaped. “The advent of the Spaniards and! thelr rathless quest for gold broke tuto | the bacolle Iie of the Pueblos, Many were exterminated, whise others. ha Passed and impoverished, abandoned Sepa and took to. the | Fadl + 2 Baler sad aoa Has § TREE © § put al, PS Ep | stand Sanity vou'tl hea © gig t rxek~of the continmed attae ka and de] one for a man dur the damn ennai weal one fusisted ou His Rights, frie parents stil helleve {an the old ni thee sal speiln the paode tells of one Wile fronted tia had been STrln ern gedraiars he day WG aad fete this vhs Pilea A ARgTUY. edd teacher wip fio : RE sy ext ¥ iis arn ng aA ty wig. &) ded. Hak £3 Foe te iE S cy dul she ture boadnd ao I'm BY compliiniag paren! “Yow waaHRa. Now, {an Inegest ax. rrr, amd my aw peed og winhing Bap ler i £4 slight hitn agalu | > from toad alterocsn, You the Camnpagion, : Ap Artistic Duke. The Grand Dmke of Hesse is an art ist, snd bis grr Is oratbhar a peculiar He dues the most besutitul embroidery, and is most skil. ful in his areangement of colors. He is Miso very fond of music, dancing, what foment Cf wiadop him ball . bere, © am oie of ® ik Zive auy other Ey x * Yaat. SRE aa, aad and acting, and though be both hunts | shoots be ¢ cares far loss for active : Lr northern loriaot-a band of dim x ; Es eavironsaent. Tagdation | TRC wai fonght oan res wher | durdena of the | athe sembilnpee BL terns | of | gt that FOI AR: ap Gstlinony {ven construct Literary Dis | 3 { that, Sowith the put that, Ypsaed Pdr te perfect i Eanes i growth | stratum of truth ir | ing paragraph =’ tthe Times uf No Penrhyn appea “i ane monlig on shadow above the ocean. On these of the palm tree fromds ot 8 distance, But pot the stems, #0 that the land fwieme to hang bedtvreen den sind sky. Penrhyn is one of those fancipating | co atolls--the fairy rings of the Pacific Pthar have bean formed by the sub coral rest that ome encircled tore maine, and the great circular lagoon takes the place of the Island that was, {The islands are mut more than ‘ten feet high : The famous pearl izlund was sp posed to have been discovered by the ship Lady Penrhya In 1788 Rince then It bas seen great changed. Lien. tenant Rignold. of the Porpolse, who visited It in 1841. stated thar Hx ivhab Hants were the wilifest and most sav age-looking beinge he hal aver sevn. in | 1854 a gentleman whe bad been Qneen Victoria's Connnissioner mt Pore Philip New South Wales, and Bad not visited the tsland, urged fhe Goverment to pavages, who werd becoming 0 nest of pirates. However the were well freated whitn they visited fornia brig wrecked there. and was subsequently visited by trad wre, and in IRSR wag formally annexed tn Great Britain, FPearhyn is one of the most famous divers are ax famous as Is penris Whey will dive 10 a depth of twenty fathoms, or 120 feet, The pearl shell grows to a very large size in the lagoo, and the ploked shill i worth $1000 a ton in the howe marker. Formerly Uae pearls were more plentiful. Op one German drm, shiphed to Edrope In ons parcel pearls to the value of $3000 + the prodiset of a few months’ collection dmongst the tslands; and in the early days the brachcomnhers who were dur ing epouch fo lind on those retsote © mands, and who managed to esfape lg. cveitk of the cannibale, aften real he) of § Mag “4 thess gems Pearson's Siem id ¢ Antiqeny iron, the most Le metals been need Siniers he narrow islands you ses the dark line | sidence of the land while only the | misiiomariee the place, as was also a crew of a Call | The Wl pear) ixtands of the Pacific, and ite | occasion Messrs Godefroy, the fanions “if stuns of money by the sale "A€ Tewst até person. every ‘ve putive born Amicricans is living in 8 State other than that In which he was born striking instance of the mo bility of the people of the States, United The native population of the United Bates. according to the Jast conkus, was 45, 545.302, of whom more than one-fifth, er 21.3 per cent, Were lying in adopted Nate, it is Interesting to note the number of sony and daughters whieh the dif ferent Niates have sent out. New { York has sent out more than 1.300. 00. Peunsylvenia pearly 1.000000, Ohio more than 1.100.000, [linols over LOGO.G00. apd Indinna, Jows, Ken tucly, Missourl, Tennessss aud Vie gina over half a million varh Pro poriionately to ber populition. Ves molt Bag given to her sister Sialew ois than any other member of the Union, Vermonters equaling in nom: Dery peinrly one-half of the present ‘native population of the Stats mre nove living in other Risen Virgina, Vermont, New Hampshire, Nevada, Mune and Delaware have eseh sent #end a warship to destroy the tribe of | ent pumbers egunling about ausiliisg of their present nstive population Numetieally, Hilools bine received mote citizens from otlwr States thaw any other member of he Unloge ararly a million; 55.000 have entered Missouri, SSN Texas, god over half & million New York and Ohio The States that show a pet 2ain from (his infermigration are Massachusstms, Rbode island and Connecliont. of the New England States: New Jorvey, West Vieginia and Florida of the Ate nntde Const States. The other New England States and New York, Penns Csyliania and #1! ithe Seathern Ristes ag far ss Misxieslns, hase suffered net losses. For instanis. New York has Bad 4 net joss of OB. Oble GIZ000 amd Virginia 405.402 Indians, Hine, Wisconsin and Missourl, the gre States of the midile West, have enc) experienced eanelderatile Bet losdes. while Michigan, Minuesots, Jowa, Arkapsas, Louisiana and all the Btates west of the Pacific Const have made anions Texas hos guioed the male of all-EMony Kapsss comes Bexh with 8 gnin of 122900 and Cal li this, with (82.000 National Seegmphie Magazine. ra Nat Sortous Fadeatey, Hitherto faresiey in the United dn the Book of D spoken of ax the w fini or the promise (ol i BY the firmek that It vane foto gui i very early date. oy of BiteRery # RiiveR ou bar which § baee baw Ag speken of ax “an inst artidesr in ewes and Belting as Known the thoe of de sevapa: mans, aod in various iron made by the Bom found. Stoel working » in England Prior tu rb i Nor Han congilest, wd i hintories that atfleers of a wnith whose Bus! oss after the muster arms The prinvipal seaty of fire of iron were a Se . Forest of Dean. amt ft h nine that works sxiebe of Gloucestershire in oh oe Lake Paikat i winte by a pobdished sf tenes i Tranw-Siberian expr is. w and The : Mysssvaya, ane of the te nde passage, on January tained at that filo Top ai PRs nYery were Hustle ¢ | eriss the frames SL ve a | upward of thirty miles ig amt on horseback, with | meter vegistering twent gue i below zero. The botsestl ere, built iu England [against the deose uses iy owing fo high winds ge | pucks, mak Wing the zurloee Lroneh and almost impassable ; expected that the wiilrosct 3 Clake will { yenre, be completed g Effect of Leditite, The extraordingry | has Deen revealed by the ring the meeent hall of shells conta Awe Ly ®x a He abl = Ballisle ive refracted Teagopnis apg tie * » LL TF Chor fragments tacking vessels, wihlol wi distant, cle to a guubont sitoated 20 Cabeam of the Une of A fire . a A080 p The dedgorion drys ¥ 3 5 i PIrditize is osed there I dn Cenadiy : §RWnY. BE Ms ves loast The London Oaths Irdilite with a bsonwerany ww be ol any ser be dropped wight cn be as, “if Fhe nrow thes right place i wi the sin yor » SE winy Cards n the Cu a Tho custom of ence the is be no There mw some of our frst , fair pupils are’ . whist and casir ning ways thi Stulen bax been a whe. To our exe travagant sabloas (he prosctvation of rees, When we Lave TODO00000 acres Togtandiag tater, seemed about as Heglogs as saving chivas of jen in Artie resus or Botting seit oF in the wilde of the oeean. In v things we are paragots of scam We pillise the nic and toe of catile the pith of corn-stalls, ole plans waste, feather 8, old rags iron-filings, apple apple-peclings. wheat chaff, phim Bish Bladders, fish scales, Hl Aare yoo savers] contnries foo tp bother about converting inte be refuse of forests such ae sticiis, leaves, roots sod barks darks we dio use for a specifie In European forests aath. Howed 10 go Wo waste. When is cut down every part of Wt, Hak and branch, is emploved ¢ good purpose. Under the of our Forest Commission 3oone of these days find for a the alabs sod slivers we sow “New Yark Press ix Avlisters Ejevtwl From Capitol. people in he capitol were taken Atprise today upon seeing two sters with bunches of game pass Hplt secosting everyotie in order Hi thelr pradbiee. They were une migtul ba thelr offarts. but pling Hoeailiog nati the sttontion of the police was ecathed to them, A were thon elected from the sing. Une of the strictest roles AE the enpitel Is that ne gods of Rigel shall be sold there, other im wheat is handled at the Senate UL Blouses restaveants. Some years vivinlers were atid to sell wi fn the corridor near (he entrance he! Hovse of Representatives, bat Las long iwen discontinued. TE pewanaper cain now he pur ed within the precincts of the l= Washington Rtar ate LC dal Rea il | bdverposl Speer Railway Station ty. just ax ie teal was sbout oat. a Dey ran up te a Hekate tor. and whispered: there's twi men traveling first, her of themy's gor tekets™ ont the wpector amt sestebod iat class carriages through, thout aval: all the pussengers oper tikes phe inferger standing near nce, bee shonted: es the two omen withoot engioe, of votre] shouted aw he died away. « London HW bY APA A ARES i A Lord Daferin in Tadin Duiferin alwars suid that the yin: of hiv lng official life we spent in Cabeatta, Be res Hig ranshines, A friend ope windated with him for his exposure of himself to the "Weil, you see” sald the They've always set me lo e4. They sent we as viceray HM, where one must Hye two f tie year in buffalo furs. Ime to St Petersburg, where to Mibernate like a bear. Seo ey ordered me to India 1 my hand and sald to myself, “an hang myself up to dry.’ *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers