The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 08, 1902, Image 9
oe x our Exvizes caxz avemING ox, DErs. Get your father's red lantern: a Sewn to thy Briscoe | such uawiilingness of steam and ariv- | and monotonons repetition the red lan. ey. | distraught. almost iifiless do her hime know the sweet recompenses of ness. Your robust man has no jecharm compared to the pleading love [um invalid, Rup had suiq to | i a oe son. to mo ' At any time you and willing you to 2 be impossitle for Fou WARN 2% BX- : x TE THIS OFFICE : = CANNOT iW THEM. $ leep. It was five miles to Bris. A iNag Fae alles In could ; make the distance in time to give the ‘| alarm. And hundreds of sleeping men fan women were Apeeding to certain F{ death, 1 The young operator felt an uncon trotlable weariness and lethargy creep ing over him, but he pulled himself 100 gether with a desperate effort that made every nerve tingle and vibrate. ; He was Sheaking aloud, although alone : “Margaret! Margaret! Margare® Bo River and swing | a danger signal for the 2.20 express. y Go at once, I command you, my dear {love! Go, go, go! In God's name rise from your sleep, Margaret. and got The night express came ‘rushing on to Briscoe station when Engineer Preston saw far ahead of him a tiny red spark glowing. Instinet in the “jan read its meaning before it had jgrown to «Droportions that signaled danger. The trzin slowed up with | ing wheel, such a mighty groaning and grinding of the whole outfit, that the ‘stubborn resistance threw TRESEngers {out of the berths and brought the 3 throbbing, shrieking engine ton stand. still on the very hrink of destruction {where a whiterobed figure with un- bound hair swung with persistence tern that had averted death. : The train mien wrapped Margaret in blankets and carried Her bewildered, { where she fell unconsclons Into ner Inother's arms, whils the grateful pas: { walt with plaudits of her brave deed ¢ | bellied, : | queen Victoria, _ | nt Scutari, and he {sengers filled the Bours they rouse! ou | the lead touches bottom wa bold on, A moment or two passes and some ono is the stranger, yet dubbed, with a sneer, wrong color,” by lis captor and his Australian friends. The discontented one seoms in hiek's : way, for no sooner has be again baited bis books--each Nlne, I ought to hive sald, carries two and a heavy lead that he is once more fighting with an oven larger sh, but the line sheers away ominously near the surface, and | thers la a general ery of "Bhark™ aa fit | 1s Indeed seen that one of these white ; hovelsnouted brutes has both if | his hooks. But the tackle Is strong: | there Is nothing in reason to part so gfong as the shark cannot get the line | botween {ta teeth, and it is at last lifted bodily on the deck, five feet and 8 hel sare of MN, and soon clearing breath {ing space with the great sweeping | strokes of fx ail. The first flah thst 1 am destined to cath tn hase trans waters 0 ox ou ijrious In pate as In apy | "Nannygs!” ft is called, Which frrewat. | ibly, though doubtiess good aboriginal, : nnygoat. and it is of | > a briillant scarlet, with huge protrisd. | } nz black eyes. Very good eating is ja. same nannygal, but mors valuable | jon account of its invariably indicating | ar ee U0 8 Mi schmappes. No reminds one of | sooner, indeed, have 1 hanled my nin | nygai than one or two of the party in- stantly haul In their lines to see that the baits are right, and that a good 9p | | portunity may not be lost. Por we fire ® | not anchored in one spot. The Pacific 48 too deep, the ground too rough, the | : swalls from the south too sudden and violent to sdmit of such s plan. On and are thus enabled to go to the | fish when they will not come to us | Good sehnapper sides, and 1 Are Now caught on all ee ————— Hen Chesend Fiorwree Srminenie. The late Str Jobn Stesle, sculptor to was modeling a bust htingale, when an of. of Fiorence | Beer of one of the Highland regiments Bad suffered so cruelly In the | which Crimean, heard that the bust had just ben completed, nnd was in Sir John's pany had passed through the Bowpital from the sculptor to bring some of out & word of warning the bust was Uncovered, and then, as by one im. pulse the men broke mink, and with cries of “Miss Nightingale! Miss Nightingale ™ surrounded the model, and with bats off cheered the figure of thelr devoted purse until the’ roof rng. Bo spontaneous and hearty and so inspiring was the whole scene that in it to be the greatei: compliment of Kis Aife~Bunday Magazine. melt —— an Don’t Spare All the Trees, There is no sight ignorance in the ery that is #0 often raised with regard 10 the renoval or cutting down of trys in the parks. and it has recontly been displaying itseif with certain trees that have been already, or are to be, got rid of In the course of carrying out the Plecadilly widening. As a matter of fact most of them Werte so close together, that thelr branches in termiligied, snd any cue acqualeted with the sublect knows that this is nist injurious to the proper growth of the individual tree. The truth is private properties. plantations reduite, from time to time, to be thinned out It is rumored that it hax been found RECESSAry to remove some 120 ald {ress fram the gardens of Buckingham { Palace, and In Lard Rathinore's tire drastic measures bad to be taken with the overgrowth in the Chestnut ave. nue in the Ragent's Park with splendia results that dre pow a bundantly ap parent on Chestant Sunday Pall Mall} Gazette. kimi Blessed I» the peacemaker, for he! bare some day, and talked of the fadal Sls should : : 1 always Gets the worst of it, a x b = i mot topes over the side, all on the | gt ~ fsame quarter, go that the lines may | t. stréam Sear of the tog and of ench | cy, : rations, ho % | : ; {| comet be counted pon, and tn the | 2 e the sporadic millions ap pranstel will be so spremd out ovor | the State as to really ‘accomplish po | practical or perm : The great State of Ohio years _g0 solved the good roads problem, when | ih | ito a good fish, which is hauled and p- played on the thin line with great care {and patience, and proves to be a sik {very morwong of six or seven pounds : Ey oor handsome enough fish to : the contrary, we drive with the tide Over the reefs, a kind of schuapper bat. studle, Many of the men In his com- | after days 8ir Joho Steels declared | thot in the public parks, as in most . results. ita I ature passed a law divil ing the Stata nto districts and mak: ing It compuléory upon each district! to balld its own roads and keep then in repeir, the landa themselves belny taxed for the cost In proportion to the benefits received. The owners of | the lands put up an cnergetic Rick | | against the scheme, bat the law stood the test. with the result that Ohlo to-day Eos the most perfect systein | of public roads of not only anv Stale Jo the Union, bet of any equal area In the world. otis cost he farmers & got round som, and for several years the | burden upon the land seemad almost too heavy to bear, but the end just) fled the means, sad now no farmer would be willing roads and take back his proportion | of the cost. to surrender the The good roads have ore than re fmbursed the lands for their cost, and they are there for all time to come, the Cf | keeping of them in repair being tN very large extent a labor of love Bt. Louis Star. Birumtsone en By the use of enretally and scien tifieally prepared bituminous cements skilfully mixed with crashed stone ander the direction of men who have Bad years of practical experience bn handling bituminous unaterialy sulra ble for street pavements, a great in| provement ls made over the ordinary method employed in constructing ma. _eadam roads, The advaniages of bituminous ma. eadam properly coustrocted are its dur | 1 ability, ita being impervious to water, frost prot dn winter, and preventing mod, dost and loose stones in summer, | It makes a clean, comparatively note. | less and atteactive roadway, while the ordinary macsdan: road in general nse must say that my first | Teally heavy schnapper warrants sil ; the hopes that I had based on a some. | | *hat long and Intimate Requsintanions | : With bis feebler comin, the rod Brenm - Joithe English channel. — London Trave allows thi stones to loosen. A bituminous macadam road ls wa terproof. It does not absorh the ith of the street, and prevents the washing by heavy raine to which the ordinary macadam rosd Is subject, Good and uniform results — bet obtained by the use of common coal tar obtained from gas works in differ. ent sections of the country. In fact, i patible to securs a bituminoss coment from the products of the aver sge gas works which will produce good result. The construction of this form of road way demands tho services of experts obtained permission | 1. +» in this line of work. The ordinary coal tar bus bean tried repeatedly dur | i With a very few exceptions it Bay been a total fail Mad nd vnlt wie Iustered (n 50 strange a place. With. ing the las: thirty years ure. The crown of a road when finished may vary on different romds, or even on different grades of the same roml | from one-Balf Inch to ene Inch to the foot. Of course, to inflexible data ean be given nati] tha requirements of that | special road are known. Where the travel is ight a good road can be bully with six inches of gravel! © and a Hght cont of crusted stone placed on top. This works well on a steep grade. 4 A New Emergency Drake, A pew emergency Lirake fur electric cars In described in no recent issue of the London Elecirical Review. It con sists of four shoes, of oak or beech. two being placed between the wheels Just over the rails on each aide of the car. A small compressed-air eylinder | i malntalued by a pump run from ane of the car axles. When it is nee eSsary to appiy the brike suddenly the motorman simply touches a lever; ln stanly all four of the brake shoes ars jammed strongly down radia. It = claimed that this brake has stogped a trolley mr going at thy rate of twenty miles an hour down 3 steep grade, within two of its ova lengths, Chtety by Advertising. A Lotidon journalist tells the bust| aess mon of that community that the surprising sufcess of Amerlians in placing thelr products among the Eng Hel people Is chiefly due to the skid anid courage with which the Amerioans | advertise. “They prove” he says “the rremendons influence of advertis: ing In ils effect on the sucess of an industrial pation.” The article is a striking tribute to the importance ofl paoblicity to business. — 1a the 0 Le ex | ruske aud drioks his | beaded upon the. highways of the State, SARA part | rift . "tt : : ation | of thy everyday routine as breakfast | fo tes, fencing and shocting, according | fo his regiment, the soldier works hard os inner arr be | p I he mn Sr dinhes arrive eR nn years owing to its remoteness and to the Inherent diff. | writing In large classes, for In every and by no pens Tuxrrious beds Include “stehn—a cabbage BOOpDir | i And the Russhui pound is ten por cent. | passed on by the ehiet baggage master i tiekeot, In this country soon wears badiy onder | traffic. mukiog mud or dust, sud soon | pervived. He tock 3 the Situation at against the! trying to reform woplie's way of speak: ~ Phiiadeipiia, : ton for the real work of ‘Every morning and every nl Russtan soldinr is suLimon ers. The services aro as tin 8d supper. No other ariny observes fo pany religions cercmontes. With drilling and ridiog groase tween 11 and 12. Afterward, unt 2 o'clock, he niay sleep of rest. Two Bours’ drilling is followed by tea. Be tween Gand 7 iment stady the arts of reading and | regiment they form a goodly company. The teaching Is vodertaken by officers, and consideriziz the simplicity of thelr | pupils thelr duties are hardly snviable At 7 o'clock comes upper: at 0 the on ary agaliy sommonsl to prayers, and afterward may seek thelr hard The Rossfan soldier's diet ia largely Yegetarian Favorit: dianer dishes tities, pens, Leans, rearoni and va. rious kinds of porridaes, eaten with | cnlons and lard. Cnly half-a-pound | of meat Is allowed each man dally. less than in this country. Muoshrootus are consumed In great quantities when 2 season. Three pounds of black we uread are Inelnded In the dal’y rations, and if any i= loft over, the men are at liberty to sell the remains. As the sols | dier's hread Is very nourtshisg and purer than the ordisary baker's, the extra rations sell well Io the way of rick beer is too great a luxury for | Ivan Ivanovited, so quenches his thirst With “qvan” a cheap substitute, made | from fermerted black bread. and very Wholesome. On high days the soldiers are regaled with vodka, often at thelr officers’ expense. Pearson's Magazioe, Beane Rights of Carpee, A dead man Nas the same rights cs | % live one. This question has been at the Union depot, aul ft wie done in a harry. tos. There were five live persons and a deal man waiting for | the deelsion. The coflln was placed In thy baggage cor and then the trunks of the five DeTHCDS Wore weighed, The weight (xeeedod the 150 pounds for each, but if the dend man wers allowed bagzage. this would selves the difeulty, The clerk bad never heard ol much 8 thihg before. Ho refused to cheek a trike oi the dead man's “he trata wan ready fo start. The fiva persons dil not ears to pay for the BXCesn baggzge, neither did they live to allow the liody to go slene. The | Whistle of the train tooted its Crst warning. Just then thy chief bagrags Disster a glance "Check the treat hoe exclaimed, And the five hurried off 13 time to eateh thelr traf Then Be explained to the elerk thine the General Trafle Managers’ Asso. ciation had passed on the question. This organization decided that when a full fare ticket is Pall for, for ihe transportation of & corpse, the ticket carries with Wo the regular bagrage pri-tlege of “net to exceed 100 ponuds™ -Lenver Post AAI Erttish Navy Bottor Thao Ever, *I have known the luner workings of the ravy intimately for ten Years Low, and I valesitatingly airs that to mediocre ten of to-day are better thal the best ren of ten years ago. ia energy, thong ht, seal, brain power, resoures, individuality, fo all these and Kiadeed things the navy iz on a de cided pp-grade. and the personnel of the navy of the past la simply not ty be compared with the savy of today. “Ia all the rot around us, the Dnt 3 Navy {8 the ape thing healthy yer The whole ait nnd object of medorn | aval warfare Ix to quake the eae lose his bead The officers and men of the British Navy will Keep thele heads longer than any -:hat is the ah ject of all thelr train! Bi. In the nary, | I a man has Jlstinguished Smal he is ashamed of it raider than others wise, he feels no pride in it, snd kiepn quiet for fear of hiiviag the seer ing epiphet, ‘ero’ appliod to un. To "dol bls Job’ fa the begluning and end of things with him. Fred T. Jane, in Fortoightl; Review. Ne Had the Best of Ir. DPrefessor Blavk is something of a €raak In the nutter of correctness of speech. Lad ccvasionally makes him. golf popleasant, not to say Huagres. sole. to those about him by calling Attention to thelr lapies Crom good English, "What is the use, Corcell a” said in wife to him on voe oceans. on, “of your ng? X language is Ike a great river, It takes ity courie, and you cantor cons | tral in.” “Ab, but you ean™ replied the pro. fessor. “You can-at the mouth Look | at the Mississinpl jetties.” This effectually closed the outh ot heen climbed. xty-t 1 and one-half degroos of north the Hliterates of the Yer. | charges prevent merve impulse is fue to a progressive 81%, which produces | ns good wite- Youth's s Companion. | ditions of air, earth and water. wanton Mount St Elias is 5590 metres in : | height, Mount it Paieweather Is 4040, x higher ils sth that has never yet It Hes in three and In 155 degrees of west jongitode and has been called Mount MeKin ley. Its altitude is 5120 metres or or 20. culties of the ascent. Sn In wether forecanting, 86 clouds are worthy of such attention as fhe citi clouds, which attain x greater elevation than any others, averaging in summer a hetght of five or six wiles : alove the earth, Thelr sudden ape penrance fn a clear sky in generally a signal of foul wenther, especially when thelr streamers have an upwasd tendency, for this indicates that the oh elonds are raine. on the other hand. the formas faillng After heavy Hon of these clouds In often 8 sign of improvement, SAT That the waves of light produce 4 8 mechanienl pressure, or push. claimed years sgo by Maxwell, — { he made no experiments to prove his theory. Experiments of that kind have beens recently made. however. by Professor Lebedew, of Moscow, whe uses a radiometer somewhat resembe Hog the Crookes instrument. with ite revolving vanes. His device, however, has a larger and more completely ex- oi Eausted bulb, from which is excluded the heating effect on which the move ment of the Crookes vanes depend. When the light falls on the vanes they are driven before it, and the pressure thus revealed comes within tes -per cent. of that calculated by Maxwell The effect is In proportion fo the Snergy OF ihe Hat. and 1 wholly ta- : of its color, mine The complete theory of nerve stim- nlation recently formulated by Pro fersor Mathews. of the University of o Chicago. fs concisely stated as fol lows: The irritability of nerve proto. plasm varies inversely with the sta- bility of the hydrosol state of its i brought about by Deguiive yt ectrica : : charges. Chemieat stimulation is really an electrical stimulation dae to the charges which the fons bear. Negitive ehnrges stimulate, positive sumulation. The precipitation of colloids by negative charges. the negative charges being regenerated by rhe precipitation of rah succeeding mass of colloids. The negative variation. in other words, stimulates each succeeding segment of the nerve, and is regenerated by the change it produces in the collokis. -Abaesthetics prevent precipitation. It is not the valence, in uitimate analy- but the niovement of the charge, chemiest stimulation being thus identical with stimulation by Behe ‘A Remarkable Aavarsie——. The following strange advertisement | appeared recently in the Suancial eel umn of the New Yak Mall and Ex Press: A YOUNG MAN OF THOROUGH business experience, hans wife and children, three girls, youngest seven, ote boy (Protestants), frugal clever, interesting Christian family, seeds at wace $000 cash — $2000 to invest in business (mercantile, $3000 to pay for a howe beautifully located in best soe vial and religious surroundings in mod: erg city of I154XM); climate perfect, pletsant and healthful: desires some true, Kind lady or person young or old, who would appreciate an ideas family home and the love and friend stip of a trae and worthy family to furnish Sim this amount of nds and make his or ber home lmmediately with and as one of his family for Mee, to share wilh them their welfare and interest through lite, amd to have their truest and best care, sympathy and love: write fully at ouce. Address L., P.O. Box 211, Greensbare, N. Welght and Tenacity of Metals, Cast iron weighs 444 pounds t= he enbic foot, and a one-inch square Lup Will sustain a weight of 18,500 pov. is; Lronge, weight 520 pounds tens. 4 S0.000; wronght iron, weight 480, vue ity, 30,000: bard “stroek™ steel, wo it 0, tenacity T8000; aluminum, weight 168, tennelty Sooo We are accustonied to think of tietals being stronger than wood, aud 50 they are, generally spemking. it puiy pieces of the same size be tested. When equal weights of the two materials are compared, it ls then found that several varieties of wom are stronger - than ocdimtry steel. A bar of phe just as beavy us a bar of steel an toed square will hold up 125.000 pounds: the bes. ash 175.000 pounds, and sowe hemioek L =O0000 pounds. TT da a Baron Adolphe de Rothschilds leg. | acy of almost priceless gold and silver piate has been installed in the room ln the Louvre set aside for that pur