The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 08, 1902, Image 6
sna! Tersthn News. RING of cats” sald “Colonel Bill Sterett s8 be ai Siside ft BEEPADE? | Hives ¢ and witty man from Dab out lis povy twisl chew and resumed: years oo my Life J to jove all animale ndleding unkind and terrapin. I never could} £3 than pive y better by the : The henefit of the doubt, evidende wing, & 0 speak, eat, I Eon her on the dawn to pugs, axainet aR eat fine #21 trent, tudor a% apd poweriol partial to pots. it four years sfter Biils Bg 1 met up with him at Gal : He was walking slong with King boy 01 about twelve Fears ys 1 didlo BIL I, $AYs be. Mighty big and r-yaaroid, save L "Yep! How's your wife, Bill} J. says he grinning ghad-bike: ited. her an she. shunted we. on the bay with me. an’ with fellow fn the bow, where hear and Bil and me i with d's 6 the ended upon ox : thoy ‘at pver spouged offen a 1, Tilipisn--you know | “the big one-eyed setier, he SYe en ‘eni ust thing. «i Deekin’ in my bole, fakd eal ia a-putlin’ the money i 4dekeo's fhat thar begs | 1001 ehiestD™ ell, sir, Bm, ei ont to be thie peskient, mean & i Boia, she Just bosted ; op i Wee fat off i ng considerable. the prepon. | | wis everiusti’ iy 5: sav ishin’ her Alt oh Line eRt 8 the darn wl cut Coil nie every wily an iE up. wires | wey parip loticssner an’ er pet Lavin no down por Lx, #0 when uni Dinly a adontin® one eit thor in dhe ow sight fir. Fie wig simp an’ a right pear to Ww landed him up In th house an Bella 1d adopted bin. an’ spitin’ *y 5 ones : 5 bo wag 8 young tom cat, but fost thing I knowed Zeke tha's b's given name, he begun tying’ sirings to Bella's cars aid an’ pain’ paper lopin® Zelie, an’ with we takin’ vp for him, apd’ him Beh’ back at tn ext an’ Uw sald eat gettin’ beck at Zeke, we had a lively time for shore Zeke slop’ with me snd th eat slop’ with Belin, mad” far a spell wi Rep” apart an’ hal no track in common Bella kep' aicokin’ solemner an’ pijem. ned. aogdnrin’ at Zeke an a-schwiin’ that Zeke's bin robibin’ her. Rie got afal serous an’ save sh'd been 1hissin’ NRE we HE wENT TO THE noon.” spell an’ bed satiny found ‘em all ia Jaks 8&0 Cail tl hil ey ten het drawer. Ee that yoor | i Zeke was gettin’ Ther an 1h cat was at tea | put another the foor an’ Ww hen Bella, oo of nt Tabby, “she's npivaln’ sn ithe dresser-alve's adn’ with a rite : bon 'r suthin-bere shies comes with a | ~iU'% ®t greenback, BUHL" says Bedla, | for Tabby that evenin’ wi he ope and swelrs Forte. 4, But he lever nui guint know bow Ih fide ol ay “win twp days alier that thar | fost » S40 when Bolly comes FV ne an wiv E Like has gone amd stole 8 Gi Ri 0 grid iY roan Bi ju the tool box. Fol joked Zeke agiy a’ Heila she HekRed bim agin, the pore Kid was s'nwst broke down, far sig RUCRIn fo B18 pethiy, SHGUEDR Su Wy sprite, ie gated oid cot end red the Jexibherin’ Golinr bill on the drg bored a hisle 0 err, THE & suger Bella's door an’ anuther in my door. Then | made her fetch up her everlastin® ext an’ pot it | ints the ladroom, When I'd locked both doors after aligntin’ a lamp in 1 ber room an’ another in me an Veke's, 1 L fetched Bella out, leavin’ the dang tat aide, an’ told her watch at the anger hole what the car mought do. 1 went to il’ other door an’ lowed that I'd speak © | : i Lount 1 ast «1 ¥heaww ott what I seen the cut pdoin #2 vi lax she begun plormin ? Yen” maya Bella, peed o, *» na she's degoin’ fur your room” TEAL bere she comes” says I “IAN so "twas. That oar wiz ihe gait bent booking’ thief | ever woes When i opened the door an’ showed Bella he money tked down in Zeke's box. sald i wig a lowdown seantidrel P opuitin up sesh wn neasly fleck on a 81. That shar crack oweitied 2} ‘tween Bella apn’ me th two hurls fur ls Ayn yel Loki § Loy 8 PYRE of goose shict an th" Jinkinses an sued oe an’ far Situes, got in aM righ oan’ fn a8 it fouandn ¥ wy cat han Overshadlvwed. 3 mehtinoed [INNS BLROY Ret in af It the he dosth eof Jahn Howard Bryant, William Cullen | Bryant's he miight iast surviving boether, that have bad more fame us a post but for the greater acheivements | of his more distinguished brother in that direction. He seems to have shared something of the fate of all but one member of the Tennyson fam. iy, Soneeyuins whom Alfred Tenuy- Chimes, the dr pg stares wire: the bows eV Bon 1 tall | At fuit she | tHE fo'my near se tender like fx of be SPREE grocery vouthi do Bb Cor oats on the {darned feline. Bo Bells begun awal | ! be re wR ranhed Ar ms HH fully she pps and tells me : Boy scrdne The Lt ae a tiew kult of ig 3 i Tee al, the wraphing in stores ! neatly, | preaniaed by al paper, aad a Chaindies, i sear wrapping AS A, erty Dissupgared, of soade Bis Bown the art of bundles ie ¥ taba ENA i Di Fhe naper beg sdeme 19 Bave heen ning of cromsronds Ir id lay a tie nees brown paper on the comptes, CInRLY : a 2 dollar & worth of “Coffee AT sigar tent of 8 iraey seco and fio the ik Berge Try amd tigbo av a of pide wand How jay © w Uhiledous cores Pw t 15 the ohl dav bn sine of the wmall towns the pipchaser carried lis spar home on His arm, avd in consid eration of thitx the leven parcel aonid Hin ibinner, Hubter sliest i paper, which was # psd Lr ake & more comely packs gn ft was remarkable what a peat-leck. cal af ing bundle 3 oZPOOEY ay paw ATS hisier x conhi ake of sorters odds haped psedion or packages Iu some of the Harari codes idl ao bag oF watt and a thy dipper condd be tied iota a paper so BHT thera fae the head ns be FivPos 0 ST of the AEN Dole eft in der wonder clothes or a Bolt ‘Womeutie With the perieciing of the paper Bag, sloveniiiese began to hark folded a © Hex t Se do Yiaw Fats wax Sia And if 1 HEY Wien = 2 vp Thee pathy, rome Lay pal padding Ib down oils SER ne RINE CW aARTeYer, wrapning a ieiies 15 Tost gent hnnitles aay: ra oF sokne Emir 8g kk se Dmg CONTRA, Scan An onding 4 alien eR; EW ay af the paper Phe Base die leaving grotnd ths many ssi oo fe fangs amd a of Pal RORY ARLE FE af some fram dows os Te triable starang OW is hb with wy in many $hby ag hie or asplet an dos AW ese of bittlow, ; PpfeRs rings And sranll jes ry for a Jong I | articles and £1 day stowed away in Zeke's Hits tool vicinal Bd bought fur bis bisthday. 1 ARE LS HOYER toni pothin’, bar Bella want sat ¢ isfied HUE she makes Aim admit that | he knowed the rings wor in bis chest | Course 1 bat © liek Bio | sweeln’ tht oo stall pot lata fotibnd : pinted ont the | k. all rusiply and poked down | an’ that he never | ie t' Zoke wap bad bat what made | tatters all waz 1h way elias That night walle | fel dist Re Beh to wot down og to sogiier “an your goldinged | fet. ( Whithy Gur aeryin i I jest Lad fonndatin consin he a . Any Filia Bagrd CRORE EL pha E ne od 3 sannection with pavered vs 1 158% He Bag {0 Ean Xo well wtaok asd i a» ods fram bis wad grunt Be makes as In most sane hideously sob which singly genes a gxdiie of yang fdr HR The £reoey. Te ES J 3 YAR pa pe 3 TARE, ¥ wi} #, Saou feu, wr Wi wpning hy Fg ERY Peli ph You ov Bat ROE WHY 3 ein £32 RG WORDS Fer a py flay ant ¥: Envy siways feriority conwelows ~Phny. imp {in 8 Gog foot 5% shilen Han FEE TeR The foun fais Ian taay the thor x Evasion i anwartby of pa and aways the thnate of sqalvaeation Batra. if there In any pevson (5 Whom You oe that is te person of Wiem you ought never fo speak. RK. Cecil Hyfore ita coning pu Eine neigh eh As Io winstler af halter = uP sTORE sunotes. | A . An 01 Time Fine Art That Has yy, i = : i NO NEED oF SNEEZING diy goods stores aml even ind Pin ihe Lancet, Can” f someon ia ehnslling. i far i peratures, Fdpanehn Pfageed nd jaded oar the end of Ay evening Tanda in dressy olothag, At fiver 3 bag i his stomach OF Berves, place {taken pelle Ware oheR | i his blood wae pare, i wg fhe smoeuth of | 80d his digestion ; ihe | Lwhiat @ Pia ! 2 solteal ib the emis along 7 Sngh! ar tor Lig ciel Baden flay E es $8 Soe 3 wd s¥,5008. «4 Afring | we thea wxplaios their ohiill With | hig in named, | MaBllove Heowe | Go IS FO AS EE oi St a RA a st CpeEn of the | milly of sally worn we manent ihe hla mode ont Phe aw adr (if cane, ONLY TAKES CARE. Simple Precantione Phat Will Eushle Any Onn in Ordinarily Good Health to Fass Though the Cold Weather With ont the Uranl Sanslul Hesnlts. A famous English doctor once wrote “& chilly man Ix a 8k ir that ls true the perdeniage ef Invalide In thie Awetican public is A Kew York dos when asked shout hie Eogilsh fotii rer Aatepent, laughed, ut gave bis intavecinent, POL canvas that dosen't mean that every tan win fools cold tx serionddy $1.7 be wid Chat ae a omaliter of Daet only vary exceplional expostire iw suf. ficient axcose for a well man's suffer. i Ing from oold in any olimaie to witch be is accastemal HB ordinary coll in {this elhmate can malls § peraon anon sotaething | phiyuical | forintde voll here ix wriaht with thie person's egadithy or clothing “Taking eold su't a matter of tem it is a question of phivsical condition. Fathiue cusses more colds than all the dranghis that blow. fan't gor to harm a perves amd clronlation ave in toie, A man goes Bone, fb whinge perfect day. He goes tn fakes Hitler! Yn Stud swede i wan meatier of {raspetature or draught. Six swonddn’t gave afertad hin Quite gxide fren the we eal oolda the selinary sonsa. tong of cold seldam Pave an extemal Their fnternal The spel ow aay PEE IK maa Who BEireeta in wining Hien wi Piso 54 Fie dis goss 1 regime Pla hime, boy think {hey hey pili on can't te dona that way, sarin olotBioe wil belp 0 offal a jow feperature, but It will pot make mean warsy if there ls ad i usally the cane some interhal reason Why Be 8 calit 1 believe that Tally of our peepls wear foo clothes in veld went her cold amd the obly hang they ink af te An ont oan dosti thieks Saunas) Wars vinthing Ww hs heavy elath yer dene, and the wy REriag Banels thay are ss Un are in abotidantion won the skin feos hesathiog, of hreath PAD eavy It hepa mri hg mney They Toad ain fede T5er hay rofl the skin Ww fapnel and far a loot thick, “Ir gate quer to ma that neanls will peer leava ded pain prachiog the | simple Biles that will Insure them com E Fatuls we ters Big grt In enld weather i take py 2 erty wall, Inning sachin hie Hann Wiha oobi Ie the Cogers Bho and abivers on oa fold dny. a FAIRER nT L pieane is i poverished his | forsweir gustrogonic 1 eat plain | blood. The chin! pang of most trials I pot | aur awn apirlt of rexigtance to dean Grou, There 8 go beaniiiow of somplexion, or form, or belmvier, Hike joy amd net pal wo FLIRSO PEGS, tint day seending san from thy thon dog The net whose low domd no worth we otutrt, Valuable Tiled Hearth, Something which Foesmarkaide ea bea synsres of oat old Whom Las fashion, aod faver woul! Say Diahinged Wiaithy tat for years been out of shar a swlden materially lnevedss polos, the heastd, for jis Alasre, may weame valuaide The owner of this presite Booring does not valuable sboply beclose the mw waz obid'ned when Gig inal warkers were ol pa off tinction. Every Eh eR Fh Ce fet AEE DEER GeTE Wiariioe tia thee ¥e 1% frie of mada nyse ¥3 nay af sioges wore iis Phan able By dora bwdde tof envy. Popa Legril The bk: Lisi er HE sued. ase iment Many constmead © the tablets, 7 day decorations wer of money to produce drawings [aithially. A Viking Cun. An ancient Viking cup. begutifully formed out of the vertebrae of a4 waale, and in perfect preservation. x being ibited ar Kirkwall. It was dis the tiles fabar RIL jean tE 3 fies Priva five 8} soared at Hsroldswiek. | in Se Pe wore Fir Fuetent : nald large suing i the actual suffering self, an | it fortresses in the hig veins and artiries i amd around the vital parts of the i obut, wish | pe : § around us | by, and the blast will flaw back to the airfare with 4 mush tingling glow, 1 condition a man must 30 © tdy and ; Pure alr, v bopreige, tion L mwehering not sound phi tiled] with mnall | i 17 Bis nose aud ng Cpmrariy 1g 2 i Warm rhe 1a ite! © We all know fh, dpe it aterial | ye “in an apartment Louse or office bald 1 me Fopn tha tain, | i na hows Tig 1 46) : | perature down 10m mast Boel the ovinise gud remove large nw ir culation i our of gear. He Fi nat pans offer gad atimal aint hie, he ty sitinle “Taipeciort dieation have Hifeaanel Say im Then ba fave indulgences aod found thar will make Ths fire plunge nto wintry air, ant of a warm house will always make the pores gasp, and drive the blood from the surface to the inner iy if the ecirenlation is good, thw resetinn will fabiow almaar Intmedinne producing a fee Iu anlar 1a SNeGETIIgE Ris Foden Toad platy of ox. frocuenr Lhothing aud ventus oF thie wnat arvaohigne ial dates Wil put prey Aue mag where Be oan defy any fer wenther this ehimate van furnish cod tog they will generat pro wanhnowh © win. fle ary du get Sas aie np quoi chiltbinesn Hic CRS, filly will hie aad fonaind him. “fre houses and offices dare no hint Ria fap ax ¥ to bur gniovianan ft lwa'r alwaps possible, specially we shold seme When ope ean’d pant beiwory amd goventy degrees-Dreferably saber sixty degrees than seventy de wad bear aol (5a 8 Bd » FURS EL ZY lon waar ate At lenut Van tn fot the alr than a dranghs wan iv in pritge © gnEht vet ro ban $s oF ibe goa Bnglita i andi wi oid i the curren tin whe ig Faw persis gadersting Agrely the sin needs yeusd tarity of my thy test fidies to the mir Ot oney, ep ww June. Now, that fre dese fonts, 1 ovr ¥ their whol from Sept. be rhlioalous. Lelleve, CR Pose It would be suicidal for un person who wasn't used to it to take off all his clotkes and loiter areand in a room at ordinary temperature, but the thing | may be dope by degrees, and the bhudy needs an alr bach at least once a day, it the skin is to do its duty by the oud and gerves. For the same reason | the skin must have its daily water | : Tt. {praia HE FE CRTE 3 we Elves alr the neXt da fh yo ite morves stenily | sane the teriperainre PWRsY, {irablem of! shivering xk Wiser § X Lie] Naturiily. are Beavye 3 aid 3 on Sud suds of cil the iE Taoeald, seen if | HATE | : ping of oh bring about this happy | take cath of fain | eireniation. | Wie prowl tude | {leaving Lande ennnioraet the y aml is Frye He gfe. AGT CIA g= batn followod by vigorons: frie everytindy shianld hav ones Cold water is peslerable, | 1Hee ths bir hath, may Be a gislter of ¢dvestion the badly in tepid water, Keeping the reat of the body covers shock lessens with babis, of the bawdy 8% ane time ne en Pitvgd tepid wiley fo exposiye ta abr Rid pradunbiz ower the teal Tito shine hath ig That word sponge bath i bate spotiges. They flrh cartier. Uses sour bande ter, om ronsh wash pag tian is a misnpmer, will épeate friction and can be boilad TWaen TAL The baths, Don't use ous wash for a week ae some people hy thonglitless unclenpliness of de people is beyosid my compel sian “Fake Thai's mntier af Ondersvenr, wright In line with the eoldl core ary disenmetig Nie persons ne AF fy aves anak od if srterwens ney ¢ akin. 1 admit that foundry billy indi Heep many. save plitectiis foam chativing «very day. win h ix the deal conse, but at least underwear well vettilntied between wedrings boadlvise Boeping 1wo suite ging mt ofce, Wear a sat day. Tat i whore i will weil ventilated hin By LE A Hen iy amd dane on sees the Pro sits une Then hinve g ges Worth oly ths anit ol sil Aiternte i Botiy dee sailed dosd, The pale will fay be sure to bang Fou are unl owesring ont in air, Dany i away losing “Whtle we ars tl : fre 3% 3 zd Tek a Jing about wader cand is ugane ductive to waroith than aovibing soe ein weeny, bia fe absolutely sPHse in Welride fspnels as a4 a board, IF alt waol arrirates the skin too mach Hyftowaight silk and woul migivre fa ante as zh In oases a person stn WE por wear any wonl HK fw lat mort of the phiveiciens wil, L hinlt agvon with tHe tha sderwear Gittture. Usthan sod Huen god eondnetore of hear take the animal bear which the bady prodioces bay great offers aml earey away from the body as fast aa ft is preston Wael Belag duactur, alias the bady 10 presses its warmth fur Hs own Purposes. “Repently In seviral N A geosy sensilide plan Has been gdopred se the polis instal of guderwedr a % fagertier tHiok hae ent Lats aaliine wn font thick, wears very Ih we paderwaar, The ble Gy hised srfentile fadd and Base worked sucessfully. The two Hah loose sults alison the ulr ne eprealate foeely @ o wake thorough shila ventiintion a pos Hiy wiih groatly inoreased cold sintanee fd 4 posalt I veel! have sdeptmd the odes and Gad 1 admistle, I cand’ say epoiigh sgainsy the diag. in X. tight Biting, ribtusl padersweenr that Tits fo wamanhiod and BI ally pd unin many ehtldren, apposed onal rales of Bealt] Tavis deny earlier, BE Han, 8 flies VHRR AS th The Prince’ # Bepiy. Follow 1haekly (pn ihe wake of tae visiting Prine, ® Paging is fanny of the ghanrd the Kronpeis Wibslm Rtories frig Royal Hlghpess acoastnd a tan sitting on the door, proppsd against a wiler batt, The Germag natiotality of the man was atuoped spon him lo plain chRracters, cut hi was pot oge of Pthose sanity good Tellows of whom the Prince sernis to be a type Why hove you lefy the Yateriand?' asked Priwe Heury-bis custopary query, Nina Tig vd The moan raised hia massive head and ghanewd at ihe Prince with no sofien HOUnaspey coenntenance. ax 1 od Reis. #5 Lia) elaooxe,” He said, with saris medgre belongings ang salded, spedeinuiye YF wae! The Prines ay font Hash. “Xo cupntyy can ford bo lose 8 sain who ib cob seicive of he fresdons” aud ps sed un, The Feather Tad usiry, AH thee Blnek awl white conde from the wal osivlel the gray from fhe female. The fenthers are not plaeked out, az you might imagine but are clipped off with a sbarp knile, thi end of the guitl in the where if remains for (wo or tives mnths und fr dies” when toe puted out with fareeps. Each produces on an averagn $73 worth of plas on pean An offer of $1500 was far Mador MoRKindey aad refusal, A Ben lays Drom Ten To RiXeeH Cues assinted their ineubation hy dovotal spot Maite MaKine oa apivuad id Fogdsti easily draws err amt ten men at aes be sald guick. plames Heal aamard wit 8 une Looy i: Bane other, sees Tint 1} is E Tipe fy Han rit ivve, Bach Saat and 4 brace agd in enoieh to Kill a man, feathers ave sent 1a Oalilorni to ba dressed, dyed and carted New York Press th Ph en ae i Sp Liu Smita ion, The Voice of Autherity, Here is a Bitle yen clipped from a small boy's essay on parents “Paroots dare things which boys have to look after them. Most girls also have parents. Parents consisr of pas and Pas talk a good deal about whit they re going to de, but mostly it's the mas that make you mind Chicago News. The hand of a clock are always on the front, S54 stl they may be be. bare spore] Wheat yon | the water until you are old seater | fre perp al | or, § many | Batbe one poriim of | susbiy more coe stl sol wool de an exesdiont © They | it | 8 post fons | vafthern ote Ta winter a police. Woden auf 2 : a s : placing the lace | ab left there Betas | 200 8 free ian fo pacing . 36a 0 water, fied! Re SAAR ARAYA AL SRA, SNE dix ery Boer. Hehter, tied with ribbon bawknots fhe Freach Vert, also quite prominent, ART N ™E HOUSEHOLD. Effective Furnishings That Are Conseils - ered Very Madish. In leu of a Yeamed ceiling, which is the desired fashion these days, for Datel ball a square effect of three-lpeh strips, rune ning both ways on the ceiling. pat on about three feet apart, i a very good substitute, If the plaster is very rough. iy finished in betveen and calelmined in any preferred tint, instead of paper, the effect is very mueh Improved *® ¥ » The hardware of & house smi Hy Atwenis oso small part of the decors ative scheme toose days Old ihioge Ove couple, are very mtva scoght. on artistic thoughts intent, bought the ordigary japapned hardware and soaked it in strong lye for three days ty give It an old. timey look. Ol Span. Wht baad-made locks are very much Buy hit ais, * ww» Heavy barlaps make an effective door or window hanging for a room where plain solid effects pr valk *. ¥ 3» The new black walnut farpitore. that wa revival or a fashion of years ago, & vader vighter in tone than the old we desteh the plese are made after the plain modern reproduction style of antique pleces, and are upholstered in ther or fapestyied sfier the avcepts ed Wleas 3 the prospot time, € wo» Priftwoed fiomiture. wite Bs soft sibver gray color, is 10 be preferred of ai this sunnuer for seashope mstntam cabins and out-afs Site be % own botises generally, » - -» Care should bs taken fn the seleos tion of an upholstering staff thar it shoghd be appropriate aud consistent, Plain heavy pieces take Lotter, roan skin, Beary lapestries. ote, while ross wad or mabogany should have the igncler inde There is a decked vogue of gay Freaeh tiffotes this spring, with thelr medailion de sige, the epgirs a figure surronmded by garvinuds and armabesanes or Luge botauets of fowery on a crdam ground, There is aariosw Neral stripes slierpating with a plain color fn she deintiest and most igh woolen i : on abe, mast shermting color cobilidoating (nagin- yy & ® Among the pewost potions in wall { foverings is to have a plain side-wail ba It 5 anid | turaiture and arehiteciore «till reigns stverage . King on Lis new yacht. the Viet ap BA am Hd AB 5 WS A fovering un to aliout seven fect. Above this a plain cauopy in a contrasting side, also plain paper. Where ney Join fy pot a bLricbac shelf, with & frieme below (ils Ha Jower odie in furs Salsbod with an buh wide mold g--Pitadelplin Recend. The Rage For Catonind Furniture, Che rage Tor the Colonial both In aapreme. Our Eaglish cousins lave thi sana fad onde snder anethae Game They eall i he early Georglan” over fiers, The private stitecoocm of the Albert, has been decorated in this style, white cunmel, old-time chimpey- plece with antinu. brass fender, poker, tonge, ete. Carpet and silk hangings are of blue witn the chairs covered in blige woroeco, The furnitore is of Anabogony, except the bed, which Is silver. Tinting White Lave. White lace may be tinted a deep oream by dipping if coffee. If an eery tone is desired it may be obiained by to which powdered saffron has been added, the “That Vaterland lisy not | tat butter, CA greased platier oo vel Casal ine Bot stalk of eolery, Place the sieak on a hot hen he slkneet signmoantly | sionnt of saffron depending upon depth of the corn tinge deaireds EAL «.« RECIPES . . Rice Croguettes One large cuptul of boiled rive, half a enpful of milk, ons exk. one tablespoonful of sugar, one halt a teaspoonful of salt Put the milk on to wil apd add the rice and seassping. When it boils up add the eg, well headen. Stir one mine ute; then take off and cool. When cold roll in egg and crumbs, Ivy and serve very Dot, Corn Croquettes—Pat ote can of earn in a doobde bolle over the fire to heat. la the meantime rab together to a paste one tablesposuful of buiter and two of fleur, Add this to the corn when steamiog hot aod stir antl gianth and thick, Add one all va spoonful of sade and one-third of a teaspooniul of pepper and tars out on If fur break. fast let stand over night. In the morn. Ing Tormy into eompnoties, dip each inte wilplitly besten egg and roll in fine Dread rua, galled brown in Nerve an a platter garnished with FOr olny ups sad have Br Sized pieces al Pagsting pan; tien two siai} dn sil about two poands Hank steaks, mid a sifoed onion. four cloves, six pepper corus and add a oeup of Lot water: cover thie pan closely and cobk in 8 moderate aven one hour, basting every fifteen minutes, When the steak i» nearly done dredge with a teaspoonful of salt, a talkespoontul of flour, let ting some fall in the pan to brown. platter, add a cup of holling water to juice in the 5D ® HR steakh~La saveral suet in your ny one large of vy Pig § diene kidney pan and thicken with a tablespoontol § each of flodr and butter blended to. gether; add a saltspoonful of sly, halt living room or libre, - -