os ARSE Se Be i Hh Rs Simi Sh AA A SHR EE — A A EH IO RS 0c. 0 i 0 on and you will never use . FirstClass Stock and Ne , | good bargains. ‘herling | Special.” nn Try Fourth Ave, 'belos out * ‘to ma w goods: hai - a jand L so ete. at t qe ASH AR ary hers sold at 2 256, 356. at PRE while they last at 9 : 10ns. SOS {mit ey will be sold 2 at Goods. Give me a call. ven __jand Red Cruss ranges. Fu i guaranteed or money refunde Glass, paints, white Td | seed, ete, at Towest prices. nS Having moved to our new | Larg rest line general oo. location m the Fisher Block | ards and furni-1 ‘we are now better prepared | ‘than ever to do all work in ture in this end of the this line. county. Come and see We are sole agents forifr yourself i a] nba county for the cele 4 brated rs Prank Chi Sammon; aaron, a. i June Sth, 101: I had malaria ; bad form, was under for all work i in our line. re AT The Old Reliable Store, Brooks oi Cos Estimates clisertully made urdipiers sold at $1, 1.25 Thoes Red Cross and Sum- Come ‘and see our Summ t i oils—miners’, kerosene, Tin! = are coming in fom all ti 1e best shoe makers mn all i the down. to date sty es. gel We have the largest. stock and lowest price s for "quality in Patton. We are agents for THE | The best Shirt fe i [ v ERY veur, I with the first robin, comes the man whe 4 doubts. He “de it believe” he cau get a ready-to-wear uit that will £t him, he “don’t believe” our idvertisements; i ‘he don't believe anything or anvbody—and yet the chances . are ten to one he goes out with one of our bpring Suits on. his back. Why? Beenuse thers is proof In cae stock to sonvines the rewt confirmed ; _nnbeliever. Thess style: Jere There's beauty. ThenVs care in make SThers's artistic tabioring. There's proper finishing There's good material | There's a grurantes, | And, best of all, od prices are there, proving themuslee, “and Prove: - i Horse blankets $1. a to = TTI sam) below | the figtires of other stores. We want the man whe doubn to come in and ae somd of the aoveltios we am are showing in GE - SPR ™ iG su ITS. Reader, if “thot art the man," ' conte in and sec what we have i in store for you, | | STYLES. ssanm Fashion sa; Lighter and brighter : witings. Wor Ses and Twe eds In gray, with | Light overtones: Cheviots nb rown and dark greens, These Ware the tacts boiled down. Come in and pass your judgement, but d n't pass the opportunity. | A | We call ai special attention to our large line of up-to-date trouserings. i 2 a sealer ot a
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