The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 08, 1902, Image 4
CL SL A i So RAS Porign Tomiie : 5 Pole SST, (itn Rela & Hout. | “| Orders paid Sr Sree Work Stale “ : Tie from w. - it cod, 1900 dup. tp id ou, - op a Poe fromm ewer assesment... : i ment. rnd wh Belew WEE % ue from pavheg Asem " SR mow County Commis sioner ay ise : Patton Borough a opt ity we bave examined the bres “counts of receipts anid x. ‘ete, of Patton Boron ending March Hh, 10 and fond 8 same to be troe and correct to the of our knowledge. MB Cove W. A Merion sevice ty {bert in barber shops tocated o Akeni, Paton; }ttorney-at-Law, York: a Ww ‘altham Watch.” ” i Fifi hb Avene. wp. i Ralph Waldo Emerson, Tty our macaroons. in an essay on eloquence, | Fa cy and we ing | aid, in speaking of aman | : bi nt re Orc i ng | whom he described 2s 2 3 e ey y Godsend we his town, | JC HAMER. | “He is put together like ® hii time P » PATTON, PAI 1 '® ine & “gil 5 Sunday 8 FF. D. Dunlap, Railroad In effect Nav. 24, 101. _Suntitunt. Parrox, Pa. 5 we Ha Sandys fia Tonys Huntin } Dl Beat Idem, nevtving aE) Bun 1 0% oy . it. Hy on i : : aa | ; pies ,, Pisburg, Joes B Fbens burg & E RR Canons Phe Tube fu afc June 3, wo 4 Forgwond Al Trion make puectiom at Me Dak pe EL awk for Ne Pie, nnd Cian % Karthanied £ iMat lmsicen Hi Dailas | Pe tea, Bh are lng al Hunting 56. nei 4 an ak Huntig. i tiligw meats DS BRNFEEE ba BEzE a