AA TN SE cS A HAR I YS and if prop- as this cough “Chamber. If it is Pre benef proper fools. We have them a cent. For sale by Brices as low as the ard at prices a8 low as the + Patton, and Hastings | iy p z towest, Wh hen the garden 1s cor iple ter] the real trouble be- g Does Your = Neighbor Keep Chickens? Jf go, buy some of our iy acon and es netting and keep them reproduces the natural diges- out of the garden. Special and consequently is the, Chrysoline Ww are, Best on FRE pari nine 1s now in order and to do it {properly you must have the which digoste any good food | Earth and Fully Guaranteed. a an form: af stomach Srotis. : Best Quality wx ELE ECTRIC = LIGHT GLOBES. “Sterling Special.” e OTIC ad vou will never any ther 1 > dine of - son buggies none bette : Ti ‘As good, prices rizht, uid deal of plensure ; } x1 Road M ae hin ee that Wh Pron sap De: ny 1g Mowers, Binders, a and Rakes, Conklin oe Wags ws and Syracuse Plows, Tin, Copper and Iron Work. TE “Everything in Hardware.” oo i CORDELL & C0. Fifth Ave, PATTO! hat at ofc made up my 1 stg it is the § mare. a —— Noghertedl, : and other Wounds ofte As spring 1s here. we offer the following ; below cost to make, room for new goods: Patton, and Hane id oo | Jardiniers sold at $1, 1.25 = condition character. and 1.30, etc, at Joc. Others sold at 25¢, 33¢. at. Yu 1 ; wels, di 9c. = vomiting, first of thus un- | 28 sad theo 51 is Cham-, Horse blankets $1.10 i1.25, while they last at Dances of the stomach 3 healthy appetite. They ‘and boc, Three Red Cross and Sum- ‘mit Heaters wil be sold at ‘we are now better prepar red 7] good bargains, oa Come and see our Sammie : cream vermifuge has and Red Cross ranges. Fully 8 world wide reputation as guaranteed o money refunded. : of worm destroyers, ig Bence on Wesk and | as it neulralizes the Glass. p aints. white Gr sousnem of the stomach, | gils..myiners’ ; kerosene, Sie, i rvs seed, ete., at lowest prices. and resiores them to Lhe bealth, nn of elasticity of spirits natural Beat Ww. Hodgkins. res, w tnt Dostors Pe ail. ‘hardware and furni son, Patterson, La, oo . L.0 © as reed nk %, 1901, +f had mutants tUTC IN this end of bad form, was under county. { Ome and dav tars, Bul paseo am fo 2 tiene tesever for voursell Mil i sa pte bottle = sed me. 1 feel - hing sacha. pes, 4 Looms Lean honestly | saffuring from The Old Reliable them a Store, 2: E. KIRK'S HDW. Sistah Pharmacy. Th : Magee Ave, | AE Patron, Wu H. Saxnroro, 3 gon Cambria county for brated Largest line veneral ‘wes &FURT.STORE. | | Personal sllenting, SU CCESSOR TO THE Photo & View Co. desires to announce that styie portrait w hich carried ot convention. he and are unqueshionabiy ld is Photographs in all the new and up-to-date stvies and at From 50 Cents up to $12 per Dozen. . Give me a tmal and 1 wi guarantee satisfaction. Call and see 1 i do all of my own work. Enlarging a specialty y 9 pric ces latest. PATTON, PA. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? CONTRACTING PAINTI] : (x and Having moved to our new © PhAak LLRX F00 Nim ¥ —_— x Alnoat location in the Fisher Block DECORATING. XY. Pipers b Over 12 yours experience. ED & } a3! an e rr to at Rid WOT Kk 1 ii Post un po Address, HH A wiry NG PA “ PRR ge i1ie, ¢ We are sole gents 0; 2 Makes f New Nerves, ANTHONY ANNA, t New Life. FUSTIOE «WHS PEACE R ro ok Ss Oil C 0. Ss : olelion promptly attended Lo Diesdor in reql catnte, pie Gutta Percha Roofing Paint. 3 Geo. Simmeisherger, ATL IED. COL, Le Ray, N.Y. 3 Pooling? Prat too Pharma ney, fiver oo wr ig . 3 4 Ed 2 Draving and Hauling done on | just tb - A ¥ 3 ph HT Bolicg. % "Rg &) he BR ds ol phy lg ni CCU lIn dada bei AP § AEA \R. F. B. EVANS, CR € Sw i C Hanrpan(ln ne ® A r oR ER FirsiNation'| Bank OF PATTON. Patton. cambria Co., Pa. regal dollar io MELE fhvators inovery stvie, Meals served pro bi Labs me a rail Open Samlays, F. D. Dunlap, Presidest. Cashier. | a Proprietor. In thls your paper t as BSsAEE xT sortespondene © Wall fave our prong sad ; Taterest paid on time deposiis, LIVERY ANI: FEED STABLE ey otnmendadt IL ONY 13g edd ends Shame rail tom AA Kidney Trouble Mass You Miserable. sreryhody who reads the news. sare to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr Kilmer s Swims-Root, the great kidney, Hvar and bladder remedy, « Hisths great medi cal irigmph of the nine tosh camtury: diss covered after years of sianiific research by Pr. Kilmer tha smi sent kidney and bade der spesialist, snd is no promptly curing adder, wis acid trow. ERE we 4 ihe Warsy 3 Swamp-Root is not res. or sverything butif you have kid. ov bladder trouble 4 will be found vm te tins been texted 1 a Wer, in private 5 om scons] in Ra wmangenent haa 3 ai regders of this nave I ed it, may have & siz a book sn Faat snd Pow 10 ¥ ar r Siadider truce, COHERS, FASTING, A wir aad Mieke Mote ses mil sage in tyne pafonage sunday se