New ork Comtral Spocial Rates. Foi ce During the coming sommer a large amliy od es vers » he number of conventions will be held in Pennsylvania ‘the West, many of them on the Pacific rates anthorized by the | i const, for which the New York Cent | tinenta! railroads on account. ral will sell excorsion tickets at single | annual convention of the fara for the round trip. tacational association, (0 be | gre ¢ the following: neapolis, July 7 to 11, 1902, ad the Pennsylvania Rail po Angeles, Cal, April 59th offer to those eontemplat- Federation of Women's clubs, Los noe at this convention an Angles Cal, May 1st-Sth. ty, under the direction of National Baptist Anniversaries, St wr personally condvcted tour. Paul, Minn, May 20th 2th. im, not only of visiting the National Convention Travelers’ Pro. | city in which the convention Stective Association, Portland, Oregon, d, and participating in the Jone 3rd.-7th. of the convention, but Imperial Council, Nobles of ithe | the Yellowstone park, | Mystic Shrine, San Pranciseo, Cal A wmeible onder ordinary Jane 10th 14th. Bupreme Lodge, A. 0 UW, ve we park} is never more | jjand, Oregon, June 10th 20th. Young Peoples Christian Among them Port AA HN rt t Tnjon, trania raiiroad will be | Jury ind. eh. fullest 86 OpparTaIty S of vi. | Biennial Soeting Enights of Pythian, ; | was given for the atisck on the Enstille Grand Lodge B P. 0. E, Salt Lake i | toinetts wore hebeaded there In 1798, Cand it war the scene of great rejoie | : Ty, Usab, August Lath 14th, Trokeis will be sald to the pablio as leave New ¥ ork and wel As Lo delegates to above meetings, Satarday, July 5, and re Information concerning rates, rontes, Round trip conditions and lunits of tickets for covering ail necessary expen. these fom ventions, ax well as for simb the entire trip, including od a maetl; Mu thme to time, may Pp dian sleeper, will be sold be chtained of New York Central f $150 from ail yetate on ibe kel agente peak Madey oo Flime, rate will be $i for tx peglent coughs and colds even Rates from Pitteburg i 1 he Sh ifs Bach 5 aften ‘above. : vB San Just Pees il nse a» sprcial train ovey | POOP A dose of ( os ip, with the exception of Minute ough eure will remove all vs devoted to the tour of the | danger, Absolutely safe Acts ; Wages and the fue hotels one Sore cure for coughs, ized STOUR, REP throm apd Epa rey Erronnt Fg i bay ¢ oO Dawson, ee ad may 4 Tae iy ; 4 : 1H Selly HY went te i Dyspepsia sure and f hase tf taking HI my fread satisfaction. | never found #8 egual TRL for storsach troable and gladly recom. pie sea (Tend Bin hope that | may help other ; sufferers.” Kodol dyspepsia cure cures | all stomach troables. You don’t have Kodol Asapepsia curs digesin . W. Hodgkins, Pat £5 Pharmacy, Tyga, He stn nit 3 : bo chet, hal you eal ret fiaatin ul Red ss} | Poamary mead Atrongih : pire wonder, are desirable You are strong and comedations on this tour will vigorous, whes your blood is pure ¥ be Bmited, and intending Many nay most womes, fall to prop apply erly wn order 16 erly digest their food and so become | e- | pale, sailow, thin and wesk while the gourse cof prepare. brightness, freshness and beauty of % rogardiog ne the skin and complexion depart. Rem. id be addressed io edy this unpleasant evil, by eating assistant general pas. nourisbing food and taking a small nl, Pennsylvania rallrosd, dose of Herbine after vach meal, to ! : wiation, Philadelphia, Pa. | digest what vou have eaten. 50 cefits at OC. W. Hodgkins. ¢ od Rar Rhenmation. ase Chamberiain’s pain | The Hest Bisod Porifier, houmatiem are delighted The blood is constantly being puri relief from pain which fied by the Jungs, liver and kidneys. : eak ing of this Mr, Keep these organs in a healthy condi io, ays: “Some. HOD And the bowen regular and you had » severe attack of { will have no need of a bisod posses. ] | Por this purpose thers is nothing equal to Chamberlain's stomach and liver | tablets, © one does or Shem will do yoga a hamberlain®s Dos 4 blood hier of ex, 25 cents. They recommended it #0 {Samples free at CU W. Hodgking Pu Tt I was ton, and Hastings Pharmac) ¥. f all pain. 1 have sino odd this Hiniment to many of | oe ~ vie is ony ‘with me any it fever and agne. A dose will asaally i stop a chill, a contivuance always for muscular hen. | : : ody 8 “loores. Mr. Win. M. Stroud, Midioth- Vian, Texas, May 31, 1988, writes: “We have used Herbine in our family for | eight years, and found i the besi med. hot in 1 gine we have ever used for Hn grippe, inde of uote, bien | tru es, | bilkons fever #94 malaria, Harbin {aren ins, Patton, a an d Haatings' BH vetite st " Ting and ce Nove * hess and const t DeWitt's, Beware. of pation. Your hea sith ‘will suller per A 1 suffered for many manently it vou do. DeWiti's Hithe | & sore caused by a gun shot rarly risome cure such cases. M B. 0 my left leg)’ says A 8. Ful : Bmith, Butter rout Mich says: DaW He's “Ht would not heal it le early risers am the most satisfac. : ve me much trouble. I used all tory phils | ever on Never gripe or of smedies to BO purpose anti Cale Dagsea. «WW, Hegel, Fake DeWitt's witch hazel salve. A 100, and eine, Pharmary, ebely cured me? (O. yy Saver the Loved rae. Fatton, and Hastings Mrs. Mary. A, Viet, Neweastle, Cola, writes: *I'believe BallanVs horehonnd syrup is saperior to any other cong afflicted with sciatica, medicine and wii} do all that is elubmed © Bud, 1 awaville. Sedgwick for ll, and it 8 so pleasant to tuk “going about on critehes My Bile girl wants to take it when shu : a deal of pain, 1 was bas no need for it. Ballard 44 5 Ballard s snow liniment SYTOUP Is thie great care for all ‘paimo. 1 me. I used three 50c bot. HOF ailments, 250 He and 31.00 a1 atest liniment [ ever © VW. Hodgkin ded if to a number If teoubled by a weak indigestion, al juxpress themselves as be. | loss of appetite, or constipation, try a now walk with. {few doses of Chamberlain's stomach to perform a great gud fiver tablets. Fvery box waranted. or on A the farm.” 20, | For sale by CO. W. Hodgkins, Patton, and Hastings Pharmacy. Bapreme Court order of Foresters, | : historic : ioeitotior was erected In the “reign of terror” after the doath of Louis C Pines Logix X : home.” ®338% a sopthers pan Lede of mine, day when He saw BN coarimnous ratte § wal Cpe Badd, 5 own Lavike aff svnier of b mewdte. and # fain PLANS WER XH] Ceominctar ax be took 8 gus; {the condisctor Banded bavk 5 eens “asked If my little hoy wax 2 yours old, and 1 said po, he was 4 fully by refusing te stop the car for Advertising Rates made kaown despite the vigurons professios pewer YL stane prehes rige Into promisenes, The Rtiendancs CRrE, REL esr Ch ancestral gals, the powers of fae cand the Beler these wld gods reign absurd snperstiiions of an Inferior race prsedy the best in the for Haury wmorlist will andy he ‘mg wih people of the Lever da - prior | themselves before custom gels posses | . sion of the eld. — Mechan's Mouatbly, Thre ot] world to the grand and imposing | “square of Paris, the Plave de In Cop | gorde. Om one side of Bt Is the Tuile rive. on ibe DP poRits wide the Changs Elysees and on a third the fiver Seine | In the center stacids the olwidisk of Luron a magnificent menolith of red | Egyptian granite. 74 feet bigh and weighing DOO pounds. This sbelisk | was one of two of the same shape and | size, erected in by Rawe Ces the Clregr ai Ctemrde of Teed oo 2 Bh pana of Egypt i French governmetit, snd in 1898 §t was rey | the Place Ennoorde. The re 21 position In neval avi wre tio noon The now alte re quired an cutidy of MOLE gad the employment of SW awn the obelisk being travsphsied to Frages ina ves sel bullt expecially for the purpose. The Place de in Copeonde 16 seb in iarereet. IF was theve that the i501 pater desler will pot het igi Cc W. Hodgkins’ Paton Pharmacy. Ny X VE sind it was there that The signal C arefu lly ¢ ompounded in 178% Tous XVI and Marie An ting in 1848 when France was pro- 0O0D R G Colatmed 3 republic. The Place de in ( D U S, f Cpnoorde has slan beon termed fhe And at the right price. Yoasd Place de lg Bevo! tion. i Rattiennnics Potuon. Phat’s ch 4t we Ave head. “Yess aon when | wiv a hay at rT 5 a EeR who Hved sesr Ment tonsry and Novel geapars, wis oul ob hiv plantating one thon a specialty. Hastings Pharmacy, OOM Reh fee Prop. wEvcdelaond os Tuvteawy of a vol. He selond a hor (ving sear Ly and made #8 bas st the At the sume fine " ruck ant ald - (AAS. G. FAGAN, CONTRACTING, PAINTIXG we stron ne DECORATING. Fe t : 4 § ehistiy wu BAS RULE LAV 30 xe ® Ore enous, of they hoe b Yip ehurwed where sow of fhe virom Bad oxinded Sat Ladd Post Ofoe Aelilrome § : ANTHONY ANNA. T3 § Fe ; 85 the ok 3 a eae nek pipe HO Daron INGER. Ta FT EC Two nnd Fanr, and Twa? demanded tie pe ra the wonmsh whe had bust 8 place ob the troller, “Na. four” ste replied Four fares were rung Geo. Simmeisberger, [VERY AND FEED STARLE "That isn't rig” { wornan indignantly " sho { "You sald you wanted to pay for rt notice. R.F B EVANS, DENTINT, - four.” retorted the trols ¥ omplayes * “1 didn’ denied the warn, “You toma pose Fil have to pay for Bim if i008 the : rule. but | dow’t think i's right" At Commercial Hotel, Baru- The remainder of the sentelior Wis ® fost in the discards that fssied fram | esboro, every Ther raday the throat of the enraged mdactor. who thrust fen pennies inte the out Patton Courier. Promoter of Publicity. i Cmtretohed Band and retired to the rear platforin to relleve his feelipes more any one for ten blocka- New York application. Presa. South Sen Saperstitions. The greatest alg - DIGESTION. In the south sea islands the ok are sib very close to present heals iungs and stops the cough. Cathulie Fade, udien af Sg faith whivh the mi joniries have sep Un village grecns the The pople are wi Lag ih their rehurch chureh bullding on Satarday, Monday, | Puesday, Wednesday and April 18. 21, 23 33 and 24. hyn mn n%enia kepohdefs. But tn the jungles and on me is seared all who atiend. The the waters be Samivan goite forgets furs conducted by the ladies in the past sa sufficient ture, and In Fis domain of the hunter Unguniitded suocves elean whl aevoniing Ying cir Bildes Ika wrapped in spotieas ho of the | Paint SBpren Ma ALAS BAY Dot sssuise to Bam A Feuiimemtad Poo ORF Bagh they as untulared sav cusbler hamberiain's wives Me on, Fagland. shasny Bavaey, of TERY perio CaueRsian reese he weving o © opractioes whi ber superstitions, but which br believed noe bey abe Lavi mart $rto bronehitis for over ix years, ary te Bel are thane confined to her 5 thee Foods and jul sires: i Divioad They in pracy ole Ween the dav Phe ALY, CAR PORN RoviaToa a Cael Far iil | > 1 HRW Ans [Aine VRE eG & oa Baodse dew Bae of tepe fr gee in a a : : Puli Cantons Jugusnqas Langaage, : Pag Henle fests , FIA Gear warty apenas, We fruits t wind Te bw hia leading & Sos ietheg tos wry rior Tu wise bead ! SS RNG that the anlv law For lay BLY A ew of custo we ate todd Til quires English mow protonn Ti fer oadl gate devin,” igidde the sun a that we but otis Bas aot bet wil the soo a she e es Forgan vise 7 Er vig 1% i Ye Aooel 0. I? eH will jek privstag CE Fo secure the adepuop of a Give ns a trial order 2 | 2 3 name reformers must bestie Subsribe for and advertise | Patton CoUsinn J All drogeine and dealers, , Se ar eh by | LANGHAR FED. CO., Le Roy, N.Y, | TASTINGS PA evclained the |g Ryn and Hauling done on | HASTINGS PA. (uy DYSPEPTICIDE Foley’s Honey and Tar ryan Ro OL : will hold a fulr in the old | Thursday, | Refresh. wii te served and an enhuvable guarantes of the SHAE warid for bron. i has saves! Bean a x worn Artie iT dao i WI OW ae will i. WW, : dying, Pratt gaat Fast ings 5 Fd] # mm ? ney mm ¥ 3 gr Ee TeneTrREneITIINYS $e & ay ss work (urned 4 Fete hin 2. vy and 3 daph tale 2 dong printis printing because you ¢ £ Mit me and mercial wining and turn out on work that can't be excelled anywhere for the price or better. Why? Be- cause we keep the stock, employ experienced and up-to- now workmen and pay partic ular attention to promptuess, Our mail order business is a feature we look after carefully and are glad to furnish esti- ‘mates on a minute's notice. Bill Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Statements, Bills, Dodgers, Cards, Checkweigh Weighmaster's Sheets, Paper Books and in fact any- iT thing: from a Milk Ticket to a Multio loved Circus i in your work to THE COURIER, PATTOX, PA. v4 : never regret it We atic Paster sdiidiibabididiidiiiag ail Be parr TE ret maim |