AAR 5's offer snd buy Beauvoir. Davis's late home, The ind grounds have, it Is said, eglected and Nikept, only a! residing upon the premises | ¢ ng what feos he can from rotessor has annoancel her education” has had a on German women, He girs deteriorate in wo r qualities, when they devote 8 wholly to stady, and ad “all should be trained to) tes before being allowed pollege. at pupnlation of Siberia is 000. Asuming that its re | dress, 5 re equal to those of Russia in Siberia is capable of sustain p A es, It is ) ne ov could be avail - nie will make a monument of 815 miles high. What an thing to do with ple! If the rere built it would not be ites before the base would «i by boys who would : fabric erishing to the earth, distributing stomach aches and to 315 miles of the ple belt. us dream’ A Prohibition journal claims that 3¢ United Btates, or more thas one ird of the entire population, are now Bg upde prohibition, either by 1a or local option. Forty one 8 of the forty-five are included In on, either in whole or in Kentucky, in spite of its Useless calcula | pal snd oa fri i ¥ i 3 {cloth In her hands ASSP 3 6 yweot at Tat 1 the Shienen O sweet ot | the wariurs = rloss | | For out of of the Bilson be cometh, asd into | Blisuse goss above him (he great Right ploni ihe Kiger bis ows. : Witham Watson, A on sep A i Eo rd io the wrists fore you go.” Madam Jackson sald AS the dress was being fastennd faint color stole into the woman's | white ehosks “Tent Ht pretty?’ he witepersd, | And the wrest ses rovnd him Rlistigs And wonleringly. “The very prefiiost thing | ever had’ It seems wrong And out of tbe Night be commty, asd lato | i | #0 plain” wax Hoseaes Manis, 5 : : By Senax . ’ Chaat Bods better” esas sessseanes fae was waiting in Madan Jack : son's dressmaking parlors, where the PRoThe nt he large cary chair nearly enveloped her | (held a dainty lacetrimmed handksr ; email shrinking feure Bhe waz pot old, nod mors than thir ty-five, beauty of her youth had pose. There ; ner brown | were streaks of gray in but already the bloom and © ie aan TA present from we” she sald, Tignt- | ly. “When you wear Clo dress you | hair; fine lines rovesrle] themselves under the sad eyes. Toe cheeks were | hess fal Bush y antiken, and the hands, folded over & paren in her lap, were | rotgh and ecalloused. Whoever she wes, life had gone bard with ber Madam Jackson came in, wished to see ma?” shy asked somehow for ms to have it now. Bowe | body younx and beautiful ousht to : wear i. If only I eomild bsve had it | yar: ago!” =) rR i {18 BE Madam Jackson's Joft fingers wars ¥ with the brown healer tonehed ith sliver, combed 80 peversiy hack, | “You must pot wear your balr quite | she said “A looser effect | C day, JL miekt anpesr thar such (rifling i i ; SC , go somes of $5 | Enaiters as the saviag of piray werews | an : IperteE Jes ribbed idtens 1h fare wonderfully There Bie wiraightensd the lace at the | Lpenr worth while throat and settle * he skirt, “Walt a Dext rosin, chief fine as 8 spider's web Bhe must carry that” Over the thin fre thers swig » “Ix that for me? she sald 3 * Lyon “Nima : : look thet Madam Jackson Madam Jackeon was a jarge, impos | ing-logking woman, clad in The little wornan rove timidly. “Yea'm," sho answered. ! ¥ou to make me a dross Hf you will Pye made all my own clothes ever since Jobn and 1 were married. They | haven't Lean very many, either” sue | added “But this Is something Jifer ent, We live on & farm, and we raise | {rult and vegetables for mirket. Pv! ery year John bas sald {o me "Well Lottie | guess this fall we can afford | that blue dress” Bhe anrolled her package carefully | and smoothed ont the cloth it com ; | pleasantly, “Your w j tained with i a tender hand i % have had this blue dress | the second year we wore married.” ie oxplzined “1 was young then Cl sommelow something alwsrs bap pened. Often we'd hare a dry year, then again we'd have 1o 4 rich black | There was go much radiance in the was star iad end then a wonderful thing happened Por the moment §t seemed ax if the cysars had role] heck, and the wora : Tace shone with “m1 want | i smile hovered over the its lost beauty and (ts ost yoauth, The eres wers vory bright a tender treran manih, and Madam Jackson sas what the woman must have been long age, i botoro the hard years had robbed per of Tor Moom, ‘tle woman whispered eames a Bunock at lhe door As i 1a a Jacksons Hpesed iy aulekly have you soe her jo hor new dress” “Why, Lollie, he sald “why i my dear, = it realiy yom?" bay an extra | plow, or maybe a cow would die, or | something else would come up, so 1 | DOW, And we've been married sivtosn | never was able to pit the dress until | “Do you Hike it Joho? she sald “Tike 11! yom did when wi wern married only somehow, sweeter and dearer” sad : then, regardicess of Madar Jecksos In years. The last thing Joha sal] to me | i woman io kis arma xnd kissed her on i her glowing cheeks when he gave mo the money was, ‘Now, Lottie don’t buy savthing bat & blue dress, and just forget how long | $tood at the window and watched tham | “Um afraid, thoufl,” she added, wits | Irive away with the Lise dress care you've wallal for 0° a wistful litle sigh, "it's too late look well on me. at hall past two In the morning to be the background, he took the sald A few minutes Inter Madam Jackson fully wrapped up. Ths Sush still lin Yout see getting up | gered on the litle woman's face &8 i phe waved a last god by. ready for market will make any ona | oid, and I've worked bard Sometimes | we have six men to cook for, that Is in ir the busy season’ Madan Jackson took the mil of | : again Ho owna 8 soft Peantiful blue fie and rich in textore, | | hours and the lonely omnes that must 20,000 ; it could make a dross suitable : 00.000 of the habitants of only for a young girl: some one with § ; would be folded away as something rosy cheeks and olden haly anid dime ples, It was so far from being appro | priate for the little, stooping figure | tM . PUT at least to look al in the bare oid L Opposite, Madam looked kindly at the pale | little woman. “I'm afraid” nhe began, “you'll find this color a little trying. | A black or a gray, or perhaps a dark | Ee PRE. i brown would be more becoming You $ | notoricty, has 90 out of itt understand —" $ counties under prohibition’s sway, | four excepted states are dab, “Don't say ft!” she cried i : , Cah and Wyoming, | plete reports of the customs for ar indicate that there was an’ : importation of diamonds tones a at the yort of New n 2.8568.05 in year's ih of the L of stone, at cut, were # : Thus the # of the cut and uncut stones 62.567.07. and stones came hy ERpress , 80 that it is estimated that corded imports amounted | 0,000, not counting ¥ Many, other dia : 3 # i those re smuggled. This seems to 8 e pretty good evidence that the Amer. cor the thin little figure. Some ican people had considerable money how its bright hue seemed g mockery, | nd in luxorfes last year. ma Influences in Asia Minor, has grown greater from year to will become predominant when way to Bagdad and the Persian Gulf shall have been bullt under the concession just granted by the sultan a German company. Sooner or later the rotten fabric of Ottoman power utble, and when the time shall a division of the Turkish soll a steel roadway from Berlin to utmost frontiers of the sultan’s ire will be of incalculable advan- e to its German possessors. Mean- e the German commercial conquest urkey in Europe and Asia goes on and the German consul and mer. chant may at no distant time be fol- wed by the German artisan and hus- in. It Is eastward that the star nin empire takes ita way, and repopulation and resurrection from es of the one-time garden spot the world and cradle of civilization : task worthy the ambition of nation, reflects the Philadel. The woman clasped her hands. “You, 1 understand. but {f you only kndw how all these years U've wanted that blue dress! Something different from any: ; thing I've had. Ah you needn't tell mal I know I'm faded ang old, but, ANI SOI FP ‘oh, 1 40 not want that bit of eolor | for my own! ‘at least look at nL" A large tear shope In worldly Mal. If I can't wear it, I can "not unwarranted is shown by the | Enow that Before long the fash would fale from her {riend's cheek, the Hines wonld come back, the cares re There would come, ton, tha weary be lived through The Blue dress | sacredd seldom worn, bot paver forgot. ten. There wontid be somthing bean. farmbouns ” Madam Jackson turflad away from the window with a smilie that was Sal! a “That blue dress—it as 8 snccees. after all” she murmured Youth's Companion A TAI MA Shes SYA Eas So PRIMI IV: BRITiSHERS. Fool- Warmers in Use on the Engliah Hallways, That American critichim of the prim. {tive ways of our English cousins is : Ereat todo being made fa the Lonlon am Jackson's eye—and she wax not much given to tears, “Very wall.” she | answered; and then followed a discus | ®ion of lining and thread, ish rRllways, pives up ifs valuable space to com. | The woman came again In a few .Anye to have the dress fitted grapes with the bloom still on hem. 1a one hand she carried a basket of purple i the subject and in “I've brought you these” she sald | to the Jresamakoer bl early this moming” “I picked them “Thank you fo much!” was the warm answer. “I ddarly Jove grapes, and those are especially fige™ In a few minutes the blue dress It brought out so clearly the hairs that wmondd have been eat fore. (by a more sober eolor. The pala | ‘cheeks, too, looked whiter than be saw her reflection in the tail mirror ihe fad minted. “You were quith right” she sgid, slowly; been best, and yvet—somehow 1 {couldn't give it up. ve thought about : 1 go around, and i he the to take theem round iF thers : ! Lond Jon Witting. a YHARYr, [The secret of American success in | watchmaking lies {nn the small econ. “a duariier color would have : Land the poorest of the least pushing DRo withogt, And it s0 much all these years, Why, of ten wien the work was hardest and | the days longest [ve sald to myself, Never mind, Charlotte. some of thoan how kept ma up.” “I. understand,” sald, gently. Madam Jackson days you're going il have a beautiful | { blue dress.’ and the hope of it somes | : nat wonder that the Times iz excited, Foot-warmers belong to the warming. | pan age in the United States, but in | dear old England they are pot only the In a faw days the dress was done | The customer came for It one mora: : thing. Ing, in a wagon driven by a tall, broad | er-heaten face. “Her husband” thought: Tho pale little woman came hurried. ly in. “John came with me today.” ghe said, smiling, “and the dress—on, fsn't it beautitul!” The blue gown lay across a chair Madam Jackson had Jone wali with it. shouldered man with a rugged, weath- {| wants “the {rlanders” Times over the inadequacy of foot. warmers, whic iSth cent avice | . . X g hich A_CANLUPTY 4eviCo: rue walupr of what had for so many i years been thrown away £ £8 {¥ 3 oh : : The Times not only | a poiden harvest, while those which | fz still ured in cold weather on Brit. votes a oolumn it observed recenth “A train backs into the platform | Tnited States Wis Bot oil vy | PIO Rite DIATSR Wis Dod aRly In its minutes or so before ft mm es wis = infancy. bat owas practically moncoo- to start All this bustle aga | SUARCY, DHL Was Practica >in mn. The platform is ernwded | x engers Aang thelr Haig all ry . . | country with competition with the | my to gel (ht the Hal Exes fn the midst of the tarsal a8 sone Pebalent poner trundiing along 3 “Wan mers, YR Who gre mos? Yiely wk there would hardly Wore It fs Bret com first = reed. arate! railway terminus in London at the ee : ginning of the 20th veatury In a > i country which invented railways and + Which monopolized the manufacture (for many years had no rival in their young man whose early days had been passed In conalderable privation, It may have Deen te training In econ * wr manasement This is so primitive that onn doss | but the American way of Boat. ing cars is looked at askanes though | it has now sacured the approval of the | | Times, which seems to have stirred ta | Madam | Jadkson, looking aut of the window. | ts dapts the dereliction of the rail Kivling ronda tor wake EE WAY poriers Mi { Phtiadelnhia Pross tu was Snisiied off with silk of the | Bulgaria is shivpisg more than $1. £0 oh worth of cops to Nolgiay anay. monopoly of this trade. “Yom must et me gee you in ft ba | | manuiscture rentize how § Added, stepping lots toe | Win she riearped. she | | tare with visu {against sonata whELE ‘Cia the large tusked it into the rough Hie Rand. | EAR 10 ake tine ern and the other a failure She pennies and the dollars will Hew : Vas osnw Foran ton a A hoe Fp 4 | after themselves” “i 3 matim which | 8 1 88% before me had Te. ELL up thrown away. {the big jombeér mills of Mase snd I Michigan into the Why. you Jook just sa | {the matter thos attracted remuited in the Jiscovery that sawdost bad uses | profit to the owners many articles of consideradls oom Madam Jackson Wavad back She pprodacts, and the | turn, The burdens must ba taken up | Ullation, too, gas. aliohol acetic sell, tar and ofls sre obtained from the sandust. Thess (8 1808 are made nts | : panei, and blocks mentionod are lke | wike obtained Loleureiy | C agement of the concern, he ! that a work grt stoped | ting hours to eurd promptly issued sa a | bangs. | ally. aly for years bad almost a od a workman discarding a screw. He | dition, but now only a few pay heed to | . made inquiries and discovered that, In | f a PREDOMINANT FEATURE of oun | BIC INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES Frofite Are Largely Dus 10 the Cnre With Which FProvisiss fs Made Agpwxinit Fos: #ihie Waste = Why Yisiters Ase Net | Weicomnr, 88 8 Eolv, in Most Factories. : Few persons who sre not selves motively engaged in trade mnid prant a rode the practice of sroall sianomiies | Plays io the workings of the Big indus a trial enterprises of the presi day. To the giant United States Kran] ror poration, for lmstarews with Bs wr BE recenily announced of and waste irom dus wold haddly sp Ae & mater of fart, borwerer, such spree are very well worth wa 38s largely to the hie Bn 4 74 5 made ¥ profits are Jus Bo Geen Bag competing becossn io ail the branches of prodiaetion that it ten requires sotling toes th han the mers HTrdnes petwash eorgomt | (Cal and extravagast management In ] inan awe : Lstruek voles “Oh, thask you, thank | he smaliost and what ig zh the moet = impor reant ot Go | Fprse 8 $e feay “Lowik after : &ppiies with as geal foresee to the big corporations a it does to privale | . individuals, } } {ters of the swt has savnne BY With tin tie ghar ponce of Salf a domes | Fears sf the hAltherts Mrtle unkpows | town of Sanit Se Maris whers thal A few gears seo sawdust vesd to ba It was dumped from and canes many geridents i Bo great a navsance did the pawdget | NY x08 town cor JEOCRLIONE ware oii Laws were passed mak. tng it compulsory its dispose of the | maw ast in some other way, and for a Ume the mill owners resorted to the | sexpident of burming the waste pro | This dlaposttion of the sawdust oc | rassioned an extra *xpense and other TEARS wera sought hy whieh it cogid | be got rid of The attention which never dreamed of asd that instead of baling throws into the river or burned It might be made a means of farther Now sawdust is sade into a great mercial vaina Compresesd woolen | WANE, pasneir and pavement biocks are among the more familiar of theses industry is ates (ily incressing. By 8 process of doy dis sill cher prolfucts From the tar there ix obtained! benzoie jarx®n, | : fi saphthalene, and Bydrocarbons which | that 5 a all Sham { are used in the mamudactors of aniline | ° dyes. Carlolic acld 88d creceote are | i also obtained, Az the rattling wagon dlisappearsd | From the artificial wood a Bambee of valuable articles Yealdes the pal Frota the plastic meas | wirich results feom kifting out the CORTSer pRTiicies 3nd mixing the ro mainder with eafioas Rlers and ag giivants, there are manufsctarsd sabe for parquet Boors, bas reliefs art castings and dinner pistes The newest ase 0 has been put is as Toad foe cattle, For this purpose I la declared to be far. Superior 10 2Iraw, and fa probable that in a few years sawdust will be alos &8 valoable ag the gosind lumber Tha mills which were the firet to realize which sawdagst | have reaped | . cohave failed to ok Wer the sawdger piaints of travelers but sctuslly de | 0 PRUE Hem the £4 ti of elitorial matter to | ox waste have either barely describing the way | > fr which the raflfuads manage tilings | TRBRTUDLCY of kaye sold out to their | - So Bas be 3 ¢ EY wr ihn ! Gre sucess rivals, and silowed it te roptintgs going EER Fhe Ten years ago the watch trade of Hered by two dros. Huis gad Gor mag sarches were large sald in thi Eeavy prote 54 yi ii BIG " * 2 Cem ed 0%; * bere ant horn $ the pas LONI Tag Fad 1A pe md ix BAY | = for thi = There are sellom eno uh ; Was "that tracts ornles effected by American mus TY, A Tival to the two conoe here ten Years ago ad st its head a omy which Nis early experiences had hus given him that Jed him to ex amine with special care all the litle L detatis of the satalishmont and to he continually watchial for The following story Is told: (me | {that before day soon alter taking over the man during work. onder tahooing a A | A neh ia 16 be eco : have wearing Prarraed awgy an : ha he Aras i i oeEned to we : river streams and | Cslowed to setie In yreat banks, which | | mit only obstructed pavigation, but | Jor Moo, . | proved detrimental to fsh life Ex | | wish John could mee me.” the it | pining caused by the generation of | | Bas in the wet sawdust were frequent | newer to New wish, there | Madam | :¥ § i a catty Ya EE #3 Foam: “Come fn. won't yout EO sald, | h the neers Sealy Db aS a fa ag SME ® # i whe 18 sax to Coed to take Retin ARLsinat the Swnery : 1 ped the tsiiin Tha mas entersd. When the Dive | i L gowned radiant vision faced him, Se Lstarted . most unlingd | This water a.) | tation without in the “20 to maintain serrecy machinery aud | temdent aml LRDIGHRE the men. | party of strangers fo the factory fa a! i signal for rhe ¢ Land look st them, | grand, oa 0 | throw down tue pile. © had been removed, they examina? min. ; ately the spot on which the pie had ! rested | bowed heats, returned to the house. means and | methods that would prevent wasteful | noticed i Sepia, tn opder to make sure that her "bangs" He ! had not hidden itself some i On another ocvasion he notice. | i arin in sen. Approtioaately dredth pant of - ent. Sse #2 Absit elaborating har IY BCTEW 10 one stand | of these m5d omeTnies was sof Bape Onber | man pny fommi® thi Mem obliged | BE, ton abd Arserican ery And Ameri ore going to throw the dust Sack of the Son? Got a vad of chossecintlpe. op temnmven quant Hedew wii # fe rosie WRLC Rin adie Sau ean oe Ax tha Faivien sale RIL ik 3 Ba & aid shat. we far the hundred ¥eloped thea freem hosd to {oof that oped the Em fbn might adhere 10 thelr pr time ees nied EY of her aire time conn antrivances’ snd | her Hat pork om basal meparstively young men in od ‘shan foe pare.” One. of the greatest indwetrial con waters of Lake Superior empty ints fake Huma, The rocco of this vi enleraring wha the et IS sum of IIT 00 8 (a being pimat for the mnanulsotime ted eariety uf Gf steel snd wond, ciely to the mventive genius and pew sconces of otis THAD. with (he weanaficture of wood pulp the paip aw tun the value of He article AfNer mach study and experience a pew process wera devized, and now pln ls prodooed 3 In 8 muck Jrisr state and the waste sted in any one of as doses different of meres ln frdpht charges is saved : Other factories where the waste sriil’ goes on have liad thelr profits aimost '9TOR, oid prints marine views, pho entirely wined out hy the reduced : | price at which the pulp can now be | gold A few years go It WEB & very forme managers of mon practice for the mits snd factories fo asbow whalers ofer thelr premises & forort feainres of (nterest 3. worth the incidental tronble Now i the country permits ities to pis 8 entrance to ia warks bg wigan to that affect are Jisplayved 3 a " . T RS At 1 4 whi a | comaniencusly on the gates outside thoroughly blendad this was posired i Car Em wall fn desired : : 3 wk J p regarding the TOT™ed A bard wilte cake that will the plant but simply | (that tis & waste of time i the time of the manager or superin | It ogame a waste of time Tho reason i not (hel PRTgent mean 4 dhminighad output, een the originator GRATER gait § Bs a] sf 5 RY Yn BIBGHE of ox Cyiatinn went out inte Saran mln hotige and ow qd poien { 5 carriid 4 an sig evr fxed og he sh Ne wore onking for Fioally of ew ail blkited in silently arog rn and J} sagnething. poireny of 3 iRrge pile of stones, and lay. | 32774 aside tae lanterns, proceeded to Alla every stone and then slowly, sna with This is sn old Nermidn custom, and it was observed in this instance be cause the dond man was 3 naive of Oi. sof. There [3s a tradition in Normandy barying a body all (he ground arvand his dwelling should be thie 80% wiere. At one time every family in rmandy faithlly observed this tra | tBat is of seme yee Wine up the dirt ani shake it oul of doors, Bat dom’t Sepend on ote dus of tem S08 Eve reine and be » gray mies especially smart shades us chemical grodacts ag well x due terns | the paper and cut from it a wide strip The frm striiing isavation which! | was effected at the “Son” bad to J Very often an. penplore was detalled to take the | strazgers salout and point out the dif It owas Cthokight goon] wdvertising and wells Hardly & factory : punee of pure white wax was mized It wastes the “small Rich Amsricsn mang | England moa hag loag been vapecially in the! afturnoan tea to eup of rice in salted dry. Rab through a colander Pat away that feather duster? What's the pee of weveping of rou RSF WBE and then yom Rave 3 duster Wit it vou cam how BB ter. make two or three so that they van be pat in wash snd you cab have 8 es | tieam OSs cotasionally, ; Tseaies thal | ; C wend weigh by electricity to within | th pert of Bn cunece: girie) Holand overalls, en ou, operation Proper Way to Beil Water. To boll water fs an apparently slime . Bnd yet tin sald hat MARY people do mot krow how to do fo. According io xa authors fhe se ever consis tn puting fresh water “into 3 kettle already warm asd set bin Sine. that Tel Ey fhe loge of sven: aon I ps is LEE NF ARF Oh O00 should be need at apse for making REDR | ten, onflen or other Jrinks and not ¥ saving ad alowed to team, zimmer and BRP Late antl the pod water [5 in the ate mokphers and the lime, ron and dregs Lonly left in the kettle Cin the manver deseribed and Ssvorel Lwith 8 Ue lemon Juices Bu offen tees | smmendod | Joss of appetite ting he water to boil goickly When the boiling point {a reached the water Water bolle to those sullering footy Da HR PRA Eaves the Seraps of Wall Pages, Yo scraps of wall paper should De | tZrown away. They can be afitised in [B Jdosen different and preity ways One of the charming ings makable i rom them is a lamp shade. Cartridge paper in old rose, oak, yellow. stone sige green sw regimental ef the pisin. colonial or Empire pas Take a yarn aod a quarter of on tis bins Fold 18 around tae wire Erpire frame and paste od oe SERN [as Telly as posaihie Eind the wp By the rorhods poeriongly pr alread | wind out for export con : {aimed a large propoection of water | Jed to the walght, and’ consequently to the cost of trRBRpOT } feat (ncreasing and botiom of the shade with & Bar tow Rip of smooth paper. paper bor der or ribbon. The Lisding may be either darker or lighter in toos than the paper of the ahade itself The re. sity gotien br this simple means Bre 50 good that masy women now buy or beg scraps of wall paper from Paparing establishments When oar tridge paper is used it can be decor ways--wilsr colors, magazine pies "Where's tha starch polish ™ called {de new girl om Monday after Oe manner of “new girls” who take it far granted that all the special rogaine menty of “my way of doin’ thisgy” must be at head when dJdensnded This particular variety of starch pob ish was not on hand on this oorashon, however and the brocess of prepar ing It was watohed with stereit, One With two ounves of spersuaieci and 8 large piack of salt. When melted an} ton cup to bavome coid and it soon mot wmonld or aon A place abot the size of a grals of corn is pat ato saBciept hot starch for two or three shirts Then. in iron ae ol BE. Alter pressing well once, the Hr * v The entrance of 81, oned surface is dampensd with & # 5 EEE A Pe J * & 4 £ ” ; ployes to turn about | SCAR. BOR, damp cloth aad rudbbed The lows time mae | amount to only A mingle or two for! . : : BIRT No uy a Mpa TU the shirt dosormn will began vellow xc Bmpliye, of even a great deal ews than that, but repested two or | threo times 3 day, and fn every Ja the Juss gmooints upd oa) very Jdefiniie guapiity. And lost tions with the frog until glossy. Tle ron must be malarately hot--4f toe hot dering the poiishing: to coal BB will taka logger Io oe Ee right pole ah Philad wipht hia Record, Gi rou SEHD RECIPES . 0 ow -. » Onion Sawes for Bolled Fowl Peel threw good siaad onions and conk Hil vary tender. Take them out. mash tira, and mix with them a Saudial of fine bread erumbe s3lt pepper, bate tor and & Httle Jess than 3 pnt of mii Add more ernimbe i pectnary, ti: fave i of a good cosststeney for LBRO. Spanish Ries Pudding Cook one per Mail tee ar. thes drain asd Une a maid: $3 with ao pint of faied salves South a cup of ick white sane, His of with hail al soap sae of salt and Borsscadds add a plovh Sf CAveLDe: Sover wih ware rie | Bake in a pan of water fur footy imine tee, Oarnish with pickics parsiey tabd elaves, Rew! Broth Wash well tan pounds % af lean beef cur in small phoces, and put wo boll in three guaris of cold waist, Biim frequently while halk ing ant when reduced to one QUAIL taka from pw abd siraln, Heturn to pot with bail a pound of van beef chopped fine and well mixed with three raw eggs. Beat all together and return to fire Boll half an hour, or until clear, thea strain and season Ww asta Frijoie Croguettes.— Boil one cnpfal of Lrown beans aatil well lone asd To this puip add one np of brems crumbs, ons onion minced, a tabiespocndal of minced parsley. one teaspoon of salt and two wellbeaten egra. Mix wall together, form Into cylinders. 4p nn $ beaten eg. then in cracker dust and fry a golden brown on both sides in deep fat; drain. Serve with a tiny | 19 Pevver stuck In top of ach, w “
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers