The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 24, 1902, Image 5
and 1 frealynents wilt he wrrved. {reasonable terms mation call on or address Jas. Mellon, | i Paton, Pa. — Farmers should scquabnt them. Fasten with the law relative to planting trees along the public road. The law of Pennayivania silow a certain sum a apart is limited. Te aonvaty 0 ein issioners last week awarded the contract for the iron | work of the new bridge Btonvoresk river to Georg ; : To Mr. and Mrs. Albert : on Tharsday olf ol MM Harsh berger, of Johnstown, for $4475, and “the masonary work to J A Lord, i Hastings, for $2,648. i and Mm KE. 0. Harteborne. of of 0, were in town on Sunday. : ; artes 1. Millar storms were nme rous th 5 al} hotel Loi proprietor of the A Hone, and Miss : samerone 1 hat brant in thie BE {re aptil ¢ CereTRONY Son phase in St John’ § Prosathedeal at J © the Hew. Horgan >i. Bhs fr rif ating C4 65 oy 3 Mis Margucet Little, of Loretto, relatives in town over. Spent The lame, Patton Ie Again Bagiian a Day will be the Bext att ed thie Hii a beg gear £4 How will P atton ob wouring the town for lhe past fow | (faye and every freight train brings in “To Mr. and Mrs Thos Cart more recroite, A tramp convention : Thomas Mill, on Satordsy - % © this vicinity in a few days, it Hober. of Getteborg. was | this week looking after bast. forest fires this week, and aihough no cperions damage was done the flames at | Miscou 2 Annabelle Gunsalos | tien assumed dangerous proportions. and Rhody visited friends in Ebens- | (An alarm of fire was turned in yester. : ee day afternoon and the Saw CHMPRLY | responded promptly with all the hose Cavsilable, bat their services were not Deeded. : : : WW, H. Denlinger, of this place. Miss Nettio Wallace, of Johns. Jas H. Allport, of Hastings, and J 8 sperit Sunday with friends and Denlinger, of chased the Buriey Heater (o's plant at 2 a Indian midicine show is hold forth in Firemen's Hall every other opinion for a new trial in Trove and have organiied a ek | alints, ai wili pants the tiutoons with | _ Susie Wentz the music the vim and vigor for which these has moved into his pew stoido Rentiemen are noted. yn bui ! ~Buperiatendent Allibone, of the C. in every style, fresh every | & CO. division of the Pennsylvania rail : Restagrant. Families oe . qnart _ bary & Lewistown division. His sve. | pessor has not been apprinted ss yet, I pot in this county is but it is to be hoped that he will vie to simmer and inside of a will be boiling at lively rate. (pot for Patton in & more fay { A good second hand (Hight than his predecessor. . for cash. Call on tf Moses. Mot ormick, Ardell and) Prank Kinkead Patton, Fa. , Gronidd had been present Monday night » owned by the borough they wonld have furnished a gquoram the only kind displayed on and a connel meeting would have been Yeorlly, it was a windy ‘hald. As it was, the new council Toon wis only graced by the presence of : A bunch of keys Owner remident Donnelly and Messrs. Lingle, by calling at this office, | Prineditle and or iy and paying for this | tary exercises bad fo be postponed. he tigoor wen of the toualy Pos Patton is to haves good pane itodiiog a petition asking Joie. this season it is time the O'Connor to change the roles of Court r and 10 permit then to keep open all night ‘and to do away with the 10 ¢'elock Eres and single mon of Ung rule established by ex-Judge ; their annoal | Barker yeurs agy. The petition will be superior exhibitions on the - pres sehen 4 Fa Hix Hone ONE seen 48 then dewiresd number of signatores can be oliained. ~ Mrs Susan Hamer and daaghter, | ates Mattie Files, left Priday morning for Pattbn, to make their home with the former's son, fully engaged in hrs, effort ss being made to institute y ; 1d *aocens- | the youd from Hastings a traveling man’s grip. | : Their departure is reprotied by 1 please lexve at the Primer al ¢ past year, visited choir for years — Philipsburg Journal. or, Ma John Karten, of ; © 8 Be a of Johm 5, 1 the Patton COURIER of days last week in his candidacy for ‘county | ness of OG. 8 Good and intends consol | | dating the stores in the Good Building. drag store will be moved | Well, “Charley” we are sorry to have in the Goldstein block you give up your residence here to 8d by the clothing depart. | Iannch in business at Patton, but every Sish pros. 3 | wern installed at the stables of Immer. ‘grun, Charles M. Schwab's summer home. The cows are said to have come from Missouri and are very fioe speci Several excellent horses also Larrived at Lorstto a few days ago for The cows are to | mens ‘ Mr. Behwalds farm 1 furnish milk ¢ the bastion ia He wbitliny - C. Brooks, aged 2 years, & heskeman oo the XN Y GR 1] : ralirosad wi r A ER ; sh Pasion, fad « ane of bh hinking —— of ottor | + hospital, Philipsburg, Eagan. a . the result of so socidont that befell ~—Dinsmore Bros. have purchased pin last Thorsday When the lot on East Magee avenue adjoin. the accident happened he was on his ing : Goldstein block for $1,025 and train nesr Morrisdale Mines | erect 8 YWo-story building on the deuly the brake chain t : “wns thrown between the cars. The! sefinctory mule, who exercised train went nioe miles beyond this place ative of bis class, sent Clair before they missed Brooks. They then | pet dog “Flirt” to canine went back with the engine and found va well directed | the unfortunate man lying along the track with his knee crushed. the Catt ge alleen, A few hohses and lots in Patton and Carroll township adjoining Patton | borough, will be sold cheap and on | For further infor- | morons the iis ELECTRIC will protmbly be held somewbere in w Patton bas bear aurrounded by any other. as good, prices right. Champion Road Machines, MONONGAHELA PURE RYE per quart, The Pittsburg, have pur. road. hae been transferred to the San- | ; the serions question of & new union de. Probwrt and the dedica- | dom, Who IR RTE the bakery business | & farge circle of friends and ba serions : loss to the Latheran chureh, Mrs, Flos : Baribel sim, who has resided ‘having been 8 veloed member of the AR announcement that appears in of this week wl | brings the news that Charles F. Pitt Wi | ss absorbed the old-establisbed busi. : TOZER, The Patton Juvweler, * ins cus of aw are glad sans Uioes oes | ok : mice Raid. | broke and be Is now in order and todo it properly you must have the proper tools. We have them ‘and at prices as low as the. : % 4 mem lowest, for each tree planted niong the high. The distance tress ars planted : ging. When the garden 15 completed the real trouble be. Does Your Neighbor Keep Chickens? A compiete some Our and domestic 1 JUST R FEW WORDS fine of wities, handle brandies the mi and liquors at moderate prices. age guaranteed, a trizi and be con- ciai J PRY Best Quality CEURER Eine LIGHT GLOBES. Try Ts "FRENCH “Sterling Special.” ; ay SD one and vou will PORT & A complete line of SOT buggies mTOR Tet tie Fi 9 PURE € A LIFORNIA BBA NDY, par : quart. 75 op. : Deering Mowers, Binders, Reapers znd Rakes, Conklin TIPPECANOE PURE RYE per quart, | Wagons bi Syracuse Plows, #0 Tin, Copper and Iron Work. and Ye me "LARETS from Marie Pare & Cie, per bottle, from Se to $1.50. RHERRY, CLARETS, vineyurds, per bottle, from 400 Lo BE OO per quart, $1.00, “Everything in Hardware.” | CORDELL & £0. Fifth Ave. PATTON, PA. oon In New York: 1 5 alph Waldo Emerson, Leto in an essay on eloqu gence, 8 2d, iD speaking of a man Ww Kom he described as a Godsend to his town, “He is put together hike a Waltham Watch” - ICH tis thistime ¥ : ? : Horse 1.2%, wh and 60. | mit Here are a few of our brands: Heard from RHINE WINES, imported and Out fornbes freon Bie fo 35.50 California cibeyards, per guard, HELLE OF DAUPHIN PURE RYE, “OLD PUT" RYE, 10 Years Old, Magee Ave, Cost PHONE. As py th od tor DCW blan} ile Go FI Kets they "Three Red Cross and Sum- | Heaters will he sold at. good barguins. Waltham Watches are sold by 10 For Family and Medicinal Use, per gaat, $1.50 ; ED. A. MELLON, Pater » I / ¥ A “ Patten, Pa. Bb x) H & ) ods « ty : 59 Come and see our Summit Red Cross ranges. Fully guaranteed or money rebin ge] {ylass, paints, white lead, otls—miners’, kerosene, lin- seed, eta, at lowest prices. Largest line general ha rel ware tars in this end of the Fourth Ave. PATTON, PA. for Drader in RE Corncerian: Lime, [Feed and Prowvis- ONS. county. VOrse t rr ars Loe Lng and HITE if mtare, J. E. KIRK'S HDW. furnt- sand see AT i Re fiat & FURT. STORE. Fi rst-Class Goods. Stock and New Give me a call Magee PATTON, PA. Ave, right, look from the M oney Saving Store. . here ollowi ng ; make if it is shoes that are made right and wear right, we have them. w + Tr . if tis priced shoes, The Shoe business is all coming our way. imported Foi aan iii the manu she es and New Shoes " id Oxiords ing mn from all the best shoe makers in all the down to date sty jes. We have the aogest | stock and lowest prices for quality mn Patton. facturer, we save vou ir FOI, Our SEE OUR NEW LINE OF HOSIERY. THE PR REMIT M BRAND SHIRTS: s for the Money. It will pay you (o come miles to buy Patton Supply UNDECIDED WEATHER. BUT VERY DECIDED STYLES 1shinn 3 WwW Ors ti ads : cht overtones: omnia tr 1 aghter and brighter ind I weeds in gray, ¥ Che ¥ tot 5 in OFrOwnD and Says: { low Il. dgement but fas cts boiled vour ortunty. I don’t ! jal alicntion OO our date trouser: ngs. Dinsmore Bros., Merchant Tailors, Patton, Pa. Frans tha Ci Cot SEE] W e call large line of up-to comes the man who ayv-to-wear ements ha BOCs Su 1% on SHER Makes gosot matertad, & a, proving themed ves, 1 avery oy We wupt The ma wirnitier we are are showing in SFRING SUITS. Ee Yn io din Fun amon TE tho art the » ‘, SHIT and see what we WOLF & THOM PSON, Sy The People’s Clothiers.