HRS lh Stow! ¥. ig the Cuban patriot ght blanket gazed up coment at the burning ii the heavens, then fell again, Senor Captain? se cool to think so lightly | saked, ours.” : ba Ldbre! Yon are right, Snass, As the two ones gide by side in the soft of the moon it is eany to are not of the lower roa. 8 party that com tivision of the patrist the Cuban planter, a gen: he highest Jegree. armed with small arms i weir Appearance indi thay have seen military ser. the wime to read our gen cons, Pedro. the senor é88 UPON our actions to Fe that at this Yery ackage from beneath the fold he continued 8 moment ores is terse and sends to do much aguinat great odds says, is a guarded prison Spanish camp, but his where rs pot; and yet wo are © him at the risks of our 8, and when we have accom: d this recelve any reward we Valentino, the terms " 0 or three hundred Job Listy He; | let us aston. i more hae ccmmon. whey first fie " "rake one more y Took So we leave on our des | 4 th ot the (Bomb at the f Hghts a mile or 30 off on the 1 . true Cuban, and will not e hour of need ; if be does, oy and ua” me, senor, small need to flow; It all hanes by a thread wen the rebellion. The death 1 weakened our end somewhat ; ‘ od fever comlined with should yet more than us should fall tonight, id be left behind with a pieces 3 heart, remember the of a comrade and friend and send $8 to the fallen one's home.” inacoin! Senor, do not Eo Jdespondently, for God's sake. rowing dark and the chills creep back like slimy reptiles. If any es onignt, it will be me, mark | Slowly, almost with the tardiness of hours, the minutes passed by. "It is accomplished.” Valentine mut. tered, as & low whistle was borne to his ears, Btretohing hs limbs to give them their former strength and suppleness, the Insurgent hurried off in the Jdi- rection of the pound. He had not ad | vanced far befors be discovered Pedro | the sentinel “Have you killed him, senor?” ke “No, the follow only scaral and has aiready given us the desired In formation. The one we are in search | of 1s confined in a tent jus outside the - | general's headquarters up on the hill yonder where you sco the three rod lights: help me bind and gag bim, senor.” It took but & moment to make the , and the two were on | general's tent | | was less than a quarter of a mile dis | tant, but the greatest precaution was prisoner socnre thelr way again. The necessary in Jdodging the sentinels, “Thers at last I believe we are safely insids the Hines, senor.” “Not yet, Pedro” : “Arto!” (halt) cried a low firm voles of command. Both eame to & dead etop. but the quick witted Valentine was equal to the emergency. The carabinero who had eo suddenly changed the tide of events stood with his gun at his shoul. der a dozen foot to the right "We ara friends. senor.” “Give the countersign™ “That we cannst Jo: but wa must gon the general tonight, as we have important information. Here ig a pers mit that has passed us thus far--see for yourself that it is not a frond” and the Cuban held out the letter Taken off hia guard by the apparent frankness of the man before him. the ansuspecting carabinero allowed the’ ‘bit of his rifle to fall to the ground and stretched forth bis hand for the | paper, There was a bright fash of steel as it passed through the alr “The night has ita victim.” muttared | - Valontino as he wiped off and sheath ed his blade” "Tia some poor | mother's eon, hardly beyond the limits of boyhood yot, and still if bad to be done” “And a masterly stroke that did it— right to the heart, senor, without a | doarhe “ome” The captain eonll say no mora; tears were In bis eves and he wished that the hellish work was undone. He | could hardly suppress & sob ax he thought of the aged mother on the other side of the sex, waiting and prayiag for a son that wosld never re. turn. Oh, the anguish of (Nat mo ment! Suddenly he halted. for abead of Bim, not a dozen rods, was the tent for which be was searching. Pedro | remained a few steps behind to guard against surprise, and salons the brave rebel captain erept up to the canvas fap. ; There was a light Inside: he peered | i 3 Pilla | £ud freedom, while in 4 peacerai illa i stane for the foundation and the haul in—there spon & bunlie of blankets, with hands and fot securely bound lay—not a man, but the form of a | beantifal girl For a moment he could hardly de | Heve his eyes. Was she the spy? “Ah Like a flash of lightening the truth | dawned over him; he Bad sclived the mystery. "Benorita®” he callad softly. “There was a stir among the blank. eld, and a pale sweet face with soft black curls clinging about it like a - veil, was raised from its hard pillow, "A friend to ald you; oge who has | 4 iis sald many of the men yeaal in; changed to Llu i cont are of silver braid, and there a : yoar wellfare at heart The girl raised herself still highor, but not a sound escaped her lips. It Waa not necessary, the soft eves alone | told the story, Bwiftly Valentino crossed to the pal let—ewiftly he severad the cords that | of the war in South Afriea a consign. | bound bor tender limbs—and swif: tiv be caught her lovely form in his arms and dashed into the open alr. It was all ever in a minute, for the Cuban hal thrown eantion to the winds; his only thought—his only pur: “Arto! © Who goes there? The sharp rattle of a carbine rang | out on the still plight air and the CATO | wae awakes “Courage, senorita, we will pass them yet, Pedro. Heo, Pedrat™ “Hare, senor. Hasten, are fo the hollow just beyond the LiL” i i % { fenher-root the barges | It was a race for lite, and the pas | triots won. Hardly wers they mount ejed and off before a dozen or more = Pedro! 1 1 Be Suddenty thrown kim- r for fall a minute , then proached his cumpanion. 1,” he explained in a dq and force him to betray of the confined spy.” here are the chips—once, carabineras rushed into the hollow. “Caballo! dischargad their weapons, | the captain asked as he rode up be | “side her. “With ease, she answered bravely, | smiling bravely through the gloom. “They are on horses and in pursuit, senor.” carried the generals without apparent injury. i pentise, chloroform and ammonia can | “Afviean PoSa Was to eouvey his precious P When charge to a place of safety. Alas! that his haste was to prove so fatal : f povel form of military boat. Caballo!” they cried and | terials consist aimply of sixteen lanesa | in ordinary use and an outer cover of | "Can you hold your seat, senorita?” [ strong sail cloth supplied with Joo oe. | c through which the weapons ara tplacad, Vendy put t losing strength. but still the noble nimal plunged on till {ta heart burst; and with an agonizing groan it stum- bled and fel dead. In a moment Valentino had the giv] on his own mount, and was daskiog away In pursuit of Pedro “Courage, senorita” he muormerad softly, and pressed her closer to his Finpgee! That fatal hullet zipned close t to the taptain's head and wan instantly fol i owed by a heavy fall - “Great God, fn Heaven, comarada, : t or 3 a bending over the prostrate form of 27° You hurt? No anewer, “Dread” That one solemn word was uttered with a pathos that boded {il for the perpetrators of the deed, POh, ye tramplers of human rights, may your bone decay in every hidden swamp and recess of Cuba, and may | the power of despotic Spain sink be asath the billows of nation, Hos, radve~my friend” The carabinéros were close upon tha faghtives pow, and with a last look at his beloved comrade the captsin | struck hin spurs deep in his horse's flank and sped eastward, "Courage, senorita, courage” he thera remaing ane other all others fail ave you faith In me?” her fara and say og ban patriot caver bef 4 the wo Oat ; ria Tats Never hefore had the young OAD | rend aor the Englisli langage sprken, been placed in such a oritieal position Hot bad not bean for bis beautifol charge, he would have tured back and died bravely, fighting over the bexly of bis slain comrade, the glorious ovas had cast a goell over Bim which wae not easily thrown off; sha was more than life tv him now. “Oh, my God, they are gaining on ug, senor! See! They level thelr pleeos— they fire!” “inferno! The horse ia striack--he 13 down! Cling to me senorita” The quarry was run to earth; Valen. | tings mat resolve was shalterad: he Leonid pot now forfeit bis own life for that of bis companion. Hut low himself to be taken captive, What was that? A terrific explosion. 8 stream of quivering flame shooting out from that : Impenetrable mans of darkoess, anil the foremost dragoon tmbiss from hig bores as lifeless as the weather beaten rocks about him, Crraaack! Viva Cuba Libre” And they are saved. * » * ¥ | shoald flow as free ax water in that | dark, gloomy pasa befora he would al the soa, carrying | with it every vistage of the accursed / Oh, Pedro, my copy ; supply bi want of it The next day the msurgent band brave rescurer in triumph back to the rebel camp: and with his darling—the | doomed spy ciaxnsl olose breast the old man implored God to daughter and ber | CEimple Rindiess to his pour forth the biessings of heaven | upon the arads of the two heroes both | ving and dead, And Valentino at the head of his, machetoars, Jel them on to victory Back in the bills a Besatiful gizl a spy. aited and watched for him, her loved | ate to return —~Warverly Magizine QUAINT AND CURIQUS SRNR A fiy will survive long immereicn and all af the work af the farm CEI in water and will sustain the odors | disinfectants | Only tur | of sulphur amd other got the better of a fy, aie 56" Ne QUAINTEST VILLAGE whiznered over and aver again. “Yet | : final resort | I will save you Each man his own fortune in his own hands —Goethe, It is wonderful how near conoelt Is to insanity. Jerrold. Nutional enthusiasm, is the great Burfery of genius -~-Tuokerman. He that may Binder mischief yet breast nestling her face among her | permits it, 1s an ancessory.—E. A. Fre : beantifal waving curls, man, Fixed to no spot ia happiness: ‘tis nowhere to be found, or everywhera — Pope, Heo that thinks he can afford to be negligent is not far from being poor, Johnson, Fretfulness of temper will generally | i characterize thoes who are negligent of order — Blair, No man ever became great or good | except through many and great mis | takes Gladstone, The first duty of life {5 to be calm; for the calm mind seeks the truth as the river seeks the sea -~lawrence, i you resalve to do right you will soon do wisely: but rescive only to do wisely snd you will pever do right 3 : | There are Ruskin, There {8 no polldy like politeness; and a good manner {5 the best thing in the world to get a pond name oF to Bulwer, Ey Queer Little Town be 0 “in Wheres Eng. Hash Is Nevsr spoken, he Eee of Matrimony on Wontat Pro. brated bachelors? asked a COTTE Epon J works and thore of greatest merit was an outspoken woman hater, seems he says that “for men of higher Inte | devoted to art and selenice, celibacy in La Bruyers, too, thinks that “a man Levery man lon worse man in propor {tion as he is unfit for the married Lombgte ¥ t in THE LAND. can either lve plously or dle plight eons without a wife, and even Val Ctalre, though a baehelor Bimsedf, aj here ig one viliage in the United | of modern ws Bik ever sauidnd. whey American newspapers gre. not Tas Is the Hite German village of Blandort, fn” Patmon county, Oalo, where 800 Frugal aad fadusirious ne sontented and dyilie slmpiieity, In the buliding of the town, as iu everything slse about it, the people have held very cloasly to the enstoms of Germany, from where its foan lars came, There Is bat one street. find Iy north and south Quaint, durable and homelike are the houses scattered along ofther she interspersed here asd there by the stores. All the ree dences have spaciobn and wall kom disgrvards, Back and away laborers can be sess and heard at thelr work in the flelde—-etreticl the {thrifty farms of the German country folk, It is not an Boe Woniel and girlie a wok in tae Belde with the wer, and ihe whole popuintion shows (hal rugged health BO characiorintie of tha roe, Among themusives the peonle eons Yorke gigiost entirely in the Gurpian there are a; great many in the community whe can | speak no other i Rnd clever, and the strasger who goes | lanes, and, mdesd, TOY ave generous Among thom always Binds a hospitable welcome and Is jmpreszes with their Nowhers can be found 8 more devoutly religious peo ple. They are of the Catholie faith, and possess one of the finest church buildings In Nortowaestern Ohio, This edifice has in (tse? been means | (of making Glandorf famons, because Hf ite size and the beauty of ita archi. tecture. Although niost of the work {af construction, the quarrying of the | | Ing of the material was given gratls by members of the parish, the cost Coutalde of all this was over $50 064, : The stroctare fy of brick and {8 orna- i mented with white sandstone The pniform of the postman of Nor | way ia dark green in eolor, though + : The facings of tha ia small eackade of the Norwegian Peolora on the based round the cap, a @ pn! that year, voted hing Hack of the churel is the convent, pected with {tis looked after by the pintors, LaTayeites » Yanda, When Lafayetie came to the United Btates in R34. at the invitation of congress, that bolr. on December 28 a grant of $200 000 in money and a township of nad to he sented] amber the autsarity i of the president on any woappropriat led public lands Some months before the outhreak | ment of twenty thousand tumbler was sont to Cape Town, This location was made io what was then Kgown as Went Florlda and contained 23.088.53 i seres. The ecity of Trilahassee stands They were i engraved with the motto of the Soak Republis, and drinking they took Cape Town, rs meant for! the health of the burghers A Russian nobleman of Immense wealth has wit upon a afl method veiling for 11,500 acres of of ceiling decoration. Ever iin his mansion containg a a deal i i Ling with an episode In te earese of | | hls ancestors, and the whole forms Cwhat is. perhaps; 8 unique example of © graamontatinn, extraordinary work, mrlenmion Nearly | | $4001 G00 has been expended upon this the parish of Pointe Chupee, ¢ present state of Louisiana The soldier in the German army is { Bow taught how to put together a A handfl of soldiers cannot | it together in a very fow mins i utes, but are able to pull {t to pleces {atl a moment's notices, “l fear we are lost.” interupted Pe- | dro. “Why so, comrale?” horse 8 dving'” The captain lurched in his saddle as though struc by a blow, first time ha hotired the spasmo.lic the Si —— The ma! i fipon a part of the land so located, ; Bates wheres no meders uorovesnent | 1: gwar the girl would Bey 0 Ey i ey 3 Ang fn an tae £0 Ha BE | bus ever penetrated where not tie “Faith unbounded. You are a Cul faintest echo of the rash ans overwar {ter all & question that can be declded *ooply individually, and sitimately ail | repens upon tie kind of 8 wife ons | i chances to draw in the matrimonial j be denied that thirre are a great num. { ber of famous bachelors, and #8 is ; doubtial if with a Xantippe for a wife . | habitants have Hved for years ig a. But this p i glorious work girl with the lovely waving hair and | B-arie or | bean in love, anewerad in all sincerity, § Se that extends for over a aille generals | { Leibniz. The latter's maxim was | before taking so important a step as | marrying, and when ho had deliberst. from thin priavipal sliest—yi to near that the : that she, ton had deilersted the | ! maine, | philosopher, had the inst years of his dacommon sight to : bousekvener, who estranged him from the world, so that she might the more i fortify her sway gpon the unfortunate PERVERT i yongeanes, indeed! Nistache were onmarriod eanding to Johnson, “marriage is the | phasl, Michael Angelo amid Leonardo | names Reothoven and Brahms, who i never knew the yoke of matrimony. | | Even among the statesmen are found lien, and in mode ‘a crown The King of Sweden was Casiked what was bis conception of real oA AI AAG The patent for the land was (ssued on | wily 4, 1825, and presented to Lafay- we 3 > * and» : P you a Sdnt gris in person by Genre Gragam of Virginia, then the cowmmisgioner of) he general land office Prior to 182% thorized the sorerar? of War to issue F fabhows: a mora digagreoable than the woman | congress by act of March 3, 1808, au. | : i 2s 7.2 ys | who considers ber children the health. toy Major General Lafayette warrants | land, and hy act of March 27, 1864, authorized Lim to lo- | known as the territory of Orleans. | The location was accordingly made on | the west bank of the Mississippi, in | te these lands wers lsened tn Lafay- erie ehrly in 181 in the | Patents | Iodizastmous ane, it is known that | he sold the Louisiana lands and sap | posed that he did the same with tae | Morida ands Detroit Free Press, a Query. {quired The latest scientific proposition 1a ta : i shock the consumption bacillus to ! death with electricity. Eighty thous ind volts are by be disseminated i tirougheat his diapSrngm. and this no Reproductions of ths ancient “Cor | | enation Spoon” in the regalia of Eng- | i land are being sold in London, Its “Because, L—1--Valontino, the girl's | cdates the reign of Charles II. The! : handle, which was originally decorat. ed with enamel that has Leen worn | | away, bas four pearls set in the broads , e est part. The speon Is about saves | For the | inches love amd is used to receiva ee] the anointing oil when It Is poured t sen they begun to eater from the ampulla. doubt will prove a getiler: hut ve are wommewhat at oa loss to understand how the effectiveness of this to a microbe without slightly dlsar ranging the placility of the body that ficts as a storelionze for the microbe, “If the body can stand thls Tremendous J surreal when it 18 thened on gradual Iy. why can’t the hitherto indestrie. ' {ibla bacillus stand 11? Memphis Com. mercial “Appeal, dass of | : Bafped Hphraing ean ba admbaiete exact age is not Known, but it ante. C82ined lightning can be administered Proval oo opersonggex Bave contributed. | Some of the opinions expressed i the book are decidedly amusing To the | question, “What is your idea of hap | pineas? the King of Greeco replind: The people of the parish are very i strict in thelr church duties, duptivennes, Is not bachelorhiood more caloulated to further man's productivencss than matrimony? (lan vou name some cafes dent of the New York Tribune This question has bog variously anxweradd Daron clalms chat the host have proceded from the unmarried or childiess men. Schonenhaser, who to have shared the same opinion, for lectital pursuits, {or posts, philoso phere, and, in geseral, for all those preferable to matrimony as the yoke of matrimony {« an impediment to pro ductiveneas” Moore expressed a gine ilar thought with regard to poets. unattached and without wife, if he have any gentus at all, may raise him. self above hls original posts tion and hold himself on a level with the highest, while this is less easy for him who is ongaged ™ huwever, pthera who | hold quite a contrary view, Thus ae hest state for man in gensral. and be Richter holds that no man mits that marriage renders a man | more and morp wise, Bulb this ls an lottery, However this bs, it onnnet these mien could have asaioved their Take, for (nsance, Alexander von Humboldt, who when seiko by a woman if he lsd paver “My love has always been for ses I Could matrimony render hap py such a man? Isaac Newton was » bachelor, So wers also Kant and that one should deliberate forty years ed long enough. she whom he asked for a wife refused him. on the plea Roussenn, another bachelos Hie embitiersd iy the tyranny of his Tels vas matrioiony with a Mato, Bpinora, OF Bape hus lor poets there occur to us this names i of Menander (BC. 343281), who . Bings, “Happy as 1, wlio have no wife". furtherppore, Petrarch. Tasso, Dante, Calderon. Tha thies most 11s tinguished painters of alt times. Ra da Vinel died tnmarvied. Among mu: sleians bachelors are rarer: still, we ean elite in our Het two prominent many who Seb iiues o matrimony, Riche times, Gambetta ani Caprivy ard satasces, Gond Renting in Quen’ s Alba, A London paper gives an interes. fog account of ko album awne! by the Queen of Greece, to which many Abways to have & soveralen without | j-have to disappoint vou. all right, lady. cout if 1 could take a sleep in de next lot here widout bein’ worried by offers unhappiness, and answered that he could think of nothing worse than | tight shoes, a corn and n neavy foot | on it. When Edward VI was red fests] to reves) the parson against whom he bora tio greatest grudge, ge | answered, “Tie man who insists aps or pointing hig gmbralla at me and exclaiming, These ka a!’ The Em | peror of Austria gave a different an. swear to this guery. and 38.0 me could think of no person whom he disliked mors Han the man whose onstomary groeding was “Gond hesvens, how old The Empress of Ruse | aia answered the same question as! “For me thers {8 no porach fest in the worlil, and who loons wo on other childran as belug very intel Hegent bat fearfally weak and Jeltcate. : : Kansas v Jomrnal, eats the warrants io what was then | Razsas Ci Fires Ara Costly in i.armpe, Chief Dutton was seated in his office A few days ago when be peeeived a roe : port of & fire. The binge had been a | and the chief was nat urally interested itn the reatter of its origin. “Hoes the report state that an aver heated stove caused the fire” he in- | “I think it dooe™ he was informed, “Its no ogood thing for the owner of I the property that he {ves in the United | { Mates.” i one of the foreign’ added the chief, “and not in countries. {ff he lived in Germany. for instance, the fire world prove rater expensive for Him" “Why sol” he was asked, “He wonbd have to pay the expenses of the ran made by the fire depart ment,” the ohiel explained “and un | less he paid the money the amount | i would be charged as a len against his | property, Cepuntriss. The iw holds to account in | Such is the law in several | this. way all persons whose careless. | ness or negligence causes work for the | fire department. "Washington Star - { pecking at a i peeping, Jumping al the ave, iat Mankiod from dul aud broil warn, The bare winking word of fame. Language, which formed ambitious pian, When Coasnr riled Eis teliow-minn, Which todd the OF lovers trus, fix selon and tho woe w Bomeo. | Language, the fest of all our arts, ot whim plest index of our hearts; Language, to whish our vaps we dof I» now wost used in taikine 1 ; HUMOROUS iat tats a Wiggs-—Ia baldness a sign of genius? Wagg— Well. the bald-Leaded men seem Lo be coming out on to, Mother-—No, Georgie, 1 think you must not have any plaeapple. It might give pou pain. Georgie (after a pause) Mother it's worth it "Poverty is no dissraes” remarked the Wise Guy. “No, not so long as you can borrow from your nelghbors.” added the Simple Mug “And you say he is an old flame of yours®™ “He used to be, but he is no longer” “How i that?” “Papa came in one day and put him out” Monkey—8o the hyena i dead, eh? Glrafte—Yes, something started him inughing, and he cnulin’t ston. Mons key-—An! Bimply tickel him to death, oh? Keliy—0l read a foines book last noight. "Twas full of foightin’. A man pamed Cooper wiote iL Reilly—8ure, Of know that book. it's called “The Last of Thim OCHigoton”™ "What color would you like your sign? asked we painter. “OB” re tad the advertiser, indifferently, “any color so it's read © “I supoose that's intended to be Bue-morous.” lady--Yes, you carry tales. You come bers and toll me what my pe igh- bor says. then po over and tell her what | say. Tramp You're wf 1g, lady. How could | be a busybods "1 am always thinking of you, Bar ker. Today | paesed a big building and 1 thought how I would like to see you working in iL” “You are very Kind. What building was £7” “The penitentiary Wigwag- flere Is a very (ntereating article caved “The Last Wards of Famous Men” Henpeckike — Great Scot! | didn’t know that even famous wien could ever gel in the last word But, hold on; maybe they weren't mar ried. “I'm thinking of sending my little EBirl to the conservatory.” said the woman next door; “all those tunes you hear her playing she picked up by ear” “Then she ought to be.” replied Mm Koatigue, “Uught © be sent, you mean?” “No: picked gp by the san” Hobo Have youse got any kind uv a job yousa want «one, lady? House Reeper-