The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 24, 1902, Image 1

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    o who Have Crossed.
hike Race is fun Mra. Stow.
whion: mon i eat
: § grain a Ata breath,
i Heoware that geow Datwosd
While ot entirely unexpected, the
of Miss Sara Jane Holter, the
§ ter of Mr. ana Mm CC
, which ocoorred
Bo Jess sincersiy
ege circle of friends
Sad merely x Ee ton of
unwelcome death angel
appearance and the
parental solicitade could!
sng Hie was dos, but with.
; tired apiric left ite
dwell with its maker,
: ve tated, at 5:30 o'viovk Friday
foitor had osm in bd health
it oy as alork in the stave of
six weeks ago, when
rs saecnmsbad to an ntiack
ia. The vase deveioped
Fated Arto ? sticks
before coming to
Philipsburg, Pa. :
SG. and was there:
oth and 24 days oid
or Be lived
spring of
to Clear-
a, been ron by IL. W. Nicholson for the broke the
- «| high standard of the Commercial as a
frat id Fete try.
Iwas Bp to the standazd
sive ion Water vps kig effect May 1 at, : will please say thal they are “Adver Mercer countios, besides parts of Craw. |
tod JAW frsctarsd at base of the skoil and
. but. did not give
the Cassidy pemetery.
3 painted by Nicola IY Asenzo, the artist
| who planned tie Court house decors
| praise from lawyers and others,
b- her Eneas re the sword and the wales. |
To the right of the pedestal
1% heap of books, around which.
- Nicola 1? Asapao, copyrighted, Te?
"the lamilord, baving purchased the op
| furnishing and stock Saterday for Hippey was telegraphed to and with
80 cash, Ha too possessed
“tral Hotel ip this place last Novembur to Be
| Thomas & Walter, aller being io charge Me day afleracod.
Sof the same for over two years, sand is
1 trade of this mection,
wii) hae
Fail of Cont at Fianusesn So. 0 Mise L Toy Plothils
Pesuitn Fatally,
John Potock, a pick
ployed at Flannagan No
Fats New Hands
miner em: Argomant Court convened at Ebens-
8 mine of the burg on Tuesday with Judge O'Connor |
: place, was found dead in bis room at | was disposed of:
the mine on Tuesday morning at 8 The retail livense of J. G. C. Bearer, |
| o'eloek.
The driver had called to bim twice | Stolta
The retail
: in to see what wis the pintter: “Tie | Holman, of Barnesboro,
{found the unfortunute man boried ferred to DW. Hoover.
{under aboal a ton of coal and quivkly The wholesale Hopnse granted ta M
summoned awsistance. The body was | (. Westover,at Barpesboro, was trans. |
{removed as 00D ax possible, but the
{man hud been dead for sone time, the
fail of cond having crosivad the We ont AL Brown for a ligoor
of him instantly. Polock was working Fragality, a decres handed
‘alone in the room and went to his ifoding the Yorn A
place of employment shout seven! | application for x Hoaase for
olelovk, That was the last that was house His applic ation is held
ever seen of him alive Ho be granted in case he obtaine posses
It in Suppo that he wis ¢ under. on within a reasonable time. The
curt spi sopibdered the Loense it
¢ precautions i Stop with the 1 eo i question pocossnry, but desired Lo
Csult that the coal fell, killing him in. gran £it to the parson who had the boat
stantly. Hix neck wax broken, lower legal dlaim to the Premise.
In the wjoity case of RF,
- eoliar bone and several ribs broken bth Inddiava Coanty De postt
He wax a native of Poland and Al Ww. Bu ahi Rar dustained and
Jsaves 8 wife snd Tour children in
‘eonntry. Poloek bad been in
oounlry for over Ieeivs Years
abet sly woth ago when Be onl b :
family io the fatherland. Feud etrind fie sport
neiitions were 561 Be he eXpecied ‘n af in the
tens in the and of Bis birth and be Iv da
returhind to America, leaving
srred to Philip Bander.
In the matter of the application of
Heense in
down poe
Katley va
had eX B eqty
ino Lhe
ist cody Thome
i o4 aia i
of Harvey
Hing ¢ Paws
hi win #i
and BREE anes Behind,
add Foe then
enol raoney for
He worked in the mines ar ta
Paiton A
hirty-olght years of age. Cis ik or cides To
The rewnsine wore talten to the oul Jessel
denee of View Gioia G8 Heel ave : lk Bend Bleed
noe, with whom be had bos baarili :
tbat weed Jud thie faves! wis be ix
81. Mary's B. C. charch yestords,
afternoon at § o'elook, oo 1 hy
Rev. Father Piereon,
3 opt ¥
Hew Cilmi,
He Hah
al Mai
iar, 4. ie
i y Chiu, Toe ave
estate n Susgiee
aside in the estude
sed, inter of Hope
nasosone Paring
fas Mens Piast Over fadgs Lvs "pon pany fare on IP
Met at the Canrt Bu (tor of Dassio! Fry, to show cans why a
morigs le Bot be satisfied: nile
grantad rolurnahl Hy al nest term,
. Report of auditor in the estate of
| Pater Eilis, Inte of Carroll township, ¢
dove aed ponflirmed nisi.
minor children of George Fresh, de
‘ceased, Yate of Barr township, for order
of sale; granted.
Petition of citizens of Allegheny |
township for road; J. L. Elder, Thomas
{Myers and Jacob Rote appo ated
A large oli painting hos been placed
the judge's seat in the Court
Boose at Ehenstiurg. The picture was
Lions, abd clicited many ox prosions of
: The painting has Justice seated on a
Ia ber hand, resting upon
there is a band upon which is inseribed |
“Fist jostitia, ruat coefam™-- "Let jon.
tice be done though the heavens may
throne stands the nude figure of 8 boy | Ebeustmrg.
{ holding & shinid which is encircled. Wm. Riley and Jas. Sollivan were
ww is given a hearing befure Judge Boone
ib Lic : 4 con Monday morniug on the charge of
the pedestal Hears the coal of arma of stealing a band car from the Penosyl-
the state of Pennaylvania. On the vanis railroad company and in defanit |
wer right band corner Is the name, of $300 bail each are now in the county
jail at Ebensburg awaiting trial
2. Prom the
‘appears that
which bas Beadiey Junction on Suoduy
pst three years, has changed banda started for a ride
aad in the future Wen. Yoeckley will be from Patton they ran the car off the
track ard to the
s svidenos
Rotel Change Handa yi
The Commercial Hotel, and
on a hand car amd
oral. Bape
and Wal
were fovated 10 8 short time,
ithey suid the Cen-lap fad tacned over to
: saa, Who ook them ta
on of the Gearse Gearhart
bouse on Tuesiny and will have control started after the
of the bar as soou as the license can be
transferred, Me Yeo
rounded |
Cant of ¥ nak:
therefore not a ateanger to the hotel
Fie pha uy Sie : w 2 Sewlry hie pubic
attest our appreciation of and Sears
felt thasiks to the many kind
ended upon to maintain the preseat
3 | thetio offices during our recent bereave-
A Naeesatit Fade, Lmunt, and to the attending Pbysiel :
. elu Be, whic a | treatment of bi wn u patient.
to lighten the sorrow
Hy cfisl over our
wondd Eleotn that
with In grateful remo
Addvartised Lettoes,
owing otters retin Goosied
the Patton post office for the twa
weeks coding Ratorday, April 19, 12:
Miss Jennie Bradley, Misa Mary Kaink,
R Mitchell Wa N. Of Hrrghiobreah
| Domenico Persea, J. H. Reese
© Foreign: -Krancaisek Sslaga
Persons calling for the above letters
ing - ‘fiaancial a g Welk a A S00 i wie
cons. The exhibition of farey work
gud thee
tp fre
| Wayside Inn, w hers rein
make the doumestio rule 20 | timed. 1s
: BE WiLL GREENE, Postmaster.
~Bubseribe for and advertise in the |
. Patton Cova. 2
‘Wholesale Passed !
| Beech Creek Coal and “oke Clo at this | on the bench, The following business
iat Spangler, was travsferred to P. C.:
Heense granted to Milton
Eras. 3
Be :
Lak and
: Lay ny
CHR glen
Pativm, aa
Ptr wit of fin Plt Inmiprovement
Fry, expen: |
fail? To bor right ab the foot of the ‘Het Wasted up in the Cauety Jab al
addooed it
the wo men were at.
When about a mile
Ehensbiurg |
friouds |
who voluntarily aided us by sympa
Their © i srt
househioid with
| What is Being 1 Done c by Min:
ers and Operators.
C Meetings Held an Munday #t Hastings amd :
Oiler Placose Cont Famine in Patton. |
Newt Pay will be the Largest in the ie |
tory of the Beech Creel Co, |
HR i:
Phe dext pay of the Beech Creek | ise that's
Coal anid Coke company will be the
large aver distributed in Patton
ver $80,000 will be paid out, which
ort baal for two woeks® work.
. ®
The exeontive board { district No.
of the United Mine Work met a
Alearfeld yesterday to consider mat
ers of amportancs to the miners o
fivie ahistricd, AL of the subdistrict
prosidents were present together with
President Gliday and Seoretary- Treas
urer Gilibert,
de epetidants.
hat are
Np under theirs, that's
ol » cb ws 4 ie
morigigs. of Boys’ Suits,
property of the Webster Coal & Coke
sompany, operating mies in this
ve been placed ot mivord a
Foes ve. oped the | ;
for Bal L.
The stenment
corny and BE Atiraartend
&4 000, 000
it does fit. Do they all
{1 “4
HE BU Vere and others. The mart Ld
ved by the hig conspany to
an in the for of Bonde
& 5
n Bags, (rien en
pe |
wad eont town in Pe . Sone th
How Down expeedoneing a fain . they da fou,
% «db ips for ie
+ 4% Ey {, oe
IR feat
to standard we stand ple
R instance.
is the Shee ue of the incon venionos.
i wouldn't be ua repetition of “oun
ing coals to Neworstie!' and as oh
open to oriticlem, 6 might pay some
ane to sip In a few oar loads of the
| Geos ry fael :
Come and convince
Hen W. C. Lingle stiended the an-
Bust mesting of the stockholders of the
Bosch Cresk Coal and Coke Co. at
Clenrfiold lust week. The followi
haart of directors was olected for the
anusirig year. EV, W. Rossiter, J
5. Carstensen, Nathan Guilford, New
i York: James Kerr, Clearfield; A. E
a uf Joseph Lich, guardian of Patton, Carwenneille; A. 6G. Palmer,
(dotin Mages, Corning: 8. H. Hicks,
Beth Ayres, Pa; W. C. Lingle, Patton.
At the directors’ meeting in New York
Jaques Korr wus slocted president; A.
E. Patton treasurer, aod Albers B B.
Kerr secretary. Over 43,000 5
‘were represented at the ( leartieid
soon detects any little thing
‘wrong with a witch. If your
* %
Meetings were held 'Paesday at all
the operations of the Webster Conl & has that tired feeling, it needs
| Cloke Co. addressed by prominent labor the attention
leaders, who are making an effort to
“hase the com y the Altoona ae ;
li The Se Sig Hastings was! most debilitated Watch or
largely attended and war addressed by Clock to strength and useful
President MePherson und Secretary- ness. The removal of clogged
Treasurer MeTaggart, of subdistrict dust, the
‘Na LL
There are 8,008 minem employsd by |
the Webster company sad almost toa
cman they are demanding that the
company sign the soalt or they will
strike. A committes has been ap.
pointed to vonfer with Buperintendont
[Jobin BL Toakin ad (allinga, with the
of our repa
All work guaranteed,
hair cloth fronts and hand-made batieabels.
the sane as local tailors make
- Best assort ment of Furnishings Shoes
N' in the county; don’t except the cities,
bing, Huts, Caps, Overclothes, Shoes,
the labor
Ie LEN PRE » d Se x 1 5 EG RW froin + iy ¥ a
AL we accidently ACi: you an article
edged to make it
a net fo proet that,
We Give Beautiful Gifts for
yourself of
We can restore the
Eyes tested by the celebrited ** Retingscopio Test
Are always che capest.
: We buy the best that 1 money can purchase and
always aim to stand at the top in offering you merch |
The price is awa
the difference only.
Men's Suits Tange fram $8. 30, all wool, to $16.50.
rom $1.49 10 312.00,
We try to give 5 ft also.
Never let it go out ug
ido that?
and Hs th
Trunks and §
rrr engl Mon Fa ET a »
wiions to look atl. andy
that ‘am’ np
good in every
any stutemnents
Keystone Clothing Co.
. Bank.
repair and adjustment of wheels. and the
ing of the entire system will not cost muc ch.
atid glasses correctly
view of effecting a settlement of 08 duped Lenses changed, free of charge, at any Hime, in spectacles seid by me
traable. Falling in this the comamittes
Cwikt confor with the president of tha
comproy at Philadelphia with the
‘whe end 8 view,
Bf the company pemists in its obati-
pate course a steike Is inevitable, but
‘the mon are conservative and propose
ti rive their employers all the Sime
“that oust 22.00 and over.
Jeweler and Lip cian. Patton, Pa.
posse Ww reach a decision,
5X : . io
2 3 ?
Asan indication of how the Ukinbois M IR Kl N X
AGU atY cond intereda hove grown the
Bulletin of the director of the United
: States genlogioal suevey is Interesting,
he allowing excerpts sre taken from :
: oy at dernmens ;
“Pha bituminous coal fleld of Penn
avigania smbraoes the port heastors
end of the greal Appalichnh ors |
the coal measures. It includes
arepof abont 12000 square wiles, by og
Pehiedly in the western part of the stale
cand spresciing from (io, West Vie
gigha amd Marviand northeastward to
New York. The ooal-beuring rovls
cover practically the whole of Greene, |
Washington, Allegheny, Westmore-
land Beaver, Lawrence, Armstrong, |
JePhrson, Indiana, Clearfield and Cam.
bri counsties and the greater parts of
Fayette and Somerset, BK Ularion and
thing than any other stor,
“See Men!
In Our Mar
Every Suit iv a
s Suits
misrvel ab ihe pros
Th sdiay Wil
$2. Q0.
The pei
ford, Venango, Forest, Warren, Mu |
| Keun, Cameron, Blair, Center, Clinton,
Potter, Lycoming, Tioga aad Bradford
I's the Store Your Neighbors Are Talking About.
This store's aplendid popularity, thongh on a steady ind
the day we bogran business, has taken a wonderfnl ben
reason iw not ohwoure, We've furnished more oien
crimes from
ud, The
With Gandsome
Tasman wo lave ll aromas that
men wnt, ai prives which anim
stl lay save our aston.
Power Behind the
Purse is the
Visit our Children's We partaoent this
work, We have unos
175 Children's Suits
in Norfhiks, Double B Srens sted, Suilor
al Military Sack Sails af these spicial
NOTE #150, S15, $2.30
£5.00, $4.00 and #500,
Don't fail to see these suits.
IER, Good Building.