The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 17, 1902, Image 8
Lda ee me ar Contrat spin Rates. Sak Post Besmedy tor Rhema] m arg An who nse Chamberlain's pain In] bat for rheumatism are delighted | ¢ | with the quick relief from pain which i it affords. When speaking of this Mr, { D. F. Binks,of Troy,Obio says: “Some | time age I had a severe attack of rheamatiem in my arm ad shoulder, | 1 tried nomerons remedies but got no relief. antil 1 was recommend by essra. George F. Parsons & to, drag. | | gists of this place, to try Chamberlain's Stae® = Horse Shon * Siatudard j en ; rr . . li ans; . ain balm. They recominended it so 1 % ih 8 a mend : wrurat Bent v Tonk," Piper felduieck™ © food Jack * Nobby way TS id Ey an oa rn wom” jai Yer, Siekic.” Brandywine Crom Bow. © Cid Peach 20 Many pee ef a resusilie,” ~ Tenpemet Craven Convention Travelers Pro. | i soon relieved of all pain. I have sioce | ociation, Portland, ( rregon, | i recomended this finiment to many of | Cry friends, who agree with me thas it ad WN Tim ey ¥ picture tie tee. snd Paar sxers fr from Ho rhe Pipe’ dl Foner i ped To brevents, —_ i hom = "Valera vt ax. Matai : (1s the best remedy for muscular rhen. | roe, San Francisco, Cal, | { matism in the market." For sale by J. W. Hodgkins, Patton, and Hastings | Pharmsey. ; ; Shek te Fis Left Leg. 11 Kinds of sores, borne, bralses, Lo wounds DeWitt's witch | hazel salve is a sure cure. Skin disease | fvinid to It at once. Never fails in coves | : Cooling and healing. None ° igonmine bot DeWitt's, Beware of pg | COUBtOrfiits YI suffered for many | years from 8 sore onused by a gan shot | : ta es meiner [wonnd in my let leg” save A. 8S Fal Suncerning rates, rotites, | ter, English, Ind. ould not heal _ ahd a ae of Hekets for ph! and Rave mi parol trols, To Beet all kinds of remedies to no purpose until | Tried DeWitts witoh hase salve. few boxes rompletely ord ? aw Hodgking, 1 Patton, and : LPhanmary. testing, Koights of Pytitas, | Ranh og feeending Celt Marion Kooks, manager for TM. 1 © Thempenn. 8 Wirge Importer of fine {millinery at 1888 Milwsokee avenne, | (Chicago, says: Daring the late severe | weather I eanght a dreadfol cold! Pwhich kept me awske at night snd (made me unfit to sttend my work { Surly the day. Ome of the | #4 taxing Chamberinin's congh reme- | oo sl ay Tor & severe eold gb that time, whieh i Hove her » a4 galoltly th x Ha af One gh ours will remove ail Almolutely nfs. Acts at ; coughs, odd. wand other rz brotbles. “1 have Mioote ¢ Cong gh enre several | market, It} has saved 4 i sepell of Kicknes and | y 3 tenmme sd 1.” The child. . WW. Hodgkin Pa : Charney. Lf nel Hestin a iv ¥ i 5 slike Withont Lratehes, Fedde TEE lotor & a a. . ia gry San pes ore yi r # t ood was mael afficed with aciation, Warks, Erie, Pa, 'and of remedive, went re [writes BEd ©. Nod, Towaviile, Sedgwick | wl a f spouts wei idesable : v Kansas, “golng about on orate how] Sh ad mallering A deal of pain. 1 was pe indaoed 1 ry Baliard as snow Hndment : : sped pon, Tossed throw $0 but. : « Tin The preatest finiment 1 Ever “nad have recommended it toa nambur | Of persons al express themes! ves as be- | ing benefited by i. T now walk with. | sil onitehes, able to perform * great | “dent of light inter on the farm.” 50, | Mean 8106 UW. Hodgkins. 2 A RINNE Ab 5 5300 i taking ZH fe wy rot’ io 1s never ford ts qual] WE egg 5 Cnihalie Fair. i The Jadies of St. Marys RC {church will hoid 8 fair in the old . You arp Strong » aad | hare bullding on Satarday, Monday, | "Tuesday, Wednesday aud Tharsday, (April 19.21, 22, 2 and AU. Refresh. "© ments will be served and sa enjoyable "time is assared all who attend. The | fairs conducted by the ladies in the past is a sufficient guarantee of the 8 unqualified success of the one pro. A Testimonial fram OM England. ; YM consider (Chamberlain's evugh remedy the best in the world for bron. endl says Mr. Wham Savory, of Warrington, England. “It has saved d Mm fa , . say wife's life, she having been a aaa 0 | TT Our New Hiastrated | Iaartyt to bronchitis for over six years, NIG ; - 4 i betng most of the time confined to her | Wel ; CATALOGUE OF PRESENTS bed. She jsoow quite well” © Ww. HB} a Lrase | FOR 1902 * Hodgkins, Patton, and To | Ea a tnclades many articles nol shown here. It contains ihe moet attractive 3 Pharmacy. 3 3 MADD $87 mere dL List 5f Presedts ever atred for Tagu. and will be wut Be wall on rovnipt of { oR eee : wos postagr~two cents an 1 bottles } ~The Covnum. has Just received a | RF Ae AE TIE, ale Our offer of Presents for Tags will uxpirs Nov, Joh, 1903. : 5 BB re : Mars 5 CONTIN » o purifier. P rice, 25 cents. | handsome new ine of type for use in | Bl a » Ea ha | Write your same and sddress slisinly on outside of package canipiuing at C. Ww. Hodgkins, Pat. | printing ladies’ and gentlemen's eile : Lhe Te per. A Pe Tags, sud Rresrd Tags by vegistersd mail ur sxprem prepeid Evid : g cards. Send i rile : 1 S80, MEST Nga incom or sire to have your Jacknge securely wrapped. sa that Tags will not b= § Pharmacy : B your order i 1 rN sin WB lost ia tran Tags sud regoems for Presents ube requests for aii : {and got something up-to-date. We : sohiots catalogues; to are also prepared to furnished en: : = mam graved or embossed curds of the Listest | : pte. ; ; sud Strength ll Sr ai 1 : i 0 Ee : ARS. arr maser gil Ena : E i nt ; Yel A 355e CAUMER ave ever used for oo; uel Y Bl PIER L506 THES. and malaria” 50 cents at | : = prs Cog, i REMWIRCTON DOL - BARNES SARMERFST SAO Gun > Ls : : J LHS 4 " be pr pr A SAAN SEL A Ser a chsgen wy iE AIO TRIS. i : : So PEr-| Over 12 years experience ou do. Fitts little | ro moh Co, B. Post Office Address, HASTINGSPA. ist are the most sabia. Te : E DLL LL Babe’ LATFeITUIY took. Never gripe or ANTHONY ANNA, ' o LL. —t lel OO ] am, OW. “irs Pat | JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. | YN 'X | compounded the bovd Ons. | Collections promptiv attended to. ? mn ly 1 VN Y 1" Goobh DRUGS ry, A. Viet, Newcastle, Colo., | i Dealer in real estate, elo. | : : | _ } i ’ I believe Ballard's horehound rd : bo } 1 wd § ~3 HRW en And at the right I superior to any other cough 'YRRNER &F RY, ; A a e.and will do all that is claimed | itis so pleasant to take wants to take it when she | ; A powerful engine cant be r a weak boiler; and you 4 ; price, BITCHERS, HASTIN GR, PA. can't expect to keep up the wear and an of an active lite with : “ & Full line of Frosh and Smoked Minis oo a weak stomach. Our boilers, Gr mther our stomachs, can't be TN Th hat’ 5 whi it we are head Hugously on band. Poaltes and bones br | replaced, and we cannot stop the human machinery while mak- { HI bunrters for. eed for it. Ballard’s horebound | re wi Bane URitry and ge in ing Jerairs, ut when the stodiach in Nualie to digest enough Makes < New N NOTYES Taito he» ak La tks ] 00a to keep th Ong, We su 1 3 Nove ¥ 3 : wney Stati > 8 foveal. ia the Eveat ture for all pulmo. fp Fortin of sour patronage cordially asl Kodol Dy: Yaterala C ip os A ee ron 8 ian » NEW Life. Pusey Tr Seve Ae, $0 ‘and $1.00 at eat ail the guid food you want, without any distress aftereating. T Up the Whale d “Aner forty years of su wing from fad gestion, a few bottles of Kodol | Dys- ones Lp the ie System an Hastings Pharmacy, ’ Geo. Simmelsberger, KHeanthels bit Ie is DRS CONSTIOATION, ; ‘ ? Fa . : ; : od aah aR IRE yn Li : + AL Se} effor, P: or 2 Tas try a i Preparad by EO DeWing & 0c, Obleago. Tre 1. bottle ccitatng 354 § othe 506. tise. Lionas ess ehod dealers, Br or went by | £ A FT A BAN Na fee FOIRTRE HEOweRt. o Pepa 8 omach Dray ing and Hauling done Ol! When you need a soothing and healing application for pili, sores and skin Wh : D R. F, E EVANS, short notice, diseases, te DeWITT'S Witch Hazel SALVE. Beware of counterfeits. VHRR COs Le Roy, N.Y. BEIT. a po ! | Ad ith, PA. bi | CEES At Commercial Hotel, Barn- is your paper? |esharo, very Thursday us! Patton Pharmacy.