The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 17, 1902, Image 5

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    FR a FIN 0 A tit
a ~Trailing arbutus is ripe.
: Pay day Saturday.
—Yon can do better at Miller's.
“To-morrow will be another Arbor
_ —Robbins are putting in an appear
ave your watch repaired at
aw . Daggett, of Bellefonte, » in
oo this week.
_ —~Who will Cambria connty Bepubli-|
| = cans endorse for governor?
«Prof B. 1 Myers was visiting rel- |
natives in Altoona over Sunday,
_ «Dr H.P Holt and W. J Cox, of ©
DuBois, weré in town on Tuesday, :
~Don’t forget the Uatholie fair, ;
which commences on Saterday night. |
Abe Mirkin Jeft this afternoon on a
ness trip to Altoona and Pittsburg.
—Qounty Superintendent T. L. Gib.
son, of Ebensburg, was bere on Toes
Pp. Young, of Hastings. wos in
| Monday afd a caller at this:
Jonny Rbody 5 now engaged in
rank O'Brien's butcher shop at
Jacob Dans, of Altoona, was re
soquaintances im town on
: John E Raduliffe will occopy
it of the Baptist church on |
, Annie Ott, of the firm of Ott
returned home from Philadel.
; stone query of Geo, 8. Good,
four miles from this place, has
ed operations.
he Pennsylvania railroad pay oar
gad the hearts of the ical em-
—R L Winslow and J. Oliver Kar
Icher, of Clearfield, spent Sunday with
frisads nnd relatives in lowa.
= —J. M. Westover, of the town of
the same name, was a Patton visitor on |
sarday and called at this office.
sters in every style, fresh every
t the City Restaurant. Families
ad by the pint, quart or gallon.
he Central Pennsylvania confer.
the Methodist Episcopal church |
meet at Allcons in March, 1903.
will be Episcopal services in |
an choreh on Sanday at 10:80
730 p.m. All are welcome.
- — Kinkead, cs Pa
: variety of seasomable articles
med in the new advertise.
of J. R, Cordell & Co. in another
i a worthy ¢ panse and do AWRY
tronbie of getting sapper on
night by attending the Cath
. George ‘8. Good and son,
have gone to Texas with Mr.
: Before. retarning they will visit
x Walt and Miss Eva Lite
¢ anited in the holy bonds of
y by Rev. Father Plerron |
a ment that will be |
chy Santa and ye |
* that the Catholic fair |
pe Contre |
dnl orchestra fomisod
Boner of Miss Georgi
aditors Meade B. Cow
Clare and Wm. A. Mel
menced work on the annnal
the borough on Monday and
job the next day.
few houses and lots in Patton
township, adjoining Patton
, will be sold cheap and on
ble terms. For further infor.
call on or address Jas. Mellon,
. Perry, who recently sold his
C.K. Crossman, moved |
old goods and family to
Lin a woman's hospital in oh &
The latter undereent a diflooit surg
1 eal operation fast week which was emi
nently successful and ix improviey
Ey Uhas, F. Pitt has pr wrehaned the :
stock of goods in the tiood boilding |
and took possession of the same on
Monday. He wii! soomiotidate thie with i
chs store on Fifth avenis and nea
the commodione quariers on Magee
«Baring styiea’ are treated in a
comprehensive manne in the adver
(given particalar attention and 4
i prices are there in plain figare so that |
i be or whe who rans may read. Look |
p the ad and save dollars
gi and Me, Jas Suteliffe will
leave taomorrow for New York, feom
which city they will sal on Satarday
fisr Liverpool on the SAXobw vd Lhe ;
Cuaparder line. They expe:
(several roonths visiting the sore of
their childhood in England and will se
| turn to Patton in the early fall
~The Feast of the Jewish Paasover
or “Pascal will commence Monday
evening, or according to the Jo wih
‘enlendar, the 14th day of Nia, Thiy
hoBday is in commemoration of the on | ECTRI C
Boa v
‘the leadership of Moses and the at
tainment of thelr liberty after $30
years of slavery. Unleaven bread or
| “Mataon’ are eaten for a period of
‘exodus of the Jews from Egopt nnder
eight days.
Editor Gregory, of the Jehason
“burg Press, is responsible for the fol. |
HTast week we advertised
any other,
‘was found on a street in Johnsonshorg.
It was too large fora sleeve hoider sad | oy buggies—none better, few
‘menta pretty young Indy calisd for the : as good, prices right.
band. We banded it to her with a
Deering Mowers
‘Reapers and Rakes, Conklin
«The trout season opened ot Toes
in these colamns sn elastic band which
too small for abet. To our astonish
blush, she took it and right therein
our presence slipped it over her Billa
day. Aooording to the act of begisia. |
ture, No, 8G, section 4, passed in this
state last spring. and duly signed by |
Governor Stone, the minimom limit of
‘brook trout that may be legally taken
was changed from five 10 six inches.
Section 18 of said act also prohibits the
male or purchase of brook trout at aay |
time. Artificially bred and raised trout
may be sold only during open season, |
{April 15th, wo July 31st. Twenty five
| dollars flue for every violation.
Hiontisngnt fees Page 1.0
dsl semiote
wv properly von
proper tools
to wowed
I now in order and to do it
must have the
Does Your
Neighbor Keep
‘HH so, buy some of our
poultry 1 ii g and keep them
out of the garden Special
Chrysohine Ware, Best O11
Earth and Fully Guaranteed.
Best Quality
We have them
land at prices as low as the
When the garden is
; compl eted the real trouble be
(tisement of the Bon Ton store ip ite)
gad D oH Bow drone EY sili ars gins
| FRENCH CLARETS from Marie re!
“Sterling Special” Try.
one and vou will never use
A complete line of Ander
Champion Road Machines,
Wagons and Syracuse Plows,
Tin, Copper and Iron Work.
If it 1s shoes that are made
right, look right and wear
right, we have them.
If it 1s low-priced or high-
priced shoes, we have them.
to mtortm vou that we handle
4 complete line of imported
and domestic wines, brandies
and liquors at moderate prices.
Purity and a ge guaranteed.
{yive me a trial and be con-|
‘The Shoe business .
is all coming our way.
HY? 4
buy direct from the manu- -
facturer, we know how to buy good shoes and
save ou from 235 to 73¢ an eve ery pair.
Our New Shoes and
are coming in from all the
best shoe makers in all the
down to date styles.
B C Cell se we
Here area
“EUREKA CLARETS. direct from |
the vineyards, per bottle, from ad
tex 81.00,
& Cle, per bottle, from 80c to $1. bo. |
RHINE WINES imported and Cali | i
fornias, from Me to $1.50, i
PORT & SHERRY, direct from the
California vinsyurds, per i ie
from 50 up. [
guart, 75 up.
We have the largest
MONONGAHELA PURE RYE. por. stock and lowest prices for quality m Patton.
in Hardware.”
Fifth Ave.
[roe aigebra, & book- Keeping, ortho. Po A
raphy, German. Cora B. Sader,
English literatures, rhetorin, grammar, |
‘orthography, general history, phys
ology, shorthand,
B Grade Number enrolied, 35: aver.
ge attendance, 23; per vent of attend.
ance, #8. Those present every day:
Clemens Biller, Arthur Jenkins, Bd
die McUormick, Boger laces, Janet
Bras,” Vanetta Crowell, Marte Det |
rick, Mildred Lewis, Doras Prescoti,
‘Sadie Somerville, Thomisine Holter,
Mary Somerville.
A Grade Naomber enrolled, 22; aver
| age attendance, 18; per vent of attend.
ante, 80. Those present every day:
Chas. MacMahn, Grant Perry, Rachel
Number surolled, 12 ; Average at.
tls tendanee. 1 per cent of attendance, :
: to my one looking for 94 Those present every day: Carrie L
Holter, Rhoda Rhoidy, Panl Barton
,: Thos, Harper, * Daniel Jones.
Number enrolled, 5; average at
tendance, 5; per cent of attendance, §7 |
Ralph Waldo Emerson,
in an essay on eloquence,
said, in speaking of a man
whom he described as a
| Godsend to his town,
“He 1s put together like
a Waltham W teh”
It iz thistime P.M.
in Paris.
Those present every day: Jona Sand-
{ ford, Enid Lewis *
Number enrofled, 4; average attend. |
Roce, 4; per cent of attendance, 96.
i Those present every day: Agnes Don. |
nelly, Anna Mellon,
| Number enrolled, 5; average attend.
_imuce, 4; per cent of attendance, 97.
* [Those present every day: William
Harper,* Cecil Potter. !
Whole nomber enrolled, 557: aver.
has | BR® attendance, 483; average per cent
has attendance, 95. Present every day
i during the month, 185.
*Present every day since term
| opened, 2
B. I Myges, Principal
- =Do you want foe printing at the
minimum of cost? Then let the Par.
ton Courier do your job work, Best
and cheapest.
~Palronise the home print shop
We are better prepared than ever to
turn oul commercial printing of al
kinds and at prices that can’t be dapii- |
josted for good work.
© ~~ New type, new stock and saperior |
workmanship, With this trio the
COURIER can do as good and as cheap
Job printing as any office extant.
tive us & trial order
Patton Courier,
. Promoter o of ? Paplicy.
| Waltham Watches are sold b
TOZER, The ® Patéon eweler.
and Red Cross ranges.
Fourth Ave.
Dealer in
(irocertes, Lime, Feed
and Provis-
'Pirst.Class Stock and New
mown on ni
Give me a call.
we offc -r the following | ¥.
: belo WwW
room for new goods:
and 1.50, etc. at ge.
Goary, The.
per quart, $1.00,
10 Yenrs (3d,
The best Shirts for the Money.
For Family and Medicinal Um, per
quart, $1.50. ee a3
It will pay you to come miles to buy
ED. A. MELLON, fiom the Money Saving Store.
Patton, Pa. . |
Mag gee Ave,
ashion says: Lighter and brighter
suitings. Worsteds and Tweeds in gray,
‘with light overtones: Cheviots in brown and
Jardiniers sold at #1, 1.25 dark greens.
i These are the facts boiled down.
Come in and pass your judgement, but
As spring is here;
Cost to make
Others sold at 23¢, 33¢. at
toc. don’t pass the opportunity.
Land Soc.
mit Heaters will be sold at.
hardware and
ture mn
county. Come and sce
Horse Blaakets $4.40 wi We call your special attention to our
1.25, while they last at go large line of up- to-date trouse erings.
Merchant Tailors, Patton, Pa.
Three Red Cross and Sum. |
j food bargains.
Come and see our Summit,
Ruaranteed or money refunded.
Glass, paints, white lead,
otls—miners’, kerosene, lin-
seed, ¢te., at lowest prices,
Largest line general
wg, fur ni- SV ERY year, with the first robin, comes the man whe
this end of the 4 donl its. fe 't helreve h 1 get ' ready-to-wens
suit that will fit him; “don’t peligre our advertisements
he don't believe anything or anvbady~—and vet the chances
are ten to one he goes ont with one of our 8 pring Suits on
his hack.
Why * Becauwe there is proof in ony wile fo convince the most edn fresad
anbetlever. There's sizle here. There's heanty There's care in make
There's artiste tailoring. There's proper fAnislivg. There's gost material
There's a guurantes. And, beast of all, the prices are there, proving themselves,
tri every cuse, below the fyrrivm af on sbivens,
We want the nin who donble to
are are showing in
for vourself
ee T a
The Old Reliable
Stor ; ; ; :
WROTE, De i oand see some of the goveities we
R wate iF “then art the me
{have 1 store for vou.
The People’s Clothiers.
Magee Ave,
come in and sce what we