The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 17, 1902, Image 2

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NS he
rz anise to ‘hab = great
BOOT £ §t got wis he
ck “doat gany nalk Shai
nt ts warm et
meni ¥ M'rier, she muy.
tak, dst der 8in gwine be
Dat crussenin’s infom |
B des xin’ po seek ting |
Tee sin’ sez 1
mame © Gord dar chile
et named. den? An Miler |
jes gwine call him Moses
ho bein's how Bed b
fer, 1 Towed at
to be named no sech
h of Bis own good Shing
A figure of ihe }
the end of the Major's caroussis,
watching over his drongen sivmbers, |
i | Mado would be his;
| Majors
ried: bot night after night be faved
Major after one of Mozart's inefectuai
yg} Major. an! j
| 3 friendship hat was unaferabie And }
when at last the shade HEgrices
2a] poverty fil soross the Me doris tifa:
| when. fesving kEowme and [risnds ha
ro wpaederad 4 desradedd nn vg
y | to pisces; when time
fife’ Bost gifts were sacrificed tos ht
shamalnl, milk absorbing appetite; he
was never friendliss or shone, for there | pari
was always Mozart, The Majors sal. |
wart form wig no better known fo hl
favorite havnts than was the distorts
Hithe negra. Awalling
Pangry and wold unless sonplind with
fond and warmth by Sdroroom ober |
i: tye big ove and patience were sublime
4 have played for the.
erowds whe, fred by the Major's
i boasts, made Bightly reents tor an
I omar Be eq
“out into the raging night
exhibition of his skill money and
‘Bo. night after giabht he
aah ane bleak December evening.
the bolsterone crowd moved by a
someon impulse of compassion and
exiled out to the
* Licker the nigger up, Major, Heke:
Him up
3 be sald, with an unc. |
It was dome, and then he plived
How he played as the sabile glow few
Aro oath to brain, sans waked his
: Pheart and Sogers 16 8 now, BITEDEE
smuncation to the slow *
It was only 2
plow over
iowas mighty. Men saw fresno Jifes
lookeu out of bis dark.
8. bel spoke Inrough his
at his Soren Mozart
drop had disappeared
re : sapacious throat.
“ the Mato: >
nd it's Just like |
to think 1
A “adie:
ohn.” he said. :
3d the corner. 1 bleve
"he would say as he |
, that threatened them,
i discovered, through the snowed dark:
i pesE, a well-known gate. And (Zen
he paused. :
COW pet a Hitle rent here, Monat
Be wabi with & thick and baiting ut
ferande: we'll rest a8 bit, and then
well go on In: we'll both go fn-wa'll
oth ga home together :
* | beauty and its gisdpess Old dredrss
‘of awakened of fame and ove, and hope |
began to sing of what wight be. He
i was only a bunch-Duck negro. bal mes |
dropped thelr heads and forgot their)
flnsken on the bar as they lstensd
® | tne in thelr hearts there stole sweet
* (thoughts within thelr ovis there crept
bot tears. and no man ambled xs the
#1 Major walked unstesdily down the
{ room, until be stood before the player,
“Tas po Bome, Momri” he rtiel
Hm, with * mint | wien trembling lps, “les go home
We'll keep our Christmas thers, please
160d! You and [--at home”
: oe»
Out into the night, through a raging
blizzard: buffeted by angry gusts of
i | Find and volleys of snowflakes that
i ohiiteratod the way, but the Major
i knew it not. anid
1 | pasion stumbled ang fil sxhansted
with cold and weariness. But he knew | contin do any business. I've got to
now. 1 oonld pet the safe thing ia
two minnies in America, and Iss pol
, Bt Bis feet. his com
it well. when, with Mozart in his soma
he plodded along over the road whose
strelobing white miles seemed endless
IHesination Bad
, | Feakebed the Major's frame, and Ma.
to his tired fost
#art’s inert form was heavy. bal tit
he walked Sghting agains the fate
antl Bis eyes
And when the sun climbed the god:
en adder of wmorning, and Hebel up
fhe smow-clad earth, it seemed 23
the mantic of heavenly charity was
lest on two reenmbent
fSgures that bad x we Rotne {apether,
bait hidden
Choles Iamb and Fish
: Senator Faster pf Washington, snd
Mr Loud of California. Hive under the
i same hotel rool. A few weeks ago
when one of his constituents had for
Cwarded Blm a #00 lamb whivh was
served on the Califerpian's (able, he
sent & choles cul over to the senator
“Give hitn my compliments” guoid
Mr Loud to the walter “and tell the
senator that this bab never tasted
t anything but milk"
The days of the session few by and
not lose age a waiter appeared at
Mr. Loud's elbow cone evening bear
ing a cut of magnificent salmon. It
was sent by Senator Foster
SvBat 1 want to know whether this
e | salmon came from Washington or
Oregon.” asserted Mr. Loud with the |
bearing of a fontiosseur.
© Spon the waiter returned with the
reply: “The senator says it is a Pu
get Sound sslmon, and it has never
tasted anything but cream.”
his apd the Boo stom and that dove her brash will
second ate vipa
played by a huwch-back negro; but
the neant of the harves Geld
the hot, close room. and & stress |
/] plashed gently under bending trees
Only a second-rate violin, bat its spl
Prom he Mneas a Hiaaters.
The wrist getrivg 13 that which
Binders piving
Most rien pay be kfiown by the way |
| they Hie gow.
Fieeing from forpomsibliity fs bid
ing front re ward,
Ciompon av but common
i sympathy with
| Buffering fails when Tt does not
; tench nx og suffering.
pocustomed to evil is to be
The frix Lie
in which corey
pride it
When bing 5
heart iF bar nourishes 1s weeds,
Time wii po
but he caine be made whom it
You tusy
thy the thine
i Nat pain k ;
| Dost curs far the fnve of wr
w hen yoy Bir
gd lor ooyin
he Das only
f2 but mowiery
of hig Barone
learned to ban : ;
repiness And eid which is
a thing af bay. an he has
stpdiad with
yond Coane
fof each partionis : :
knows for {getsnce. that on Kind
brush muy be uw toy BXPTRRE AB hae
be Jess afiegeions He Know bow to
fii exrh pariieulss par we that brash
Wier so that 8 single
the band over 15
stern Ba ig
Cagracieristion, dom
perfecting of that sing
the band over the pa
eogtary Lave is ; ,
Listen 10 a ges BY # Japan
fs expini
! brush
“The b Fara
at : the HE fam ==
tp The bruh 6 thes Unned 26 the
gud a Tay wire Frain
hair bike lines Thin in cme of the
ways of painting be nmir oor far 00
agimais ~The 184
Basing Methods,
Persistancs may te Bm pneu! guRity.
but Wmdement 5. bestier one,
Bnd the TORRE An
hE story, Toll I
evidentiz bere conv Ineed of |
our dirvet meth
Lon Mpoasieur do Witte, rhe Hussisn
minister of Spancy to get certain in
hig pods The minister refased iL
The young msn perrieted The minis
ter still refused
man decigred:
me what 1 want
to my folks and teil thew that |
going to leave ihe roy until"
The minister prosged aR eles: but
tos. In wnlked tee suarde The mi
ister snobe to thon in BH
directly the young as » found
with an se
w § he eo
whola Re
Bony he was led
af De Witte wu
cent apie wor
hie. After the 3
Rim that 4 ge
sare Turiher tro
with brs reginde
to be rade, even
ME Whistles Uselewnn,
The largest whistle in the state
Is galt, is to be placed in oan lndian
sols manniactary. it i 10 be So Hy
- 10 be easily heard all over the out
a thres inst sient pipe fo irnishing the
nol RARILE power Whe? Why
ghoaid it all heosnY Why should ther
3 time when whistles were as ney
essary as 8 bell on the farm le today.
But today it 1s a pose man indeed that
has pol some sort of timepiecs. Thee
are a doten ways in which the sup
posed need of a whistle in an indus
trial establishment can be sappilsd
Simple gongs in every Jepariment 10
pir the place, Whistling by ralirved
Jocomatives Is forbidden in the «ity
Whistling by factories ought lsewise
to be forbidden ==Bdisnapolis News.
he a A A a
They Musi Be Fuaney Free,
tn keep an engaged girl in his employ:
as soon as she begins to display en
gagement symptoms by doing care
art to be
Tying has rade » m- : i
wlth A a 3
Lo eNcaiient po
Hike! in seat 8 grand the | i
with a certain am tof color or of
ReRUnL ot i = 4
3 Lut ® they Tere rive hemi fut dow TE
i in sex is
i have Bn BASIE 13
fhe iH thie Hi atea
a bast
HRe k tefT8In
the Dristes fie fhwkrd L Grist
} i the front.
{rterans of & crack
Lis duty near the Ng
san Ta ae fallow {
Frederik Pair, !
An Ameriran drummer, Au from Co
i oof Teaninews. caling
Then the TOUnE |
“Yon are the orl ¥ rman that can give ;
I'm pot going back Es has been accestsd no fewer than
fprade. Many
iB nen rontd oo
Pamd trim ih x oi Sigmar |
e : Tonaor €an Pues pad ol re Meat,
he ow fe rl tome
FL sopthe” Sartser,
Phas fal
¢ man made fr De
Witte gave him the and ormal fon. and oy
| fortane: toll =
+ Rum geliract
( sell shaver says:
to the presence :
ont of business Ever
wi sendin se BE ¥ ark x Press.
be a whistle of tha size or BL Rieger 14
this fartore ar in pay other T There was
were in when Barns father
them and resided thas says the West
minster Gazette With a view th pre
les a very fice hall has heen ball)
be touched by electricity, would sup |
will be carefully preserved ror the pad
lie in all time coming Yee traces
| have alsc undertaken to maintain the
> business man refuses | :
AB Alehison der It is rather remarkable that
there are more pilgrims to Barns’ cot
tage than pt cers eures » of Shake.
Jess. absent minded work, he sites ev | 2001 2
» wedding resent a and Pays her of Gi
One of the Wine T at 5 astray the Com
fort of Hoos,
There is one excendingly 4 angree |
atte Bald inte whi tel Home posi fall
without seeming to notice J This Is |
nEgging They Cann RY what thay |
Bare 16 say and then it 1 alone, bat
Bee ® peck
¥ and packing 8% # on
2, and i secession In Bot
rive aaturally they reske them 1a
this nagging sarcasm or irony bears a :
Ioailing part. A thing may be mid coce |
Gr Twine
peRial sumer. Mat when repeatsd nver oo
mind over iL censey to be fun. II the
a8 & pleasant radibery in a
ita. Barvaem fog twn edged I
ciple mod wounds the ©
iin aimed. and i irrbates and soagh
ens the ose who pees $8, I 8a lan
gerous fool for one t ase sho Wishes |
oer to the Yioe and the in
tikow ®orertain Rind of getight i in vy ]
Henk InESROYE of sharpness. 1th gee
Brows on oone; Br Jems The Babit be
3 comes so bablingl that i is use]
| comrciously, However good naturally o
"Bone eee to take BE x almost oe |
| thin to Jemve x sting: there is a woumd |
that Burts Struggle sgalnet it as one
thors will often be an pression
Too often 40 all
lings of others
vey Against thy
“we iy sever
The ;
8 wy
re The ¥ Save
Bartae wmsasssintety
of Bow Treas
igs in that Rist of faim
ar tg thew that any Ne
A Tarther earring than thay has
Ra acnt or that and part
Dowerer, thal This is wo.
The sagging habit is the real Ton
go why some women fod 8 difienlt
to reais servants. 1b fe for fue sharp
poss Of (heir tong that some reat]
homely |
the How amd with
NE mash % gars 0 ureters aad yee
Tere is treth in * :
falk in 8 certain way we prow in be
that way in character ~Miwansee |
Je ursal
Freneh Forersive for Eoetion Are, {
Reersitisg sergeants at Trafalgar
to pumare are Just wow being pugtiad Ly
the advent of a new class of TAY ma
tarinl fo the shape of young Preneh |
© pagdidates. hardly Abin to EpERK a
wistsd nf
{ons to vol
tamadiate ry
A SRE in point oe
bread on Saturday, wie 8 mmart
Mairi Frepohmag acd ole:
with sotpe difculty o 3 his
vive ta serve the ond fi Seats
Africa His papers were perfectly nd
atuder, and Ze came direst from the
rwealry school at Banmur, wheres he
bag gained
fsaily award i to the Heat pong
le ‘ wn ®i the cava
formation pecessary for the sale of | fie competitors from. ai) te
ane of the sid medals an
rodents of France The gstonished |
veteran when he Bad somewhat reo
prveredt Bix egusningity. polivey
frrrid the candidate ta ot has SREY veh
on recsist of a wires sannonse
$i af bls comrades HERD Paris
Hi ow hin exanpds
mies weil wining fav thar Wires Lag
tan meen dd
anda toy Jip the LWials of the raze
fi Bot water Relive drawisg 13 over
Ae yee The sensalion is so delight
Pig, the TES Egan SaaS vias tag ry.
noe rise the barr
¥ ii shave
Af Barns’ Bivthplaces.
Qeote south of the Boarder will
terewtiand 0 earn thal Barns
and hoptws esd bave been Te
tienrly a8 pessilde fo ihe state
ir ed 3
serving carefulie tie euro of rel
mh tristens from Cw sural Income |
of tis cottage asd moaument. have
mcently greatly sugmente] their aol
lection of M3 and relies and hese
Auld Kirk of Alloway in a state of on
i A a, he
Specimens of the Animal Kingda
Not in Captivity.
5 of SEATS | us
thinss Le!
; prirehe or enrhange Env
hers are however, many beasts and
Birds that wnch bodies Rave never yol water. gud the ofhier hall in holes in
| managed to obtain. One of these 18 the |
| mrohessis wi
known to Europeu sciences mors than
¥ of Borgen S30 Bougs
Ld Sentury even 102 suterprizing poo
that some part of 40 jb meant
ts male be chestant in color
neatly parted in fhe m
» fare PH aalar ead with wade mutton.
gl poe stien oF : ¥
all times rugdy ta
te youdy. SE he other
t has & beak like taut of a
Fa and A Heda
4 | while 8 mie lays eggx lie a bird. i
BE gor Riveady in (hele possession.
Austraiia where It Iu not very une
common, if spends ball hw Soe in (he
the bank Ax Hs toes sre webbed,
| they are very selul for swimsming:
while, as they ®ve furnished with stout,
sharp claws, they are squally good for
3 ; logical sorters of London Bas wit been
tan Bee Either Rind or Saet ie anes 3 ible fn ohana 8 tpecimen. In BppERT
digging. Aod 7 gate ite fool Jost a8
: a duck doer. by poking stout in soft
{and crustaceans
mud with ity beak in search of worms
To add 1 Hs pe
colinrities. If Bas cheek pouches Nie
ibcwe of a monkey. in which it oan
store Bp kx supply of food Tor fhe Ht
the ones in the puriery at Ue end of
Cie Dareaw
ATONE aha Gb ian He SS ras RR ON
| Courtesy Shows » Poor Bind Colared
Man in a Street Cur
Pecple sre so Musy powadays they
+ have often not time to be polite, and 8
: (rmeiderate 30d af ones siiracts atten
{ fiom. There was such A5 oocurrence
dk Dew dave Ags a x Sth avesoe oar
Among the passengers wis s bling
negro. His clothes were the veriest
Crags and were Beld to Bis emaciated
{frame with pieces of wire and bite of
: : Caring. A Brooms handle served 5s 8
f Enos the srohosdld moniey fg one of
sane. Over one shoulder was suspend
! od 3 puuny mek giving Ma the ap
it Divebend Ls Ax OW 28
middie, snd
| though be were paving
Hoe whiskers 1k sven gre far apart
is month ls wide and Ma cheeks xnd
| thin are tinged with blue giviog the wreathed in spiies-2of a grin-—all
| Bacw the sppearagice of haeisk Just |
been shaved. Bil the moist remark
his feitare of all is the noses. Mon:
kews as & role have so noses at all
pore of then Rawls nas! ike
4 Bose several lobes ng
moe. Ano ote
Sree gtoongrhs
waranor of 8 votion picker
He sontinaaily pleked at one Nand
with the Sngers of fhe ther, 8
the banjo.
omniing softly 5 Binwel? the while
{and patting bis foot As Nis Shoe was
Ayes Wery turned a his direction
| Many of the passengers looked at Mm
I rearertully when (he car reached Stan
fon street and Be rose and made bis
WAY lowird the door
The Boor was & busy ose on the
Bowery. People wondered whether the
old man woud resed the Sdewslk in
safely. A poung man standing ou Oe
radr plexi did more than wonder,
mowever, for Be alighted and gaided
the asgra salely to the sidewalk. He
possibile ran after
Be: car, which was disappearing dows
Le iret
Several of he passengers who had
| noticed the incident sailed on the con-
ducinr to stop the car but as be 4g
not do 0 ome of them rang the dell
them al Jelsire The age of the pro
boscls monkey 6 reckoned By the |
re {lenets of Bw moss
Another monkey; which sinsenins and | : :
: {neil He enjoyed 3 brief term of about
opaos would ke to chtain is the gues
sk This muir] ls oa study in Diack
and white. It his the ajipesrancs of |
coat of bisek vebhveteen
rigged with thik menses of snowy
v [ hair, while ira hack, legs and Jower
body are w8 adh sa eval
toe In deck. while the
The new
lente, aad the motorman reversed
the lever and brooght the dar to 8 sud
dogs, hut the proboscis monkey Rus sos,
bedng long it @ pointed and slighty
tilted mp. and oi bet af Kl, It RTOWE | ame smiles af sparobation. were saat
and grows ail thiough lhe file of the : ;
strange Wragg fa
SEneciion with 1h maoakey ia te aod Bo pulled kis Bat dows over Bis
When Ged In semros a
it eam carry Bs these meals and digest |
Az the voung man imbedl on the
plstiorm, sary the New York Times
in hin diverticn. Bal de seemed to be
almost aifmmed of what he had done,
ever and continued Bia ride in silesoe
PDidst Kaaw he Sesnton
Name vears agn [daho sont 3 man 1»
thes penate whose name was MeCog-
foe or git weeks, and then he disap
pearad, Recently Mr MoConpell visits
wearing & White far masts over a 73 ihe senate chamber again. Very
te widen are |
few Of the petiaiors Kew him,
His preseges, however. recalled the
: fuer that when he was in the senate be
fied un his volte and deliversd
te speeih. He was then an aimost other
5g :
Dbeard and wvehrows are white and ihe
stranger. Olid Senator Edmunds look-
od at Bim in satonishment
“Who is thiy mas king? asked
| Eamuniy of a ange.
onator Meoanell of Idabo™ re
! sponded the hoy
WSL mid Edmands “when R&R
| somes to the point that in the United
Seates wensle Wm Man can maka 8
spuees whom 1 never saw befure, i
wie it fa tae Tor wie to leave
pnd Mr Bdwmunds in disgust re
| grad fo the Floakroen
ong binck fail hss a thick white |
| grervra tz an odd-deonking satay
FB 2 fs never deen in Bm B
RECILR 4% a mysiury,
along Lhe moe
reaiiiand and Is Xk
Bears gore not gf all un
3 i i ia 13% 4 ? a }
ping 8t fo SEE: hanes her The!
A Talented Woman
Steve Cewaakl of ths Moscow Ohaers
Lwndery Bag gb various Umass conta
wghie data fo the science of a
Ltropomy, TWO years ago she fret dae
sovered x vaSable pimr of the Algol
Dryme tH a Baviag 8 Nght dimin-
5 The mmaRigers of gars sekans “ :
which §! 2 Rarcens ond Alpel No Wwliscopes. however is
| powers ak enough lo show the planes
whieh causes the alternating bright.
and Denaperies have never boon Bhi
if 53
Lt Bees ir bs called the partieagt
ar. sud lives in the most nse
that br in almost ad hard fo obtain
mimo weag | Shed at regular inzervais by a dwrk
3 a 8 3) 3 4
§ Prompsnion revolving srcand I. and
ia New Englund, Sut there is one ber x =
#13 more pecenily Slmcovarsd 8 see
§ no hela wee pal ENG :
cosufhie parts uf exsters Thibe: gq DPSS And Pximtuess of his star. Mme
FD Ceraakl has Wop a repulation in this
# Mabarwa We know nha it ie ike *
; : Caf which she may well be proud.
Site with Wik eves black ears,
Llack jegs a and # Big rho yaad its
neck In Tie foreh of & Boren eoiiar
Bald beh for research and discovery
on AR So mi AA A eT SN ni
Cleans Kafr Boys
semne Kafi~d are ihe lesnest poodle
| in the world to some respects” said a
[iadw Bast retorned from Somh Afrien
They are siwdrs serabhing theme
Cgelves in ho! water and anointing
i themselves with oli afterward, but the
i wWanit : dues sot extend to their clothes
i They will take an elaborate bath and
§ then pat on old clothes that never
gaw the washiud 1 had sli the house
Pohevy dress in white duck
snd then
ehey had to Reed heir cloths clean.
But po one bas the jemst idea of what
ar tARptivily. And no coe oat a3
Native seams 10 Mesent the introdug
i tion of the dueklid]l to 08 Of mMenAg-
erties. for taey dle as soon as Aken
' into oaptivity. his is a pity. for tha |
Auckdill Is ome of the most exiraor-
"| inary $ of a Hving animals. It is a
Unk between the animals i
: hand ni
Ys habits mar bu either in Creadom |
in the mines the boys wesr only the
‘saoorhis” which 8 about a yard and
a mall of plus cotton, wound about
| their Rips.”
likely 10 know til the pood peadie of |
Thibet are a little mere friendly to
Crook Type of Americas Tap
Daniel Hurdy. ihe pew general su
perintendent of the Missouri Pacific
mii ie a
railway, was thirty-five years age a
walsr doy on the oid single-track road
| rasaing through Fraseyvide, O.
No man in the world has a : dignity
hat is aupector to usving bis Bet