RE CARA SR AVA 5 fe board Fhladelphia, v fotlowin i in molt explanat ATF LAWYERS TO PLAY BALL Sass ivarn Attark of Diamond Fever Canes | Team bo Organize. i i Although the birds are not singing | very blithely as vot, nor the spring fever a prevalent disease about here, | the legal inninaries of Cambria coun are already preparing to place a bas bail team in the field daring the hot | weather which they fondly hope will them si : this morning nat an effort is being made to have Ju Oo Connor take the manageoen hey will not shy ut an y team om, Any vounty bo mest all comers in their olus said the chal. i gers oid have to establish a repu. tation before the Blackstoneites would | pay any attention to them Wah! : Mainhart, Liston, Rose, Doerr, Davis, | i Keim, Campbell and others to denw from, the Cambrian have material for | a fine team, and it will need nothisg | bat practice to make It a daoverios tion for any aggregalin © bull-tossers to tackle Jobhnatoien ribane, ; All very well and good so far anit oes bot ottr estecined cote por #8 to mention snot Coke who tan give a aforessid bunch « fds and and wy win ous what it eotaes tap pany having The Covuren 2 reters (0% Rege! Somer ohaekl, formerly of. and ghey, if no fortcoe, 5 id nod peing a whi & miniber of the bached refosn to gs the & or one of te the season gpstie, he might with the. abgve. Se ‘miners and. ili, Bua, of Patton. whe wo s ball mab of his igen. 4 {lrnw fora. Nel PATTON PUBLIC SCHOLES. The Raiport of the re neipsd snd Tenchrin | for thie Past Monih FIRST PRIMARY. Number enrolled, 80; average at- | tendancs, 84; per cent of attendance, 81. Those present every day: Alive Airhart, Esther Bialr, Hattie Boyer, | Phosbe gC apman, Annie Choback, $ He Millie Kohnley, | ‘Sara gy at 3 Bapserd, Ustherine | Ma bower, Bessie Villlams, Willie } Airbare, Philip Baaman, Stephen Fedor, John Hagan, Joseph Ssosea, ; e P present. Beporta of the various commit 8 Tn ME, Andrew Sommenh, [eo Thomas, Peter arker, Harry Williams, Ecrzanern SporMaxis, Teacher, REQOND PRIMARY. Number enrolled. 78; average at tondlanion. 6 per cunt of aliendance, 85. Those present every day: Elmer Cole, * Alex Hodge, Farl Jones James Lindsay”, Richard Lioyd, Amex Wik cHameon, Joe Sameer, Orvis Shunk. Cwiier, Andrew Nagle, Joe Lacava Mar _gaerite Dietrick, Mary Deloger, Abnie Hanney, Trossde Retinivck, Alice Mate Pinel Peters, Mary Waters, Ger fine ¥ erger, Hiss Faden ANNIE VY, Eantey, Teacher, THIRD PRIMARY. Xamber enrolled, #6; average at- * tenders, Be: per cent of sitendance, #8. Those present every day: Ester LK arsnm, irene Rhody, { Gert pide Lal an, Laura Winslow, Hilda Cartham, nn, Seinia Nwineon, Rose Pie Forst, Margaret ¥ Brady, Rom myne Worrell, May Lilly, We Mary | MeMaidran, David Noson, olise White, Oryy olvory, Bart Woomes Ralph Miles Fi i A pon prevatioator Per the pre : PRaTIENT FamAGRAPHS. Potsaed Finetiiags Fertalnings & Peupls and Place, Jt is stated that the Western Union | Telegraph Co. has decided to give Pit ton the service to which it has lo Chg been entitled and whi Lads mis gS the Good bailding in the near fate, thas separating the raiiroad work froo: y | po other business, Asitis now, the raliroad telegraph minis takes pe over all other, entailing oft. : times a considerable loss of time in 4 sending and delivering messages from | private firms or individoals. The rail- | road telegraph office will be maintaingd in the same place. ~The pet deer which Mrs Harry P. city of Chicago was taken to the games preserve of the Otzinschson rod aud gun club. The deer bad been kept cn the George § Good farm near Louk | P | Haven for som; time past. L Parnell, Cowher & Co. have pup {chased the business of F. M. Green, i the oldest insurance agency in Altoona, | and have taken possession of the same, Meade B. Cowher will be in charge of : ithe agency and will make that city "| bis headquarters. ; Ed A. Goodfellow, the vice presi: , dent of the new publishing company i Hastings, was in town on Taesday. | Mr. Goodfellow says the sew paper will be called the Northern Cambria a. News and will be issued about the 0th prox. ; ~The National Mavonic Society will "bold a festival in Fedor's Hall on Sas. {urday, the Bist prox. from twelve o O'clock noon to tweive o'clock mid. | able cocasion.” 1, eran church will hold a festival in Fire ! night. itis sxpected to be “an enjoy: John Gunn, the former Hastings it, and J. H. Allport, of thet » pte, were In town ou Monday | looking for a location for a new drug ~The ladies of the Swedish Luth- men's Hall on Saturday evening, loners Two Blores Consolidated Having purchased the goods in the “old established store of Geo 8 Good, 1 intend to consolidate my two stores tand will move to the scrmmodicus | rooms in the Good building in afew days. The goods purchased of Mr Goo 1 have determined to dispose of at s | price that cannot bat be satisfactory to all purchasers, in order 0 give me oom for a new stock. This will in tude everything i in every line now in i the Good store. The latter willbe completely renovated and made ax convenient and tasly as possible Whe this is Sompleted ali uy ud anne. | r ; Harry MeN Sh BEATE, Frag Fhe sas pao), if; Walter T Theres Tra WwW, Hugdsnass, Teacher. POL RY HOPRIMARY. Number sarolied, John Jones, John Lowie, James Whit ford,” Howard Yerger, Rath Onumer, By wna Chapman, Mary Holter, Maud Lacan * Breils Watkins \irace ning, Frances Brasesy, _ Anthony Choby,* Joseph Delomier, Cormie, Violet Coroelios, Annie Goods, | Delian Holes, Ane Danelson, Agnes Wiillsmeon. Dogoray SuiTee, Teacher. FIRST INTERMEDIATE, { Nomber enroiled, 353; average at- tendance, 48: per cent of attendance, | Good was not permitted to keep in the | 98 Those present every day: Lily: Anstead, Margarets Anderson, Helen Beil, Margaret Campbell, Maggie Com- | . mon, Lucy Gutwsaid, Magdalena Gag | ard, Alice Noonan, Maggie Powell, * -Senniah Peters, Nellie Stevens, Harriet Short, Annie Thomas, Mary Willinme,* Ernest Cramer, John Choby, Edwin | Grenninger, Harris Gould, William i Green, John Hodge, sauce Lioyd, Wil- Ham MeMaidron, Eric No , Arthar | Peterson. Lowerro E Prinpisrr, Teacher. SRCOND INTERMEDIATE. Namber enrolled, 61; average at tendance, $3; per cent of attendance, 83. Those present every day: Cus ; Dale, Joseph Fedor, Nathan Goldatein, | ‘James Hodgking Ray Hutchison, | Bimer Ivory, Michael Kennick, Wil- Ham Liosch, Gerald McNamara, Joho Powell, Andrew Sheka, Jobn Somies. | Wiliam Whitford, Richard Williams, Alice Blair, Dora Crooks, Alice Harts. ‘horn, Florence Holes, Mary Person, { Minnie Rowland, Grace Williams. Rena B Lewis, Teacher THIRD INTERMEDIATE Number enrolled, 49; average at. lendance, 43; per cent of attendance, 195. Those present every day: Anna MeCormick, Margaret Whitford, * Baty Anstead * Ruth London, * Rosella Miles, Grace Monteith: Gerrade + Thomas, Lillian Kirk, Justina Rhody, | George Asbury, Joe Gaglisedi, Willie Powell, Stanley Tober,® Claire Smale, John Cornelios, Charlie Bauman, | George Jones. Lorre I MoCiisxey, Teacher, FOURTH INTERMEDIATE, Number enrviled, 50; average at. tendance, 41; per cent of attendance. ‘87. Thos present svery day: Rotilda Biller, Lain Holes, Elizabeth Nelson, * Josephine Sbort, Ray Shonkwiler, Effie ‘Trueman, Clark © owher, Albert Jen ‘King, Wilfred Karlbein, Withar Shunk ‘wiler, Jesse Lioyd, Sama CUMMINGS, Teacher ASSEMBLY ROOM, B. L Myers, teacher of American | literature, geometry, Latin, physics, his- | { [wry W. - H.Burd, mathematics, vog- coToveD ox PAGE 5 : average ate "U0 tendanon, BY; per cant of sitendance, : F Those present every day: Jases Astbury,” Patrick Calaban, Rossel] Barton, Cyril Faber” Andrew Hoots, Martin Goods, Waiter Irvin, Fred Lloyd, Mion Bhaikwiler, James White, Frances Mo: | You can do Bete at Mille Borough Comet is Getting Down to Business. "RAISED GILL’S WAGES | Chet or Patton Row gels Sing Deilwrs - ® Month McCormick ix After the New Toi CE C nd. jphinne Company Again. Lon of Basins Ba an pied Out. 4 We buy the best that money can purchase es es always aim to stand at the top in offering you merch dise that’s SX yeudatle Are al ways cheapest i A special meeting of council was bold oft Monday night with all the mem ee were submitted and action taken thereon, while many matters of ime hat are portance wore discuss] and opinions given that will bear fruit is the fatare, Cetinld, the chairman of the commit tek appointed to try and secare soit i ; able quarters for the honorable body to : tn, repre Tt Ce hair cloth fromts and hand-made buttonhales Exactly wise nnable to And a room for that Wy The same as local tailors make. The price is away priFpoe except In’ the Good balling. S under theirs, that's the difference only. : adjoining the office f Geo Boone, | Men’s Snits range from $8 50, all wool, to $16. 30. Fag, which coud be secured for $0 hs per month. His report was copourred Be WS ' Suits, from 3a 49 to $12.00, | | by Ardell and Probert, toe other We try to give a £1 alsa. Never let it £0 ont ane less it Ike it. Dat they all do that? a tembers of (he commibles, and ou mies (Hom of Uould, ssoomsded by Motor . oe a riment of Furnishings, Shoes and H rentie : ‘& in the reins don't except the cities. mica, was orderad Saal this room be | Prindivle reported thal Jos Smith I le Sell Il Opi Mad baner, of Palmer avesus claimed ton mg, Hats, Caps, Overelothes, Shoes, Trunks ig | fold ib an ally leading from that street ans hand stom Whe amine noch 10 s thi : * Baga, Gloves, Bie ec. Hie, * diwsanfors of the peapde wh erly abutted thereon. Me Sm anor Some thing for the labor anions to look 2 they d ta on, CLOTHING we are showing suitsg and- chide to have & dewd for the lsod in question, which was recorded belore the borough Wis lseorporated, The. i aaa Dultor was soled to Lhe street som. | Le an arti = er for investipation. > stand pledged to make A pamber of other sompiaints of His and other patores sere also taened over to tie same committes for thelr eration and reports will be msds af the next sweting. : The boroagh solicitor was structed to attend the meeting of conncil at which the sadiiors report will be read “on motion of Lingle, stconded by Me Cormick. The object of the resclution wis be obtain some information regard Jing the collection of pay for sewers aad paving as well as for sidew We Give. Beautiful Gifts for Ch acks. Come and § we make ystope Clothing Co this have been pot down by the bor- A }irortlc: ff Your Bank oagh for private individogls. The sidewalk question came ap for its regular decussion, which was in dulged ia at considerable length. A nomber of peaple hav signified thei intention not to build either a brick or board walk, while othurs are waiting fot a more settled condition of the THE CRITICAL EYE weather. Tlie first class will be dealt SOON detects any Little thin | with summayily, while the others will wrong with a watch. If your WHTCR or CLOCK has that tired feeling, it needs Co. be compelled to put the pavement | the attention of our repair back near the school hoose in as good Man. We can restore the be piven a reasonable length of tige to “make good. i MeCormick opened op a fertile fleld for discussion by moving that the Huntiogdon & Clearfield Telephone & condition as before. This precipated most debilitated Watch or &% Yearm debate as to the! telephone com Clock to strength and useful. PAYS Tesponaibiity In the matter, but cq The removal of clogged nolking new was adduited other than d h d adit a canlat what has sppeared in these columns 01S, the repair and adjustment of wheels and the regmliat- pumerons times previously, The street g of the en tire SV stem will noi cost much, comaritiee will wrestle with the wir § Jems an mation of Prindible, seconded by MeCormick. : Af this point Probert, the chairman of the fire and police committee, rec ‘ommended that the salary of Chief-of. Eyes tested by the celebrated ** Retinoscopic Test” and glass correctly Pulice Gill be advanced from $52 to $80 Le ha 1. tree of ; i dd he per month. MoCormick soitidid with fitted, nes changed, free of charge, at any time, in spectacles sold by me his views and made a motion fo that that cost 32.00 and over. effet, which was seconded by Probert. | — » J. C. SNYDER, Jeweler and Optician, Pattén, Pa. All work guaranteed. WE HAVE A FINE LINE OF SPECTACLES President Donnelly put the motion and Bt was carried, Gould, Ardeil, Prindible, Probert and MeCormicke : wolling for it. Lingle voted “n : Om motion of Prindibie, seconded by ; Gould, the clerk was tratructed to ao tly the Huntingdon & Clearfield Telephone Co. to place a telephone in : MIRKIN % KUSNER' S. the residence of Mr. Gill. The bor. ough is entitled to the free ose of a ¥ el phone from each Sompeay aad the Ir s the Store Your Neighbors Are Talking Rbout. Bell “phase will be plied in the oew This stored splendid popularity, though on a steady increase from cif chamber, Hive sv we eran Pratai ms, has taken a wonderful bound. The ; meet next Mondav reason is pot obscure. We've furnished more men with handsome cloth GR than any other store, became wit have the garments that dressy noen want, al prices which paguesticoably wave our custom. . LY money, Flies Saspoeta A rrasted. Coastables Jackson and Beeser and See Men S Suits The Power Behind the Chigt-of-Police Gill rounded up five rR i i staples, three white men apd two Puse’s the negross, a8 They Wery getling off a In Our Masimoth adic] # ow ase EE NT o Flededs ie gd ¥ freight trails el this ade SIR 3 ay i W Ia TT Irs splays v Sie aur O hildren u De partment this week. We have on side morpiag. The arrests were made i= a nearvel at the peice. : J 175 Children’s Suits - Pesimnise to a telegram from Mahaffey, stating that the store «f the Wrigley dat Loe greatest evar shown. Norfoiks, Denble Breasted, Sailor Military Sack Sails at these special Hardware Co. al thet place bad been | The prices bayonnd tompare. thene men were suspectisd of deing the | * ’ offisrings: burglarized the night previous aud that $6.00 deed. They were taken to the burough $9.90, NOTE $1.50, $1.90 $240, $2.90, £3.50, bastile and searched, hut as nothing $1 2. 0 0. $5.10, $4.50 and $5.00, wast found on them of a suspicious na- Don'y fail to see these suits. RKI N & KU 5] NER, Good Building. | ture they wore released,