: : A woman yr poor and 3 pinched in feature #0 marked wit ad ab | made Buk oul Sewspa ™ ‘ for sale at his : en : Mt. Washin ton: the our at care and desperation that i nad per ee Lo springs, a he striioal deposits feel glek ta look at her. was holdin : offie.-5 cents a bundle : : tebe) something nodir her shaw! and waits | . ed a Glisten in the sun’s rays with all the | og nervoucly until he shogld hase an, — ever presenting a scene of varied charm ata awe inspieimng wonder. The accomodations on thix tour will i necessarily be limited, and intending | tourists shouid apply early in order to ‘tion, and all inguiries regarding ac. | commodations should be addressed to Geo. W, Boyd, assistant general pas. wenger agent, Pennsylvania raitroad, y Broad street station, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED | A RECEIPT. ing Instrections. bos avec more ines of vor (Iog on the Proadway ears. She had evidently Spent Ber youth and middie about DuBois | Age i the rural regions, but dotibtiean i an B towns, is : she called old Trelupd hone. The cone foedsl. There are ; { ductor. who differed little from tha three Alstinvt divisons Nelong. rest of his kind came through the oar % ; place. ealling for fares. The old woman Behl bor usion ot Sr out ber hand in which a nfekel wie | tigheiy eltehed, thes drew It suddenty {pack ax if abe had nade son mistake, : “1 want mv ‘rosa frat” she sald no . rich Footing diners Bold . please, ont his hand, densanded “Fare, Led | "Ng receipts, Inde” said five stolly Ceenductor. I'N have ol ‘have your | fare ™ “My son told me Bot to five up any | money withont getting 8 ‘reste ” in. 1 sinted the old woman stoutly. ® and Paris clothes profferad the Assn body gat receipts, { “Bee. I pay my fare without one 7 (abe mid. giving the conductor a dime "8 and the woman a reassuring suille, But the woman was Behlorn want my ‘resate’ she reiterated. 1 The send notor mechanionlly held out. "La plea! to the kind indy of the Paris gown, but she shook her bead, nodded it ward the old woman apd sailed. | swayed through Colin square. Rho of so, | the Ppesate” shook her head grimly, i settled herself back in ber seat sod oe held on to the nickel, detormived sot to | relingaiah 1 without the noce : knowledgment.— New York Mant and t Rxnress. — : Pine. ; Catherine obtained ioe from e| Prance and, In 1543 an act was el “That wo terson shall pt to ai, | Any pinms but only saeh #8 shail be Bouble bonded ail have the igp le sob. © i Hi fered fast to the shank of IE ni 7 well simoithed. the shank well whistpes : Sl hymn of thankegiv- the petits well sort film} canted and | sharpened Al thi tiie ont pions were wade of | cashier had asked Blogs twice maid (brass. but nny were alo made of : in, with & lense surface. Frame sent ‘A Wrge number of pine to Fogland Baill about the year Jou se plows king in Glonesstershire. Bo sue. _eemsful was his venture that be soon hus = i (had 1000 persons working. Theo pine wsmocistion, tobe Bimde ot Btrond were Geld In high re July 7 to 11, 10a | pute. the Mn mhsylvania Rall In i836 plumakers combined y , founded a rorporstion.. The tr i WAR carried on a! Bristol and Birming I bam. the latter becoming the chief colors of the rainbow; and the goyeors, | secure reservations of pace. A de talled! itinerary is in course of prepara- | | The ora Lady Insinted Upon Follows ; The old lady was not veed to travel The conductor paid ne eed: but, “But 1 wnt my ‘resate ” sha repeat. ) Jie Lind lady with the sweat face Pk the face of a woman as that of & | er | aoce (hat it was “ul right” that mo. The law seems to he based on | “p : in this your ane John Tishy marted : hed Bis braosaction Walt og her } Burrs” he gD at tise word of peroission vu plone was produced frotn T the shelter of the shaw! renlied the woman, oe in her throat and an pager lock in her eyem She elutehund the money tightly and ran Inte anather | Create, poor as herself hut Donen ‘ber troubles in duller fashion. She had a baby's cloak. never costly anid much worn. on which she wanted ty barrow money, the same sum as the other woninn Bad asked for. The man who had been offering no dimmond felt uncomfortable. Himes as mach” And, selring the mon ey, he horried after the woman who had just loft the shop He was not CEiven to acts of charity, and he felt awkward. the more wo as the woman | shrank from Im as be sccnstad Boer. "1 beg your pardon.” be began. “but | Bere's 85 1 have no nse for, Perbaps you~ from him. “Por your child he said gently, “My ohild i= dead™ cried the woman, | with a queer sob. and fed inte the . Iabyrinth of alleys and hywiys that shelters so much wretehedness -- Now York Times. Carions Meviean Laws, They have some ory curious selmi pal laws in Mexico. For instance, n is ; twice as much of an offense to moth man. (the ides that & woman's bent Goes ber a great injury. cr There is another curious law. "a person should De wotnded in wp or counter. the punishment to the offend. or ix fixed by the number of duys bie | ti hus to stay in the hospital or | under a doctor's care A line is Axed | At 40 days in the way of a general div). won. If the injured man occupies mors than 40 days In his Fecovery. the pen- ality doubles up. x 2 An Tmpudens Fraud. Ap Impedent fraud was perpetented | upon a Manchester bank by one of its | customers. who opened sn sovonnt (with some few hundreds of pounds { The oun, after a fow weeks drew two i | thecks, earh within pound or so of | his balance. and selecting a busy day. presouted himwelf at one end of the * sounter, while an sccamplies, when he Aw thar his friend's check had been | | ranhed, mediately presented hin oven 10 8» cashier at the other md. Both enshiews referred the checks to the She seems to bw in 2 { to the mas behind the i “Pow mech do pon want? queried 1g the anmoved paw nbroker monotonaass | Having moved to our new Block: (we are now better prepared | than ever to do all work ini the Fisher B location in this line. We are sole agents for Cambria county for the cele “There, | : give me 350. The stone's worth four Patronize rated Brooks Oil Co's Gutta Percha Roofing Paint. Estimates cheerfully made “No. no™ abe cried. drawing farther for all work in our line the Home Bak ery, lon is her beauty and that to mar i" oak Sat sfaction Guaranteed. Try our macaroons. Fa ancy and wedding cakes To Order. J.C. HA MER, Fifth Avenue. ledger clerk. whe, thinkisg the snie "right” to both cheeks | Were never Faught. : Clothes ana he Man, It a Filipino enters the Louse of 8 Eoronesn lUving in an nnasaning wary. be will not beliove that the Eo yopean is wither wealthy or aie. and, althongh his ma. ser way be it will not be Lumble. On ig other band, 1 Be visits sn ignorant man who Indulgs In great splendor. be will At obee become exesedingly respectiul, Mr Phelps Whitmarsh, who in The The thicves abun F104 oY “ly Teams to haul Paper Wood ni Teams to Log near Lilly. For fall 1 partisnlars address. Over-Work te near Ebenshurg. Sa SEE ad ww Teams to haul Lumber near; Glen Campbell, mane A aha NSEC 8G, PA. Ce a ey Sues ar &m 2 #1 Phits & Beuato HH ro Wilko Ge o£ POR ar » ® yn via in Ph So 3 3 Huntingdon § & Broad. To op Me i Railroad. Hin ofthot Nov. » 1901, PATTON, PA. on Hi HE is x hid sonnets nt EE ] : sel, Pa | Boy NOVEMBER 17, tn He | Ponte ive Willa { Si Helio with igh Hunirplion. ah center. In ITTS prizes wore offerod for Outlook given his experiences in the "| the Brst native made Pins and needles ‘SAAS, telly the story of a wealthy "In Caroling, and during the war In 1812 Provincial visiting Manila for the first | pins fetched enormous prices. Hime, who asked to be presented to the . Pios vary from 34 inchen in length #overnor general to the small git entomologists’ pin: . hey be reached = puince, be : i Weighing about an ounce. 4G ound the governor taking coffee on park, hi # ice ~Siood | ‘Bis plazas, dressed comfortably in a white eutton ute. The Filipino re Eggs for Haiching -% 13 FOR $1.00. The Following Thoroughbreds: FOURTRALK SER) ak ames ¢ Htendent. f inkibethis Triiadelphin. ee 54 dl Sp Srnbun Aes A Lucia Dectaton, “ Pittaburg Johnstown, Eb het 1s : burg & Eastern R.R. | ondinmed Tone histe in her Tune 8. i Tre Piyn mouth Rock, Silver Laced Wyandotte. Black Manareh, ~~ Brown Leghorn. | ED. WEAKLAND, Highland Pogltry Farm, Parron, Pa. _— Oysters in every style, Meals served promptiy. Give me i call. Open Sandaye. F. D. Dunlap, Proprietor. present. i Upon wnteriag the thronerpom and Heeling the geseral tu full woniform, murrcanded by Bin brilliant staff with the acossworien of splendid tapestries, | Inced nabers and all the pomn and splendor of these Spanish finetions | : the province] grow juke msl. kneelin 2 4 vegan in deep basility, exclaimed: yy PATTON, Pa. "This Is indeed my Fetieral : Oo Nee | in the Good Bullding. Bo Impressed was he that the fol : lowing morsing he seit & pair of hand. some horses to the pulls a 4 note Dr. v. A. Murray, PHYSICIAX & SERGEON. fi. fthoe tn prtington hw, Bent be Patan. Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, LW AW NEXDAY TRAINS To Phithebunyg, r engaged in making faces at her. a 8 pill ols for each “how ean you do: 0? m Ibe “Oh mamma’ answered the little girl, “1 was trying to smille at you but | y face slipped, "London Answers. : son Free. : “Mr general, yesterday | liken you | After two solid tiours of moon) fal #0 much in your usitory of 29) sid that sami nointerrugtion she thooght she | 1 send rou this pale of Horace, but de bad him. *1 admit that you dre the ‘Bot use them when you dreus in» pm 206 | Pernwood Ae ; Haaney Hmteda a To Si Hi pati on Ts Hamer. Ad vend Sirutum' ' Nutles, a Pe whieh vad dotiy 20 " jo BRAY, fr Mat PERRI LE FEAvestrn mt Hy wes, Ba. os HH Maret hit, ies — ony, and an all of the highesi Po Vm FS eh HA Trying It vu the Building. NreinK Sir 3 4 : : LaF ARD | ie (04 ii on fortable and Sonyen- ACCIDENT | Sl Jin the best hotels. During RAWAL BNTATE AGRNTS J : faitling, atten, Pa Plume No Miss Susie Wentz, Ra HEE oF Music | ; 15 Solin tuiiding. Tonciiing Bones | an pew, Paeticatsr attend 3 400 Elm Bolding. LE WW 1 { ik . Sa m by 3 m., and th At Umoendn Mille with Hi | Sweetest” white guit.” Le “Yes roo * she wh pared. 2 H A SEITZ “Rye the oe Bas forbidden me pee win,” he added ~~ nn ok And Hoghweatin moon retired be Markleigh- Your offic: svems badly Denti gi bind a eloud Philadelphia Record, Svumsesd up. Have you ne jasiter? ; | ; Gielen i Barkleigh We base ohe. but since Office np-stair : Be became o faith curist be has bews | flee Hoare. eo 4 a 4 viowith BR OR ienin lead An astm fae ares fhat Jupiter giving the office “absent treatment m. to 3 p.m, Sp, a the mand 000.000 y tr t Those ot was 34, Baltimore American. Gil Lidia Te HE at com ears ay 0 oan rev So ih, 4 ie 5 ng the necsasity Meniber back 34.000,000 years wil un me GEO. BOONE, modations at derstand whit this Deans. | A story first heara at & mother's knee | a sa Ye hotels, ; is seldom forgotten, and the same may | 4 USTICE OF THE FEACR. walk a mile without may. oe Said of sther things received at a | Office in Good Building. C Hections . : 3 than Souple of feet Chics | ! mother’s knee, which will readil> recur : | promptly at sented 20. Properties te Ci fo ah a {tae a . proper Bes 5 a te Bi (to the reader, alae News. j and rent. 7 : 3 = | Plans 74 wire recy tain given in uy ni i i 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers