The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 03, 1902, Image 8
moon ee gan okimsniste | i ticket office, 860 Fifth avenve, the tioned shove. For full information | Rates. ea Mint Remiefif for Ricumatiom. Spactal Fenday Excursion vis Pesnsvivenis | Al who haps Chamberlain’ = pain Railroad bum for rheumatism are delighted i with the quick relief from pain which The Pennsylvanis Bair 08d € O.HAS 3X Lis lords. When speaking z of this Mr ranged for & low-rate ter day excareion |) , Sinks,of Troy, Obiosays: “Some from Pittsburg and points in Western | 0 ago 1 had a severe attack o Pennsylvania to Washington April 10. | phieamativm in my arm ard shoulder Roundtrip tickets wil! be sold of rates 1 tried numerous remedies bat go quoted botow, good going on special | pe pelief until 1 was recommend by train indlated, or on train No. 4, leav- | Maners. George F. Parsons & to, drag. | Ing Pittsburg ai 8.00 p , «0d curry- | Eints of this place, to try C hasmberiaia’ 8 £ z ry 2X ing through sleeping cars to Washing. | Lonin bain, They recommended it so ton Special train of through parr ‘highly that I bought a bottle, 1 was curs and oasches witl bes Tan Froth Pitts. | | Ron relieved of all pain, i have re : burg an the full recomended this iniment to ms ny of my fiends, whe agree with me that it ir the tres. Fetecy for muscular rhea. market.” For sale by Ww Hodgkins, Pattom, and Hastings Ho E Phiemacy. ¢ 5 tied, u watil t Apel ; ; to ates off vid a Bin Lett Leg. irae | = ii ra, brs Bok be a Cereal trai, the compaty : tof piles. Cooling ¢ sud eating None ht to carry participan > he 8 the rig to ¥ pe ric Pp ts i genaine bit DeW it Beware o fr {pounterfeits. “1 ad for many | | years Troan 8 sore cased By a gun sid sind bn nay left deg’? says AB Fu der, English, ud. “It wonld not bead cand gave me mack trouble. © used wil kines of remadies no purpose until 1 ied PWitt's witch howel salve. A WIRES OOH ] 2s Tickets oti sale in Pittsbharg, at anion WAlne slotion, and at sii stations men. | iy to agents or Thomas BE. Wald, gor spent western district, Fifth ae andl Hmbtiifleld street, Filistung. - Wo. Bodgkine ‘ation, aired Doa’t neglect coughs and coda even | Pharmacy. bis spring Bach cise atien ' pelt : Mave Stany = Fine, €anpht 0 A RE One Arnon Kooeudee Thorpeon, o ay Mileeankesy sven A homer of remove add 2 at CERT yo Ehesgn, says: YDuring the ale seve) wanthip cee br og dtrendfal sure Da Comin, Chea, bronchitis sud other 3 * SW ha TR ! ur wade by 10 W. Hodgkins, al my Hie? phir of the |! sd i . mbment's “ig 3 Fup pss ou Fran ecg 0 ¥ Lt: gif pie. RPGR RIPW oie. 1 ink hres copnnended i 16 8 putnber | Lal xpress themselves sabe on gan + hive 10g ¢ bepefined by it. 1 now walk with. cure digests OW able to perform & great duitise, Pat. 90s oF Bid labor on the farm.” 250, 1 at C. Ww. Hodgkins. cibial fees O08 Enyiand, HH pomsider Chamberlain's cough . rem he Lest fn rid for bron- when your blood is pure. | : roel The Loosd Bn the world for bron BY nay most women, fail to prop. | hits,” says Mr. William Savory, of digest their foil 500 #0 become | Warrington, Ey gland. ht has saved 1 apd weak while the ™¥ wife's life, he. having been % | freniess and beaaty of Carty to bronchitis for over six years, tL £ x £ eto pLicn aber. Beth | red, She is now quite well” C. W, ing food and taking a small Hodgkins, Patton, and aby PF Fo after each meal, to PTAC: CONTRACTING. y You re strong and | "over 12 years experisnce. Post OfMoe Address, HASTINGS, PA. Sauplor free at C. W. Hodgkins, mie | ANTHONY ANNA, tou, and Tastings Poarmacy. : JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Collections promptly attended to. Daler in real estate, ole Hertins Cures ; A dose will usually stop 3 hil a continuance miways | cures. Mr. Wm. M. Stroud, Midioth- 18 Texas, May a, 1599, writes: "We YRRNER % FRY. BUETOCHERR, HASTINGS, PA. : Po Pull Boe of Fresh and Maooked Masts oo \ | iavnty o8 hand. Poultry sod gate in A portion 1 your patranege enetally ao ; te: netted 1. fo : Newteet Means Danger. | ; 't neglect biliousness and consti- | Geo. Simmelsberger, tion _ Your health will suffer per- [IVERY AND FEED STABLE, nently if you do. DeWitts litte y risers core such cases. M. B. Draying and Hauling done on Smith, Buttervut, Mich. says: DeWitt! J little early risers are the most satisfac: | oe ; pills 1 over Sook: Never gripeor| MASTER'S NOTH cause nausea. CO. W. Hodgkios, Pat-| gaeprd ten (1n the On snd Hastiogs Pharmacy. : " Save thie Rarved Lhaes, LR 3 1a Laity, Mrs. Mary. A Viet, Newcastle, Jolo., [panes SHOW ba wy ret . Cay : gE fyi SE 1 believe Ballard’s horchound ty. fal Fre iia nt ; patted Master to take syrup is superior to any other cough | garb dated short notice. ve. ! i : Ai March Te medicine and will do ail that is claimed | tambria eonty, SK Kxirset from the 3 rronrd of said | or ersifen Bee Bed day of fo t, and it ia 80 Pleasant to take. March, A Dm OE Treas, Pros i bas 0 seed for it. Ballard’s horehound pit pee : up great care for all puimo- | hie: ane ailmaciis. Bho, DOC and $1.00 at on WN in V. Ho adgking. f 5 by a weak indigestion, | ’ appetite, ar coustipation, try a a of Chamberiain’s stomach # Every bux waranted. ini sale by €. w. Hodgkins, Patton, ;3 and : : xen Crealest rkanant 1 ad : i AR apa i ; “her ores Shoe Standard AF Bawa rmgd © To . : Tou Honesty ner Workman, sot ar ra Hee os no ain. IL Che Varging * Gravger Twist” (two Gra 8nd W XN Tinsey's picture tin tags sed Trade Mark stickers from * i being most of the time confined to her TAGS AND'FLORODORA BANDS ARE OF EQUAL VALUE AND MAY BE ASSORTED. “Piper Melduiedk Bot Jeclk wd Hide HC Reger TNE Hine Crete wedh Bed Nw Lape Poe! Tibew's oa a. Kata Por Prewesiy Att feces era wie ee Slr £9 LA BP i Fr sun ls ays eB as aN 3 nT A Bo TR £5 POAT TW DEBE Sond i8 Craasiy calaluguosl We Our New [Hlustrated CATALOGUE OF PRESENTS FOR 1002 includes many articles sot shows Bera It contalun the most sUreciive List of Presents ever offered for Tags aod will WW seut by wil on reveipt of Our offer of Presents for Tags will expire Nov. joth, 1902. Write your name snd address posinly on outskic of package contsintog Togs, and forwssd Tugs by registered mal. of expross preted Be sare fo have wi a securely wripoed so that Tans will sed Ye al regen C. Hy. BROWN, COMTINBNTAL TURACCH CO Proce (nie. requests fur £340 Folsom Ave. St. Louis, Mo. MAPLIN BRITS WERE HR ed SRTARER it Ea AEE. REMNCIGN SOURLE BASREL HAMELS SHOE Sah SOOT Sxe¥ WARN MAORDINE BELLE, SNE PP Chi BER 1800 Tass, A powerful ngioe can t hos we witler: and you can't expect to Keep ap the wear acd strain of an active life with a weak stomach, Chir bollers, or rather our stomachs, can't be replaced, and we easnol stop the humao machinery while muak- ing repairs. But when the stomach is unable to digest enough food to keep the body slrong, we can use such a preparation as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It igests what you eat, 80 that you ean eat il the good food von wast, without any dist res fv CAer forty yearsof sult : opsin Cure ox 923 ; can’t t hei ip t but do you good _ Prepared by EO DeWitt & Ga, Uloags. The #1 bottle contatas 5 she Sov. sis When YOU peed A Soothing and healing apn cation for piles, sores and skin Qseuses, use BeWITT'S With Hazel «VE. Beware of counterfeits. Bid Citi a Tr i fo ns sei a il oh pn a Carefully i And at the right price. That t's what we are s for. Fancy Stationary and Ne ties a specially, £ stem and. Hastings Pharm Rl A Schaeth DR F. B. EVAN DENTIST, HASTI At Commercial Hotel esboro, every Thursday i.e Kay, MN. v. | £ W. Hodgkins’ Patton Pharmacy. - 1a this yupr paper? COmMpOou EW LIFE coop bruGS, heads Vids cy, Wl Prop. S, PEGE, PAL Barn- & t 1 i i » i i} - ¥ le