The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 03, 1902, Image 7

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    RAR aS ei Wb ¥
C88 ans Fhoty, ane thie 110
xd almost to thelr tips.
“child saving” work
= the isos State
was oun fide on Oh
from vicious lives and
Sohne = 4 extending from the waist lize to the
divided Into six “fam.
which bas a dormitory.
to train the girls in
juired, Each girl
. cookin;
cut ng department in the
or many of the girls have
jawing, although they did
to take a stitch waen
the home,
» this training the girls |
on school education in
of reading, writing an}
alt work at the school,
a for pg - ey nave
playrooms, Part of their |
regarded as play by
¥ thoroughly JSaly. the
, | of the school rece
i this purpose. From such earniogs one |
: of tas girly now has $120 10 her erat, | ;
{and the jeweler who examined them
at first pronounced them gopuine so
admimble was thelr make Until very
j hoshand to change thiz mode His
| wife's birthday was doe about Thanks
i giving time, and on discreetly Inguir |
{ing Ber preferences as to a wuitabie
gift he was told that nothing short
Lof & palr of pearl sar studs bigger |
than any her friends had would Joa |
, § Al the aching voll in her Jewel box
1k | He wrote and telegraphed and tole |
« | phoned, and cabled in s way dotisg
of | Ber was for a pair of the biggest
pearls in the market. A New York
London. ang both wers guaranteed to
ibe as big ss ordinary goosehorrios |
1 There proved however. to have been |
xa | 8 little Bitch In the Instroctions, that |
nevertheless had been interpreted iit. ©
a8 white as snow, There was no |
doubt abort thelr size though and
| mismatehod pearls In ber little piak |
tars gall went to 8 dinner of excep
5 | tional splendor.
found herself as a iesder of fashion,
and since thst dinper party the women
Lealled. Dave heen newotiating ex |
a (hmnges at thelr jewelers or among
Ke themselves, Mated pearls are pot “in
i it” with mjamatebod pairs. and though |
of the Hast, x green and a pink a white
in styla—~Chicage Record Herald,
| mess
: for street and evening wear ja beid
of several devaley ago corunies an
{important place on the list although
(siretched on the frame
i terns, however, are very effoctive,
{ tall Jength of the front and a iirtle tn
ope side. The waist fs mads with the |
{ Jittle strateht stock ang
i with trimmings of Hambarg ead
ry | the one at ithe right being carried
over a little and the end forming the
i the back being given by two rather |
r | broad box plaits which bein under!
ed | the collar, whicn is sailorlike in the
; | buck and are carried the Pu Ianath
i of the st, oo
4 to the school remains nl
‘lite custody until she is twentyons, |
After a years residence she may be
placed o family, from
which she soports trom time 10 time,
Her earnings are sent to the ipstitn.
ition. and the money In bank+d and
{ beid in trowt for ner, Decessary ex |
peniid boing deductad. Every child
% a bankbook for |
an} the aggregates runs inte huad
| of dollars.
in almost every raze ahenint
4 form is effected. and many of the siete |
are tenpectably and happily married.
RA os 3 AAAI
: Mtamutes Fenrle Worn. i
There is no doubt about feminine
| enthusiasm over the <arring Pro
1 digtous poart buttons arc, with the |
of 8 few novel shapes the
King to wonr and their vogue is very
inrgely doe to the fact that a pair |
of traly maagnificent Tortydoiiar pearl |
1 ear stads could really not be fdenit .
1 fed from a pair worth four or forty |
| thousand voices a Jewel expert is
i called in to pass upon the compare |
, | tive merits. This was illustrated the
i other day when the custom house off |
pers sedzod &
. brace of splendid pink | i
beads that 85d not been declared,
recently the fashion in ear studs de i
"| manded that the pair of pearls should |
{ first of all be of gpusual size, then as
i poarly as possible perfect soberes, and
» | finailly exaet mates in color,
It tell to the lot of a doting young
American bustands have and bis or
dealer got one in Paris and one in|
arally as to size. for one pearl was as
black as London soot and the other
the wie, rather than hurt the fesk
ings of her faltaful knieht put the |
The next morning she woke pp and |
with “mated peariz” as they are
% black and white bead are at the top |
and a yellow, are scoeptable seconds
Lace mitts ara still good form, ani |
i they can be found in biack and white
; nd in different lengths,
A hat made of strings of pearls in
i terwoven with bands of lace is cna
of the striking creations for the
A handsomes parasol is of white silk
covered with bimck chiffon, pul on |
8 | plain, and then in the contre of each
i gore there is a medalilon of Blac
| Ince. A narrow border of heavy white |
i lace further carries om the scheme of |
{ back and white, :
A charming evening gown for a
Young pith ix of rich miroir satin,
ored net. showing a dedests design |
of lacs or ribbon appligue In a foral
design alternating with roses or cam.
€iliss sewn om in a stwlled careless |
Modish separate skirts are fon
tively trimmed with folds of moira
Sead of the fiounce. Ons idea is to
set a fold oa either wide of he soams |
an ald vary fiat Then the flounce is
/j finished with bands of the same mare
i rial, running borizomtally and widen |
ing toward the back.
Lace still continues fashionuble, and
in highest favor Tambour lace relic |
it is not truly lace—thal is needis |
made lace—as It is worked with a sort |
of croche! hook, with the net
The pat |
Some of the new little frocks which
are made up for small girds open io
dioky efféer
brosd lapels turning back at tae front,
beginning of the opening. The skict
is simply made, gored in the front,
end without a gather the fullness of
known In the “crook” world his ser
| vices ‘were lu constant jemand He
| CoRMIrr was that made
: A Fear to olisin 821 the
Mechnwieal Devieas Outwit SNH < Com.
| petind Now to fis Back to snd Feilow
Petty Thieviag—The Modern Safes Wil
Feist Drunmitet hes Electrical Amr.
The modern burglar alarm not only
renders it utterly im powsilie for ope
to disturb » vant protected with it : i me
(marke: bromght Mm 3 fortame, and
| Without detection, but It also gives a | Lo iney sulisry of stolen |
1 of the white sattism
(signal at the fret artempt to raise a
window, fie & bur or enter a door.
| pomitories of great wealth that it has
| defend al} of the wonderful skill of
(ihe rack :
CHving erp re of that class of crooks
care found either in abject poverty of |
| devoting 1h gestive which brought
them million twenty yoars sgo 0
he pracijce of crime of the most petty
rotice tones titer atssnces of groal bank
{robberpws during the past five or ten ;
L¥oarE. A few have been snccoessfnll
performed In thar time, But with one
Igingle exception the money wag ob |
tained daring banking bears from the
cRabier as he glanced down the bar
rei of = six-sacaier. Tha exception |
eadiior fry conversation “while Be :
Checked nut & roll of Bile with the ald
of a piece of wire from under the 0
cial’s pose
The wleciriral burglar alarm of 1 ten
(dar, the grest molers seles. which
‘tending over a panied of twenty or |
pint y vesrs, which were comeelved
today, Siratige as it ma? ween those
Basiness The almost fabulous wealth
: which they stole made the Invention
of mechanical devices which would
i putwit their gill] gecensary, and thay
came in the course of time, unt! today
8 robbery [ile that of the Manhattan |
bank or one ike that of the Ovedn
bank iz New York city, wheres over
8 million dollars in money and sacar
ties were carried away. is wholly is
pustible without collusion with the
custodians of the vaunits
Twenty years szo bank officials
were not one whit less vigilant
than they sre now, but the brain fom x handear, hol was arrested ister
in New York city,
Chuunin? Doman. & man wad stole |
of the crook had gone ahead of tie
brain of the honest man. a condition |
bard to anderstand today, when the
very reverse is the fact
One: of tie best Ivisg {illus
trations of the old schos! of erooka
is Maximilian Behoenbein, better
Ing toe vanlt and safe makers of the
worki and dooting banks in this coun
fry and abroag for an aggregate gain
cof R500 000, this great criminal
was released not hag ag from the
Clinton, NY, prison, after a five | uumed into a Philadelpiia bank and | :
Lo son synaw Tax Ey
WAR lnrnesd over
_yeary' term for robbing the Middle
burg bank penziless gray with ge
broken in health and spirit. The sto
ry of the man's life ia like 8 romance,
and iv foil of chapters which one finds
B hard to believe In his prime he
was truly the greatest criminal in the
the buteber wan |
fought his way to freedom scores of |
times over the bodies of his own vie.
tims, excelled Bim in darige perhaps,
but no cvininal that ever live! Ssd
his mechanical genius,
Salnburn is & German, was tansht
the trade of a machinist snd Jock.
Emith by his father came to tus
Cconntry before be was savenieen years
| old, 04d had jaunched on 5 career of |
| erimn before Be wa eighteen. He id
cEad wonderful skid as a fowioamoiry
| and was taken gp By two moked crime
Badly, George Bliss and “Fsiry” Me |
; Guire, waom be met in a New York
gambling Bouse They used Him in
robbing a New Jersey bask and the
suceédn of the vemture was due pri
marily © Ris exil
anil as his ability bedaree
probably engaged in twenty robberies
fe be | before his tame Seeatue known ts the
yelled with either white, gold or ool
: wont interesting and
authorities. He bag scarcely attained
| his mutiority when he was yianning
cout big robberies for himself At that
Hime the only sale in poner! use In
i banks and business bouses In thi
the Lilly
COMPANY. Shinburn a 1h8 a
man who could master the secret of
the Lilly combimation lock could loot
Every 200 sala in ow fount ry.
Ope can seareniy fail fo
Ha progressed 'f
: was ever strong emooch ta
for long. With the police of
fry after him, Shinburi went to New Is
: York city xed luveste] a large sam |
of money In the stock market He
: Was warned to fy, as the sutborities
{were closing in on him, bit he caimily
waited fo ses how his investment |
would turn out. A wdden rise in toe |
1 On mors Doidiy thal ever This weason
pwotey Be walled for Belgium, with
| dent in the
rant of Shiak
i wisiel commtry ihe United States bud |
! Bo thoroughly does ft protect the le | no extradition treaty al that time He
purchased the tite and estate of al
decrepit nobleman and blossomed
tioned off a8 was dowe this year, bat
forth as Count Shinburn. He spint
thousands of Joliars on entertain
(monts, the magnitude of his opera
tions on the bourse staggered the na iol the trie. Their parents, refusing
tive speculators. and ale enormous
winnings and losings were somimented
| on all over Europes. For fifteen years |
{ha kept np this galt. then came a
series of misfortunes ani the great
“bank burglar was pensiless ones
{ URI redshin acted as the auctioneer,
He was asclsted By a number of madd :
He went to Parle met some fugitive
Americar ovals thers and plapoed |
{the robbery of the Provincia] bark at |
Tha merest adch |
reattiizod in the a
Vivisres B&B
and bbe pals
LB to dail for yeurs bat
iin a month
Sores of tae big
| Chat Shinburn engxped in were
robbery of tne leligh wand Wi
barre Coal rompsor's office 81 WH
will even regis densrits, ars ‘he ro ;
sult of a were of bank robberies ex- |
: : w alpote, x
aeceasfially carried out by 8 basd Lp
of criminals, many of whom are alive |
of $70000 in rash by tun
oe vai room 85
i bask on Cinna ih straot New Yor
men Have driven themselves oat of |
AoA NI Si bE RAR A AE rd dn SA SV
He decided to go and work for tha |
* Lilly company. Bliss and McGuire
| agreed to Been Bim in funds while Ho
sindbis Sueh an expert machinist ss
Bless not
ft. put them in
oat again
of $1088 868 In money R33 a.
the robbery of the West Maryiang
Bank of $I5.000 and a wore of others
Shinbure hay shoe a dimen pen been
shot several times himself, and Ras
hroken Ril folly a dross timex It
wag aver five fears peo that Shinhairn,
an old ran then, ran up against mol
Brn Selence
clates fought their way fo the doors
of the vant and had blows away ov
{ evre obstacle with nitsoglveerine be
fure they realized thar they bad ser
off a brirglar alarm Bhizhurn escaped |
| Wrath of an Indian parent knows 30
ayer $200 Hope Sled pon
term i petacy 2 ir stealing % poche.
book from 8 woman in a New York
; 3 eity Book gloras He took the pocket
knows to the police of the world as
“Count” Max Fhinburn. Alter defy
book becangse he was i genuine vesd
In his time he whe cue of the mast
shiltal and sucessful levees in he
Loonmtry, Bat the feld Tor hie peculiar
fatents hal llmappearad He stale
BiRB | 2100000 from the Hatters bank at |
fell a victim to minders science. He
Bethel. Conn, and $850008 frooy the
Mariza National dank. In 1551 ae
with & Jong ste] wire Baubdd $1400
ant through the paving tellers win
dow right under the official's nose
Ha took it ia three packapes and
WEEN defectind until bo had the (Hira
{package almost out In 1847 dae
walked into August Belmont 's office at
Wall an} William streets. New York,
sauntered past cliorks and office boys,
reached Mr Belmonts desk took 320.
a ward of government bonds from
Sia pociet and walked
Express company is Mew York fas
| 35 the cashier was leaving his cage
to Eo to hascheon. He slid in the cages |
as the cashier went oul, put oa the
atior'y offre hat and duster and
ding to work over soma
4 the cash drawer and safe | P
: tHe walked into a New
{ York bank one morniisg and notified
the bookkeeper fiat Bs bad been
chargsd and in Ba {damon had |
: vi Bunds in the thre Gays of the hig
dal auction. "Not for many years
# ly RYT Sam. commanded sacl spin
$ Dokken Be
sway, Har
wn, snd BB 8sally teenie 2
ony tl arrest hive Overy
ared om the stent
tobkbad Bim of MMs espdert
and he descend to the pe
por of the alreel pocket Bled
hatter Rnown a8 B
was lant arresied f
: & 33d street car in New York city
| Skink min bad no & yin petring 1 oo
| the job be wanted Lok Bim over
needed for the i 1%
tina ol the seried
knowledges he |
The rhe met important discovery | ov
be made at fhe tine was th val A per:
son with scute hesring could
ting bis S&T BEET tan
safe and turning
at what Han ; we
{ dropped into place rare |
ful study of
and is credited wi
5 allewed to Rave
sale our of 3 ad sid
the cotubination from a safe and then
placed ap impressionable piece of oa
por ander 8 Then he turned the dial
slowly and foond that whenever a |
combination number was reached the |
Impression on the paper bavame mare
distinet. By
RRIZE A mistroscope | ir
Bhinburn was able to tell what the |!
combination numbers were, With this |
mass of wvalsable information Shin.
burn and bis associates plun fered
ity sales al over the ® SALT, is Bnally
Hew would have Boorse
committing Bleetricity and tha mod
ery sale Bave driven them $0 the wall |
Gradually they are dy ng of —Waal |
gen Su,
aw osnutl of WM
| PAR of tise LL
yo the robbery of he |
bank of §h0 aide the |
; of the Br Al tans Vi, bask
It owas at the Middle
barg. NX. Y. dank Hu and bis asso
Counted ty Bin whit
be ta gerving &
A month after thiy be
I walked into the ofMce of he Adams |
CEB strongly 3d Miss Parker did to be
ing auctioned off hut it did thers ne
tg Bow went ahead
3 i ! sates while | he
rie Were en Anly loa Tew
fa fee Became
tims he;
Prison fe of
An aiminst similar case is that |
: 3 HE a frag
z 8 ar cs from a woman
He aurtion an the wives of tribostrs |
who Sid them | in. This herbarle ros
Tims WES 1
the Cinnstches lust year. but it went
being comiucted under the very id
The festive) of the Comunrhe * ‘mong |
emake” ax this ceremony in called is
of more than passing interest. Sede |
Trout thew are euiled traveling e
agents. The department hoad whe
plows them ie also calicd variously
ave bern disonntinaed by
oor agent, the FAP aecouniant or tie
perintendenst of rolling stock 7
i | n ark at $30 or gan a
Land Ihe ret being “chasers
travel all over the country on
pases Busting 3p missing
dom Are Ss MmSNY FOURE SORARH IVC | who seeetes FISD or $ion a sonth
tse surplus wie greds and needed hin
ning out, socordisg to The head men |
ty Resp thew any longer, the pirls
saturaily seeded liomes somewhers, |
and 3 wan deemed best hy the pedh
cine men Yo Auction them off as wi os
the highest Wdddewg 0 take fhelr
vhadoe. Ble Bow a moneirous fa and
vipe nian. who perforssesd ihe marriage |
ofremsniel alter (he sains had §
Five handed indians fathered »
cated » Baten fivact. | :
in View and ov the
Aa mountaios. The
i kad been confined |
(hpee weeks Phir to :
this ii
extremely weld
Bil vind : ; 3
avranped in prince fudian Pun pl
WEE Plan To soe (BME their parents bad |
prepared thess to heing {apey prices
8 Tow deltghicel With tha stperlence
ADLOUR Others was 8 dayighter of the |
farsons Quabnsh Parker tpepotedtin
menche Indian chief. This daupbier
whaoe Dame ix Amy, had displeased
Nm by attempting 0 ros sway and
TIArry & white man. and a cowbay at
that so Parker dinided that the beat
Th do woud te to uel] her at suction
Thin ix the firs me 2 Parker, who is
neiithbors a hgh.
iy cultivaresdt red iy has ever al
yrwed any of Bix relatives to be sae
Boed ar the Mwtion black, But the
Sad and stient Amy Parker was lod
to the hinek for sale. The firet bif was
11 ponies. Jak Wid Horse s wall
known soout of the tribe was fhe Mid
der. Fe wax immediately raved by 3
Fival, Hkewins a sroont
claimant bid 15 tupers then cut in i :
This latter
and Miss Parlier was ran up to 5 po
ples. Her Ines grew pale when she
mw Clot Will Homes was determined
ter got Bor, ax be Is knows as the most |
desperate sa¥aRe on the reservation |
It is suid
when drank und angered.
hae he has Willed thrive wives when
Gras. Wild Hore however, wna the
The stowk
Vid { Horse and the
senaw secordiug mn the Comanche
rites. The couple then went to Kl
Reno whers a regular sag Heenme |
wax issued to them aod the ceremony |
parintmed Sy x paliface ar Ak
thoaghk the marrispe took place only |
three days ag a dispatels from aw :
Wn ays that she attempted to commit |
suicide after Tiling a xn attempt 0
Ri Ber pew Rasband
Other young women obiscted quite |
good whatever
with the sale until every one of them
bi TE TY LE The lowes bid made for any
La them war 0 ponies This was the
paid for a hall breed woman wh
veel married fg white man ey :
Iatter having died she reverted
back to her parosty sgRin.
ns &il HYer ; sorlies changed
Gig prices xe in thm
Rind mmong (ae
BY Inte 2 i Wenn 3.
The Serving Senses of Hamer
Ta havea een aes of the indicrous |
® * great RY hatmar
sprightly 4 or
of the absurd at:
(he same tetas RRL thelr eves over
Sow in the pitthon that BH
5 Fan: WORT
this rig Be i 4 sit teAtias
C& whole this
47 wise befare that he had been
jects aL wud
EES HB sav. |
sanl {he oifial
Fpreadiy. THAR AL or poet lanrests
We dbin’t allow the fact that he Cay 4
write posiry stand io the way of his
appointment.” Washington Stas
3 shaisid
The girls were In various moods)
Rome hysterics] others sels. and sot |
( EXprtSen
Great muiirosds bave {omens no
bers of vires The Central railroad ¢
New Jersey bas shout 30000 of a
LER, the Pennavivasis in he
{ borhond of 105805. These rare are a
Te preset moment In AVOTY Stale
the Velen. They po wherever 5 y
| Irddght with ohh they ure Jodie §
bitied. and this gre sralleved
Winnipeg to Meiico and from Los
eles 5 Baaigor. a most minute |
thoroush s¥iem oliRining on hi
| romds exenpd the very soa iient
{ every manent of every oar. :
Thess notigestions are made by p
tal oeard Ia each general office
| acenuntant books are kept and
| movements of the COmMpPRUY'S OWR ©
are recorded fren day te dey ws
VET 8 doated rar is emptiod on W |
elen rosd that read uses it he 2
back a lod of freight In the &
4 Lol the rong tor which the ear
V et pays 31 he rate of seven
| cent a mile for this ame of te ey
Ban's rami ty a this way. aod wile
Baplsen that there wis #p
freight to ber daipped in that directie
in a reasdoiable tue he empty car
| sent gion and the mileage Is paid ¢
R= though it were laden.
tis when care are lost that & travels
tng agent by sent ont Scmetimes ft
happens hat the cars are on a HEH
branch rosl die and overiooke
sometizeen they Bave happened 10 git
into the hands of a company that | gE
abart of furs and fall of business
is ring avery forsigs oar that it ©
(pet If it ie in wee by a company shoft
of CAPs that company pays mileage ho
2 antl It sometimes happens that |
ar iB worn out aod paid for before
At is returasd, or elie it is never nd
turned at all. If a “car chaser” ¢
mands the returns of Sis com
tare they ww sent home, but off
sihers wre peized and Seed whem 2
| back i rarned aod te is traveling of
| where. IE our in seaatiod Wp i
railroad scoident it is either rebuilt,
pew one is Rade oF the rice of Hee
In paid to the owners by the &
on whos Tack fhe “smash”
Piintnative War Beroon
Military experts generally of |
have been recognizing as important
© the fact thal some of the greatest mill
i tary achievements in history bavp
been adie by men of small stator,
Bofable mpong these diminutive herds
- being Alexander and Napions. nhy
in our own history Geperals 8
Wheeler asd Punston have pa
| remarkable for thelr inches than
| their pluck. it is doublfnl whet
soane of the most famous men in are
history csuld have gor into the |
: vies if tee height pow demanded +
eniisted men had been a test for tl
{10 pass. The wor Wrangquering |
diers who Milowsd Napoleon to Jen
CWagram and Mossow were jittle
Jows: pot ane in ten of whom
have had 8 chance of enlistment
an Ameria or British regiment:
they knew their hisstn, and the
more gabwar: warriors of Austria avi
i Prussia csoid not stand before
No restrivtivns being plaoml on office
as I helpBt the Httle meen have d
Coy look for thelr vindiestion to
men who wear swords The time mB
cove wien The rifle carciors sis will
he alle uy prove the truth of the o
saying Hal “won can’t wll by §
agth of Bie legs bow far a frog o
ma Ia fact mew regaliatione 6
aX the llipdations as to the hein
jar recrufts have already been faves
ably consfdursd hy the army leaded
Cad several aatons ~-Chitags News
Paine Mised
Lodaet BR DOREY Brest Ar
ale cat - Fmerduy morning
1 knew FOU Wars axel
Baw long do va ink she
i sray righs sho
# 5
“She 3 = iret
ws Tiered
Ther ane afte
I musy val] ¢
(2 try
mas, Wan pond
Tram tual Wh
Ww had twa”
id has Tgp
d hate
aling shout
BSE my naw
ang —Clevalsgd
Be Definition,
ta the di¥srenve between |n
an and poiitivian? askod 1%
r who wanted to grow up fo
: atesman.” said the man bt
iL great practh wi force, “is he man who
i in stodving what tha constituiblon pf
i.e United sates means. while
ether people are hustling to
voles. votes. —Washingron Star,