is y Considered a Serv Word Oniy. June + feturned trom a reanarkable exceptions | early tn April. ait the prairies in summer is attended by i gamibers of these birds, | camp and stock corral. permanent or waste] forage. | smiling. { give it up.” "It's a bulb!” cried Alice dancice 8 : eh 5 2 = And some day, my nificant sermetehvs, the dogs were un i temcher told me, it will be & beautiful week was all pone on the lowest shew of the pantry and | | forgot al about it until Saturday came : 1 round, : what had happened thers was no Hip | hulh to plant in the dish’ : onion,” Alice told her. ‘end excitement to get the bulb tuto steadily for about 20 then then she threw up her hands in | dismay. “An onion, ye say. Was It big an | io lot 20. M idry and’ had no stalks to it?" she o | 8sked solemnly. } Clothes, * ; Although my clothes ars fine and ny, They should not make me vain; For tiiese can take them all away, And pat thet on again, Fach flower grows her pretty gown, Bo dons saeh ttle weed: Their dressis ars their very ows, | They may be proud, tadesd ==Abhle Farael Brown, | ifs the Interior A Queer Bivd, Thera i3 a bird which seems to be | “of all antural feeling, a bind t any home Instinct or aftection in short, | which i an anomaly among birds, and ia offspring, a bird, a carious study for the naturalist, This is the cow biunckbird of Amer The cockoo of 1 Bird in its habits cvurious gtincis and the sverning the majority of their bint “The cow blackbird makes Ha firsg Lo appearances in western New York ; These birds sre about soven to seven and a hall inches long and of a greenish black or brown polor, nsaslly having vv Drown had. | { The cowbirl makes hig citef rood of | {the insects infesting cattle, so these birds are always found ip the vicinity | of cattle. When in quest of a dinner Y [they alight with holdness upon (he | { backs of theses gasdripeds : this curious habil the bird gets ite i name of cow bLiackhirg, An observer of thelr habits anys: “Thess birds are particularly abuod- ant in the west or they may Appear 180, for the numbers that in the cast | eootd be spread over a jarge ares, he her in great Rocks, wherever | a it xt . did owoldiany th feareful attention to signals af com: barge numbers of cattle ave congropat Every wagon train passing over und temporary, In iu ad by busy birds, | eager to glean their dinner from the They become so bold ‘I that they flutter without four pear | Teen, and sit in rows spon the back. | bones of the animals, r | rather like thair attendance” i - The “mother” cow blackbird ts a. very unnatural and heartless creature, Doing without 8 nest of her own, she | steals away and stealthily seeks the | | nest of some other bird In order to de | posit her egzs. She searches some {times a long distance before finding | ei nest suited to her purpose, or one with Batiened curs “i from which the owner is abeent. In | thin strange nest the blackbird ogg is | { laid, ofily one at a tine, and then the | | mother, fiving away, displays no fur her offtspriog, ; {| which Is left entirely to the care of !sunting him to sprieg. : Btls nearer yell wiere concern abont its foster parents. The blackbir] shows much cunning | in her choice of a nest, usually select Ing that of a bird much smaller than | { herself. Then the foundling. coming iden from the larger egg. being hatched ont | {first often gets pore attention from | i the foster mother than her own right. it ia bigger and bolder. | Jt grows more rapidly, aad soon more | 10 Strike : = Y a takes Away | there when he ailghied: and the lien | i the attention which should be be stowed upon the little sxparrw or : whose parents it has de : ceived. —Rrookiyn Eagle fal children. than fills the nest and warbler PER BERR A New Kind of Vegetable stew. rushing In the hongs to her mother, “guess what my dear teacher gave me | and what I've got In my band!” : Newcomb “An apple? An orange? A No? Then 1 : | cond not bring bis treacherous assail “A book!” guessed Mrs. paper doll? A picture? with pleasure. (Binese lily. lovely flowera” “How pice] on hand danced off to the kitchen to ‘make candy, Mra. Newcomb didn’t Bappen to tbave a glass dish she could spare on hand, anid Alice's allowances for the And then—you'd never gue “Where is the bulb Alice placed on Apna who hadnt been with tha fam: Hy very long, looked amazed “1 haven't seen the bulb Mrs New. i comb” she answered, NlookAike?” "What did ft Mike an onlon—axactly place in the bowl. Anna looked at her seconds “Yes ves” answered Alice, jumping “Bure.” : said Anna Sorrowfully, uy FANCY teacher Bal given ber. ] Europe js a Bind that pearly approaches the cow black | Coins Both of these birds (urnish ria oR | enemy, Thee pxpeoted, Bway, iE from { Jeaving his arms | bayish folly founded upon experience Ftp every : gave lo bin Liha three { rear, who seem to thera chy a sudden movement c did not alight where be aimed; : : i he nesded tor Ba she put bull : such 8 prodigious : Bre I tes wome secret sign from Gd the lowest pantry shell{ Anda? Mrs. po | Newcomb aaked the maid when Alice | was all ready to plant it | fastened the fret gr | of the great sat keeping his own body | Cumler the head of | Bis fos, while Skirmish ‘hind : {weight and force like 82 | join, stretching their enemy helploas all vagerness | i behind and part! aad i Cterust at i lashing Bind legs, compelling the dog Cenrl up and down, she was In such a harry. | | “What did you Jo with It, Anna?” | but her mother comforted her with | | promises of another bulb, and another Ely to bloom Inter, and that afternoon | they went down town togetlier, Allee band her mother, and bought a bulb! that was even blgeer than the ona Anl tegrning by and by ad hanvoned the dear teacher, what on replacing iB now waiti beautiful lly flowers to appear, But Alice's papa, when Alice told him the wlory, couldn't aympathize for iauzhing, A¥hy, he sald, it with another, inventors sre groal ianshing rien le peiple -Chicags Record rari A Straggle to the Death, From the 8t Nicholas comes this ox citing degerintion of a fight agkinat an American panther: Prank, acéombanied by great hotles, 4d pot charge thiy formblable But the off Ingtead of bounding the great oat lowing larger and more terrible the pearsr be ap prosehed. faced his fossa flereoly, crouching above the slain sheop ready to spring and welling screams of de monine fernetty, mustang stopped and roared then stored snort ing and trembling, and could pot be force nearer. The great dogs rushed on And Frank sat in hig swldle and watched the Haht unable too fasclnared to fiv, Now he renlized the impradence of and repented his discipline the besitate amt Aundden Th in despiaing was the leader of three great dogs. His wise brain did the planning for all and pever chil with Dore “Od Strategy” mand than the other twa grout dogs Bla was the footest of "Regerve,” who ran in the and always waited the time to lean and seize sowerfal “Ekin” the trio, made It tenct o nasrry hy and real sitacka all over him, Gers and everywhere to. provoke openings for the other Iwo Just ag the battles began, opened wide and the moon shed & distant glimmer over the scone through the mist that rome from the wot grass, disclosing tie mountain fon standing over his proy, snarling face, teeth gleaning, claws widely mad with hate, menacing the dogs. And now Old Strategy, warily ob gervant erapt, growling directly In front of the angry lon, tempting and Noarer--a was the mont the Hahiet of lon seemed about to leap, judging by C Bis Baling tat and settling haunches: distracted hig with 8 ar Roserve reatonsd |] Skirmish ning. Bis flank, When such dog hall 8 good position, Old Strategy provoked a leap The Hon sprang. body, Hmbe and claws spread | But Old Stetegy wasnt ht for the moment he leaped Reserve and Skirmiss dazhad in and caught him ia the alr, ona on his flank one by a hind Rneeioint and hell back with | such force that al three rolled along “Mamma.” cried Alice Newcomb, the grass. Before the lion could retaliate, sll three dogs were out of reach to re + peat their provoking tactics. For half an hour this furious battle was continued. Leap charges mish or strike an be would, the warried lon anita to a close, But Tor a few insig Chart, bat the lon showed many marks | I mast plant it among DT the conflict. some pebbles [n a dish of water, And The dogs pave him no rest froom thelr inceusant attacks. | ; 11 then fn a few weeks It will send up | Occasionally ona of the dogs would lle . down, panting, and rest himself, while : coi the other two Repl the game poling How very pice!” cried | EE ia ar i but thelr alyer ras not perl Mrs. Newcomb as sweetly as though | Ft thelr Siversary Was nol permitted zhe didn know all about Chines ily - {bulbs. And then Alice, who always | re REY 3 bas a dozen things she wants io do | prowler grew weary and faint © & moment's breathing time. Gradunlly the tormented night for each efor his rage he ho Rs nade snl beeame a Poy ritable demon of {rengied hate andi Yivinth i epotit in yeeless screams batlie, ot th £2 a8 hig the sowers | dimiiniabed dora In sand Thetr f srg mare cont ard ors effect A Hetle later more frequent, fein, Siratogy, thal the Hon whir drageed at a gut ail bis into a grip over the er. and Reserve for a moment-—hat mont, aniy for a mo powerful bosly Od into a Birategy curve with ‘his Hat tHe instant Oil Strat | egy was pushed off the painful grip of Hegerve at bis wins made the Hon down again to strike with his fora paws, when Old Strategy pinned biz throat once pore frome the otler side, 4 2h In Ave minutes pore the Sattled was ended and the threo | aeatn proved shale righ 3k to the E proud Caml Anna invented for us a perfectly pew Kind of vege “fable stew” three | for of was not what | Et Beware of imitations, to asia proper | hin business to dip fashing feigned: tha clouds ‘brightening hnge : spread, Several times the His | tg Down Bary helped the dosed to exhanst | i him Lodragred in | g, leaping arios | brave Bkirmish mals | in obwdlence § wl to strike at him | Lie gave OL Strategy hia chance He Pp upon the throat | As soon as the great eat could Pmuster his tired strength he drew his and das had treland Losing Her People. According to the figures of the reg. | ister general, Ireland !s still losing iin population, the decline for the last year being figured at 32435. This Is satirely mevannted for by Immizras tion, for thera was an excess of births i over deaths amounting to 13.858, mak: 4 to the bulb she | had given her Hitle pupil insisted op | po Allee ng ami watching for two ing the joss by emliration for the vear 45.288 The registrar's figures show that last year thors were 21.300 mar. rigged, HY 458 Girth and Tana deatha. Thera has been. in compart. cline ig beth the rth and marriage crates, while the death rate shows an i inereass, which doubliess, partial Llp sceountad for lor the fet that the reductions of the population by (m- migration are almost from the ages in which the rata would be smallest, lH 0 Many Sehosl Chil@ren Ave Selly. Mother taeay # Bwest Powdess for children sand by Mother Gray, 8 nurses in Children’s Hotre New Tork break an Cnbds in 24 boars. nro Fevertainess Rendacha Troubles, Testhing Disorders and Dastre P Worms, At all droggiste’ 48s Spe nle mailed t Free, Address Allen 8. Olenated, Le Boy, XV, is, death with the publie. Post For the Aowais, Womatier what ails von henduobatn gs oan- ser. you will never pot well aati your hawels are put right, Casciznprs help nature core you withont a goos or pain, prodnse enay natural movements, sont yon Just (Aeeninto start getting pyar hadith bask. Cascaners Candy Catharti a the grain, pat ap in metal boxes, every tablet has C. OG. amped oi A ATA as SA A a SA In Germany the yearly number of di- | | yoross exeends 10,008, Tha clever of ¥ ottion hava yacninaiad, partly in order to set an sxapiple 0 thelr parishioners. RA AAR Bd hse RK _— | 4 one boiling. Bold by sil Fa BA OAL The Russian Minister of Jurtion has Brovisional meanuTe. Si hein ASIA 5 GR SA, Farin 3 Eussian Millet. WH you Joey of this neodianily prolife milling. 510 tons af rok hay ¢ , sare. Price 00 ila S19: 100 ioe. SRO $e. John Xx Baloar Fond oe, La fw Wis. A mia RRA BO RAE TB RS, mh an rw, Rar EU pia en pany bas ducing the past sarned £600 000 in penny fares. - life three gears 7 Co “Trowas Row. sive, Maple 82., Korw ro T. Fob 17, 1900. baling, How's This? Wa offer One Hundred Dollars Rewsn! for sn tae of Care that cannot be sured by Hall's Cazasrh Ours PJ Caxxxr & Co., Props. Talade 0, Wa, haus sslgned, havin: Chae Cihfe Ww ALTIRG. KervaxiMasesy, Wholesale Drug- wl fairs Cater Cure ts taken Internally tog dreetiy unen the Vises} anid sigeousw i tne of the ystean, rion, The, por bottle, | Said 1 all Draggists, Testimonials from. » Family Pith s sre the hast, light as the. full HOON, son with previous yenres, a sll {ght dost entirely drawn Sines the outbreak of the troubles i in the Phllipptana there has been a great demand for maps showing the resources of the West, the routes ts FB and to the islands | § tha Piellie soul of the Orient, road domuany Last summer one rail had cont Of counts oanh, 25 cents wach the express elisirevs. thents of the parable Missour! and Kabusy mans, and to HANH to The munage hay distributed among sehonia, They ire used by in prefersgide fy the pifsd maps 5 information they con Tras bain Momaeh | The hots] man has to be inn Keeping heen | pakame of Prrxax Pansies Dry : r ilk, Wan! or Costas pestootly : dinate. : devided to introduce trisl by Jury as a be short of hay? Ifen, plant a Evrco the musical wossan may harp too | Wir & Troix, Wholesds Druggists. Toledo, | The gun nives G00 Di times a8 mach | “Por 28 years 1 Nave never missed aking Aver's Sarsspariils every spring. It cleanses my Bised, m makes me feel strong, and good in every wa Joba pe Hodnutte, Brooklyn Pure and rich blooc carries new life to every part of the body. You are invigorated, refreshed. § | ~= ou feel anxious to be § active, Youbecomestrong, § teady,courageous. That's § what Ayer’s Sarsaparilla will do for you. 15000 of these! mana pricted at on coat of §10.0600 They | hut were gold for | bately otlomgh to pay gelianiy of lows | lewrned of theese | ilaite have caused over the | tegohers agulariy supe of the additional Fut up In Collapsible Tubes. A Sadabitien for snd Superior to Westend o wy ether plaster, sal will pot blister the ment & shin. The pata aliayiny snd surative gus'l this art: be ape wordertal. 1D wil) mop the £16 #2 crm, wl relieve beidarke wand woollen. © Wa renniaend I se Ou bent and safent Soamiter-irrtiast Known, sien as an sxieenel for paina tn ihe chest and ston ark snd A 3 menralehs sod met as A trial will proves whet wo sate for people mir It (3 Tha best of a31 your Criee, 18 cent of ol) Srvaentels oF or or svn tine Thin sean tae ia poslags we will yond you 8 tube by wedl, Wo wrtiche shoal be second by the pubite b { Geotoxical on ay fornia and Color wad ever Yenelleial soto, argioal method of wanufactare. efficty ane shoald always note (he full name of thn Company #yrup Co.-pristed on the front of every package. One may safl the seas and visit every land and everywhere will find, that men of affairs, who ars well lpformud, have mdther the time nor the inellinstion, whetlior on pleasars bent or business, to use (hose medlidues which cause excessive purgation sw then leave the {nternal organs fn a constipated ssudition. Syrup of Figs is nol built an thoes Hues. It sets naturally, acts effectively, cleanses, sweortens sol strengthens the internal orgnns and leaves them tn a healthy conditlon. If in peed of a Inxstive pemady the most exosltlont 1x Sveup of Figs, but when anything more than a laxative B5 required the safe and scleatifie pian is to consult & competent physician and not to resort 10 those medicines which lain to eure all manner of disses, hp California Fly Soran Ca was the first to manuinctars 8 laxative pormaely which would give satisfaction to all] sanction sad ons friend recommend to sasther; so that tadny a cules veahably exceed all wiber Duxatives combined. In some places considernble yuantities of aldiitae esthartios and modern Dmitations sre st sobl, but with the general diffusion of knowledge, ss to the best medicinal agents, Syrup of Figs has coms Into general use with the wall-lutbrmed, beeause 16 a a remedy of Knows value a laxative which physiciges conid The guality of Ryray of Figs Is due not only to fie exesilinl combination of the laxative and carminstive principles of plants, koown to aet wost benedeinily on the eystem, with agreeable and refreshing aromatie li yalids, nat alse to the fn order to get the genuine and 18 beneficial ~Gatifornia Fig
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers