ern wd: [ye cost. to make | room or new goods: Jardiniers sold at $1, 1. 25) Lea CHUN vd Li and 1. 1.50, ete., at 409. = I a ISU SS ER on ai ah a i | Others sold xt 256, 350. ol ERTS Fair quality carpet, with stripe, real value 20¢, this smonth 12 1 c. 12 Be | - df 2S Heavier grade, stripe and plaid, worth 3oc, special price 1g9c. a ol _— ‘ - Ingrain carpet in nice patterns, worth 37¢, we now sell it at 25¢. I Horse 5 “they Bagi o! ‘Very heavy ingrain, bright patterns, worth 4oc, sale price 37 %¢. tand 60c. Brussels carpet in rich shade of red, green and black, worth 75¢, at . 59¢. i = Best 10 wire * Brussels, finest patterns and colors, worth $1.10, at . “i 5c apn » “Three Red Cross and Sum-| ; 5 - — i i al — mit Heaters will be sold at. | a - Nice color matting recu- We have ag: ceived good bargains. 4 g, regu- We have again recei ived a large ship i 10 fe rhe 2 ular valde. £15C, this ment of Wall Paper Some 4 se ons oop AN Ww month for rrc. And can offer a nice pattern, silver effect, per double . guaranteed or money refan ded. ; Good heavy matting, worth : 25¢, we bolt, only 4¢. vn oo | mow offer for 18¢. And a finer grade at 5 and Ge. worth double. Glass, paints, white lead,i ) , {om best grade is fine and nice This month we are showing # git decorated paper oils —niners, kerosene, Bn | linen warp, worth 4oc, at 25¢ E for - - 10C. | melo : : Fi ¥ Men's | . y : Ee Ji EEE ng Largest] line wenaral TEL Dress ESS Sa § mes $2000 Te hardware and furni- iEH shins Men's ig % *iture in this end of the county. Come and see « for yourself nt A TP ee relaives in town over. Sunday. ee al sion oH er | The Old Reliable a dia iY iil | Pine silk a ir | Store, | ean less now Fine vest with wide Umbrellas. worth Soc at 100 1 FIR one | CaP, worth Zentmyer, of Clearfield, i gc. colored lace, trim. ladies’ fine Gloria, fame oy BB : 0 | 40C, ‘special Swink aoquaintances in town J. E. KIRK'S HDW. | Fancy for 13¢, | med, special 1. handle, worth $1.50, only gSc, | TE nN i 25¢. EF peu =! & FURT. STORE. Our Line of Ladies’ Trimmed Hats is Large and day: Complete. } And the price is only half of what you expect to pay when you see the goods. Bach of our best hats are very PATTON, PA. neat and stylish effects, with all silk flowers and ribbon. When yon sce them they will please you. Call and learn Our prices and see our selection. Magee Av 2. Ony dris $54 head s SEW Facile 50 earn hreaker AGT LRe Droge, oid irattead fur ten nse, with al es u atlacaments, DuLy : | best ma- cy Resort pd nn liauans 00 Te a chines vou can buy at any price, with ail tne improverients i, wha bas then sl ood HIB Fine, : Teen He iad iy I» BOSCO 4] FAC SAC TACT Tek < laranis tnusieat gollege at Freeburg, it 4 =IYWOIIV : : J ha a nity, was in town last week. A : 3 Metal oY $15.00 a poder the anspicies of : 7 be = : = : 1 | is ih =m frm will be held in Fire. Are tl theon ly kind eas Wy ears Hegagiiarters or By ai — aes : HSE ote Dedber vanes than ever in Be ail on Tuesday evening, April | j : : wn Tins A mew model Machine rors at Rr a have 1 wood line of Bicveles and : 4 : ‘ we sell and they : ; J LE Ra Ley Bee inlet en ave a good hne of Bicycles and e Chi of Pit ; is visit 1 a h » Cal 5ave vou money on tha, ilecat, of Pittsburg. is visit. | Fat are d aS he cle’s fa ily at the ME | are wort Se) ee ; : HENNY We ask. : goo Eg nga el Ee «TSI a Ent ay | : P : ny & . t : No maticr w her C YOU >UC 4 bargain i rl ME WE always come up with a will be heid in the hati 1S NOt how large | Springs on Easter Monday | better one at th aaapios of 1. Moni. a proht we can a harsh. exact, but how | THE Bi ZAAR, ote with mefor! small a profit we | | | an ord 4 G. O. BRADY, Prop'r. = -— PATTON, PENNA. sell high gnde Te liquors for TF - EE / A M J HE BEST om Oo | Have you selected Fo DousTs you and surely only OVI ERY year, with the first robin, comes the man who! Summer Clothes? the best is goed doubts. He “don’t believe” he can geta read y-to-wedr | your Spring and Is ood enough for »% enough for vour suit that will fit him; he “don't believe” our advertisement: friends. We sell ‘he don’t believe anything or anybody—und yet the chances nothing but the pur- ‘are ten to one he goes out with one of our Spr tng Suits on selection from our immense line of suitings aad frouserin est and cleanest staff his back. |All the newest shades and designs. No two patterns in the market. Some Why ? Bessuse there is proof in our stock to conviaes tre most confirmed - oo z one dealer must have ‘pnbeliever. There's style here There's beanty. There's care In make | same, Make an early selection and we will lav it back for ¥ bett : d = tages te There's artistic tallpring. There's proper finlsbing There's god material ; er acvaniages to | There's & guarantee. And, best of all, the prices are Cnere, proving themselves offer than others. (ion ot Ea ers of ather siren. ; | Dinsmore There must be good ; We want the man who doubts to come nn and see some of the goveities we liquor somewhere. It are are showing in | — ros won't take very long SPRING SUITS. -— Ja Yiiiog at ‘on: South race | : to find it if you buy os . learfild Spirit. Bora from 1 us. . Reader, if “thou art the man,” come in and see what we! bave in store for vou. ies cog gp mn ED. A. MELLON, WOLF & THOMPSOX eam, a \ 7 | The People’s Clothiers, avis | he bolesale Wines Ret o's H ee ‘H.A. SEITZ, GEC. BOONE. | Dr V. A Murray, | | Revel Somerville, : TRTIOR OF TH PEAC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, A Horne % ne om A Bt 2 ASEHep mr Law, ; igs 1 4 Bu rig Hess Fe fax ty : ain Gout ro, or pm shiny ding Selections | Bru Dissane i co oe | ParTON, PA. i o If not, now 1s the time you will have no trouble makin Merchant Tailors, Patton, Pa. MVHS Nor CEE TERE NR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers