RIANRERER LS A SA EA SHAAN AN HR A irri ike Rip t D. Wamp, EpGan B. Wann, Journ PF. Davin, Pe siden, Yiee President 2. Pres, sad Counsel, FP. Pyrex, Homacr ALuiwa, Treasurer, acon Ii. Wamp, I Conaet. ASSETS, end of 1901, over 5, CC. BLANCHARD, : Pugpervisor Loon Dept, § : Joux K. GORE war. | INCOME, during 1901, nearly Bowarp Gray, Asian Secretary. HI eausr | PAID POLICY-HOLDE RS , during 1901, over WP WarsoN, awe Medial PAID POLICY HOLDERS, in 26 years, over SURPLUS, nearly B MILLIONS 48 MILLIONS 29 MILLIONS 8 MILLIONS 7 MILLIONS Progressive Com pany in which the Safety Policy-holders’ Interests are the Chief Considerations. Honds and Mortgages, i Senses s | TR Bondaand Stock {Marker val}, ca for Pe Municipal Bonds | Market Value), . s077.99% oy % J un 8. Gor, Bonds { Market Vase), 213000 00 | Cabin Bamksand Office, . . gost fo | interest and Remis, doc and acraed, 352.030 30 loans on Policies, . . 798,180 Premiums Deferred and in course of collection (pet), . . . HAshAS: a Total, ba es . SBS 33 LIABILITIES Reserve on Policies, . $41,012 766 00 | Mil other Linbilities, . . . . 755.300 09 Surples to Policr-holders, 6.58. 608 29 Total, Ce a SARSIETE 38 1 and Advancement of Its POU de ae wed an Ha eepnreT NEE C. B. RK VIGHT, ¢ GEN ERAL AGENT, We have one of the lagest stocks in the county and aim to Fins White Figured Madras, Etc. Estimates {ree y given please. The price is right, 160), If you are not Sequste with us ina bus way, we * oy nleased to serve vou Having Tov od to OUT new ¥ eased to serve ¥¢ LE location in the Fisher Block and guarantee that we are now better prepared than ever to do all work mn this line. In Dimitics, Persian Lawn, Nain- Sook, Mercerized Silk, Ginghams, See pp H— again. iiss grins We are sole agents for Cambria county for the cele- | brate ed Brooks Oil Co.'s Gutta Percha Roofing Paint. 36-inch Wool Albatross, all the on all tin work. new spring shades suitable for evening ‘waists and street wear. Full line fine laces. If you are going to need a new carpet or matting don’t buy until you see our new line. as . Estimates cheerfully made’ {for all work in our line. J.C Harpap( Fifth Ave. Rey airing z 1 Specialty. J. i. CORDELL & CO, PATTON, PA. ’ MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1902, en POE THE “He 1s put a Waltham Erect on of Stone Rblitments Emerson, J SE as LA hua Sle PEPE Je Ci He SR shtiiee Bliney Ha loqguence, Shore omy ie at Chupa id. in hing of aman SLEFETENT. TO Sateen SE whom he described as 2 Godsend to his town, cud wil Rdele 16 Te £0 rether like Lo KAT Jee AS ATER Ay : L LE Omnis iogheors” CBen, ha sristanrg Pa, Masvh VW atch. Ha Waltham Watehes En S Fsiianop ii oy PATTON CAPITAL PAID UP, $100,000.00. ‘SURPLUS, nL un. : — ; SE Geet fur mabe Sor all © aeimang are sold by fines, Fowign Deaf J paranie c the peat TOZER, The Patton SWEEP. © ili esq ond WH Bade ony PROSE and : Patronize ah pews stenting, P Yataren Epil on tne Spots. the Home A.E Patron, Bakery, Cakes, Pies, Rolls. Satisfaction (nt Try our macaroons. Owalers in every style Measles served promptly. Give me a enil. Open Sundays F. D. Dunlap, aran teed. Fancy and w ding a . Proprietor, cakes To Order J.C. HAMER., promo ansetns a : those Baving | Kidnsinbtrstars’ Nishio. Latiery WainnenZery having bea isaed te ihe sadursimet in ihe estate oF Tnmes Perry, © Granmtind tin tondie phy inant, and Ge : Sains fii prema the wisn winaat Seine Fifth Avenue, PATTON. PA. | Miss Susie Wentz, Una 1 PERRY a Pa HL SOMSRYIIAR, | Client Springs, Mioh L et ie " Parnell, Cowher & Co. ACHER or y Musi. {pnd Ln yr ] ad Sonne Pr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers