4 sect port vive Biol confers on | the right to decrease yn goods of little value or to 1 rely, and by which! aehinery in parts might at the reduced or free J a report trom | governing port dues into effect January 1. | “{litate the present | dues, as hence | ibe. but ten kinds of that paid by ali | ng ng Rossian ‘harbors and due.” levied only in the Rus 's named in the Rassian act Ject. The ship dues amount ‘ton for each ship of a h which Russias has concind : ial and ‘navigation treat 3 per ton for other shins neral Holloway oasis atten fact that the Rassian rf F of finance is empowers] to ra! fog for ships of © ha say, nt will be forced h have tariff diffenities with Ti&in States &4ch an wn who suppose that the work of learn sore of the expedients re. id to by distinguished men of let- h strong and vigorous men suficient to stimniate ideas: weak on the contrary. Hike Des. | cartes and Leibanitz, find thelr inspir- Tring down. Cujns ueasilly wrote on his stomach. Rossini and ise Thomas were inspired only n in bed. Chateaubriand used to te to bis secretary while walking | vp and down bis chamber wrapped his head in warm 4: movement, hut when | took him in my | band, be gave 8 little gasp and ay on a Coppes could \ Sot write. Lord writing filied his mouth : Tandy. Fenimore Sooper i id disorder use of — escent of the “kids” upon | i. Ome parent took ex to this ruling ment Washington, in compelling the postmas | Ht aside. The Postmaster however, npheld Bis local | tive. The rmling baving ly sanctioned at headguar rmpentiy entarced. s Spoon Found In Sweden. ons fi Bus just heen made eden. ‘complained | azainst na | 3 i $ Levery day. i baek fmto i | tan iow, Towers best To be the ope from out the West 5 Besse. whese' or she blows, the sky Grows tadr #04 Mother Earth is dry. The North Wind is a tittle orld, A noisy rascel, rough and boil The borden South Wind brings the ain That brats against the window-pane. The East wind is despined the meat 1s wimer, ap and dows the cosal. Although in summer time folks yearn For ocean When! pavements burn. Bey, srantiog virtues to the rast. id a blow from out the West! ~The Christian Begistor, A Livtie Blue Babin, That is what him. thoneh when [| heard a “robin” Spoken of, 1 had always (thought of a But my little robin wae | bine, and the daintiest prettiest Mttle | “red breast” atom of a bird you ever paw. He soon became quite tame so that, when I Jet | him ont of bis cage, he would eat from | i my hand. and sometimes perch on it, i Hf he felt very sure that 1 was not | going to catch him. He dearly loved | to get out of his cage and sfretch his wings, and | indulged Wim in i¢ pearly | And how Be bated to go | He wonld peel in all sorts of places where | oomid sot reach | : ; mare important than the kittens, him znd many a time have wo had 5 i regular romp, the robin and 1. when | x anted to shut him up. of waiting as stil] 8s 8 mouse, some + Hugo and (stulle Mendes a times, when | approached Wim. He Hal a way I could pever lay my hand on him But the first time I tried the voll, tha little seamp gave me a great fright. 1 got the veil over him by x sudden his back with his toes turned up and how sorry too for | thomeht my poor little robin was dead. fame water, thinking that might re vive him. and, blese you. Bo sooner i Was my back turned, than he hopped | {op and flew to the highest plies in the | .! Toon, where be gat looking at me ani | | thattering like a magpie. ; | rascal was “playing possem” to keep | from going back inth his cage. The Hite Story of Felt “6 Wh grandma” exclaimed | “whom dorgle is this? Lite Dorothy Crane was paying a | visit “sil by ber one sel.” Bx she ev pressed if, the room. The picture In question was “That dog was mine, dearis,” swered (Grandma Bassett "Oh, please tell mie a story about It! an: “1 do so Jove stories” begiod Dorothy. began - uiber. {or a puppy smile, just Pipe anything funny happens near a pS a : | puppy or a kin “Once upon a time" repeated grand. | “Well, ones Npon a time" grandma. hi “That's right” interrupted Dorothy, "Ones upon a time stories are al ware fing” Ia “my father—your great-grandpa Pl deRr—-went away on a long journey {ane when be returned § ran to him What have gue we are and that they kaow a lot | Lore than we do” with the nsosl question, i you brought me?” “Put your band in my coat pockat, Nan. he sald, laughing, ‘and you will tens. Fluff and Roff and Puff all ¢ : feel’ Bo 1 sinck in my nand bat drew | | it ont with a squeal, for it had touched something warm and alive. said my father. ‘are you afraid and te drew ont the dearest Why. ttle doggie y {ever saw. Dorothy. with wide ey-s ® | “Father was returning late from a i ¥isit to a neighbor one { kad taken Jeffy with him. sudden Jeff began to bark and jump up and down in front of his horse joy. : Well sald father, ‘as 1 was riding | along I saw two boys carrying a baw i ket between them, and | noticed that | f there dog?" 1 asked Yoh! where Jid you get him where were tears on thelr cheeks “What are you going to do with that with & half sab “Tell me about that too.” sald litte plight, ana Ye had never Jone this before. and | go father dismounted tn see waat it meant, do you think he saw? Why, the ditch og was gone, and a few more stops | and Father patted would have thrown both horse der down the bank. Jeft, who barked joyfully, Heking hi and. When they got home and “Is Jefty alive now?" asked Dor. “Oh, no.” sald grandma, smiling "He | But before his Jeath he had his picture taken and had the honor of being the first dog | was killed the next year, ver sat for nis photograph. : t he Killegs™ Questioned | i warm corner of the parlor the bird man called Ener, sougeled down | basket, lay another ball of beawiinl | harsdeome Newloundisnd puppy. but he also brought shout & meeting | wonder now that | save the photo i graph? Ne | don't” sald Dorothy, “and | Hke that story very much: but 1 wish I hal a dog like Jeffy” she sdied | wistfully. "Tomorrow iz your birthday. dear” sid grandma smiling and nodding significantly. Dorothy looked mystified but soon brightened up and gave her grandma | an enthasiestic bug and & kiss — New York Tribune Four Livide Batts of Per, Three of them lay curled zp In a ne was white and fluffy, one was Mack and | shining, the third was the loveliest ETRY, And over in another warm oor in & cate lathe for. Rittens sev young that they'd poniv And be was very yousy foo The puppy dnd other Kittens were quits well acquainted already. They Lad bean on speaking ferns for nev and | i then, Just as | was about to pot my | hand on him, away he would fy with a little chirp of triumph. At Jas 1 had to throw a Hght veil over Bim when 1 wanted to catch kim for Be bad become so skillful a a dodger that | {Bim gently on the table. and ran for {Rn anxious ance | Bigger isan they are. Ani pe or saws tha ihe ih ” REE 10 a fat the roihy, | 3 4 0. to Grasdma Bassett, It WAS raining that day, and, as she coulf EOL RO oul she was rammaging about | | them apart,” | “Come on, Masie, they dont wan: to | | play with ve now, anyway, They re too : happy : J make a snow man.” 08 | selemnly. : wilee, “Mother won't let us keep him, We've got to drown him'” said one, 116 me,” 1 sald, "and [ will see that he | 4 Is taken care of" this here he ia’ "It would take a book to tell you | all the running tiings he did but : - when he grew up. although Se was no | Jonger cunning. he was useful and {once saved my father's life” And as they dil {ihe All of a Be struck a light. and what fail. | 1 er had told his story, Jeff was petted by every one and given a roysl sup eral days. apd they gl Hike other, althoigb—well, the puppy thought he wap much grander and ha hie Was no very mach Nigger, Ey bexin with snd Secs be was grow ing sn wach fapler than they And the Zuline rather looked down on the puppy, bedagse ware 80 graces ful and adyviike in thelr movemen white he tombled about In & very AUser. rough fashion. Put se they were all careful to 2p nothing of these fancies. not even to one an. - other. in (Be writes: confidence, body's feelings were Burt The puppy and the kittens plaved fo- gether quite DaonD woke Up and ft His by They BG them came hurrying home from schon, ball, with those dear. lovely, delight. | ful little animals at home. and at sight sof the foge playiog togorher they sim wy screamed with delight “1 hope Hitlte mont birt the ters” ssid gentle ttle Maisie Ww) a HELe 8 =o much “Bar {ji belng threes 4 On ger it don’t Hedbay vg aed] MALIA eed hey watchin fo nepity Thien play. n are Brinda ie Sve eg a other, ana thers By up io many dogs ard cate who do sot Bey won'l frat are ! fight” { & photograph of a dog. and, though it | was faded, one could ses the dog quite Cdistinetly “H they do. wall nsf have to Keon decided Jamie, wisely. tiger hey Let's go out Bo off they went merrily, and the Aitens and the puppy salle ai pgch (i you've never sefn a kitten wateh fhe pext en and wee} : “Human binge do smugte ma so sald the mippy preseatly, “Do yom Know, kittens that those enlldren ac. tuaily think thevy'mo muuch smarty We cat Believe 11 cried the i ; Ether. ite trae me so the day they took mie ont for a L roil in the snow.” answered the puppy, “And yet cots “Why, They il sever pars to catch those children,” sald the Kit- fqenE Our mother savas that some human beings gre actually afraid of mlee. Jost think of 00° "And 1 could find my way home In i the dark now, if you dido't take me ‘00 far away from home” was the puppy s | boast, with bis head tussed very high Log tail wEpging proudly) “after a ‘Give him | and bis t3il wagging proudly r | few months I'd be shie to find my way home from anywhere almost £¢t home at all” “Well, its queer how terribly con- veited kotne people will be” Kittens togetter, shaking ther heads in a row. “Naw—it doesn't Lerem possible, but I suppose it's true cur mother says those children actu. LaLy think they are faking care of us when they (it ue about and pass ua from one to the other” LoomOh, they do! They go! ! the puppy. ¥miling . we're big and old ang know a great tr they'll keep oft thinking tsa ‘way human Cthey never seem oo £0 over it “Pear me! How véry noone’ said all the kittens, suddenly remembering Che be onrins and Izdviiae and sitting ou very straight. “Well perhaps they can’t be.p in We ought to try and 1s sorry for hen things, and be Li seeing hat ta nature to be py fo nice 10 thew, always, a angwersad prey very kind Gem | their i be very fun” Then they all had another lovely romp together, ending with a fine nap in the middle of the floor i to their supper, they nil looked so de | mure and so inpdcent you'd ever have The next samimer 4 young man i supposed they kuew a thing sevond Jef y aceldent when he was | { their paws. Ristgo Recard-HonaM, uly m mens ate: my father's Tite - between your grandpa snd me. Do you The thres little balls were doar little | jest earned to mee out of their Wg round bide sves The fourth was » ag if halt ee ! Bh proxentiy | and came bouncing over toxard the i kittens—until toe childrens who Joved You can imagine bow frightened | was | i They coulda t even walt to pDiay snow | surface of worne i 420 1 enw another case of b. i the Hoffman Hoowe i York. A gentleman tonk a | At abun his with stad penal Bon and | ; thesa Seven 140 the Wewly haer i trabe salved it, I mierabe reson { Puss feeding places, gotieed after 3 fom BYR th prow thin Amt weak the ig dog next door told the oflicaey af oe REievol Weight of all axes wf the same And i Ereat hig Erows Human beings ger 80 . badly lost guite cliten that they never | criod all | P an thrown aside to be made over “And even when | Spection it inh Eo teings have Rh and. © ¥ Tat *® 3 just for And when : : Maisie and Jamie came to take them | Pranay Basetall Fog who has Sees in this city on a visit for some time, smashed and utterly destroyed a S30 diamoBd at the Lonisvitle Hotel yes | It was such an ac tient 3% will nr hspoen fo a dia Pmoend code I ten thousand times. so terdey morning P Mr Polboan feels that St is “outrs. 1 goon fortune” with a vengeanes “Anywhere but In Lovlevile } Baa, | hard-leck Lovisville.” and {of the erstwhile Colonels lone years of strogiiog in the Nations] League | against the baseball demon of il] luck, { The stone was sot ip 8 ring which bad | been piven hich by the members af it was of the flery white tariety. and for ie: sive—A little more than two the Pittsburg team lsst fall. was unusually valpable and hand some. woud suppose wonld Barve given the Sane ample protection ngainst sny in : Mr: : Pullmen was bathing at the time Hei had bad bis bands lo warm water, god |? Pie: | started to take it off and bad with | | drawn 1 slipped and fell from bis Jury it might receive fn a OL the Ying was ti on his Snoer a from his Bhs when RB maride foo of the haticenam Hw Sestrpetion, the fact that the gem was warm F ble Goce was old The conditions were Inst righ s0ch an acrid rated by the gold claws while the Law Ty deiner the wk, who saw fhe ring 3 ! or pou will sever pet well anti vous howals | Canc amps Bein matare cure § you wilhoat fn gnige or salu Hrodaes say in it JS oente to : CascaneTe bCande Cathars jegauine, pat apis metal | GC. OU, stasuped on $1 3% hi shar he hay : a jeweler bear three sneh casor and that sae aevilents to diamonds were genera! rare “About wake a mond in dear te The sana pus RE Bee was wasERI Ler Barads Tn owas fall on = poids water apd let ber ring i ot. & EY eR tive Rind Ul in New gant Y ES a5 Jy vy soe of his friends Br shipped fro bas lands and fell to the marble Boor It was Uterally shottersd Me. Pa man ongld have Bit thar din ge A BEmney a owen Late van take uo sidy fan dets by oa sii ble Fa a Yiiy so and was a x tire to suns : he w x PEE hes pera Luin We LA ONrnSL sonido The Microbe's Fine Werk, The mighty sweep of the locust aver the Bedds of Portes] b clweked Many Reta Had been de bo aa Dragate Fined fo slamy out i Hyorious birds Lad hove niet ose: nol gl sons bad been frealy sirpwn about, 3 Min seerped to: ving ve 8 aE profYessnr atl “otis birn sels ¢ problem, sod with 1% go 4 af The After siany o% Wants the Lucteriologiey Totud thes ding that of Was most efedtive, lars were made and enrinkisd aver vs ; Le fmer Ie Wers and Bas Theres seems Hy to stisanoear Be little dangly ai i to slay tik locust, mt ar the lovase is fnieliod off ths to BR urestion > Bike = to whar the ie Hention to —& : Care in Making Axon, An ax is sulilece hp = "ip wid | most Le of the reqitired tensper. The | mast be unidorn, all mas 3 alike, and in various ctaer 1 wars eon form to an established standard inspector Who tesla the guality of steal does so by hammering aod striking the edge to whether it be too bitte that breaks during Rh EE Fa Phe do Test or Ta the material of on ax is in fhe prises shaps it has teen Tron cinding the tempt ited Bye ths bi Pie a LAX When completed hus pas the Bands of abou forty ward porfectise it Thee ae Po ty tho departiven:, and fross that Wie Snish Alter my Ys thw wheels. Why He Wept, The extensive nhder the Aline A Chinawan aged mother 8a sed tears his friends "Why do you weep!” “Alas! things are nar gy thoy be” answered the devoted son anthocite £ Prem ew Is well aoa of fiwiy youve of naTEns ¥ $i Uy 8 Re saad sivas HERP GR. Mothe cobitnany of fie Haend tag “ha poor wanian's arm goowa fopbler eNury day PreoSnurt Ra Ti 1614800 —— Ae am Larmlinal Rebel The gold cinws which hold the | ring In place were Beary, and oné grasp to the it hep I pened 10 strike at fhe one Doint neds | ane an : | ever, the fall would not have affected 13 in the Jeast were It not for : and the mar fy ny 7 mt and the 2lane falling | on the fatal point was shattered Bud | I owas split in two as evenly base of the twenty fre FOOLY Ago 8 args dig Eiteen fo tesnty. + tana brig FHKE fron Dis walle te slow w a for wil wifes RRR pi : GO Exnsimy, Yasinre ¢ at last been | : before, ats she will Pain Las to right tests Befaee : Ris proveunced perfect. ABGEIININ % rhinwey, | {each of whom bas done stilts tn. Srinding | pase | thew upon etery | WS ha LIA 4 ra yal ay AE Was axis] en frequently ner | jected his ministerial duties that hei op ight bave a frolic with his eats and En the pre red i, og the or Bey to Murruk was the great petrided forest which bis party passed Cirongh "For 10 hours we traveled HTS an ora of petrifed trees varying is oir fer to 3 fow inches. Every branch of tisls forest cotiferesen from 7 was of course iyvisg prose, and this togsther with he presence of marine | shells showed (hat this part of ihe : B® Great Salara bad at one lime been Ho wouldu’t have happened-nid : id Be thooghf sFoboerged.” Pollowisg the sxamole of Lepsis several other German universities are refusing to admit Russian girls wha Bave only jhe certificates of Russian high school matics Sl Te taken ant azed 1 ei re. ‘perrtal Biri An of Fo SA samme Tapa io by Hail & Catarel ) Almwver On Toleds, Sid bo Droggiets. Te s Fa Bn has 1 pis fewer Than 88 ead | of inhabitants sl Louiseile fewer thay | LG, al 3 Mather Cray's Swivet Powder for Chidren | Sgenwmetally need be Wether Gory, nen Ia : New Yi : 8 Lovie Hes 3000. ihe Children's Homie, Forurishoes Bad 5 ders, Hove gad re i draggin 35 ros 0 2 Sitios Fags. a lapidary bad done the work | Address alien « ¢ Cliatesd, LeRoy, 8. ¥. | The spher part was still bold fn place } oo oerwnted by the Japirews authorities on the | Wireless telegraph stations are : now bel ing Boresn ovant. Beant For the Bowel Ro matter what wily vou bendnehe ton san. are put raga SErO rs Slovenieatu cos START Redline Your Beith Bask, Deane #rers Lada Bus C i, i i ni Ture 3 rah forty es LE TE Rare © Theres are aby ut 2h more womay < | 1han men nthe (herman eugire, = VOLS Fivsaws runes as HEE Fane Ine tan 8 ne ta. RE SRA tina lies entirely or | Lasting vepetaller | raNat beat ware ¢ fe or dour dis fat oy irs Any Neri Bentorer. 5s hs be 0 bk : Floos Dare te the Tout Sedietnn me ever aned | a1 and lunge Wa, nd, hit 0. 1am, aS AS FRI Livre. © tof IRE ODIRINELL, the wonderful curative value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, For eight rear | had female trouble, failing of tie womb and other x complications. luring that time | was more or leas of an invalid kod sot much for anything, until one day und o book in my hall telling of the cures you soni perform. | Became interested ; | bought a battle of Lyd E. Pak han Vegetable C C pound and was iriped; | ooutinant ioe its | use and in seven mosthe ivas cared, and kines that time | have had perfest : health. Thanks, dear Mrs Pinkham %, for the health I now ening as Jens O'Dosxrrr, 278 Bast 2st St. A a Ii we BOON) Furfelt if above is mot gesying Women suffering from any form of female ills can be cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound. That's sure. Mrs. Pinkham advises sick wos | men free. Address, Lyon, Mass. : Bg ired Boon } & Hor By EEN Cala a wh, Raima, bed kittens, of which hu bad a lage | ot | collection. "i Rondired Poitare far ary : Sneed be ennmreh that 4 mend, Xo Mioraervons. : iat in Sreatise frog BL. Palla, Pa yy Lydice E. Re . : e Compound, i i “Duan Mx a. Prema :—1 have { gever in my Hie giten a testiviooisl | Hf cannes iw von limes dong ws much for eel milled upon to give you + this eto] ted adknowledpement Prostdent of Gakisnd Womars Ribing Club. in Siberia, I. ¢ ax known dvs © sedi, Ki WoL fess na 83 00 and £3 when phused da Wr wide with S508 aad SON shoes of Bs ara fonnd te De ue "ged BE : ; Put up in Collapsible Tubes. A Eabetitabe for aad Saperier 16 Wasted or any ohare plastee, snd will sot blister the mos Sellone skin, Tow pds allaying and carstive gua ities of his arth bn wes wonderin. Ttwill stop the Soothe Sane weil nelieen Bandar nod motntion, We raoeanused it se the Deed and safest external cote INKELEL KDC Wn, Wen We a0 sxienal tuned) for painm is Fhe chee? nd women sos all riewmati Beuralate wml gouty «ompinints A trind will wove whist we cial for 1, and 1 900 be foam ta be ineainalis tn the household. Many | Deopis say “itis he beat of sll yur preparation ® Price, 13 conta, st sil dragyism, or other Seales | or by sending this x noun to os ta Jota amps {we wills your a tate by mail Bo srsiale shonk! be nocepiad by the public andem | Sha ame Tien our label, me otherwise i at
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