Fa TIA TS IR RW perrvent PARAGRAPHS. xo STRIKE THIS YEAR. SR Piy. Pornted Poueslings Pertainiugs tn Senile hus Born Signed According to a Mes | People and Place. sage from Altoons. vin yards, and some of the front ones, are | { Thursday } afternoon noon no settle. : : revealed in all thelr naked bideousness | ment bad been effected by the miners of dirt. It therefore bebooves the and operators at the joint conference | property HW her with an eye fo the at Altoona, although this indications _ beaatifal to commence the ‘annual t $ sevle will be sd "F cleaning up. Nothing adds to the at- rn UE he promo scnle will be ged tractiveness of a town so mach as well- The mest = ing ‘convened Tuesday | | Kapt yards. Let the man with the ruke, morning, and was in session at inter. | the shovel and the bonfire begin work | ouis Tuesday and Wednesday and to- | at once. BL ay a aa Sa day. A special message from Altoona | | --Anent the demands made by the 10 the COURIER 8% 3 o'clock this after. i mine at the Altoona convention, {noon stated that the old scale would be | a som of the Emerald Inte, whom Pat rani od : The operators presented the scale of | 1901 as their final altimatum. It was | Since the snow has gone the back- Up to the time of gong to press thin | Burgess Monteith Was Found Not Guilty, but “ZEKE” WAS SOAKE For Twenty-five Deliars and ihe Costs ‘ Prosseation — Verdisl did ant Give TU versa! Satisfaction. Motions and Petitions Presented th the Court : A In the case at Court last week wherein Frank W. and Joseph L. Cun » ningham sought to recover $1,000 dam. apes for alleged falwe arrest snd im. | prisonment from Burgess Alex Mon i | hother Vipeds or ns are to] | made ible by I. W. Robinson, of tieth and Ex-Policeman Wesley Merri. meron was in the | be utilized in pashing cars. the Rochester & Pittsburg Coal & Tron : = Patton’ a paved streats woald took | company, whe opposed # aattlament Pe | & great deal better if they wore cleaned. (on such terme unless concessions | “I every merchant had civie pride | gained by him during the past year enough 10 keep the pavement in front | ¢ were granted, agreeing to sign tha old | of hixstore free from dirt the result scale. This removed one obstacle in| | would be obvious. | the way of a settlement and the old ~—Any citizen of Patton who feels scale was presented to the miners : the opportanity is still open. co Candidates for county offices who | while the more radical desiond to walt want to reach the sturdy constituency | | the outcome of the trouble in the an a by Hon ry Swope, a ot the north of the county can thracite feids before deciding on a set. ® Kis nod do better than fo pot thelr an. : tlement, A recs was taken at noon his way to Patton. Rounesment in the ¢ Covmra. and at 1 o'clock the miners reconvened I Geo H Curfman and W. IT Ssod. | ‘and continped wrangling over the : ford Are the ay deingates es from the question until 2, when an adjournment : : was taken without sny action on the o | Operators proposition. : | The two scale committens went into | aeson at 2 o'clock. During the after. noon they taiked over the sitaation 1 : nine in Patton this yout, The material : {The sighs Sup day, gh ial tending. physician is hers, and why not “play ball” hams 3p taf pruesiy sien ‘cume a dead swe The operators ~There will a sale of some house. say they would coosider the eight | be had a fainting spel 8% held goods at the residence of Mr. BE. pour day when all the other e sight cl it ad not too. early for hase hail | y ba - was not » : He Rm Helmbold on Beech avenne SSF. | conidered it and determined upon it. | ntil that time they said that in fair eBay. Dr Deaver is attendiop the | news to all concerned the question conference at k Bellefonte and no 9 predet: | should not be made an issue. At 8 o'clock the scale committee ad. i od journed without reaching = sottis | L | ~It Is said that Tax Collector Walter Ment to mest at 1030 this morning. 1 J, Weakland will resign soon and that The commitiee was in session when , Jan. Mallon will be sppotated to the | the Covnres went to press at 3 o'olock position. this afternoon, { Did you see that new line of Later An anofficlal ‘message from hosiery in Patton Supply Co's win. | Altoona states that the wale has been s dow? In all colors, styles and prices. {signed and there will be no strike. ur | «If this town ever has a dog show | A NEEDED REFORM. 1 it won't bave to depend on imports. es os tions to make a respectable showing. {The Ya% Cons eats Basfly Make Them «Mrs. Wm. Osriand, of Sandy selves Solid. "charitably inclined cannot find a beiter | The proposition was discassed ap | 1 loafing around his piace of impris 7 (yont that by presenting the public | considerable length by the miners’ rep school library with some new books. | resentatives behind closed doors yes | A number have already done so, and terday morning. The conservative: element seemed jaclined to accept it, | them ap for an honr or so, refused 10 man, of this place, the jory awarded Joseph $25 from Merriman snd noth. ing from Montieth, while Frank got nothing from anybody, ; The defense was that Frank Cu ningham was drunk and disorderly, and bis arrest necessary, and that While he wan in the lock-up Joseph got mment until he became a nolssnos, and 50 he wax also inckrcerated. The plaintiffs alleged that in April, 1001, they were in Patton, and that Merriman arrostad them and locked grant them a hearing and said be ap rested them bocanse he could. The | (came was tried before Judge Savage, cof Northumberland county. The case of Lewis Burkhart vs Jarob Thomas ef al, trespass, was put on (Eriad Friday, The plaintiff demanded triple daniapes because the defendants ent timber on 4 tract he owns in Elder township, after one year of an agree. ment had expired. It was proven the defendants had agreed to work the tract for two years, mistake having bean made. The verdict was for the defendant. § ade by ui tailors, even to HAND MADE BUTTON HOLES, ready to wear. ame will be ready to sell ere you read this. "hese Suits will fit you same as any tailor-made suits *he Price will be 8 or 9 Dollars less than the tails home-made suits, e are always logking out for the best goods for our 1 customers, You want to come and LOOK AT THEM! We have our SPRING HATS, SHIRTS, and . SHORES. | ‘he Best Dollar Shirt in Town : | Our “ON TOP" $3 50 Shoe | is $5.00 worth, All the new sty les and leathers. HERE. In the conse of Thomas J. Stiffler on x RB. C. Osborne and Renben Hildebrand, ‘before Judge O'Connor, the plaintiffs, | after the trial wan well on, applied for a non-snit, which was granted. Judge OV Connor banded down a new rule to govern the transfer of liquor licenses in Cambria county. Briefly, it bs that applications for the transfer ‘of licenses may be presented during any regular Court, on motion day, or in chambers during vacation, the facts in the petition to be set forth the same fan fhe original petition, and to be fied in the Prothonotary's office for ten days. Notice must be given in two | CASH-ONE P RICE. That Means the Lowest. ‘papers for ten dayw of the time and| place when the application will be pre- i sent to Court. | Ridge, visited relatives in town the If the Patton borough council want {frat of the week. to confer an everlasting faver on them. licensee such transfer may be made Mr and Mrs Wis. MeCormick, of e Cwrrolitown, were visiting relatives in (selves and all who are obliged to do forwith. ‘The new rule differs from business with them they will provide Judge Barkar's ruledn that the saloon | | decent quarters to meet in without does not have to be closed for ten days | o. | LOWD over Sunday. | dela «Mrs. H. A. Ford, of Janesvi! ¥ Wik. les guest at the roid bes The present council room is a dis | oo Ho W. C. Lingle. grace to any third rate ‘municipality, i. {and every resident of the town will i. Mra Chas C. Grenninger and Miss o Byrd Hard visi da agree that Patton does pot come in yt rd er ting friends in Pitts- that catagory. Hot, foul smelling and | TR inadequate in summer, it can only be ~The Patton public schools will be reached in winter and apring by wad- 2! clined to-morrow Good Friday. A LC. W. Hodgkins was In Osk Grove the shoe tops or farther. The tax pay- ! several days last week on business. {ers of the town do not ask or want . Howard C. Dinsmore was visiting their legislative body to meet in quar. relatives in Gallitzsln over Sunday. ters like this, when a suitable room can | +L Leib, of Niektown, was a Pat. ®asily be procured for the purpose at ton visitor ¢ on Sunday. a small outlay each year, sa { Strangers coming Into town and noe honorable board can not fail to be an- | Special Temday Exenrsios via Pennsvivenis | {favorable impressed with the place ir Balisond. the councilmanic chamber be taken as The Paneyivania Railroad Cochas ar- | a eritertan. | | ranged for 8 low-rate ten-day excursion | Sitaated as it is in an old isolated n | fren Pittsburg and points in Western | | frame building, without a safe to store rip tickets will be sold at rates | a fire would have small opposition in train Indicated, or ou train No. 4, leav- | once started. It is faise economy to %, ing Pittsburg at 9.00 p. m., and carry. , compel the councilmen and others to cars and coaches will be run from Pitts tment if they made a change in- bury on the Rilowing schedule: Lstanter. “i Traln il Bate Wh i RET pf ¥ not 3% aries “3% 7 : Westover. Chace ER CRIM RE aR ¥ no do 5 8 ; lemen fect thi have ons Pie cindy BE roo! i Bom Lo A Biol chant To Te Tickets will be good returning