The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 20, 1902, Image 6
so placed as to indicate the exact Ait. 1a! | terence in. time between these places and Panama. As the dial revolves the arrows indicates the hour apd minute {in a dozen cities, while the black band gives Pana: na time, v to the estabiiiment in ¥a., of the first free school riean soil the citizens of that ’ town arcanged an elaborate mm for February 12, when the Syms Eaton Academy, the large erie public school which has Just pleted, was dedicated in bonor ¢ § tan, and now Elizabeth City Conaty. \ | Virginia), & tract of 200 acres of land jand the milk from elght cows for the purpose of endowing a free school in whith the youth of that day, resident of the county, night receive a free ed- ueation.” One month later Thoinas Eaton, another philanthropist of the period, “patented” 2570 acres of land decreed should be devoied to the school fund already established by Benjamin Syme. That wax the modest beginning the world, and 10 the memory of these AMERICA'S FIRST PUBLIC SC HOOL Syms-Eaton Behoollionse a8 it appeared from 1842 to 1841) 0 Virginians who first made 8 free education of all in this country. Nearly $500 go—as far back as 1634, to bb e-Benjamin Syms willed to the f Eignotam {later Keeoogh- | public spirited men 8 menument bas Just been erected in Hampion in the shape of the large and completely equipped public school referred to, which kas been named the Syios-Ea- ton Academy. jejsiolelelelolvlelelv]ulolefer cKin] ley Monument, S Site io Vash Wastin Cemetary. ar Cd Canton, Chip, Cd fd Cx AROANNRARARANNGANN 38 where the body of William will eventually He and above 1 be reared the memeorial of e of the United States, is in 5 section of Westiawn Cem- ‘ald, when he first bebield it that #t was “the finest spot out of doors In “all the world” The ound rises in a gentle slope about seventy-five feet from the little stream that Hes at ts feel, and curves in a silane graceful sweep to the east. A carriage road lies at its base at the edge of the water, apd another one mounts the | It is § hill and circles it at the back. proposed to use about five acres of the mound its very best part, in fact— | Which will give ample room for the i stately tomb that will be erected there, | wi cn THE wo WILL BE ATIONAL MONUMENT ERECTED, TO MKRINLEX ton, Oble. Without a ques. the most beautiful spot in: ey Bepator Charles W, - ao Indiana, one of the trus- Kinley National Me raising | for the serial tomb, Jack was wmaply the the Roosevelt family. ck Roosevelt, the first dog He has no pedigree, but se is hisplayground, and 51, the Blue Room, the a and, in fact, every the White House, even the’ ‘Hel om, receive dally visits, the Smportance af his po and fur the spread of gresnsword to: relieve and soften it body of Willisia MeKinley will He fn the pubic receiving vault, where it wos placed on September 18, the day of the | funeral. : HR ko SOA rH 5 ST nl with one of the many persons who daily seek his confidence and the pers mission to pat bis bead. In appears ancy Jack is anything but prepossesse ing. Once in a wilille he accompanies for a drive, but he Is not over fond of driving, and generally bolts when her Sastizge comes round. New York Her. rds ema EPP ot every three persons in Berlin, ly, one has a saviogs-bank ac- ar, ore hi ten of every CL amb ra i SRA NAY 5 at the head of Back River, which he of the greatest public school system in {guns Yost 1nside Sandy Hb | England asd BOWER watld Have anethivee fa Xe welsh : power would have anything for de with elally preserit Bubaenuentiy oilherd were built id {a FILE h i {navy fovented a Until the memorial tomb is built (he : Misa Alice Roosevelt when she goes y &n under Aristotle and “Pliny had some en: | hazy dens about the employment of na and other centres, as veel] ‘#8 in Panama, Arrows are drawn upon the air divers for this purpose. King James 1. marine atlack, and once risked biz roy- sl person in a descent in a boat built by his order. But the credit of produc. undoubtedly belongs to the United Bisten Soon after the outbreak of the war ine boat known as the American Tur tle, because of its shape, was oon- structed by David Bashnell of Conneo- tient. It was made of oak staves strengthened by fron bands and the “erew' of ons man entered it through a mankole in the top. which was closed scuttles. through which he could see on ail sides. The operator sat perched On a seat in the very middle of the vege! Lis head In the raised cover, the tiller under hiz left arm, pallors, or “pars” as called them just In front of him Bekipd him, and on the outside of the vogsel was attached, Knapsack- a charge of powder. which, ty wariong sceounta was either pins. Waolaht, 180 er . KRM” WEARS Fhe iv PE wpe line to a sharp serew whisk protruded the uoper propoiier. The program of atlar x was for the "artle” 10 be Wrought below one of our men-of war, tuto her timbers from within the vou sol, nnd the powder charge released. the doomed ship, the “turtle” would retire {oa gale dlatance and then dis sharge the torpedn by means of 8 long line contested with the trigeer of a gunlovk placed within it flr was curtained to last for winutes, and g very shart vizit 1a the surface would replenish the and an air pump. One of these enrions neRrly succeded tn Eagle, a British ahip of aeatrovisg th girty-tour Hobe: era Fulton afierward bail take thew up. They Fran were exhibited in in hat them, on Fulton's plan. French ap ran Aw IY romsipe to induce gorernments to adopt their craft without success, In. 1855 a Mr 8 diving boat invented by a Mr. Phil- lps of Michigan in 1550 It was sixty feet long and seven foot six inches In diametar, During the civil constructed a cralr fry fest he screw phaft ed the David, torpedo affixed to a 15-foot spar. February, 1884, she attacked Ceell overwhelmed by her J Kran. i Admiral Gown tarpedo. Bourse Plongens In 1863 bat it » yond the experimental iealled the “Fenlan ; on the Hodson river bot wan ! fasture. Fraw the enrly 8s, howeve long strides Barn ; perfecting srine a, never pe. Anothy fa 1381. hs IY craft tha i A He | Nordeafeidt of moe dy shiny fF POE LTR 1. Lines-gun £36ns ar as : built several for the Te ment, patents Pree seve wonder while here in one own w and buliders have been bdeus to practical In 1533 the United Stated ment 30 aside 3 oa of mune sonsituation of an experi Out of the plans of a nurs pelitorg the savernment sebctad thy gent in by Baker and Holland res Ively, and finally deeldsd to of {he jatter. Holland's winging don sign was clpbiv-fve feet lobe nnd b 8 total disp boat has latest test have 5 wy 3a ri ASE ge FRET since Men Improved, the being a stay bor. eee Ao IA Mn sr eg Remarkable Fossll Cusren the world exists near the town of Kem. | feet above sea level ) : and, no ® Blasting being per- | of England was a bellever In sub | ing 8 really practical eraft of this kind for American independence a submar- | by a brass cover provided with glass | and | | the bandles for turning the two pro- | the inventor {and threes miles a day i abit (ha FJ and fram the top of the vessel just abate | the serow serewsd This would then rise into contart with | Zufficient | thirty | | Witnesses In Maryland Coarts Ragulred stock by : : praft very | cmarine corel, but could got po one to neither | Inventors and other Americans tried Delaney of Chicago, took to England | war the confederates | ii : Ar the ¢ 4 yin {the University of : TTP fk covered that a galv i: propelled b sod-turned cranks en | i propelled by hand tures i Anke on | motes the grow! biz boat was call. of guinea pies Bhe wa red wip f IY Ba oa Bhe was armed with g | xpertmented with, In| and |. wrecked the Housatoole, but was ber. | i Raat Freveh | fled. marine called {eo | got hee wag launched & made divided rane Bas i i resets wad {they know how te bulld mess 18 an inberitames of the Herres. | i «offs though all the aficted are not! Ts wilked to a window CURR a Race Rll CpAtiing thelr se fhoRe | had | larson af 188 tons. This | of fourteen | hours under water In New York har C nel wrapper having many Seep pockets. | together with a pair | which the poor dear expected to slip at One of the most unique guarries in | ties of fish. split into slabs broken with sledge hammers. and thrown over the hank ton the shale fl Ootied Sates. wid wos decided opon After long discugalon hid the somites, by hand. When the slabs containing | the specimens are cut and taken out they are very moist and have to be dried ont to about one-third of thelr original weight After the drying has | proceeded far enough to permit of the | cary manipulation of the material, the tossils are carefully cleaned by means of special tools devised for the pur pose. Many of these fish fossils are ax. ceedingly beautiful, avery bone being pisinty shown In the outline. They rank as the finest specimens of fossil! fishes yet discovered, ime, EEE ON LIFES JOURNEY. Avernge Man Walks Macy Thonemed Miles Wetore His End How many miles a man walks in his : itstime depends, naturally. upon how much he walks a day on the averages; but the man who walks the lsast cov ers A vast number of miles before he i dies | like a heavy wooden case, containing aeeoviing Sone men wall two miles a day, some four or five, als soine as many as ten. !! 3 man walks two miles a ' | day and lives to be thirty years old ha 56 pounds or 200 pounds in THis was connected by a short will cover 21.990 miles. At the sam Age 8 man who walks threes miles a’ day will have walked 32350 miles. Al | : The ald seal of Forte Rico, ranted by ast in going | hotise, the office, the shop, | and in going to and from the cars, | ete. Mir MOR every man walks letwesn two A man who walks five miles 8 day finds that at the age of 30 he has cov: ered SL750 miles and Bt the age of 60 From this should, WARE albino to tim Over toward the SHH lap New York Press, RAR CIN de DISPENSE WITH THE BIBLE. Slhwmply to AfNirm. The Bible will he Clreult Courts at Baltimore, as gto courts was signed by nite Morris The order states (hat when not spe 4 the Constitution of the United Hiates or an set of Cone Po Eream the form of wath in the United c States Courts sball be the asme as fs presoribed by the fave of the Biate of P Maryiand (Acta of 184 chaster 15). by Under the new practice the person making oath will hold up bis right hand and gctence of the person fo be awoen, Heretofore persons taking the oath : have been regu! : red fo xizs the Bible, HS rE Eleetricity se a Fatiener A member of the medical faculty of Michigan has dis. pen. Twa cages Wer pigs g ante exrrent 5st these, 21x 16 the cage The gaines ail eXartly ihe same unEh one of the cages an © rent ans passed day and other cage wae lh 80 way elon rin For a stated period the animals in huh ages Were fot with pracisely FER + B% 2 wi Ha el lectrified doin hin] duris HE por vont moore than the sew. I as a : 3 vines, elect 9 fas WET fe Ex The Berreshol Fasmity. There noe ei of the pres five of them x Lie x are it al, ha 5 i bots, Blind. Une of them rE oa better and, 33a Yo wan ¥ Bia V3 MR 2 said at oRn Data gna day to nee ith the ight aend They are hevrmeg fu} Al it the Ene By pe thaches Hl Ae AD Ie presant gendration is blind, . - i Mn sir Took W rong Yrecantisne Tha arary In tol of a Bogton woman who uved nearly all of her ina botel, with a constant antiol anil fear of fire, Every night she pl gn 8 vhadr beclkde the bed a thivk 8 of shoes ints the Brat alarm. All her valuables were i within hand reach, and no fire depart _merer. Wyo. at aa elevation of 82001 This quany Is | ment ever drilled for a hurry call with ‘more assiduity than | seman, who was finally drowned, - strietly speaking, be wubtracted the few months | jor a your when he was 8 baby unable to walk, but the result would not be aflectad materially, Now, the circumference of the earth : a1 the equutnr ls only 24.899 miles Bo therefore a man who at the age of 60 has averaged five miles a day since he Wilk har walked enough miles to Nave encircled the earth four ; : ; was eoheddered, bnt {tf was regarded We and have a good many miles Jef) ; ’ One of his | ‘aa lacking in arthitie effect cearavels waz found to male a striking effect above the shield, mand It was adopted. dispensed with herealier in administering oalhs gener. : ally in the United States District and S ashiington woman, and Almost simul. HESS * been the praciice for some time In the An order tn on rect Ovid Sr in the prewsace of Almighty | 1 God solemtly promise or declare” to tell the truth, exrept in those cases wherein this form ia not practicable of when it shall appear that some othes mods is rsore binding upon the con. Lor dumbidodia wil] the BRT i pe Faved that 3 Rs re- ricity sone to th fate au food frome Ahly j evirie beel™ will | t | music for of the ehilifven | this expectant roto RICAN corr OF. ABMS, 1 about the pyiddie of the sixteenth eninry, presented three jeading feat ree. a rock in the acean, Be lamb of | St.John and design of the Spanish flag (nud castle. Tha shape of the «deld vas retained, and also the rock, after si remodeled 8a to copy. with some Agyeraiion, the contour of the leland | BE If appenss to the vogager before on. tering the harbor of Ran Juas. Behind the rock 88 shown (he rising shin Lhe choice of a erost presented a dif fienity. No heraldic anima; was sug gested a8 having a peculiar local sige aiflennce encept the yen iin whose | present popularly ihe Government is frying to sanprew. No siutliable tree was suggested. The bust of Columbus Concerning a motto the commiitee [decided that Spanish wag out of the oesticn, hat English wan sued Rnown tongue that Latin was chosen, Many mwottoes ware submitted, bot the sevenaful suggestion came from & taneously from Dr. David J. HILL As sistant Secretary of States. It ia from pers Juxx oritar” which, means: "A happy day bs £8 WE adwning ELECTRIC EXERCISE SER, A i BA RISRON © & Palr of Damb hells Connected With al Battery. Io the accompany ing ploture Js shown 8 novelty In apparkius for the exercise nf the muscles, combining the Spplies- tion of the electele enrpent with th har uditeg ¢f Tel lan clubs or dumb] THE BUSILERS WHILE IN MOTIOX The § a vertu pli a1 fan rif shaped mnxcies while ssernd lain tlist the ane te 1 Ue body § ad Bug with the clube le : Smund of great ig thsi CRE ats an doles while in mot thus iy aie Shar Li Ian n uo- | alls He 3 s Zap the wenslit ius = % 5 colapelis ¢ or Lhe Poe, be | tubes 1 ust the a The wires ara of sufficient : by adjusting the diding dord of the induction oh which adapts the exerciser for the ose of children or adults. The patent on Oma has been granted to Alfred Dison. : wHesLeo £0_crut cues. Wer Tt : Professor Eulenberg, of the Talvent Lo of Berlin, has invented a very inge- nlons combination reliing and walking chalr for fovaiide, as shown in the as comopanyiog ilustration. The crutches jare 8 providud with spring § beartags, and can be adyiated | 0 as to ft any person, The zante Is the case with the galle- hur. The whole mechanism of the combination ebalr is very simple, and WERRLED CRUTCH AS CHAIR. the walking chair can essily be changed inte 3 rolling ehale wisnever the patient desires so. All wheels have indis rebbor tives; the bars ave of steel, aad the seat of rush braids A FR RR TE VE PIS ERR SS Sa Foosoemy tn Gloves, “Mon pride themselves on thelr wae perior efanalny.” says 3 well known yavag washington matron, “but it Is without good grounds. Take gloves: for fnstames. Youn buy more gloves In a year than 1 do, and you are not wells gloved Dall the tine. You put a pais on whet you buy thems and get the fingers twisted. Aa a result, they never look, well, there is a sttaln on the sragis, they rip, and In i few weeks they are thrown sside, sailed and spoiled. Now, take your fret lowcon in glove economy. Buy good gloves and have them fitted on by the elerk. It is the first fitting that counts After that they will 20 on all right : “Never wear the same pal ton days In avecommion, Straighten them out at night ani) give them a rest for a day, Four thpes a year gate ap yoor gloves znd have them cleansd and presepd for Alteen e¢enta x pair. You will find that your glove Lil will be ent fn two. But always get good ghiver, I Bought a paler of reindeer driving gloves in Londen four years ago.snd pald a guiness for them, They are stil ser alii When they are sodlend Tout them in a basin sad wash them with seap and wales, and they dry out ua good as ever —Wasitington gl zie A POPULAR rbrviomoseesiros sinc SONG ILLUSTRATED. ro yh Yuu are Wy oo rr » or 3% ¥ 4 wkd ou a wy ASE Wy po Tay . ave oa “ a Y oo NG: 1" ust LEAVE THEE ™ - TRE amen