here offer the following helo cost to make n for new ood A Sale of all s ales. CK dlll( purchases have just arrived, which make ity and extraordinary low prices. rice og enthy o | Chi the « con bining of Jardiniers sold at $1, 1.25 etc. at 4oc. and 1.50, 1 23, while they last at zo your watch i | repaired at Three Red Cross and Sum mit Heaters will be sold at : good bargains. ENR Come and see our & ummit | and Red Cross ranges. Pully = guaranteed or money refunded. | = da prociama- : April 4 and 18 as Ar. seed, ete, at lowest prices, ol har I 5 Glas: paints, white lead, * oils 161s kerosene, Larges Tine general dware and furni-. v ture i in this end of the don of Aprng rings hafore | ying $y turds * it Es on ac: “county. Come and see cours 1 and they " h every not ih ow la I a; PH it i 1 t w 5 to good enough tor you and surely only the best is ettotigh for | We t the pur. 1e¢5t stunt te Some your 3 tl for sHRLOT win it lin-| Laure r La Palmetto Batiste in latest patterns, with ‘border, reg lar price joc, "Dutchess 88 stripes and Dimity Satin Raye, re price $1 00, Cota mn satin n hg duced for the jae ten to one he goes ont. wit +is back.