Sri EE A A ~ gaaizations, schools evlleges, ete tioned for co-operation aud advices, and | Better Country Highways. AVING bs conshierable ox perience in road bmiiding ne ‘emmissioner of Highways = IL want to say 1 word on hos fn be track improved before the I ware of permanent Paprove ment reacties up, for. although Ir HE to conn, we newid not wand nee deep in the mud, walking at is done In the way of drain he first of Imporiapee aud #nd otherwise ¢learing up . Will all be so mneh pained the final Banish, I will give 2 prignce of how I make a goo ise and rolled. which process fod for the thizd time. the Jas doing a very thorough Job of ng with harrow and roller, Now, those that never tried it will %) fo see how high thar ings will make 8 youd amd cop to the “expectations of sone” yond settled down hard and poth. and made a durable turnpike rnd without a single peln or backache, as cansed by the old seraper method © then in tee. Now, the modern wheel road machine woold mater inlly Axsier My purpose In writing this ja pariion Marly to deal with anathor phase of road Improvement, suggested by aril eles often published, that 1x in relation 18 convict Ber in eampotition with outside Iabor, © tonate enough to keen our of Jal dav) ps just reason tov esmphoin Is th frst place the Ball later vr onl 1 #15 he person that ik for played to a considerable ootent, it oat. “giGe, or pot In ull which, af vonees would come In competition wi Hy tne. fries in nl branches and when men have forfeited thelr Nhertr there Is vio goed ressen why they eh nid fon fed i and eh od BE Thi one BEE for the BLhreRs pu other part of the communily markets = for labor as well as brodoce. There is . pothing fair about ib responsible for thelr keeping, §t should | ‘be at Lhariy io ase them in the best) pny SE the possilie advantage, th compel them He help, a: Jeast, fo earn their own living .==8 pew experionoe to many, I think en the effect on the sonvhas thes selves is worth any series to eminiie labor, and it shows a selfish motive to even mention or bring up the question Agsin, there Is no person outside of Jail In this eovutry who wants a day's work who cannot get it, and at fait compensation. - AS 8 matter of fart, many commit petty alfences for the express purpose af getting mic nil in order fo got their winter's board. If they were cot plied to break stone, saw wood ori shovel snow in a chain gang { am sore | many woukl prefer to board them selves. Ax 1 have said it js a wenk, fish argpment to be harping about | the employment of convict lnhor ne in | Gamaging competition with onside em t—for the tax pald to suport this ile dlaxs will more than offset (he difference of wing employed in Jai of Criminals, even, hires some selfre #peet. and 1 think many a young maa If loaded Inte a wazen and earried to some distance and pat to work diteh | ing. or on other road work, where he ofiid not be shielded from public gaze behind the bars, would rescive “If | live to cot ont of this I will work ont | my own road fsx as jong as I live” — A B.C, In the New York Tribune. SA i Helping State Hosd Work. ~The snunual report of Director Dodge, | of the pffice of Public Road Inquiries (Agricultural Department, says that representatives of the offiee visited nearly all the Riates during the year and made scientific Investigations ro garding local condition, road materials, ete, Bavoral State Jegislntures askod | for and obtained assistones in framing new road laws Firmen ereanizs tions, farmers’ fustitiivs, business or wget d wy 30 3 ail of them were svoamnndeted as far as the resources of the office permitiod, Never belore, says the report, has there been sa much interest punifest ed in the subicet of road building, and mete seiual work In that Hoe vas done last year than ever before, The pbicetlesson methods of teselilng ~practieal road building, carried en for #everal years. became so valuable and were so highly anpreciated that there ; were mary ealls for thelr extension, To meet the constantly increasing de mands for practicsl assisiance and ad - wiee the director suggests the organiza. ~ tion of two or three outfits of rood building maehivery, focloding rock _erushers, screens, rollers, road graders, ete. to be psad In illustrating actual . road construction. The road materials | world be cheerfully furnished by the local authorities, who would 5.0 con _ tribute the common labor teams and fuel. This plan would make the ex pense of building experimental and sample roads very easy to be boree, i and would enable the Governmen “with a small expenditure, to plish much practical benefit. The db roelor asks that the apprupriation for be increased to about addition to the accustomed sound, 4d there was a series of groans and grunis | which continued throughout the day. Next morning I eanse of the Trouble, and brought hack ‘mrde Was the best puller on the plan aril stood the noise for a coudle more Gaps bot by that tine no one was on | AS the State 5 | dary, Mr Bargent or sone ge else toe what beste i wilien one os vidual, who had ithe rte | Kent silent, was appeals a tg for an! j epiniog © this Boer war bus) vat the police siation, an’ I ain't a zoin” the Federal Government, The States fe Can Do the Mort Work, But He Bets | - Everybody by the Kars. “The Brest draft anlsal fn the world ia the grumbling minde,” eaid one of the | drivers Bandilog the local mule ship | ments 10 South Africa. “Silence may | bo zoiden all right, but it will not pull | C83 Many Tobs On 8 colion Boal ov as tall a load of BRODY ® cane. Among har notorious kie and thelr ense & appears to be soinsthing jie that of : : F Bp 4 * | tient importance for reprodwetion and of | ! ftorial comment by the leading Metropoli- | ther mole, who i =o full of dynamic #siririt that 8 Bille is afoays stopping over in the shape of dlssatisted growls, | RAH rood work does not always make ; a Wp for a dissatisfied deresnor, as § | JACO% OF pomesses an a cure for Rheums- ! tiem, ite application having effected & per | feck mare in the cues of Mrs. Payne, after “1 was working in a sugar house af | DAVIE been a helpless cripple and given the time, and the offices of the plants. | WD several physicians. thon vers Just across a passageway | from a warehouse into which sugar | wis Hited In the old faghioned way by | & rope pulley and horse power. We | were all used fo the zqueak and grit found out a couple of years ago up nosy Plaquemine, of the apparatps, but one morning, in stine trouble, and Ly noon the entire | office force began to grow nervous and | cursed the mule, "Romebaly was sent ont to lears the the Information that the grumbling tation, and the only one powerful emyugh to stand the particular work. Wi eoncladed to make the best of it speaking terms with any one else In ihe office, the manager and bis assist. | spasmaodically | ant had aligost come to blows and I was on the point of throwing op my job The dissatisfied prowl of the oid | mole had inoculated the entire force. “Finally the miansger gave peremp- * | tory orders to have the beast banished | Lio om dralnsge puoi on the back levee, mind ip 8 few boucs harmony bad ro! trnsd to one camp. Two dass laver the mas in charge of the drain pump caine into the ofiics and threw up bis : Jot. When #eked why be repli Toss, dat motte vo dene 2 conmlanhded degra ble Tee Now Or wis Ties kin faeri. An Averiean Artist on American Are. | Mr Frederiek® Willlam MacMonniea, one of the leading seupitors of the nd. After seventeen youry residence { fa Paris it woold be natural to suspect | a man of Parisian leanings. Not so with Mr. MacMonnies. “1 have come back becnnse I am bowwesich” sald he, One miust go, in his opinion, to the kot. + bead of Bis art or his profession, work there a long tise, iiwars stoudying, | and “then with the training of years in the best gsehool let the man reinrn to his own country and apply what be Bas learned to its pecds, The possibile ities in this country for sconlpture sre | magnificent. 1 can't imagine snything fner. ‘There {8 a splendid, unmictakn- bie movement in the United States to wird Raving sll that is beauntifal and true. Some of the finest thingu in the world's seulpture have bern called forth ber patriotism. There are no poo. ple In the world ro patriotic as the CArpericans That does pot smn ax if the American nation was composed of money-grablers and stock brokers slime. When we can renvind ours selves of Alibey and Sargent and Mae Maonnies, and kzow they are sl] Amerl ‘cans wherever they may be and when | every now and then one or the other speakz thas of the outlook Mr. Al bey yesterday, Mr. MaeMonnies to marrow--then (here (3 niueh to be sald of the future of American arte. These mn have sought the best place to | | Destro wy Worms, Over 30.000 testimonisia, io time to do work in their own land. | : lenrn, and they come home fram time It x go today, and George Meredith was rizght when be said that scon--i9 tween. ty Ove in ly yeurs—the venire of eve. Thee am too : ative art would be In Amerien.~Iiar- pers Week! Tos Lisky, Argument a op: nan “ogne, BIL" remariel hia friend, BaWE yeu loves 8 argyannt an cian spout wi the best, Ww ein J Say “I amt soulng to Sabu it Bil, preraptiy, ter sot afors” Tan’ we bat did ve 2 axle. “Wor,” was the cool reply. "oe an’ "Eve thoeadaid the mat. took different roads so wo speak, He areived at the ‘orspual an’ I oa: rived | to theesh that patter kniry Neither was Bill pressed to. do 8o—~ Tit-Bits, out again in a Telezraph Facilities in Brazil, The telegraph lines in Bazil are ab | most entirely owned and operated by | A RAS i ef Sao Fanle, Rio Grande do Sul, and Ceara have a few comparatively | unimportant and unprotiiable lines, | Certain railroads are permitted to take! messages for Iransiiission bet ween | paitits not served by the Federal lines, | and are said not to cont fine themselves | to those points. The fable between Para and Manaos is privately owned, | though receiving a subsidy from She ¢ | Government. The coasiwise foreign # owned cables 2 do much sassivated : Whee Opwarte of of 16,000 won Are Com Borelima ayn the Portamonth Times snd Naval Garetie publivhed a moat thrill ug and remarkable experisncs of the wile of Mr. Frederick Payne, Bimssil sonnected . with the Portemonth Dockyard for many men some of the hardest workers have Tears The report pr oduond 3 great sens : tion, not only i Portamouth, but through: out the country, being conmdered of muili- showing the pmrrolots powers which Br We Bave now further evidence of its in frinvic values as a Pein Conguoeror. Our readers will do well to follow the intel: gent and highly interesting details as given | in Mes. Rabbets’ own words: To the Proprietors Bt. Jacobs Oils Gentlemen—My howband, who is a ship wright in Hix Majesty's Dockyard, met with an sceident to his ankle and leg, | spraining both so badly that his ley turned said it would be months before he conld put his foot to the ground, and it was doubtinl whether be would ever get proper use of his leg again. A few days sfter the accident I had a book left st the door telling about St Jacobs Oi, so I procured a bottle from our chemist, Mr. Aribur Creswell, 3% Com mercial Road. I began to wee St. Jacobs Oil, snd you may guews my surprise, ‘when, in shout another week from thas date, my husband could not only stand, bus could even walk about, snd in three weeks from the time I fret used the Oil my bhoshand was back at work, and evervbody talking about his wonderful recovery. This is not all. See. ing what Sx Jacobs Of) eculd do gave me faith in your Vogeler's Curative Compound, eampiownd on my little girl, who wes sul fering from a dreadful skin disease, the treatment of winch has cost me large sums | of money in going from one doctor to an other with ker ail to no perpoos, She has taken two bottles of Vogeler's Coiative Comoatind, and one would now Hardly take her for the same child, ber | akin Bas got such & mice healthy colour i after the sallow look she has always had. } shall never cesses to be thankfal for | the immense benefit we have derived from sword. bors an American has nit cone ! hain to Nive and work io Le native | these two great remedies of your 1 think 1% » duty to recommend these medic cries now 1 have proved their vidoe, {(Bigned)} Evrzanezrn 8 Rassxrs, BB Crafton Street, Mile Ead, Landport, Portsmouth, England. A liberal free sample of Vogeler's Com pound will be sent by addressing Bt. Je cobs OF Ind, Baltimore. : The above honest, straightirenrd state. £ Saw Boards In Their Village. a final reason with them. Near Dag. every native {8 8 carpenter hy trade { An army officer stationsd at Dagupan wished to have some boards sawed; but ia Dagupsa it conld not be done; out his boards. RR eR San RIVAL STEEL TRUST. doit Less Than American Rates. one contract was gigned Wednesday. sall Is made by a new process, which {ix known only to those engaged in Hts By this soeret process | they assert their concern can produce the best steel at about Bail the cost of American manufsctare. The | manuincture, Frenehsien visited the ardces of the Burlington, the Alten and other ratl- i roads, and It is sale the fret named | alec favourably mentioned in the book left ‘roads made contracts for large con i 8% my house. 1 determined to try the i gignments of steel to ba vsed in the EROGS. on eid bine Studying Gilacisl Movements. logische Zeitschrift, culls attention t tha wae thal may bw mads of the a red dust which aovarrad over most suggested some tithe ago that studies of glacial movements and phenome siderable portion of the surface of a glacier, and thes noting the rapidity of movement asd the folding and fr turiog of this particnine colored stra tums. The dust slorm of last colored the Buropean glaciers on portunity of making eritioal of these glaciers has been prov i wiich could never ? have been brou ment of Mra. Rabbets’ evidence is strong | | we Svincing Yun pogee Jacobs Off Mas & larger sale’ throughoet the world than that of all other remodies this can only be accounted for from the fact of its superiority over all others. : Semmes Soma people sre meh astral bors Hare ashamed of that they lonk themiron every Lime they sre caught telling the rath. Wa raTuna jue. for avery a of Pre. od a Drs that a rae of Sond forve Six Japanese artista re to be dec orale by the Freach government, Ei | Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Chin Susonsefully weed hy Mather Gra the Children’s Home in or Gna Fevertsbhrons, Bad Stomach gv York. Ou ~ : dare move and regulate the Bowels sud dragaisty, 355. Sample walled Prxn Al sa 8, Olmstead, LeRoy, XX. One of the Busaos Ayres newsparers Bas AL all Sry Address 8 consultation room in which the poor aa | get medical aid snd medicine free. A A TO EXTRACT LEAD. | New Method of Getting It Out of Ore | During the dinner hour at a certain | fatory not ing 820 there Way a somes | i Discovered. Dr. A. F. Lion, of Springfield 0. : professor of chemistry at Wittenberg! alisge, bas discovered a method ty | lend In solution may he “thrown | 27 | ont” in the form of pure lead hy the! Hse of an electric carrent, marcial possibilities of the discovery | it is sald are great, as the plan may He | Cuadyd applied Ww extracting the metal from Lo sig: tha ore. The method consists in get | 0 ting the lad in A solution contalnlag! ut exeess of pheaphoric acid and then allowing as sleciric current to act ujk| fo at?” be was : The com | HI {ha 3 ration for 8x or goven Nenrg yi 3 : The lead is then found to be depositel | » In a smocth gray coating st the bot. | Ne tether chisp didn't ayes, pobiow, We | 4 tar of the receptatle. Jeweler's Dummy Clocks Weng | A paragraph has been going the . rounds of the press that the dummy ; Clocks used by Jewelers and othe: . dealers in timenieces as advertise. ments always Indicate the hour af! §.1% Ww commemorate the precise mo | ment when President Lincoln was a Tincoin did net at Ford's Theater on the fa ing until 8 o'vlock and Booth ‘ LH apn thers is 4 town where almost out a 2 Sugieal SE She She § He must go three miles to the noisy boring town of carpenters, or 80 with: French Company Soliciting Orders at The Stee] Trust Company of Francs | ham ‘ has representatives la Chicago en- deavoring fo obtaln contracts at less than American trist prices. It 8 cinimed by these representatives that Rene Blame and Caston Block, who ware sent to thls country by the French company, say the steal they. manufacture of tools for their machine | A characteristic of the srticles pe | § { enlisr to the Philippinos is that thay | can be had only by going whers they | are produced, excent very occasional | i¥ al an exhorbitant price in Manila At Caliasio gre mate in limited quan % tities, Sima hate and clgareite cases of | tha fiber of the bola alm, hie can | i he bought powhorn alse t Laeban they make an even finer nt » be had das : ; Loni there. Paste, another town. is i places may have the same materiale {and as skilled men, bit they will not {make for you what ta not pecaliar to [the place. if asked why they say, “It Ie not our custom.” and that is: of a Chivas Woman’ s Po itic ul how Ovarian Troubles may be & wed Sundred dol and costs, and included in : the costs are agony, and often death. «1 suffered for eight years with ovarian troubles spent of dollars for relief, until two doctors agreed that an operat mY oely cham of We My sister il bees using Loyd i es oro es and Saal Ue were over and my health restored. If women would only E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound first, fewer surgical ope would ocour.”— Mas L. A. Hanns, 2 278 Ean Sin St, Chicag $3000 FORFEIT IF THE ABO ; menst ie Tom Sergio foeiing, _ anha, bloating (or general tion, or are hesst dy Be a as ne Sail irritability, and © want-tope.l ft-alone* : semember Sere Is ane A recant number of the Meteor wl Barone on Mares 11 just. It wan mitht be facilitated by coloring & eng. grand scale, and thus an excalient op
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers