A Ci 5 BR SR a ARE Rn gg EE : When Nested a through gradual ¥, stéci-hive and oh just the right the use Inrended ne steel lunged fmt cold water: ard. ade hg fen eri ny. an suisisting ¢ of a > : pe : ! obs il ving @ toot 0 SHR now Tor oel) or GF dn hr Herally HG and tii n gorriny {a Lowa the oon HOW. alte tn ne prot hin tir sik automat! v wr : pd register, which is oporated reuoval of the telephone te tm the hotk, The repdacing rt. Ie iilized i > wind the i ally shots first he chin red fad i ou wha ‘Phare is in bin % a ons « eXpasIre i= av i k Experts Auts recentiy Fpened " de ly cultuie tn 8 Depee yexinted a tumpersture of HH Fahreubolt for ten miuuies Brera In tubercular putin ‘ ably f ve cies , Gut He milk, heated to power of Infeeth Liog in pitie of A %i¢ am, £25 , and % herdindor. tow bing tin Rausas Cily, Mo. in he winde apparent sine statement hat the shine his a capacity of 708k and collars In twenty-laur hairs oa desire by an ieptr rie The Hug of vig fant roll 1 BoE by slaticoary beating coils hin them. Electric beating | : nidjre ed being more uni wn of fipandan, a peaceful lit BITTY place near Berlin, with re heh itioned no Incohaaics rable * of troupa, In the centre of ing part of the lown Tises the And then, at night, i. re ue xi hs ATR IK 0: deg lose : sx Ty er : ot donno!” One day she told ns that the world Is round, jost like a ball And that there’ ® Bothy down below “JE oi standin’ om al all I sek pa if she told the Erith, He read his paper. Thon Arid put his foot upon a air And said. © dann!’ And once the tescher said the sky Ain't heaven's floor, and tried To make as think no angels walk Along the sther side, Ard that night 1 ast oe oa, And all he said was TOh, ‘t Bather me shout wish things r m basy— i dovmo’” One Gime a hisger boy he md = Th facts dide t bering My het 2 : : That night 1 aot mv a ir what That bir bevy anid wan Arid pa - poamered MH Coniound iH. 1 dawns” 1 awd £5 kind of think “er amehow 3 wa Hh » “Pa. what are projudicss™ “Other peoples opinions, my sau -Paek YAre your sire be fav Why. man alive Be lds aL golf” wid doe Muoguine “Your wif duairivws” Baggins. wavs Badiog somed] de = Philadeib hia Record Lord Foranhelr <1 can race say de scent from John Mitton How's that TBs io BBR : Fresh in six Weis, Mi Witte “1 wonder how Jorg BH will take th falis over in Vragee te leach to aiden tL stand ber” Somerville Journal “Even egotism Las ix good points,” says the Mayatun Pliiosupiee. “The peopie who are always talking about themselves pever fiml the fo talk shout ue Uhiladeliphin Heopdd, Thees WAS YOULE la Sie marvied ph earl, ind 3 this TER pF Arid now she wb lusurance Agent Srdon we, i f madam, bul what ls your age?’ Mixa Aitiguate. 1 4 pes bWERLy-Iwo suainers” Tass onto" Ken, of cars, but how ERGY times did you soe them Tit Bis “1 wenaer why the baby ries 80 mach.” said he Jou fr mathe “Thar's eRey. anewerad Ale ha 4% une. “Why ig #7 denispded the mod “hecanss ita baby replied 4 gnche 4 Blass asl ie Tegal Beant hit 2x he DH pather Ca aged boosie vol dell the gas tn wed jouw ia ihe Huodor Yihen lee : i Wim! One pode a i voto Hevsiop a pegalive «DPuladeiphia | “Ang what ure asked of the Intelins admired the play of | Bis brawhy mas Fes, “Makin coageaichers Tor milk iraine.” be replivd. withoot looking ep from his work Ballina Anivicsn. “What a sour individual What's be growling sbour, anyway?’ “0! be comaine that he hasn't got what be deserved in this world” UL should think he'd Baye eaves to rejoive ob Abat account. Philadelphia ress, SNmith- Ray, we've got a sew cook At our boarding house” Jones-~"ARy beiier than the oid ope?” Bmith— oe | "Well I guess yes. Why, £10 can ac tually cok prunes so you can't tell | r| taem frei dried peaches.” Chicago Newz. Mamma-—"8ince Susie invitnl you in 10 share ker birthday case last Satur day, you may z2sk ber in io-morrow, sind I'll make you a cake.” Elske— "0b, wob'l you make some candy instead ™ Mamnma—"Would you rather lave can dy?" Eilsie-"Yes'm. Susie sever can edt uch candy.’ Philadelphia Press Golf Luck of a Greenhorn. Down on the Wenham golf course a few weeks ago a pew wember was playing around the links for the first thie. If was really Bis Gre serious effort to piay golf. He ade a prety good givike- off from an eleviibad tee across a valley to the top of a bil abot. seventy-five yands beyond Thinking fo bave a litle practice across the valley he siouck bis Sell “back toward the green beside tin ee whence be had previously sirack oll The ball sailed geaeelully over the bill and to his inexprezsible surpiize the pluyer heard it go “kerchunk” into the hole on the green. He had smiroek a ball seveniy-five yards and linded It 7 | in the hole. Probably few players ever dw such a thing, and this player says he does not expect ever to do it again, i he plays golf for a quarter of a cen tury. It was “the luck of a green : | born.” Boston Herald Holding Ont High Hopes. If King Edward's coronation is any. _ | thing like its prospectus it will at least. {add to the gayety of «i'jons .~ Phils deiphia Ledges, to grow A lon of ry i fans, each five fest * are bolted io these Boards § an ARowWn in A Western hog raiser finds that the | proper time to sell hogs is When they are from sevem to pine months oid. At this age, If properly managed, bey ought to weigh from 256 to 300 pounds, and at the prices live hogs are welling at pow vou can eagiiy figure out what | they will bring yon in and what the profit should be. When hogs are roid at this aire they are not on the farmers | hands very long. and this, besides thre ing the money over quickly, lessens any danger of losing any by diseass, Milk Absorbs Odors. Tou cannot feed mounldy bay. had stlage, musty corn fodder that has been pat into the mow when it was pot in shape to zo there, and get good milk. The nee of any such materials will get you Into trouble, amd will of itself prevent you from making hal grade milk. No feed thal has an «doy should be permitted to remain abot | the stables. You may sof a veel filled with milk in a silo for an hour, then, if yon fake It out and beat 21, you ean tell by the nose BH has bees 50 Hae win Af the Veron? sisal we ponrid Chest the mils up to 110 degrees and hy the smell tell wheter I Bad been pear 8 hog pon or pot.-H. BB Gurr, before the Hiinais Dairymen's Uonven tion. HR IA The Molstare Snpply For rhe Potate, There Ie no farm crop hat is goore easily, speedily and greatly aflecied boy the Supply of pynistore than bx the Siw dioe + Las Yewn found by expert potato 33 J # oem hat takes a 25 tons Wales GOA) baie water: Cea en a ruiniadl of pearly Bix inchisk ie tise. at 18 pend for large wa miarkable sas coardistone, i follows potato yieid % poh calinre. wm low if a eral annlieals DRE Fd tary GRRE a Fd $n diy ; ee LAER sealable plant food will prove of bart ; fiitle vata if i S88 FH LEE deficlént. It is alse ny water will check the ee iy and sfertunlly : ee Powis Fake Cots, rRiDS are apt to eaunss the fowls tol entel coldv-and this very often des | velong Inte ron. Watch for say! change amd xhanld ave be Hiely fo 00 | cur, keep the chickens closely housed | during the night The tempersiure of a pouliry house | thonkl never be allowed to go below | fifty. and thers shonld be but Hite va | tiation during the nightie The 4 and windows of the hones snsnld Fa i opened durisg 2 portion of the day, but when nigh’ cowes eyeryone sBouK be tighily clos In the worwning the fowts shana Bb | fod in the aerpich —_ whol a il sant ate - towed to po ant enti they JH ip de in 0 3 ; throueh tho wizsw Tar I the weather faring hen = ole worn EA rion aol when possible 3 yaaa Te warms in the edd Rt the winter Faro Chasp Vodder Fark. vig Por thie Tadder rack Tae twa by £3 sat nel banrds each Wa as bis 8 ; § Ee SGT. vee ore rontided ar Hed stds Bike sid reaners. Fire twp By phew Tone, the Hlustiration, every fone feet. There Pare several two by fonr, each four or five foot long spiked to the brilze td boards lo ap upright pozitien. Those | compile the frame. A tight floor is A BH A SSIES A N—— AN EASILY MADE FODDER BACK, tr alerted wove Diy Walet Losey ply than hr lack of plamt food fudilen changes of weather ar cold made 0 Bert placed on the erosspicee and boards are nailed to the sides and ends np Ww a height of eighteen lpches, As apne oi Rixtoen inches is then oft wi ering. The sides and ends can be boarded up the remainder of the dis tance, These upper boards can be placed iogether ar space can be elt between them as seems 4 straw op fodder tare cannot be trample of the tight bottom apd sides up “height of eighteen {oo There no loss of food, Crain food “Ba put inte this rack if dexiratide rack cay be tragsfereed Jrom one part of the Geld to the other simply by hitching a team of horses {oi This is very cheap and entirely satisiaetory in our experience. W. B. Mclean, i American Agr teultarist. A New Mrentine Deviens Ribbons and fabrics can be =a¥ly measured by a new device consisting of a graduated sirip of paper. which iz rolled in the fabeic before it leaves the factory, being unwound and tor off an the cloth is sold. When a woman gives a man a piece of ber mind he sighs for the peace that 1 passetl understanding. might i yap a8 be mat huddied up over his cage fre, overlooking the excavations which our | City Council in their wisdom, or otherwise, allow the different water tomipanies 10 | make oo frequently in our congested streets. In ail weathers, and wader all oli matic conditions, the poor old wight watch man i obliged ts keep welch over the sompanies’ properly. and to see that the ped lights are kept burning. What a life, | to be sure; what privations and hardships: they have aches and paine which nothing | pars of the Russian such as Fou sew but Se. Jacobs Onl can alleviate “Nd Joe" in in the employ ol the Tam beth Water Works, and is well and favour | Bly known. He has been a night wate man for many years in the soures of which he bay undergone foany expe riences. What with wet and cold. he con tracted rbramatiomand petntion whichiair Ir doubled Bis vp and it begins 1a jook a seriots meatier for old Joe whether be depended for 3 livehhood, but as 1% hap pred 8 paswerby, who had for saree pighis notioad O04 Joe's painhd condition, | for himself is Kensington has ssosmt. presented Bim with a bottle of St, Jacobs | (hl, amd said hum to wee i. Od Joe followsd the advive piven: be ceawled | bores the next morning and bade hiv wife | rub Mis aching Back with the Bt. Jacobs | Lstrain on his pen. bal events have shown that the speculation wis a sound one. for last week fails louse | Ohl "a gantiemian gave hon,” snd sedonht edi Bix wife did rub for when 004 wend sn duty 2b pieht Re met his frien: snd Dessfssrar 1a wham Be vesaar “Them oily you gave me, Guvpor, Bas Beit ane ambien in ta that is to ’ wars fo be abie ts keen 8 bottle of | Be Tavokor O30 by him for he sys thers i YE in the wa Th] meres the pieh and the few, the mans way It Bae Aly year, and it will Is Bae nw titer: 15 haw ak, Bel Jaimie faite } Bw fe hres teil an honest tale with which Bol ure of arth 23a fowmoete 5 Dene i hax ono oan ied in farmung. Formany yesrs Cure Bias boon sari. In rare ail im watnerpily % BOs wNGAGAL BE. | an fn memeeh bf Bealth: $1 is : etre i Nature's way by pamoving ths Ba of Aisenmn tt fy pnre 88 aleansey th Jood ahd as. | A perfest aetion of the &petive | SEPETem. pr wren the diy pond for young asd oid, mated that of tha winle pop. L ] Wy o Lhe globe about 81000 die every day. Many Se hoot Children Are Biekly, GAR Sm RR Mother Grey’ ¥ Riewat Pose der far Children. | | : or GTR. 8 nares in Chikiren's | wrk, break wp Colds In Mbosrs, Troms Headacln, Stemach | i Troutien, Teething Disorders snd Destroy | Worme Af all draggtein’, 2, Semple Mailing | | free. Addrses A ; : wo Roy, NY, credit for sehoiarsiip has been forbid) in the San Fraiche schools, AE ; FITpermanent ity red, No fits or nervous. , | Deen after Sot day a use of Dr. Kilne's Groat | | NarveBestorer #3 telal bottle mpd treaties ive | | Pr BR Suew, Led re ee TL Sie Thomas Lipton wars there sre “no | “1 girls Bke Amerian girls mouth down io his food rather than i makes obiarticrable noises in his Primes Bis mosin as the rest of us {do when cleasing our tsath in oar bathrooms. Then he squirts the wa 5 iter back inte the bowl would much longer be able to perform his | Buck Jute of pe duties on whieh bis goed wife and hime; | mansion, scrvined from 13e road, and ¥ £1 - the lease hat 41 years to ran. give me a doing; they wag like pins and | : El Teast ag Fei a birgw, hast lank gt EE - ! 7d Joe Beaan to ran and famp about | $A pum gt Silom * and The Ruesian has no fixed men! time. He eats when he is hungry. which ta Plso's often. He hus about aix square meals a day. He han af least & doy | en lunches. a [i5ile hit of salt fish or some caviare, or A piece of bread and cheese Wwighed down with & nip of fory vod, He never passes 8 EF station withoit a glass of trap marvel § ans tes, with a {din slice of lemon floating in 8.0 ; in botels and buffets—are nol please ing He sprawis with outsiretehed elbow on the table. aml gets his rates the foil to his mouth He throat. He bas a finger howl, and Thaskeray's HMotise, i The house which Thackeray butlt | ly been anid hy the son of the sur tioneer who sold it for the first thine C87 years years aro. When the great novelist deciding 10 balid, many peojle | tiwought Be Was putiing tod gral 8 wont for $TH. MY It dea red brick ; : Fite Comte Tenrtor Pe «Hews + fend ] '} THE SOUTH'S LITERARY WEEKLY | Publ ished at Atlanta, Gn. Circuiation Ooer 50,000. Che SUNNY SOUTH ihe Grent Literary Weekiy oie South, tis deveizd td Literatare, Romance, Pact and Fiction, and ghreptie pastor all tat is current in Ms Nell. | Among its coatriduton the most noted SHITE writer appsear-JSosl Chandler Harris. Harry Stillwell Sdvwards and ethers of growing fame, © Serial stories rom Anthony Hope, Maurios Thompson, 04, and Rwrs ane is Waiting from the pen of sutivars of national pets. A short | siory cotliest brogghl (ut menrly five handred splendid shows C mtovien, 3 wirihy a sain De SUNNY SOUTHS readadle ool foi of tent that only neads such foster ig tr lastrate the weallh that is yw asia helt, The SUNNY souTrn forms With the Hs of ih groatanui. Ths gen Ba sens pe waren everyting into activity. and Ihe season is never cid sacogh $6 chard the Band of ntustry. The gaper commas fragrant With the bresth of the Mmagnotid and plas, and ves oo! the very ale ol tha orange. pam and Say. The § Peay And pathos, tha fomasce and myilery of the lad wheres the curs stores go the golden sunshine ant the cotton whilens in the moonlight. will be gives a ths wal flied cottons of this Bee inating wankly, The nudscription price is Only Fifty Conte a year, altke to sil parsons, POE, BSW ADATE, DOSLINASTArY IN sYery Sun site Clubs of five, secompanied “ by he 23 $2.50, snthie the club ratsar 10 Lhe pitper ohie yoalT gratis. Send on » Postal Card the names of six of sour asighdors whe would ISpraciain (he opportunity to read a apy of The Sunny South, and one sanipie Will ne mailed fese. You cai gel your chad of five out of these very peoples. during (907 in sure lo be valiomed © QTY an many mors Bomes, as the grest waekly feast of good things, Ma Soulhers Lierary Weekly, whoss aclumns for 1992 will be Like most rasta of all the papers that come 10 you. % Sidney B Crociell. Mrs, George Cordert and Xrthur W. Mirchmont Dave appear- | § gmns. (her costests are contemplated IAAL Will successtully explolt the ripening § She SUNNY SOUTH enters over 50.000 Americsn homes sow: snd | Madea, i Commanications te Che SUNNY ouTH, Atlanta, Ga. A of Syrup of Figs is due to its pleasant form and perfect freedom from every obiectionable quality or substance and to the fact that it acts gently and truly as a laxative, without in any way disturbing the natural functions. The requisite knowledge of what a laxative should be and of the best means for its production enable the California Fig Syrup Co. to supply the general demand for a laxative, simple and wholesome in its mature and truly beneficial in its eflects; a laxative which acts ileasantly and leaves the internal organs in a paturally healthy condition agd which does not weaken them. To assist nature, when ruture needs assistance, it is all important that the medicinal agents used should be of the best quality and of known value and Syrup of Figs possesses this great advantage over all other remedies, that it does not weaken the organs on which it acts and therefore it promotes a healthful con- dition of the bowels and assists one in forming regular habits. Among its many excellent qualities mav be mentioned its perfect safety, in all cases requiring a laxative, even for the babe, or its mother, the maiden, or the wife, the invalid, or the robust man, Syrup of Figs is well known to be a combination of the laxative principles p of plants, which uct most beneficially, with pleasant aromatic liquids and the juice of figs, agreeable and refreshing to the taste and acceptuble to the system, when its gentle cleansing is desired. The quality of Syrup of Figs is due not only 16 the excellence of the combination, but also to the original method of manufacture which ensures perfect purity and wmforwity of product and 1t is therefore all important, in buying, in order to get its beneficial effects, to note the full name of the Company--California Fig Syrup Co —printed on the frout of every package. Louisville, Ky. POR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. San Francisco, Cas New York N. VY. FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE.