The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 13, 1902, Image 3

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    Hn SEA A
15 thé: mewest of the!
this very fashionable |
crea ot fawn In the shade.
oe of Petticont.
Wimen who advonite these forme
fitting skirts wear no petticost skirts
jezer. The silk drop skirt of the
| suffices for all oceasions except,
aps, in extremely cold weather,
‘& silk peiticont may be added
ver, is fit as earelaliy a5
. 80 tht pol even a chante
my occur. The fal] circu
serpentine flonnces produce
Be tn the Walst iii,
¥fiuons Eitments
anes aud fos Hees 8
a novel ad Mion
i an ey at fhe Ra oi to g 4
sued in pattern fore
: se perticonte and’ tages
abotately as pup chooses
the Things That Conut in Dressing.
Ye skirts this semion sre decided.
Iv shorter than they were lagi.
Rengh and Josey woven materials
x mast popular for ihe tithe be
They range ia price from seventy
pen collars sre from two loches
# quarter to two inches and a
ider than they were last sen
| the turn-ox ¢¥ doJighis are pre.
velvet felts are quite fashion
: il be worn with both silk
waists, Jeather beits
not be worn with silk waist
» new sleeves are made fiat and
st to the cibow,
fale may sorts of full
Ness. bot invariably finlkbed with 2
agiy-fitting botioied cofl.
‘aligrs ntal stocks, The Hittle turn.
rr vollark sre this weason edged
ih corded linea: and are made lo
possible shape. Stocks and col
are made with donble baws, which
Ate ined with contrasting colors.
Home Journal,
: One Wousan's Werk.
the firm fuiled every cent
dd by the family was gone and
young woman, scarcely within her
%, had had no practical educa
She wax nn exquisite planist
» lessons she decided vpon The
trouble was where to get the
& usual, with the falliog of the for.
5e, there was & rising of the family
pigst Kbow the true
In time the men
chon not al thelr foot
also that dhe did mot Int
3itg B BUThOS. sd that new WRN
must be sothing Tike Lunt,
as told. Where would you get | ted
4 A hk Aa
rd without sll creation kngw-
Jat a shoe pitiched? The idea
woman in thelr family earning
own livelbhood was more thal
men felt called upon to endusr,
# told. With an onlisssy
woman gba wonld hove been
and she would have do i
erbaps it was Der Ignorance of the
. of the world and of Dusiness
it prompted ber and in time secured
But the way 10 get seliol
she decided. Wak to go after thent.
friends must not know ls tha
concurred with her sdvisers
e said not a word to any one, hut
Ber home to “stroll In the park”
-ghe retuned she confided tw
her that she bad Ber first pb
Bolas: Nothinz must be said
men, she jeautioned,
oko © lh the first ake 1 came
: Bo you want a music
They said they did
et rte. sls other houses they
» same, bat in one place they
sons 3 wes : rf
door bells witho nt getting any sehol
ars, hut the next day and the mext I
i got one ench.
ively wi ersons i
1 ogot rid of all thee that did not Teel |
into higher districts That
good taste, willing to pay a
From the elbow
wrist they are slashed, pulled |
pang Hix
“In that way © picked uw
aehklars fo have oh Means of
in thine, aking {0
revoiimendal Bit 8
aid wher
I found that my
ime was Hkely [oo be taken oy one
I valde toy 0
Fike payitg the advance, and sel Gut
envazh, dnl I don't sie
sng aboot 7
And this is the story of
wolnan Who Ha in a 6
all New York Fhe
The Women w hawt Caplial,
The waian quoted in this eolung
Latest Wimlow Corian.
Than fafon ade i owruow our
falne are popHal Lhis sedsel, even
Anhve copii in toese shades AR
| cailrely pew thing inthe way of pet
= winiple |
apyibing uy
4 seen hao dark green,
Algae herder of red antin
wah ag ape
This bas
{ heen ted ip severs! of the powiy Ht
has suggestions as well a3 |
complaints to Jake apvipes of the!
wage-carning women and the won}
who wisies sie wp a SRE
Ax the women who dow't have to!
work are not vet hanished from the |
fold, ather wavs of relicving the ent
gested condition of the bor mm
past be considered.
Ome remedy ix]
the eStonsion of the protiable Belda lou
of setivity wholly saitable fo worsen. |
“Many suggestions says this Wor
el peamd at he harvard dorantaries
Cine svwnnt hide rer lung
| With green net ent.
&0 thee owindaw, Wah ther ap
in ved wp BE Hing 3
avd a plensig
gree 1 ami ane. ahve wo overy
fof LOH Yoon).
To Soften Hard Water,
Plard ware fs niutions to the con
Dalegion and therefore Bo osbhould never
or when ng the fae vat
made wir he the addition
Thaw bag
; 1
#0. given 19 he frean vias to finde 0s |
fo new oiu
want of oni mon genes ghul pradd
The siher day 1 was iy
sy Toy CURES Hip A
SEInOS NW sitrnine |
BS aaa iol - Ty. %
fears £5
of her
which Dyenives the av willing 344
folds, the mspediion of frais,
growed suppers
rly fitted fer ow
CRRIpER pemain td
“Ni sneh objecting en be faispd
fo artiste deessmaking, which offers
wide amd varied fields for fhe cdpn
bilities ol clever worn of taste ant
ein tion
There i& scarcely a shmgle |
town, ciintey district or subarh Wiese
a really expert woman wenld not be
welenmed sad ascared of a goad tive
ing within 8 couple of years The |
expensive dressmaker
‘weslthy woman who is clothed by an
getting herd
models from Parle is well catered for |
to-day. hal the nierage woman with |
fair price
for her dresses. his no alievnative 10
the avivuge tasieives
Feo ient |
dressmaker, whose sole potion of the |
ari of dress 8 derived from the fash
ion plates. whe knows nothing ol the
laws of line and eolor and Ainess, and |
fares mothing Tor iodiviluality aml 5
that harmony between dress sod »
er whith Bn the seorel of beay
dress. There
of taste who detest the hard falar
ade costdme, and pul
gratelully sew evolved a
nine. vot serviceable
for 815 or $20. There ls shaply an B
mens tuntinent fare bul the ariiadic
vould fo
aperring eye for color and persoialicy,
and she must be trained
“Thon. again, most of the sugges!
tions for employmint for women ne |
In nine
canes out of ten the wouldhbe wage.
earner has po capital at all and, hav |
ing no security, fan gel pone
cessitale too much caphial
kinds of excellent Hitle enterprises
have to be left aside by capalie, seed 7 :
ey } Po donbie baller amt sti anil syeeih
Hable waolien for west of a few Lan
dred dollars,
the orantzed charities can got tho
sands yearly for the pw pose i
vestipative the genuine less
of disiress there ti he a %
ehent pusher of ric
at indesd, of Wola of
ted Wome
maki 1 aYm
me it work go, Tor enter
eg that goer fikely fo Dew
So mueh BB dune today
we, wo ditle,
Iv pothing for the edoeatee
clams, whivh easel easily aval
af the mate 3
some eapiial the ariisliie
wotid Eye te cuiopate willy ther nr
a dressmaker
gindiy amd |
Booall |
It weenie to thie that HG
are Bundieds of wean!
perused psber
Er atny droeg | #
working fav low
prices apd ably with a dierent siagul- |
ard of Ia ty Hye eoinloristay: and
she world have fon many Jdiapivant
weds ster fo bea surdessiul rival
whepins, with a few hyndveds
Font and Ww wages of workelrsoo
shea ber nar siased, 1 a0 Convin Sed.
wake an exy i fneoasne”
York Cemmercin J Advertiser.
TRA A ine
Yong. dark-red 2 coats for fittle |
Wiilte grosprain-~ cloaks for little
For muffs made almost
the msual legen,
Norfolk jacket suits for ouliag and
Beautiful hley os amd entire roles
made of fled lave,
Japanese silk in a fell Boe of eolor |
ngs and cmublnations
Shatevolored susie gloves
with buttons of gun thetal
Boas made of feathers so
banched as to simulate fur
Beautiful black pesu de sole cloaks
for evening wear, lined throughout
Gold ties of baratbea silk In solid
colors, showin in red. white and alse
: green.
} Little ornamental bags of leather |
be used as ecatehalls and in the)
pe of mall bags with U. 8. stamped
bis ghengitel
hall again
don’t speak to we now.
F Pr esl 48 % x
Wg And fgumta vy ;
How te Pack a Trank.
Th sured
Hed mie An
that ever
| temnk on Layer
the sires have
Far menis
fio Rex ang
The whivis shonad Jw
IV hE ow
Fi Wher,
that of
Live fl =i
Bagg of the pest
for thine the Jove
Jhtween gary
$i £5
PYRE as on bie
fake nya the
Bis nie | bows and puis
o9t of fhe rank they ibe Tavnd
uninjured. ood
dressmaker most be a woman of real |
iy artistic wens and feelings, whih sn
a —
Pde SEHoL pf D
Proven Pi geapple CustantSeald
pent of BEE. pour It ever three age
peaten until Hight with one
of pramadared spar. eturn
Hoon bed
Rin, shake tie §
far cakes apd town
brag the
S fA or mag BRT
Fo nel utero with legion peel
Fake a gewerous hail cup of goud
patter, oil geatnd Wrian rind and
WINE Hx Wi :
Hagers boat the i
i andl co of chopped
sloy. Spremd on he bread, and pat
tise pr ak sandwiches amd out de
Pfnzers. Alss very
i guy Ag
5 site Spar Cake—Maph
is oa delicious variety of
pel In Fase after (hose
sour milk,
wick Ap ul Ewe i
gad ;
tie syrup hardens
rom Ue Bre and
ote PEL. beats Hig
the mixiy
the cake
Gratefully Appreciated.
Joo--We ougnt to be thaaklyl for
the genvral prosperity this year”
Jerry--"That's right; lots of wen
that used to borrow money of me
Te lRireit Free
~ Frstrodt
1 Bae Eres
ing as pulling
; Phe Supply is Katd to , Re Literally Toex,
: “hmustible, ;
fn Grant Britain Professor Willing
CC. Metutouh the leading British mas
pipe Blolowist, hus sively. supported |
the view that the resntrcex of the sen
are practically insxiaustible. and in
Norway Dr. Hjort and Dr. Lah are
sions apostles of the above honefol
prospect a regards sur wa food supe
ply. De Biorts discovery shows (Gm
thers are many milton thoes oye
roung fa iw the sen than gin has
any idea of, and the theory that the
young brood carbs ong to sea pers
fehiod Je proved fo bee a falde,
He made the further reninrkable
discovery thal away out in the open
sei. wheres owas several thousand
meters tn depth, be found fixh, an it
wers, in inydrs or ocean strata, Some
required a fine as long as the mom
men: to roach down to theny: others
wore in shill lower depths wileh wonid
suhaverge Nt Pants anid the
ment on op and with many thousand
fort of whiter telow them
Theres in theses still and dirk and
hitherto supposed barten regions of
the mea he caught great cod and had
dock gel conilisi somedimes In gran
tien. Nat of lenzt sigiadeanos is (he
: andl oin the dectioplaces of |
wep, AR ia Thik discovery we have |
Koy to salvn the mystery as to |
sides wien Be draws)
Bilin of a end in rin ni tha dase
siredion of wanes han ;
was De I 1
pease ean make bo
: ania prabable,
ine dood tha doe avery wood Aven
pinnate aud vere nav aware uh be BE
dndasl Ino the ain than all histmaally
cominned cotid devour ja the sate
Lite Na Ean Tauth { sntary.
The Paticwn Smmiled,
There ix
# xy ald pelican Wn Conrad
Park, which has an slowes) hasan
wir of polieing w hen Lok an at
Dla wines som :
atler die Pao i the wie
Hee with hi Eke aver a fish
Cie Lmd ude the ¢ catoh. bat the athe ©
bad awiderialen tno owresi he porsel
from itd rightful possessar,
They squabliled aver # Yke ton
hive whe buave odd of he sine baa
bail hart Tim ig
ints the oy by ae — af the aid Pekin
Bile to we ton ane rent] + Nh [7 we
Tororniirial thao
ay onguter |
the heran dropoed iis
avd the hatte went ag
Sir sooner had {been slropped than
Lhe great BT dane ont Tram siden
sent The owing snd the
£¥ BE CaF iH
Te Ps i # fade iE.
Bal wen: ato
Then the baad
dixanpeyred Bean The pelican was
plataly asleep
When one beron gave up the fght
and few AWAY the other looked abou
for the prise: It was nowhers to he
goers Tie Kesawr of the bird gre
solemnly saeirte that he saw a twinkle
mothe exe which the peliong speted
Five ® glace at the refyeating
hematin «« Niow Xark Times,
Sanirvels Get All the Nats,
A novel reason 8 advanced for the
shortage in the pedan cron. The saquis-
vel family seems to he pesponsibie for
Sw gondition. Frew the tise the pes
CRB Begins to mginre the sipuirred bars
Fins to feet on them ID sveins to be
hi gears fend amd ik esmtlipanad
§ . .
BY men Kana 2
- =
far wimly days give fe Sra Bor Pate
Dog Knew He Was Beaten.
Two rod rind setters dunsed mo lite
tie gmdsement the IDO Wording on
npr BE i aves, The dike of &
shap wig
the sidewalk for a
foot a wave of ther owner's By
tiey rasped down the gyetiae
fons stam! with their alls wa
3 + : 4 Sabad
ah ah A vad LE g fie rst ar
Gialiniy ped ion paper, sud bie trattnd
with joy, wale 1h boats
Beast shown §
jail hu Fd Lavi #4 Dis EE Hao
wan be ii spies
daorevivad a five when Bis vwner
Yur ilg
Haase He Gof His Nowe.
Frys Halo odweilvr Moa
CHU Save
Paid Eig +¥
fire he Bias
BE in the nan i
bie pen the window and
pet up.
pall the pa
This is not gialle 30 exit
0% DASE ur & trout,
but the mab iy satisfied New York
| Then,
tor do sa. The
oddly Mixed Schodt Children Greet
Btarry Banner With Song.
Seldom has Honoluln seen such a |
patriotic demoristration as thar ¢hl eh 3]
took piace al the Kaxhumang
whore the star and Strigen were rats
ad fief to the peal of the new fag |»
sal by srlzeled and warworn pam |
hers of the Grand Army to the ins
gt Camp McKinley. Flea hundred
and sixty pups wera gronped at the
foot of the pole; and as the amblem |
rifrain of “Amerion; My f Lonmtry, Th
of Thee If was a strange, hetrogen-
un gathering of boys and girls. Fils
After Ale of young Hawailang marched
in the shadow of Old Glory, and inter
mingisd with them wore scores upon
geores of Chinese and Japunese, Port
guess and South Sea Inlanders, with
here and thers & small sprindlineg of
Angio Saxon faces. Despite the mix
titre of nationalitisy which wers gath.
slowly rose 654 small fagn were way.
el enthusiastically, and from the
throats of ehiliiren arose tae swelling | frig dire atly upon thin bland Binserslly
ered to do honnr to the flag, all seam!
ed Intent upon the solicit of the oe fe
casion and indicated thelr patriotism :
in many youthtul WAVE,
Among 1.338 stadeniz al the Swiss
uriveraiiiss ant sdmenter thara were
TET forsighers, and of (hese 40
A SA HI pe
age annual amount of coal
irland from 1551 to Wo. My
How's Tite 2 >
Wa Tes Ome Handed Dallas Rewaidiie.
any sass of Catarvh that oannot be cured Dy
Hall's Catieerh Care, :
¥ J Cepnns & Co, Prope! Talsds 0,
Wa tis quderapsiod, have known ¥, 3.Chew
ing potea from the Hugies of artillery. | pay for the last 15 yours, and betieve
men from the Dniteml States garrison | i
: sna doaniaily ahie to ia carry out any ooligns
tion made by thelr 8
Tontlv Banorabis io all business
Weer & Tiuvaz Wiolessls Drugiiets. Toledo,
Wanooya, Riva Manvy asus Te
ints, Ta indo, Oia
Hail's Catarsh © ‘reise tak on internally,
foes off this system Price, 750 § Soe
Rald by sll Drugiiate, Testimonials
Halla Fienily | Hills Are the bast,
The pessulation of the German. es :
incloden 3.000.000 who use the Polish lage
Het Yor the Bowel.
No mattsr what alls you, hexdache
. sancer. you wil never wet well bt
2b eiaht, Casianers help
SE a grips or :
arants po F
harthe, the — put
gree i + po
peers (abet how ©, i
adres of fadiations,
Bouth Australia 18 Impocting Tid:
[000 a year in valus of fertilizer, I$
"| Ln trade the finlted States han ne
Rev. “‘Margue crite St. Omer ‘Briggs, 35
Mount Calm Street,
Lecturer for the W. C. T. U,, recommends
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
“Dear Man, Prigiaas se
Detroit, Michigan,
My professional work has for the past
twenty years brought me into San reds of homes of sickness, and
I have had plenty of opportunity to witness the sullerings of wives
and mothers who from want, ignorance or carelessness, are slowly
but surely being dragred to death, principally with female weakness
and irregularities of the sex. I believe you will ba pleased to know
that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has cured
more women than any other agency tha
t has come under my notice.
Hundreds of women owe their life and health to you today, and, theres
fore, I can conscient
Sr. Omer Brioas.
When women are troubled with irregular or
ously advise sick women to try it."
in ful menstruation,
weakness, leicorrhea, displacement or ulepration of the womb, that bese.
ing-down feeling, inflummation of the ovaries, backache oman]
general debility, indigistion, afd perveus prosimation, they
remember thers is cane tried and true remedy. Lydia E.
Vegetable Com
No othar mec
und al once removes seh troubled
icine in the world Las received such widespread and
nalifled endorsement. No other medicine has such a recfrd of cures
a troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine.
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advices
She has guided thousands te health. Address, Lyun, Mas.
Was 3:00 itr rhooiner brag
Be low wail. Nmined's Now any
Century Sms Usion 3ie mabe af ion or
Prive wm Cin Linge Wh ETRE £reryy Son The es
ve Xs
Youd wand sre $88 via;
FMS er
: Teri inuies os
Aide gn (ee
tcp He = is awd
Hlyw 3 wa i
Pat ke esd La Sepviiaid
ages SF Tse e 4
1 Lon hon Bwakie ba ome we
B® 3 lid Pr 7
oer mgt bine Lhe ting ak sy 5 mk. 3
Sa ager bug os at ol
bo wiiivaawiy pay tim
Marvel Wheat? bos. per Scere
Thm nly weviiig wionad ou ameth iho
wn SOE lei Lg Sonar ehRER UE ti
Wy alee Sa 0e Oe seis ir iied aeons
PE Whi.) idl ug a eae Tacank EF aes si ocbtanderst pi sre
The muons sear radon cheat snd Bar fad on eno redindng dee OF ————
Wo arn Oh larga growers wind war 00k Sl sa iiesl Post Beans. Sweet sen ial
ney kg FoR 2 Sie huiohinie
ining Wee Yely ww. Coin awe
Fron catniar ns santana Bull deesivipiies sur Head lies
lanes LOE. pie WG Saves
Eig OO RASTA ae Ried EET SE etl ees
1 Fant Gioend Bay der Pam
ee wiih Hak semi af Gar asd Toambnte lik Me Sea
ed 1 Gasesia: Gar Trips
ustmy § tami
Fakbr nC pronh SARIS,
WE SREY Se Renet a
esr AEE Br seed penis ower
a Eathed Ful Sl
Fh at were
ows Wl ©
Bassin's vield nf Petroleum is 88
Hi hareals a pear. and that of the
Diepitod Stated SN W000 harrais
11 WW. MORMIN, |
CW axhiungton, B. &
tos Cl
DRO} S Quik seiin! and cures worek
Bon oF Dead aan hid # sid
¥reo. Pr MB RAEN Wal, Hex 5. Aviania, Sa
tiald Medal at Sailals Pxpasition,
Pat ap in Collapsible Tubes.
A Bubhwitare for «od Superior to Mustard ae -y
tobi platen, amd wall not hileter the most deliong
fiFdars’ westmes |
Borat wig me aki, The saik all 3 ovr sitive §
: Re RIE a AR airy alaen Hp Juying amd ouratl qua tie of
this arti le wes wonderful. TU will step the athauke
wt wow, snc peliove tnaches sud wistion
We ieciattoes 18 as thw Seat and salest sternal
ommbbe-bredtnnt Know, adee as a axial yessedy
far pine bn De clue aed stores and all thessasiie
aEarmicn and SO Sempsisnie,
A trial will goers whist we sisi for it and it wil
be Som ts Be tmviaashle tn the Bousshial dl. Mane
papi sa 10m the bes al all your preparsitons
Privo Ld cia af all draaeists, or othine desley
Pose bg own Ha URI aon tax ia pasties stamps
wir will said Fou a tabs By wali.
Mos arvivleabouid be aovepied hy the pabil: voles
- the maine carcies oor label, a8 otherwise It is aot
© gana.
17 8 te Streot; New York Olt.